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The Crime of Protection

Page 88

by Gloria Martin

  “I got it,” he said, avoiding her touch. As he rose to continue checking the fence, Tobin gave her a stiff nod as if to finally acknowledge the awkwardness of their situation.

  “Are we ever going to talk about the fact we fucked yesterday,” Clara blurted out, surprising herself.

  Tobin stopped dead in his tracks, but didn’t look at her.

  “I’d rather just pretend we didn’t.”

  “Well. We did. So, what now?”

  Tobin’s hands came to a rest on his hips as he bit his lip and looked down at the ground. Clara got the distinct impression that he was wrestling with words just on the tip of his tongue. As if he couldn’t decide which option would be worse - let them free or keep them caged.

  “You can say it,” she said.

  “No, I can’t,” Tobin’s gaze found hers and Clara felt herself shiver, not with desire, but fear. His hazel eyes were burning with intensity that could be as easily interpreted as terror as it could be rage.

  “I really like you. And I really like Estelle and the life I have here,” he stopped to gather himself, tears in his eyes. “I don’t want to mess that up.”

  “I think not acknowledging what happened will just mess it up faster.”

  “Alright, fine,” Tobin threw his hands in the air. “We had sex. I’ve been really lonely for a long time. I find you attractive and we had sex, but I don’t want… it can’t happen again.”

  “Alright, well, I’ve been lonely, too. Estelle has been distant and doesn’t seem to want to work it out. I guess, it just felt nice to have someone want me.”

  Tobin’s face dropped at her words. “I’m sorry you’re going through that.”

  Clara became very interested at the space between her feet. “It’ll work out, I guess. She comes back tonight... hopefully Red Horse is still a publishing company when she walks in or we might be done.”

  “Is that what this is over? Her job?”

  “Estelle has always been the one with her stuff together,” Clara’s arms wrapped themselves around her as if she had to give herself a hug. “She made the better grades, had the better job, and supported us while I got Gibson Creek going - I don’t think she knows how to handle being the less successful one in any relationship.”

  “That’s not fair,” Tobin shook his head. “Maybe you should lay down the law tonight, you know? She has to get it together or take it somewhere else.”

  “We’ll see what happens,” Clara said. “But, yeah - what happened yesterday was a mistake and we should probably just keep it to ourselves.”

  “Do you feel bad about it?”

  “You know? Surprisingly I don’t. I kind of understand where it came from and I know it wasn’t entirely my fault. Estelle and I have had an open relationship before. I think that if this all works itself out and I tell her, she’ll understand, too.”

  “You had an open relationship,” Tobin felt a little shocked, but he also knew plenty of people that didn’t adhere to the traditional relationship rules just fine.

  “Yeah, but we stopped after a few years. No real reason, just lack of interest after a while. Towards your late twenties that stuff can seem exhausting, I guess.”

  “Huh,” was all Tobin said. They stood in silence for a while, not sure where to go next.

  “Well,” Clara broke the silence, “let’s finish this and get the goats fed for the night. I know Mike and the guys said they’re going on a hunt tonight, but I think it’d be good if we took turns keeping watch.”

  “Sounds good,” Tobin began walking, but Clara grabbed his arm. He was about to pull away when she enveloped him in a tight hug. With some hesitation, he wrapped his strong arms around her. This had to definitely make the list of strangest moments of his life, he thought.


  Later that evening as he sat with his front door open, sounds of the evening pouring into his room, Tobin swore he heard yelling coming from the main house.

  When Estelle came home, Clara had texted him to ask if he could take over the watch. It had been quiet for a while until the muffled voices caught his ear. Tobin tried to think of a way to go to the window without seeming like he was spying.

  Just go, he thought, if they’re this intense there’s no way they’ll notice. Mustering his courage, Tobin approached his window that faced the old farmhouse. Turns out there was nothing to worry about - both women were out of view. The voices had quieted down as well. Perhaps the fight was over? Nerves and curiosity were killing him.

