Book Read Free

The Crime of Protection

Page 55

by Gloria Martin

  “Your apartment?” Vic repeated. “Did you forget who set you up with all this property in the first place? Did you forget who helped you start getting rental income? No, you know what, kid. This ain’t your place no more.”

  “What do you mean this ain’t my place no more?” Pete didn’t know what to do. Tony was lying dead on the parlor floor and everyone was staring at Pete.

  “I mean it’s time you rent it out and start pulling more weight,” Vic said. “Stash this son of a bitch in the floors or the walls or the damn garbage disposal for all I care, and first thing tomorrow put this place on the market.”

  “Where the hell am I going to stay?” Pete asked.

  “I didn’t give you this place to live in, Petie,” Vic laughed. “I gave it to you so you could help me with business. Tony Two-Phones over here’s body is now part of business. You bringing in money and giving me my share on the property—that’s business. Nobody told you to move out of your girlfriend’s place and start staying here, Petie. Sorry, but we all told you that Monique was a cheating whore. You either go back with her or crash on Sammy’s couch for a week.”

  “Why’s it gotta be my couch?” Sammy asked, his hands covered in Tony’s blood.

  “Because you’re the only other one here who ain’t got a wife,” Vic said. The rest of the men laughed, and Pete felt glad the Vic had taken some of the attention off him and put a little on Sammy.

  Vic patted Pete on the shoulder, cocked his head, and walked out the front door laughing. The rest of the guys stayed behind, not saying a word, ready to do the tasks their boss set for them.


  Darlene felt stupid begging the librarian to sign her up for a library card with no proof of residence in Los Angeles County.

  “Please, I need the library so that I can use the Internet so that I can find a place to live so that I can provide proof of residence to the library.”

  At first Darlene was afraid that her dry, Midwestern sense of humor wouldn’t work on the middle-aged, Hispanic librarian. She thought she might have to reduce to batting her eyes at him, but luckily he cracked a smile.

  “Tell you what,” he said. “I’ll let you log in for a couple hours, and if you haven’t found anything after that we’ll negotiate. I might need you to shelve a few books if you’re going to need more than that.”

  He was joking with her, too. “That should be plenty of time,” Darlene said. It felt nice to actually receive some sympathy for a change. The librarian walked Darlene over to one of the computers in the center of the room, logged in her, and pulled up the browser for her.

  “Good luck.”

  “Thank you.”

  Suddenly Darlene felt like she was back in college, trying to figure out the confusing campus computers again. She started with the first place she could think of, even though her instincts told her not to—Craigslist.

  The first hour of Darlene’s free Internet time resulted in more Google maps searches than apartment listings because she was so unfamiliar with the area. Thankfully the librarian was able to offer his opinion on how the various areas of the sprawling metropolis compared to others.

  After a long daunting conversation of which areas were affordable but sketchy, which areas were pricey but you live in a room the size of a cubicle, and which areas were mid-range ones like the Robertson area, where it was only a little sketchy, moderately priced, and you got two cubicles and a parking spot.

  “I’m from Detroit,” she told the guy. “I may have very well seen the worst of the worst.”

  The librarian laughed.

  “You ain’t seen nothing. This city can really surprise you.”

  With the advice he gave her, she decided to look in the Robertson area. She found a listing for a one-bedroom apartment for $1,000 a month, and that was the cheapest one she could find in the area. Back home a two-bedroom apartment would only cost $850. For some reason she was afraid of getting ripped off, although she knew the cost of living was higher in Los Angeles than a lot of cities in the world.

  The apartment she looked at did in fact come with a parking spot, a kitchenette, a parlor, a bedroom, and a bathroom. She thought it was odd that they even needed to list that there was a bathroom in the apartment. Do some apartments not have bathrooms in Los Angeles? she wondered. The listing stated that the renter would have to pay for the first month’s rent, last month’s rent, deposit, and down payment.

