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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

Page 32

by Aisha Brooks

  Eddie looked at Lars. He did have a contagious smile and a sweet demeanor when he wasn’t acting ridiculous. She lifted her glass and clinked his and they sipped their wine together.

  The ride to Minot was a little over four hours, driving east on a highway with little to nothing to see. Lars tried to listen as Eddie talked non-stop, but he mostly only heard jabbering. He nodded and said “m-hm” at times when she paused and she seemed satisfied with it. All he needed to do was convince his grandfather that he was a changed man and then he could go back to his lifestyle of choice. Everyone would come out a winner.

  As they drove up to the fairgrounds, Lars asked. “Have you been to a rodeo before, Eddie?”

  “No,” Eddie admitted.

  “Well, you’re in for a treat. There’s all kinds of great events, but I am going for my fifth win as a bronco rider. If I get this win, I’ll tie my daddy. That would be a great honor for me.”

  Eddie nodded once. “Okay then, I’ll root for you.”

  Lars introduced Eddie to all of the regulars he saw. He tried to avoid the ladies with whom he would usually fraternize with, and he could see by their faces that they weren’t too happy with him.

  Tanya pulled him aside. “What are you doing, Lars? Who is the black chick?”

  “Don’t worry, darlin’. She is a means to an end. You hang in there, and you’ll see why. I’ll come back to you, I promise. I won’t withhold this from you for long.” Lars cupped his crotch and Tanya laughed.

  “You better not.” Tanya dragged her tongue up the side of his face and tickled his ear with the tip. “I have some dirty plans for you, lover.”

  Lars felt tingles up and down his body. He knew what this girl was capable of making him feel and he wanted it. He put his hands on her round behind and pushed his crotch up against her. He looked down at her cleavage showing proudly in her tight white spandex top.

  “Oh, mama.” Lars wiggled his tongue and aimed for Tanya’s breasts. Tanya groped Lars’ hips.

  “Excuse me.” Lars looked over to see Eddie looking at him with her arms crossed, her weight on one side of her body and tapping her toe. “Am I interrupting you?” Lars quickly took his hands off of Tanya and walked toward her. “No, just got a bit distracted for a moment.”

  “That’s right!” Tanya yelled out.

  Eddie stared hard at him. “We need to talk.” She stomped into the trailer and Lars followed like a puppy in trouble.

  She slammed the door once he sat at the table. “Let me make something perfectly clear, Lars. If we are even going to consider marriage, I will not stand for your distractions. You either choose to be with me exclusively, or the deal is off. I will go home right now.” Her voice was firm, but not loud. Her message was clear.

  Lars felt ashamed. He looked at her with true sincerity. “You are right. I regressed. I’ll do better. I promise. Please give me another chance.”

  Eddie turned away from him and was silent. Lars wasn’t sure if he should say anything else. After a full minute of silence, he got up from the table and gently approached her.

  “Eddie, I’m so sorry I disrespected you.”

  He turned her around and could see she was crying. He pulled her close to him. “You deserve better, and I will prove to you that I can be the man you deserve.”

  He held her and she cried into his shoulder. His heart melted. For the first time in his life, he wanted to change.

  Chapter 6: Rodeo Upset

  Eddie sat next to Lars in the stands for the Bareback Bronc Riding competition. He had softened and was being attentive and caring. Now this was the Lars she could get used to.

  “What is the difference between this event and the one you are competing in?” Eddie asked.

  “These guys ride bareback. There is no saddle. They hang on with a leather handle and focus on using spurs to control the animal. I personally don’t like spurs. I ride a saddle and focus on finding the rhythm of the bronco and joining him.”

  Eddie nodded. She liked that.

  “Are these wild horses?”

  “Nah. These broncs are just horses who like to buck. It’s a game for them.”

  “You think so, huh?” Eddie wasn’t too sure. She really didn’t like the whole rodeo concept, but she was trying to be open-minded and learn more about the culture in the area.

  Just when Eddie was starting to feel more comfortable with Lars, Tanya stepped up into the bleacher and sat right behind Lars and spread her legs on either side of the back of his head.

  Lars looked down. “Tanya, I need you to give us some space. I’m with Eddie now.”

  “Since when did you go for chocolate over vanilla?” Tanya rubbed her fingers through his hair.

  Lars stood up and faced her. He pointed his finger in her face. “You disrespect her again and you’ll wish you never met me. Got it?”

  Tanya backed up and put her hands in the air. “Fine. I didn’t mean anything by that. Sorry.”

  Eddie put her arm in Lars’ as he sat down again. She whispered in his ear, “Let’s just go.”

  Lars put his hand on hers and started to rise.

  Tanya put both her hands on his shoulders and lowered him back down. “Not so fast, cowboy. I need to tell you something.”

  Lars and Eddie sat back down.

  “Just you, Lars, not your new girlfriend,” Tanya said.

  “It’s both of us or not at all, Tanya,” Lars said.

