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The Crime of Protection

Page 72

by Gloria Martin

  She was so slick and wet. I loved her taste. I couldn’t wait to be buried inside her any longer. I all but ripped off my clothes and Alina gasped as she stared at me. Her palm was pressed against my chest and she slide her hand down my chest and caressed my stomach before reaching for my straining cock. Her hand closed around it and gripped it firmly. She stroked my shaft and I thrust into her hand. Her hand was scorching against my skin. I groaned as she slid me up and down against her swollen core. I looked into her eyes before letting my eyes drop down between our bodies. “Put me inside you Alina. Before I lose my mind. Let me feel you. Now.” She pushed the head of my cock just inside her and I thrust through her hand into her tight heat. She pulled her hand away and I hissed with the intense pleasure I felt. She was so tight and snug as she clenched around me impatiently. I had to force myself not to just rut against her like some beast. Alina’s hands were restless as she caressed my shoulders, back, and waist.

  “Please Jeremih.” she said breathlessly. I moved my hips against hers faster and thrust into her body deeper. Alina moaned and whispered soft encouragements for me not to stop as I thrust into her over and over. The pleasure I felt was all consuming. I gripped the headboard over her and plunged into her harder and faster. Alina slid her hand between our bodies and rubbed her skin where we were joined. She cried out as I felt her sex tighten and quiver around me.

  I heard the headboard cracking as I gripped it too tightly, but then I didn’t care as I was lost in Alina.. She felt incredible wrapped so tightly around me, and told her as much. My body tightened. My balls drew up to my body. My spine tingled. “Alina, I’m going to cum my sweet. Cum with me.” I moaned and kissed her hard as I pumped my hips furiously into her tight body.

  My orgasm rocked up my spine and rippled through my every nerve ending as my release shot up my shaft and into her. I felt Alina clench and spasm around me as she tightened her legs around my body and cried out my name. I felt every ripple of her orgasm around my cock as I spasmed into her body. It was heaven. She held onto my shoulders tightly.

  It took a few minutes for us both to come down from such highs and when I finally came back to my right mind, I saw Alina’s dark green gaze locked onto mine. She was looking at me with wonder and a bit of disbelief and I was sure I looked at her with the same expression.

  “What was that?” I asked, and Alina smiled shyly.

  “I don’t know…” she said, and then slowly lifted her head to kiss me and I kissed her back deeply. I felt as if our souls were connected and I wondered if I had found my soul mate in a hunter. Someone who was supposed to be my sworn enemy.

  “You aren’t… you aren’t what I thought you’d be,” Alina said, after we broke the kiss. “I was always taught that vampires are evil, soulless beings who kill people just to drink their blood,” Alina said. She seemed genuinely lost as she confessed her feelings to me and I listened.

  “But you don’t kill people. They don’t even know you exist… you aren’t dead. You have a heart beat and… I just didn’t expect this,” Alina said. I bent my head to kiss her again.

  “It is all right to question what you’ve been taught. You have hardly seen any other side to what we are. Vampires don’t kill humans. But, if we do, it is for an extraordinarily good reason.” I assured her and she bit her lip, still unsure.

  When was the last time you heard of a vampire slaughtering a human?” I asked, and Alina had to think about it.

  “I’ve only ever heard about the massacres in the eighteen hundreds by that coven in Russia,” she admitted, and I gave her an obvious look. “We have all been lied to… brainwashed and led to believe that you all kill people,” she said softly, and I nodded.

  “That coven was dealt with by our own and there’s never been an event like that since.” I told her and her eyes filled with tears.

  “We didn’t have to fight you. We don’t have to fight your kind! It’s all just needless waste of life,” she whispered and I let her bury her face in my chest as I held her close.



  I woke abruptly to the sound of shouting outside the cabin. Jeremih’s body tensed underneath mine and we both sprung into action, dressing quickly and rushing out of the bedroom.