  Maybe she could talk the landlord down. The price seemed astronomical, even for Los Angeles. Why would you need to put so much down for renting such a small unit? She skimmed the rest of the Craigslists ads, but it seemed liked this one unit in particular was the best she could do for her price range and quality of life.

  When she pulled up to the complex, Darlene’s first thought was that she was not impressed. It’s not that the complex was dingy or dirty looking, she just couldn’t understand why it cost $1000 a month. Something the same quality in the Midwest wouldn’t even compare. She would be living large back home for $1000 a month.

  Regardless, she wasn’t going to miss the opportunity. The ad had stated that the apartment would be open, and just to walk in. At first it sounded like something out of a serial killer movie, but the librarian had assured her that it was pretty common in Los Angeles. Readying herself to walk into the place, she tried to return her friendly demeanor to her face so she could do some smooth talking if she had to. Would the landlord even be there? The librarian had told her that usually they just leave applications sitting on a counter; you take one, fill it out, and talk to the landlord later.

  She walked to unit #105. The door was ajar. Her worst fear was that she’d walk in and someone would jump out from a closet and kidnap her. Don’t be stupid, Darlene thought. Then again, it really wasn’t stupid. That kind of thing wasn’t unheard of in her father’s line of work back home.

  As soon as she was inside, she was surprised to see that the entire apartment was furnished. There was even some food in the kitchen. Was someone still living in the apartment? Was she in the right place? Her heart started to beat so hard she thought it would echo in the quiet apartment.

  “Hello?” she called out. “Is anyone here?”

  “Well hello,” a voice said in a smooth, sexy demeanor. It almost sounded like a joke. “Sorry,” the voice continued. It was coming from down the hall. In a moment the voice revealed itself to be owned by a handsome young Italian man in an excellent suit, a genuine Armani by the looks of it. “I didn’t mean to startle you. Sorry if the joke didn’t land. Hi, my name is Pete. Pete Zanelli. Are you here about the apartment?”

  “Is this the apartment listed on Craigslist for $1000?” she asked.

  “You’ve come to the right place,” he smiled. “Feel free to take a look around.”

  “Does someone live here now or does the place come furnished, or what? How much extra will that cost?”

  “The place comes furnished, and for a cute face like yours, no extra cost.” Who is this guy? she thought.

  “That’s a hell of a pick-up line if I’ve ever heard one,” Darlene said. She reached her hand out to shake his. “My name is Darlene. Darlene Tanner.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Darlene,” Pete said. His eyes were dark, like his curly hair. The stubble on his face against his tan complexion made her think of how a real Italian man might look. Back home, Italians weren’t very tan. The fact is that it just wasn’t very sunny in Detroit. That didn’t make the mob less active, though.

  “I think I’ll take a look around,” Darlene said. He was flirting with her, but she didn’t want to get hooked in to any dangerous charm.

  “Please do,” he said with a smile.

  She finally took a step away from his gaze and meandered down the hallway where he’d come from. The place was quaint. Nothing special about it. The bedroom was nice, and the bathroom at least had a big tub, but there wasn’t really a view out the window. What she really wanted to see was the parlor. That part of the ad intri
gued her most.

  Turning the corner across from the bathroom, she entered the room that smelled vaguely of cigar smoke. This must be the parlor, she thought. There was a card table in the middle of the room, but the carpet had been ripped out.

  “I’ll be replacing the carpet in here soon,” Pete said nervously. “Few days. When you thinking about moving in?”

  “I haven’t even decided on whether or not I want to live here, yet.”

  “Well, what do you say we talk about it over dinner?”

  “Wow,” Darlene said. She didn’t even intend to speak out loud. “I don’t know if I should be flattered or extremely uncomfortable.”

  Pete tilted his head, bit his lower lip, and said, “If I were you, I’d be more on the flattered end of the spectrum. I don’t ask a lot of girls out, you know.”

  “Oh, don’t you?”

  “No, just the cute ones like you.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve called me cute.”

  “I’m going for a million by seven o’clock tonight.”

  Darlene laughed, covering her face because she didn’t want to accidentally spit. How could she say no to something like that?