  Tobin slowly opened his door and began to cross to the house. The kitchen light was still on and the window was just low enough for him to peek in. Tobin started at the edge of the house and crept, slightly bent, to just under the window. There were no voices he could hear, so Tobin decided to steal a look.

  As the kitchen came into his vision, Tobin let out a gasp. They were both in the kitchen. From where Tobin stood, he surmised that the conversation had gone very well.

  Estelle was on her back across the kitchen table, naked with her chest heaving up and down as her back arched and her face contorted with pleasure. Between her legs, Clara’s head bobbed and her hands attempted to hold bucking hips steady. One hand disappeared and suddenly Estelle’s movements became much more erratic and her moans audible to Tobin who was glued to the scene.

  As Estelle enjoyed Clara’s actions, her head turned to where Tobin was looking in. He felt his blood turn cold and considered running, but the last thing he ever expected to happen became reality when Estelle simply smiled and began to moan louder. Tobin felt a robustness in his pants once more. These girls were going to be the death of him.

  Placing a hand on the back of Clara’s head, Estelle began to buck her hips even more, eyes locked full on with Tobin’s. She bit her full bottom lip and began playing with her large breasts. Tobin’s head began to swim again. What he wouldn’t give to be in there, deep inside Estelle this time, causing the wooden table to scrape loudly across the floor as he hammered away at this naughty girl with the beautiful mind. Perhaps he could pleasure Clara at the same time. He had loved making her whimper and arch as much as he tried to deny it. He loved sending her into spasms of pleasure, her lips on his…

  He shook his head and ducked down below the window once more out of sight. Things were getting too intense again. Looking at his arm in the light of the kitchen that leaked out into the yard, he noticed that it was becoming greenish and textured.

  “Dammit,” he said through clenched teeth. He hated losing control like this. The night before had been bad enough, but now at least one woman inside knew he was there. If anything happened, things would be worse than they already were.

  Crawling back from the window and into the yard, Tobin’s spine was in agony as it grew longer. Unable to bear it, he collapsed onto the ground.

  “No,” he cried as he felt his clothes stretch from the bulging of his expanding body. His thoughts were becoming frantic and animalistic. He was thirsty for blood as he dug his talons and now scaly hand into the ground to get up. Tobin could smell the goats in the barn feet away - the wooden wall would be no match for his strength.

  “Away,” came the thought. Somewhere in this beast, human Tobin still had some control. With a grunt, this other Tobin launched himself into the night’s sky, wings beating the air around him.


  Estelle awoke feeling more alive and relaxed than she had in a long, long time. When she left days prior, she had had a feeling her time at Red Horse was coming to an end. Todd had not been pleased with her defiance and standing in the way of a large potential investor had been the last straw. As he told her in the conference room the conditions of her termination, Estelle had not felt any of the brokenness she had expected, far from it, really. She saw a new life before her.

  Most of Todd’s droning on had been lost as Estelle imagined actually waking up with Clara and enjoying the day reading and writing what she wanted. Perhaps Clara would be open to her starting a small publishing compan
y from the house so Estelle could give voice to the people she thought worthy.

  Her thoughts also drifted to Tobin, surprisingly. Estelle had always considered herself to be as gay as they come. Never had she ever felt attracted to a man, but something about Tobin had intoxicated her senses, despite her initial dislike of him. In that boardroom, as Todd laid out how she would receive her severance pay, Estelle only heard past conversations her and Tobin had had on her front porch.

  He had been so eloquent in expressing his feelings and yet diplomatic in his differing opinions. Clara was a thinker, but she was always more concerned with how lighting expressed an emotion or what color would bring about the most Zen for this project. Tobin thought about life, about people, and the world around him. Estelle loved Clara with all her heart, but was finding herself falling for Tobin and his thoughts just as hard.

  Clara stirring next to her in bed brought Estelle back to the present. She loved the way Clara slept, hands under her chin, nose twitching every now and then.

