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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

Page 21

by Aisha Brooks

  Dr. Adams closed his eyes for a moment and then looked back at her.

  "We are truly sorry for this mix up, but we are hoping the two of you can figure out an agreement that will work for both of you in regards to the baby you appear to be pregnant with. Your labs came back and you are officially pregnant.”

  Shareena was sitting there in shock, and just stared at the two men. “Wait, are you telling me that the baby I'm pregnant with is coming with strings attached?”

  “I'm willing to pay you for the baby and let you try again with the sperm donation as you wish, or we could terminate, but if you carry my baby, I want to be involved,” Archer told her.

  He was admiring how beautiful she was, and he had this niggling feeling he'd seen her before, but he couldn't place it. Her dark skin was flawless and she was the exact type of woman he would have chosen to be his surrogate. Deciding he didn't want her to end the pregnancy he prepared to talk her into keeping it.

  “I will not terminate my pregnancy. I'm keeping this baby. I'm really sorry this happened, but I don't need a father involved. I'll let you sign over your rights,” Shareena reassured him, trying not to feel resentful that he even suggested a termination.

  “I won't sign over my rights. If you have this baby, I want to be involved,” Archer told her, crossing his arms and staring at her.

  “I'm going to let you two talk. I can't really fix this between you too, working out how you plan on going forward from this point,” Dr. Adams excused himself and left the two of them staring at each other alone in the room.

  Archer stared at her for a moment, and then it clicked where he knew her from.

  “Have you ever done any modeling?” He asked her, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

  “Yes, I did a onetime modeling shoot about two years ago after I got out of college,” she said, wondering he'd recognized her.

  “Pink bikini?” he asked her raising a brow.

  “Yes....” she said and then turned her head feeling embarrassed. She should have known that would come back to haunt her later. At the time, it had seemed like a good idea, and the agency had approached her. She'd done one shoot and then had decided it wasn't for her.

  “Aha! I thought you looked familiar,” Archer said, but didn't want to admit she was the one he'd wanked too when he'd made his sperm deposit, but here was his fantasy dream girl sitting in front of him, pregnant with his child.

  “I promise that one time modeling thing won't impact my child. I'm a teacher, not a porn star,” she told him defensively.

  “I'm not interested in that, or rather, I'm not offended you did a modeling job.” He grinned at her. “Go out with me tonight? We can have dinner and talk. I think we need to figure out how to handle this pregnancy situation and the future of our baby, and I'd rather do it on more neutral territory.”

  Shareena looked at him and hesitated, she found him attractive, but he was a stranger.

  “I don't know…” she started to say and then looked up at the eager expression on his face and almost felt bad for him. He was planning on using a surrogate, and instead, they had a screw up and she was pregnant with his child. A child he had wanted, not just an anonymous donor. She couldn't just completely walk away from him without talking to him. “Okay, dinner.”

  “Do you want to meet me there, or can I pick you up?” He asked her, not wanting to scare her off. Now he just had to figure out how to seduce her and get her to give a relationship between them a chance. He didn't have to tell her who he really was, or how rich he was, but he could definitely win her heart and a place in her life for his child and then get it in writing.

  Or maybe it could lead to something more. He knew he was attracted to her, and if she was as intelligent as she was beautiful, maybe there could be something more between them. He just had to make sure she wasn't a gold digger first.

  “I don't really want to discuss this in public, how about you come to my house for dinner. I'll cook and we can discuss it privately,” she suggested, she didn't know this man, but she felt like she could trust him, he just had that kind of face and her gut instincts were usually right. Most of the time.

  “Okay,” He pulled out his cell phone. “Give me your number and I'll text you, and you can text me the address and time.”

  Shareena rattled off her number and he texted her, she texted him back and gave him her address.

  “I need to talk to my lawyer, I hope you understand. I'll call them before our dinner so I know what all my options are too. I wasn't planning on having a father involved, but since this is the situation and you wanted a baby, we can figure out how to make this work. I'm just not sure being bounced around between two homes will be good for the baby,” Shareena admitted to him.

  His cell phone started to buzz over and over again and he looked at his text messages.

  “I agree, and we can talk about this more tonight. I need to get back to work, but talk to your lawyer and then we'll talk over dinner. I have no intention of trying to take your baby away from you, but I won't give up my child,” he told her giving her a firm look.

  Shareena realized he would be a formidable foe if she pissed him off and underneath that pleasant exterior, a man with an iron will lurked. She needed to be careful.

  “Tonight then,” she told him and didn't say anything else as he nodded and then walked out of the room.

  Chapter 5: Dinner Leads To More

  Archer pulled up outside of her house and parked in her driveway. The house wasn't in the most expensive neighborhood in the area, but it was a safe looking neighborhood. Her house wasn't gigantic, but his house was overkill, so he really couldn't hold that against her.