  “Stay here.” He ordered me to stay in the living room as he peeked out of the window next to the front door. “It’s your men. They found this place somehow, and mine have showed up too.” Jeremih cursed and I could already hear the sounds of shooting outside the cabin. There was no need for silence and stealth where we were and it sounded like a war zone outside the door. Jeremih glanced back at me and opened the cabin door and quickly slid outside. He didn’t have any weapons or protective gear as far as I could tell. He was going out there virtually naked.

  I heard Jeremih’s voice yelling over the sound of bullets. Bullets sprayed the through the window and I ducked and took cover behind the couch as someone shot up the cabin. No doubt hoping to get me with at least one bullet.

  I heard a very distinctive crack and then the bullets stopped. Jeremih yelled again and the sound of rapid gunfire gradually slowed and petered out until it was completely silent. Jeremih came storming into the cabin and his eyes scanned the space until they met mine. He was somehow unscathed and he exhaled deeply in relief as he walked over to me and made sure I wasn’t hurt.

  “We haven’t killed any of your men. We simply subdued them and captured them.” Jeremih informed me. I still had a hard time believing how kind he was.

  “You need to talk to them. Convince them we don’t need this war,” he said.

  Will you allowed yourself to be turned into a vampire? So that I can bring you back to my coven and take you as my mate?” Jeremih asked me. I stared at him in shock.

  “You want to make me your mate?” I asked and Jeremih nodded earnestly.

  “I’ve never felt this way for anyone before and when I’m with you it’s… indescribable. I know you are meant to be my mate. I feel it inside me,” he said, and I stared into his fervent golden eyes.

  “Okay…” I said, and Jeremih’s smile nearly blinded me it was so beautiful. “I want to be your mate. So I will allow you turn me,” I said, and Jeremih picked me up in a fierce hug.

  “It only takes a few minutes for the process to take place. I’ll need to bite you and then you have to feed from me,” he said and I nodded. “First, let’s go and convince your hunters to stop this war,” Jeremih said, and I chewed on my bottom lip. Hopefully, I could convince them.

  “She’s alive!” I looked around as each of my remaining eight men bristled with relief. They were all on their knees as vampires stood behind them.

  “We knew you were still alive, Alina,” Brody said, and I smiled at him. I actually missed the big narcissistic brute.

  “Guys…I know this isn’t the first thing you want to hear out of me, but we’ve been lied to,” I told them all, and they fell silent as they looked to me to explain. Jackson was among the guys still alive and he looked at me skeptically.

  “When was the last time you heard of a vampire killing a human?” I asked. The hunters’ faces registered their surprise and confusion.

  “That’s a ridiculous question. Vampires used to slaughter humans all the time until hunters were created to keep them in check,” Jackson said, and I shook my head.

  “No. One coven of vampires killed some humans long ago in Russia. The vampires weren’t even killed by hunters. They were put down by their own kind,” I told them all calmly, and Jackson fell silent as he struggled with what I just said.

  “The vampires don’t need to kill humans when they feed and they don’t want to. What we are doing is a waste of resources. All our lives, everything we’ve known was built on lies guys. I’m done with it. I won’t hunt vampires anymore,” I said, and then glanced behind me at Jeremih, who nodded to me in encouragement.

  “This is Jeremih and… I’ve agreed to become a vampire so that I can be his mate. It’s inexplicable, but I know h
e’s it. A vampire, go figure,” I said, and a few of the guys reluctantly cracked smiles. “Jeremih offered to let you guys live as long as you don’t try to kill any of them.” I informed them.

  “Fuck it. Turn me too. I’ll get to do all the shit I’ve wanted to do with my life.” Jackson was the first to speak up surprisingly and one by one all my guys agreed to be turned. Each vampire standing directly behind them swiftly bit them on the necks. I watched as the guys dropped to the ground, one by one.

  I stared in horror until Jeremih came up behind me and rubbed my arms soothingly. “Don’t worry, they will wake shortly,” he whispered, and sure enough my guys soon woke up and were allowed to stand so they could drink from their maker’s wrist It was weird, but after all the guys were turned a sense of comradery rose with all of the vampires. Jeremih slid his hand into mine and pulled me into the cabin, where he sat me on the couch. He looked into my eyes to make sure I was okay with everything and I nodded. He tilted my head back and then bit my neck without healing the wound. Unconsciousness came for me swiftly and my head fell back against the couch cushions.