  She looked up at him to answer, but words did not come to her. Their eyes locked and they stepped toward each other.


  Then, they were kissing, wildly. It happened so quickly.

  Darlene pushed Pete back. His eyes were hungry, his hands like claws, grasping for her body. She slipped off her shoes, and went into the bedroom. He followed. Dinner was off, it seemed.

  She stood at the end of the bed, neurotically rubbing her fingers against the lace of her skirt. He looked ravenously at her cleavage, accentuated by the lace of her bra, now visible after the kiss.

  Pete unloosened his tie—at least Darlene thought he did—hopefully for the sake of making the removal of his shirt easier on her. Her pussy was dripping, and she suddenly wondered whether she would have to attempt to get those cufflinks off.

  Darlene felt her panties becoming soaked. She wanted him to fuck her and she wanted to have him, but still they were looking at each other, as if two leopards sizing each other up for a fight. She rubbed her thighs together, hoping that she’d be able to stimulate her own clitoris while waiting for Pete’s touch. She couldn’t remember wanting a man as badly as she wanted him. Finally he spoke.

  “So, is this for business or pleasure?” Pete asked.

  “You should know already that it’s for pleasure,” Darlene replied, sitting down gracefully on the bed. “A woman like me would never do this kind of thing for business. I’m almost insulted that you asked.”

  “I like your response,” Pete smiled. “It’s good to know you’re a woman who can appreciate the difference. Not all women are like that.”

  “Not all women are like me,” Darlene hissed. With her thighs flat on the bed and the balls of her feet touching the ground, Darlene’s open legs practically begged for Pete to lie on top of her. “In fact you’ve probably never been with a real woman compared to me.” Darlene didn’t usually talk like that. She wasn’t sure if it was the sexy Italian man in front of her making her frisky, or her new Los Angeles mindset finally kicking in.

  “I’m not going to argue with you on that one, baby,” Pete said. He reached his hands out to put his calloused fingertips to Darlene’s cheekbones. Darlene wondered what a relator would have to do in order to make his hands so scraped up. However, she didn’t want to ruin the moment by asking him. The truth was that she liked the way his rough skin felt against her smooth face. “I want you to show me that you’re a real woman. I want you to show me what I’ve been missing out on.”

  Whether he was pillow talking with her or not, Darlene liked the game that they had going on. She inched herself backward onto the bed, pulling at his tie so that he would be forced to follow her. “It’s not going to be that easy, Pete,” she said. “You’re going to have to prove to me that you deserve it.”

  “Is that so?” he said, his hot breath hovering over her lips.

  “Take off your tie. And your cuff links. I don’t give a damn about your Armani suit, Pete. Also, I don’t give a damn about how many apartments you rent out or condos you have or houses you own. I couldn’t give a shit.”

  Darlene’s words ignited Pete to listen to her every move. Without another moment he’d flung off his tie, and while she lay on her back with her legs lifted in the air, she couldn’t help but laugh while he struggled to get out of the suit. Really all Darlene needed to do was slide her panties off. She thought the outfit was sexy enough to get laid in, and part of her even thought it might be kinky to let him ravage her while she kept it all on.

  Once Pete was down to his bare chest, Darlene couldn’t take her eyes off of his subtle yet solid muscles. He didn’t look to be a man that worked out, but based on his physique she could tell that Pete took pride in his body. Before Darlene knew it she saw her red fingertips reaching out to touch his pecs. She didn’t want to enjoy her dessert before she got a chance to taste the main course. Pete’s sex appeal was undeniable, and Darlene wanted to take her time with the best looking man she’d ever had the chance to sleep with.

  “I want this to be as good as I’m imagining it is going to be,” Darlene said, admiring her five red fingernails stretching over Pete’s nipple. “I just can’t believe how sexy you are.”

  Pete smiled, undoing the button of his slacks and sliding them down to reveal his white briefs. She could see the bulge of his cock stuffed in those briefs like a sausage falling out of its casing.