  He opened the small chain link fence and knocked on the front door and she let him inside.

  “Homemade Spaghetti okay?” She asked him, she had sauce smeared on her cheek and he instinctively reached out to wipe it off her face, startling her.

  “Sorry, you had sauce on your cheek,” he told her when she froze from his touch. Their eyes met and then she quickly turned and walked back to the kitchen, leaving him to follow her.

  He shut the door and followed her. Her house was clean, and small. She had pictures all over the fireplace of people who looked a lot like her, and her college degree hung in an honor place above the fireplace.

  Walking into the small kitchen, there was a table that seated four in there, and it was already set for two people, with a pitcher of water and something that resembled ice tea in the middle.

  “I have red wine if you want it, too. I won't be drinking, but I don't mind if you do,” she told him as she finished draining the noodles into the sink and then put them into a serving bowl.

  The rest of the food, including garlic bread and a salad were already on the table.

  Archer sat down, “Water is fine, thank you. It smells good.”

  At least he wasn't worried about their child starving, if her food tasted as half as good as it smelled, their kid would eat good if she was cooking.

  “I looked you up on the internet,” she told him as she set the noodles on the table and sat down next to him. “I don't need your money.”

  “So you know who I really am?” he asked her, shocked but he supposed he shouldn't have been, a smart woman would have tried to figure out who he was.

  “Yes, and I wouldn't tell most people this, but I have a multi-million dollar inheritance that I will get when I turn thirty. If you stay in my child's life, it won't be because I need your money, we will do it because it's good for our child to have both parents involved,” Shareena told him. “I'll be honest, my money and inheritance is one of the reasons I did this solo. I was worried that a man would try to marry me for my money and walk once I got it.”

  “I see,” Archer said, completely surprised by her revelation. “Look, I'm used to women chasing after me for my money. You fascinate me, I'd like to get to know you better, I don't know if you believe in fate, but I believe things happen for a reason. You were exac
tly the woman I was looking for as a surrogate, while you won't be a surrogate, you seem intelligent, beautiful and you don't need a man to take care of you. What if I told you I wanted to get to know you better, and be allowed to help with everything, including taking care of you during the pregnancy just because I want to do it?”

  Archer had thought a lot about this and he knew that there was a good chance she'd say no, but putting himself out there would at least make his intentions clear up front. He had never been one to beat around the bush and it's why he'd always been so successful with his work.

  “I wasn't looking for a husband, or a man, but since you are the baby's father, I'm willing to be friends and see what happens. I don't know what I believe, I believe they made a mistake, and maybe it will work out better than we could have hoped for,” she told him as she dished food onto her plate and then poured herself a glass of water.

  “I find you beautiful. I wasn't looking for a wife, or a girlfriend, but if I had to pick someone, you were the type of woman I was looking for. Your financial status makes no difference to me, but knowing you have your own money is actually a relief. I've been overly concerned about a woman trying to trap me to go after my money, and you not needing my money makes it easier to focus on you, the baby, and anything we might actually feel long-term.” Archer followed her and dished up his own food, and took a bite. It was better than any expensive restaurant. He'd have to convince her to cook for him more often. If he could eat like this, he might not eat out so much.

  “I haven't had a boyfriend since college. I have been on a few dates, but it's really just me,” she told him, and she listened to Archer tell her all about himself as they ate their meal together.

  It was comfortable, it was sweet, and when he left that night, she invited him over for dinner again in a couple weeks.

  Chapter 6: Falling In Love

  They'd been texting, talking via email and over the phone the last few weeks. Her pregnancy was progressing smoothly, and the baby was healthy.

  The two of them got along well and enjoyed each other's company; Archer had decided that today was the day. He was going to seduce her. He wanted more from her than just friendship, and she was the kind of woman you didn't just let pass you on by. He just had to convince her it wasn't a mistake.

  Shareena was slightly resistant to pursuing a romantic relationship with him, wanting to be able to stay friends and was worried romance or sex would make it difficult down the road to raise their child together if they broke up.

  He was stopping by today, and they were supposed to talk about it and come up with a parenting agreement together to figure out how to do this. They'd talked with lawyers, and talked about child support and what he wanted to cover.

  It had been very amicable, but Shareena still felt odd about the whole situation. She liked Archer, he'd even told her he hadn't seen any other women since he found out she was pregnant and it was his.

  The doorbell rang and she walked over and unlocked it, letting him in. He had a single white rose for her and she took it from him smiling.

  “Thank you,” she said, startled by the flower and went into the kitchen to put it into a glass.

  Archer followed her and waited until she was done setting it on the counter before he made his move.