  When I came to, Jeremih was there and my throat felt like sandpaper. Everything was a bit blurry and out of focus until he offered me his wrist. I bit into it and moaned as I tasted his warm blood on my tongue for the first time. It tasted sweet. I drank until the uncomfortable thirst left my throat, then I licked Jeremih’s wound closed.

  “So that’s it?” I asked Jeremih nodded with the biggest grin on his face.



  After Alina turned, we took all the young vampires back to my father’s estate where he was waiting in the great room with the delegates from the nearby covens.

  “My son!” My father stood up from his throne and walked across the floor towards me with a wide grin and open arms. “You have eradicated the hunter problem in Rochester. I am proud of you Jeremih,” he said, and kissed me on both cheeks, an official show of his approval.

  “That is not all father. I have also added to our coven. Replacing some of whom we lost in the skirmishes,” I said, and presented the eight new additions, though I kept Alina close to my side. My father took in the faces of the eight new hunters, before his eyes rested on Alina.

  “You turned the hunters into vampires?” my father asked me incredulously. I nodded and smiled.

  “Yes I did. Father, this is Alina. She was the team’s leader,” I said, and his eyes registered nothing but pleasant surprise and happiness.

  “And you’ve found a mate! I’d say you are plenty ready to be leader of our coven my son. I am truly happy for our future, and of course, I will welcome the young Alina and her men into our family,” my father said, clapping his hands. Alina and I smiled at each other, with all of the hope and happiness we had for the future. ”


  Bonus Story 23/40


  Breakup or Makeup

  It was all over the news, popular TV, on the cover of every gossip magazine, and being covered by the major radio stations. It was the same story with varying titles and slightly varying details. ‘Superstar Singer Damian gets Physical with Girlfriend, Simone; R&B Singer of the Hit Single Love Over Lust,’ is what they were all talking about, more or less. Here were a few more: ‘Damian and Simone Pre-Breakup Blow-Up,’ and ‘Simone Dumps Long Time Boyfriend, Damian, After Catching the Love and Lust Singer in a Hotel Room with a Miami Stripper,’ and ‘Damian Refuses to Be Dumped: Gets Physical With Simone.’ It went on and on, but you get the gist of what’s going on. Everyone had questions. Everyone wanted interviews. I had to get a new phone and change my number. There were paparazzi posted across the street from my house. I couldn’t go anywhere without being bombarded by inappropriate questions and pictures taken. I had been hiding out in my house all weekend, occasionally sending my assistant out to pick up necessities for me. I had recently sent her out for sushi and smoothies.

  There was a knock at my front door. I padded barefoot across the cool hardwood floors and peered through the peephole of one of the thick double doors. I opened the door and stepped back to let my mother in. She entered in a flurry of expensive perfume and designer shades and clothes.

  “You’re all over the tabloids!” she exclaimed, as she plopped down on the cream sofa, in exasperation. “Why didn’t you tell me? I had to find out on the cover of US Weekly while I was getting my hair done!” I sat down cross-legged on the sofa beside her and sighed deeply. In front of my mother, I could let down my guard and let out the tears that I had been holding in for far too long. They filled my eyes and ran away down my cheeks. My mom wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close tsking and ‘there there’ing. She shook her head. “This is a nightmare, but you will get through this. You’re stronger than this,” she said soothingly, and then angrily added, “That monster needs to be thrown into jail! He doesn’t have any damn sense!” Just as she finished talking, there was another knock at the door. We both looked at the door. “Who could that be?” my mom asked me. I wiped the tears off of my face.

  “It’s probably Cassie. I sent her for sushi and smoothies. She should be back by now,” I explained, standing up. My mom clapped her hands together excitedly.

  “Sushi! Yum!” My mom loved sushi. She was the one who had introduced it to me. I smiled as I walked to the front door. In the back of my mind, I wondered why Cassie hadn’t just used her key. Then I wondered why my mom hadn’t used hers either. Then I remembered that I had gotten the locks changed. I was planning on giving my mom her key today. As far as Cassie, her hands were probably full. I opened the door without checking the peep hole and my mouth was instantly dry when I saw who was standing on the other side.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded, my hand still on the door, ready to close it at any given moment. I could hear cameras flashing from way too close.