  “You’re sexy too, Darlene,” Pete said. Now his hands were grazing up her tights. She liked the way he firmly wrapped his fingers around her leg muscles, but she couldn’t wait until the stupid tights were off and she could fee those calloused hands against her bare skin.

  “I want to explore your pussy like it’s a volcano,” Pete said. His face was so straight, and Darlene had never heard anything like that spoken in regard to her lady parts. “I know that pussy is dangerous and hot. I could get lost in it and burn up like ash. I want you to spew molten lava all over me.”

  Darlene’s eyes went wide as Pete pulled down his briefs to reveal a towering, pulsating and quaking cock. His bush was thick and dark, like the curly hair on his head. Usually Darlene liked her men depilated but something about Pete’s grooming insisted on a masculine quality she’d not been accustomed to. There was something primal in the way Pete’s furry balls hung over Darlene’s face, and she was prepared to give in to her innermost animal instinct.

  “I need it now,” she said. Her shaking legs could not stop dancing at the thought of him entering her with that massive monument of a penis. “I need it, Pete. Give it to me.”

  “I have some unfinished business that I need to attend to first,” he said, smiling. Finally his rough fingers found the top of Darlene’s tights, hooked around them, and slowly pulled them down to her thighs. Pete wanted to give in to Darlene; he wanted to grant her wish. It wasn’t easy for him not to shove his cock in her right then and there, making her squeal like a gazelle. For some reason her long arms and legs reminded her of a wild animal running through the wilderness, and he felt like he was hunting her.

  “If you’re as sweet and succulent as you say you are then I need to take my time with you and learn what a real woman is like,” Pete smirked. Her thighs were soft, smooth, and warm to his touch. Running his strong, lean arms across her legs, he couldn’t resist squeezing the delicious meat of her thighs as if they were something he were about to take a bite out of.

  “I love your legs. Thick thighs, perfect calves, strong yet slender ankles, and petite feet. You have the legs of a goddess. It’s time for me to see your torso, now. Show me your back, your stomach, and your chest.”

  “Well, aren’t you being assertive?” she said playfully, though half closed, smoky eyes. Pete couldn’t keep his eyes off her pearly smile. “I’ll give you what you want, Pete. When you’ve worked for

  I’m ready to work for it, Pete thought.

  He slid her tights down to her feet and marveled at the matching red polish on her toenails. The nail polish on her toes was less chipped than that on her fingers; her toenails shone smoothly with a feminine luster. Taking her feet into his hands, he spread her legs open wide so that he could get a good look at her panties. He expected black panties to match her lace skirt, but was even more turned on when he found a bright red silk thong.

  “That is quite enticing,” he said, reaching out to feel the exquisite cloth.

  “Not yet,” she answered, slapping his hand. He was rich, and she was his, but Darlene wanted to assert herself. She smiled at him, teasingly, thinking of his wealth. Detroit guys could never even afford Armani, she thought, unless they were in the mob.

  Wait. Could he be in the mob? Darlene nearly smacked herself in the face because she couldn’t believe how dumb she could be. I cannot fall in love with another mafia man. She had made that decision years ago.

  “Pete, there is something I have to ask you,” Darlene whispered. She was now lying on her right hip, her ass pointed toward Pete. Her batting eyes made her look irresistible to him.

  “I hope you’re going to ask me if I like it rough,” he answered. His smile had grown wicked looking down at the sweet, curvaceous body below him. Her dark, curly hair called to his hands. He wanted to lace his fingers around her curls and pull down while he fucked her hard.

  “Actually, no,” Darlene said. “I just wanted to make sure what you do for a living. Are you just a realtor or do you do anything else? Hobbies? Side project?”

  “What’s with the third degree?” Pete asked. His impulse was to draw his hand back, but he didn’t want to lose the progress he’d been making with this gorgeous woman. “Sorry,” he said quickly, trying to catch his mistake. “I do some other things. I like film, for example. I love making movies, but the kind of movies I like to make aren’t exactly what people like to watch anymore.”


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