  “Shareena,” he said as he backed her up against the counter and put a hand on either side of her so she couldn't escape. “I need to test something. I promise if you hate it, I'll stop, but I need to know.”

  Shareena felt he was being very cryptic and should have recognized the signs of what he was about to do, but she hadn't flirted with a man in such a long time, she missed the signals.

  He kissed her. His lips slanted over hers, soft at first, then becoming more demanding. She gasped and when her lips parted he thrust his tongue between them and dominated the kiss.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and forgot everything but the way he felt. She pressed her chest and growing belly against him and could feel her heart beating quickly. She was nervous, excited, having him close stirred feelings in her that left her wanting more.

  “Shareena, I want you. I don't want to hurt the baby, but I want to make love you,” Archer whispered against her neck as he nibbled on her skin.

  “Okay.” She nodded at him, and then pressed herself harder against him. The whole situation was already an odd one, maybe, just maybe, they could find love in this, if they let themselves. She was willing to take the chance.

  “Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured or do anything you don't want to,” Archer told her and pulled back for a minute to look at her, searching her face with his gaze.

  Shareena reached up and touched his cheek with her hand, “Archer, I wouldn't say yes if I wasn't sure. I like you, I'm pregnant with your child. I'm worried. I won't lie, but there's a chance here to make this work beyond just friendship. I'm willing to risk that because I have feelings for you that are more than just friendship.”

  Archer scooped her into his arms, careful to walk through her house to carry her to the master bedroom. He kicked open her door and set her down on the double bed inside her room. He leaned over her, with one knee on the bed and pressed kisses to her face before finally settling his lips against her mouth.

  “Move in with me,” Archer whispered after a few minutes. “If we really want to give this a real shot, I want you to live with me. I want to be there for you, I don't want to miss the little stuff.”

  “Okay, but shut up and kiss me now?” Shareena said chuckling and pulled his head down to meet her own.

  Archer didn't need any more encouragement. He worked on the buttons of his shirt while kissing her, then worked on the buttons of her shirt as he pulled it open, exposing her bra and slightly round pregnant belly. He unhooked the front clasp of her bra, releasing her heavy swollen breasts and started massaging them gently.

  “You're body is absolutely beautiful. I can already see the swelling changes in them over the last few weeks and I find it fascinating,” he whispered as he worked his way down and pressed kisses all over her flesh and tender nipples.

  “Mmmm, It's been so long since I've been with anyone. I don't really want you to take your time. We can do it again later, but right now, I just want you inside me,” Shareena told him, tugging at his hair to pull his head back up so she could kiss him again.

  Archer moved off her long enough to unzip his pants and drop the rest of his clothes on the ground, he leaned over and helped her out of her skirt and underwear, and rolled her socks off her feet, leaving them in a pile.

  Shareena scooted up the bed until she was leaning against the pillows on the top of the blanket and stared at him. He was just standing there looking at her with a look of amazement on his face.

  “You are beautiful, I know a screw up is entirely responsible for us meeting, but I don't regret it for a minute,” he told her and then crawled on the bed and laid next to her so he wouldn't squish her belly. He kissed her again, letting his hands roam all over her body. Moving them down between her legs he started to rub against her clit with his thumb and index finger until she was closer to an orgasm. Her hips sliding around on the bed as she wiggled in encouragement.

  “Don't stop.” She moaned as he slowly spread her engorged pussy lips and inserted one finger inside her, his thumb still pressing against the little bud that was all swollen with blood flow and excitement.

  “I wasn't going too. I like watching you get all excited and react to my touch. I can feel the way you squeeze my finger as your muscles contract, I picture that around my cock and I just want to press you down and fuck you,” Archer told her as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her and massage her clit, trying to be patient and take his time.

  “Then do it, I'm ready to have you inside me!” she encouraged him, wanting more, spreading her legs wider, offering herself to him.

  Archer got up between her legs and kneeled there, his hand still inside of her, stroking her, playing wi
th her, getting her ready for him. With his other hand, he stroked his cock for a few moments, getting himself all hard and then pulled his hand out and leaned over her, putting one hand on the bed to support his weight.

  Rubbing the tip against her lips and clit, he eventually pushed the head of his cock between her parted skin and inside of her vagina. He slowly pushed himself until he was buried all the way to the hilt, then started to move slowly as his arm shook slightly from the weight of his entire body being braced on one arm.

  Reaching with the other hand, he massaged her clit in a circular motion while he slowly slid in and out of her. He could feel her stomach muscles tightening and relaxing in the rhythm to him pushing himself inside of her and touching her clit. It was erotic to see her face as her head fell back against the pillows and her body arched up towards him, open and wanting him.

  His fingers moved faster against her bringing her to the brink, her entire body tensed and started to quiver against his fingers and around his cock. He could feel her milking him with her muscles as they contracted over and over again.


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