  The conversation had gotten heated the night before after Clara told her what had happened with Tobin. It hadn’t been devastation Estelle felt, rather a deep feeling of jealousy that had caused her to lash out at Clara. A feeling she was starting to think had been there much longer than Estelle had been aware.

  “How dare you,” she had screamed among other things. To her credit, Clara responded with a measured tone and in a way that made Estelle realize her own shortcomings.

  “What did you expect me to do after nearly a month of you being checked out of this relationship,” Clara had said. Both women sat in silence for a long time.

  “I’m so sorry, Clara,” Estelle finally said, breaking the tense silence. “I felt so lost and confused,” Estelle began to tear up at confronting the truth of her feelings. Clara didn’t respond, but instead took Estelle in her arms for a long while before anyone spoke again.

  “Do you have feelings for him, too?” Clara asked.

  “I... I think I do.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  “With all of my being,” Estelle responded.

  “Well, then you know how I feel.”

  Estelle chuckled despite herself. “God,” she said, “we’re like some weird porno in the making. Two gay girls in love with a farmhand.”

  “Next thing you know he’s going to knock on the door and need to fix our plumbing,” Clara said with a grin.

  “Oh, he could fix my plumbing any day.”

  Estelle had said it without thinking and looked in terror at Clara, not sure how she would respond. For a moment she was in shock, but then they both burst out in laughter.

  “Are you my girlfriend or my best friend right now?” asked Clara, half-joking.

  “Both, babe.” Estelle placed her hand on top of Clara’s and began stroking it. “You should tell me all about the other day.”

  As she spoke, Estelle had moved in closer to kiss her. Clara couldn’t even finish all of the details before both girls were naked and making out on the kitchen table. It was the best sex either of them had had together.

  “Maybe we should open the relationship back up,” Clara had said afterwards.

  “I saw Tobin watching us,” Estelle responded, eyes wide.


  “Yes! He was in the window.”

  “When you grabbed my hair?”

  Estelle just blushed and grinned.

  “Wow,” Clara said, snuggling in closer to her girlfriend. “Maybe we should open our relationship to him specifically.”

  Lying in bed the next morning, Estelle was getting aroused just thinking about it. Perhaps it was time for her to take the initiative Clara had and see what happened.


  Tobin’s front door was open, so Estelle entered without knocking. She wanted to be bold and sexy, but when she saw Tobin standing in the bathroom doorway looking shocked, she felt herself yelp.

  “Oh! I’m sorry,” she said.

  “What are you doing, Estelle?” Tobin yelped as well, grabbing himself and looking for cover.

  “I... I just need to talk to you.”

  “Can it wait?” he wrapped a blanket around his waist.

  Estelle finally looked up and wondered how someone so young could look so tired. He must have just showered because his muscles were glistening with moisture. He had a hint of a farmer’s tan and a dark happy trail Estelle had trouble keeping her eyes off of.

  “I saw you watching us last night,” she blurted out. Tobin immediately turned bright red and he began to stammer, but Estelle spoke over him. “I liked it.”

  Tobin stopped, wide-eyed and slack jawed. Slowly, Estelle approached him and started to run her nails over his torso.

  “I know you and Clara fucked,” she whispered.

  “You... you do,” Tobin stammered. Goosebumps had popped up all over him and the tent he was making out of the blanket was becoming more and more noticeable. Estelle was loving all of it.

  “Mmhmm and I want you to do me the same way,” she leaned in to kiss Tobin who obliged. It wasn’t rough or intense like she had expected, but rather sweet and tender. When she felt him touch her leg with the bulge of the blanket, Tobin jumped back.

  “What is it with you two,” he yelled. “You’re supposed to be gay. I’m not supposed to have the fucking parts you require! And you’re in a fucking relationship - why do you both keep coming for me?!”

  Tobin’s face was red; his eyes were flashing with anger. Estelle suddenly felt very silly. Of course this was a lot for him to take.

  “I think we all need to talk,” she said.


  “You, me, and Clara... we should talk about this.”