  “Can you please let me in so that we can talk?’ Damian pleaded. Like my mom, he too was wearing a pair of large designer shades. I stood firmly in the doorway.

  “I don’t think that that’s a good idea,” I said, but Damian slid past me into the house.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” My mom demanded, jumping up off of the couch and storming over. Damian smiled wide as my mom got right in his face. “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming over here after all of this bullshit!”

  “It’s good to see you too Mrs. Leshay, I hope all is well,” Damian said sarcastically, as he walked past her to sit on the couch. I crossed my arms and walked over to stand beside my mom who was glaring at Damian.

  “You need to leave,” I said.

  “Before I call the police,” my mom finished. Damian chuckled.

  “Damn! Cold blooded! You don’t even know what happened Mrs. Leshay,” Damian exclaimed.

  “You’re right, I don’t. Anyone care to fill me in on what’s been going on?” My mom asked, folding her arms over her chest.

  “Your daughter isn’t innocent. She put her hands on me first,” Damian said. My body temperature rose as I remembered what had happened, the still fresh anger returning.

  “Yea, after I caught you sleeping with another woman!” I snapped. My mom gasped and shook her head.

  “So, it’s true,” she murmured.

  “After Simone hit me, I reacted. It was a reflex. I never intended for it go down like that,” Damian admitted. I scoffed.

  “Of course not. You didn’t intend to get caught. I should have cut you!” I spat, ready to lunge at him again, but my mom grabbed my arm, stopping me.

  “No need for threats Simone. It’s still all love,” Damian said, as he stood up and took a step towards me, opening his arms for a hug. I looked at him like he was crazy, still entertaining thoughts of attacking him. Unexpectedly, Damian dropped down onto his knees before me. “Simone, I made a mistake and for that, I will forever be sorry. I was a fool, but I can’t lose you. Simone I love you. Please, don’t do this to us.” I could see my mom roll her eyes dramatically out of the
corner of my eye.

  “Don’t do this to us?! You did this to us!” I yelled. Hot tears filled my eyes, but this time, I refused to let them fall. Damian stared up at me with eyes nowhere near as sad as mine.

  “I know I did and I’m so sorry. If you just give me another chance, I’ll prove to you that-” Damian was cut off by a key in the door. This time it had to be Cassie. No one else had a key yet. Sure enough, in breezed Cassie, laden with bags of sushi and a box containing smoothies. I leaned my head back and blinked away the tears. Cassie closed the door with her foot before looking at all of us. When she peeped the scene, her jaw dropped and she almost dropped her load. Cassie quickly closed her mouth, and one look from my mom sent her straight into the formal dining room without a second glance.

  “You had your chance. Now it’s time to go,” my mom said to Damian. Anger flashed across his face as he tried to ignore her, focusing all of his energy on me as he stared deeply into my eyes. Damian took my hands into his.

  “Please, Simone. Don’t do this,” he pleaded, kissing my hand. I was beyond disgusted in him.

  “You’re pathetic and I want nothing more to do with you,” I told him, pulling my hands away and taking a step back.

  “Please! Simone! Just give me one more chance!” he said, beginning to cry, which only added to my disgust.

  “No! You had your chance! Now get the fuck out!” I snapped. The anger that had been hiding behind the bullshit came to the surface as he leapt up, his hands balled into fists.

  “Are you fucking someone else?” he demanded. My mom sucked her teeth and dramatically rolled her eyes once more. I joined her and rolled mine as well. I wasn’t going to even dignify that with a response. I calmly walked over to my front door and held it open. I could hear cameras flashing. Damian knocked a vase of fresh roses off the kitchen table in passing, sending it to the floor and shattering; roses and water everywhere. As he stormed out, he ripped the door out of my hand and slammed it behind him. My mom gasped and covered her mouth. Cassie entered the room, checking to see if I was alright. Before anyone could say anything, we all heard shouting outside.


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