  Tobin stood thinking, unable to speak. All of this stress was making it harder and harder for him to keep control. His stomach was in knots wondering when the events of last night would reach the farm. Perhaps a talk would make things better.

  “Okay,” he said, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. “Let me get dressed.”


  Clara looked from Estelle to Tobin and back to Estelle. Where did you start with something like this? They were all seated in the living room, coffees in hand and awkwardness seeping through every pore.

  “So,” Tobin finally said. “You both like me?”

  “Yes,” said the girls in unison.

  “And you still love each other and want to be with each other?”



  Tobin nodded and let out a big breath. “Well... I mean, I like you both, too. In that way, I mean.”

  “So, what now?” Clara asked.

  “We could give it a shot. The three of us, I mean,” Estelle responded, much to the surprise of the other two.

  “I don’t know... there’s a lot you guys don’t know about me,” Tobin stood and began to pace nervously. Clara noted he looked like he was wrestling with his thoughts again.

  “Are you wanted for murder?” Clara asked sarcastically.

  “No... I... um…” Tobin felt himself sweating.

  “Just say it, Tobin,” Estelle piped up.

  “I’m a shifter... I can shape-shift into a dragon.”

  His heart was pounding as both girls looked at him in disbelief. Worse than disbelief, they both carried wide-eyed looks of confusion and worry.

  “If the answer is no you can just say it, Tobin,” Clara said.

  “It’s true. That’s why I’ve never been able to stay any one place for long - people find out and I have to leave.”

  “Prove it,” was all Estelle said as if it were a dare.

  Tobin sighed and held out his arm as he had done with Jesse ages ago. With a slight bit of concentration, his arm began to become green in color, scales covering it. Both girls gasped in surprise.

  “See.” Tobin said, his eyes falling to the floor, waiting to be chased away.

  “Oh. My. GOD,” Clara squealed in delight. “That was amazing, T

  This caught Tobin by surprised. “Excuse me?”

  “Why didn’t you show us earlier,” Estelle looked equally interested.

  “You guys aren’t freaked out?”

  “I mean, a little,” Clara said as Estelle nodded, “but we still care for you.”

  Tobin’s eyes began to well up. He knew exactly what he wanted to do in that moment.

  Estelle was closest to him. Reaching out he took her hand and stood, bringing her with him. He reached for Clara’s hand as well. As she took his grasp, Tobin lead both girls to their bedroom.

  Once inside, he began to tenderly kiss Estelle as he had in the barn while his hand stayed holding Clara’s. Estelle responded to his kiss by cupping his cheek and rubbing her thumb back and forth.

  “Hey, Tobin,” Clara said huskily, standing very close to both him and Estelle. “Any special dragon moves for us?”

  Tobin simply smiled and let his now wide, long, and forked tongue fall out of his mouth. Both girls squealed, causing the group of lovers to chuckle at the situation.

  Clothing began to be shed. First went Tobin’s shirt and both women rolled their hands sensuously over his taut pecs and bulging back muscles, sprinkling kisses on each of his freckles. During this Tobin helped each one out of their shirts and bras, loving how their breasts cascaded from each cup.

  Clara put her hand on his chest and pushed him onto the bed where Estelle took care of unzipping his pants, bringing them down with an almost hesitant air about her.

  “Estelle,” Tobin said. She looked up from his lap and into his eyes. “Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. It’s okay to take it slow.”

  Estelle gave a nod and came back up to start kissing him again. In the meantime, Clara took to pleasuring them both with her mouth and hands. Each time Tobin looked down at the scene he moaned loudly and had to make Clara slow down.

  “You two should have some fun,” he said.

  The women obliged, looking at one another with lust and something deeper, softer. Estelle began to nibble at Clara’s breasts as Clara let her head fall back in pure bliss. Tobin made himself comfortable behind Estelle, kissing her back and exploring her curves with his hands. As he made his way up her back, he used his abnormally hot breath to augment the little bites he was giving her. Estelle moaned as he breathed on and bit at her neck.


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