  “Fine.” Tanya leaned down and put her face in between Lars and Eddie. “I’m carrying your baby, Lars. If you want me to go away, you need to give me a big lump of money and I’ll quietly take care of your child in style. If you don’t, I’ll go straight to the media and cry about the billionaire who dumped me and rejected his own baby.”

  Eddie was flooded with emotion. She couldn’t let Lars or Tanya see her. She stood up and ran off without a single word. This news cut deep. Deeper than anyone could understand. She needed to get away.

  Lars called after Eddie, but she didn’t stop running.

  He glared at Tanya. “Classy, Tanya.” He rolled his eyes and tried to keep an eye on where Eddie was going.

  “We’ll talk later,” he said to Tanya as he raced down the bleachers.

  He lost her. He looked all around the crowd and called her name. There was no sign of her.

  He looked at his watch. It was time to get to the competition area for the Saddle Bronc event. Should he still do it? Should he keep looking for Eddie? Maybe she wanted to be alone. Maybe she needed time to process the information. God knew, he did.

  Lars took a deep breath in and out and headed to the competition area.

  He really needed this win. It was a goal of his for years to tie his father in becoming the Bronco Riding Champion on the rodeo circuit. Yet, it was very difficult to concentrate when he was worried about Eddie. Why had she run off? No doubt, Tanya was a lot to take and her claim was a big blow, but running off seemed like a strange reaction. He was beginning to feel like there was a good connection between them. He was hopeful that a wedding would soon take place and his inheritance would be secure. But where was she?

  Lars was instructed to get ready for his ride. He climbed up the gate and hovered over the horse with his grip firm on the strap. He closed his eyes to find focus. Just eight seconds of pure focus was all he needed.

  The timer went off and Lars sat on the horse. The gate opened up. He tried to find the rhythm of the horses buck. He swung his feet and balanced with his free hand. His mind drifted to Eddie’s heartbroken face. He closed his eyes and tried to regain focus. The timer went off. He made it. He let and jumped off, but he lost his balance and fell down. The horse kept bucking, and landed right on top of Lars. He felt a huge blow to his chest. He held up his hands a looked up toward the horse. He saw two hooves rearing up in slow motion and headed for his face. Then he blacked out.

  He weaved in and out of consciousness. He heard sirens and voices. He felt someone hold his hand. Was it Eddie? He couldn’t speak.<
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  Chapter 7: Recovery

  Eddie slept in the chair next to Lars’ bed in the hospital. She had been there for two weeks. Lars was in a coma. No one knew if he had brain damage or if he would ever wake up.

  Eddie woke and looked at Lars. Somehow, over the last two weeks, she had fallen in love with him. Maybe it was his vulnerable state. Maybe she was finally able to see him as he really was rather than the player he pretended to be, or thought he was. She knew in her heart that finding him was not a matter of getting funding for her park, it was God’s direction for her life. She felt a deep connection to this man she barely knew.

  She stroked his hand. “Lars? If you can hear me, I want you to know that I am here for you. Rest as long as you need. I’ll be here. I am sure we have much more to accomplish together, and it is not your time to leave this earth quite yet. I’ll be patient, but please, come back to me.”

  Lars began to stir. Eddie heard a small groan. Her body filled with adrenaline. “Lars?” She hit the button to call the nurse. Eddie held up his hand and kissed it. “Lars, can you hear me? Can you feel me?”

  The nurse entered the room.

  “He’s waking up!” Eddie shouted.

  Lars’ eyelids twitched, and his head moved side to side.

  “Lars, can you open your eyes?” Eddie asked, and she held his hand tightly.

  Lars slowly opened his eyes. He slowly looked around the room at the nurse, the bed, the window and then Eddie. He stopped moving and focused his eyes.

  “Eddie?” Lars mumbled.

  Eddie felt tears stream down her cheek. “Yes! It’s me!” She kissed his hand.

  “I’ll get the doctor,” the nurse said. “You are a lucky man, Mr. Fiske. Your fiancé has been by your side for two weeks. She really loves you.”

  Lars curved his lips upward and looked at Eddie. “My fiancé?”

  Eddie laughed. “I had to tell them that to stay in your room. Your grandfather has been here a few times, but he said he had to get back to the cattle.”

  Lars tried to sit up. “That sounds like Grandpa. He has a crew of cowboys but he still feels like he has to be there.”

  Eddie put some pillows behind Lars’ back to make him more comfortable.

  The doctor came in to the room and examined Lars.

  “What’s the diagnosis, Doc?” Lars asked.

  “You suffered some serious injuries, Mr. Fiske, but you are healing nicely. I believe you can expect a full recovery in a few weeks.”

  Eddie jumped for joy. “That is great news!”

  “Be patient with yourself. You’ll need to stay here at least another week to be monitored,” the doctor continued.

  “Whatever you say, Doc.” Lars grabbed Eddie’s hand and held it.

  Over the next two weeks, Lars got better and worked with a physical therapist to improve his mobility. Eddie was there all day every day and spent the nights in the chair by his bedside. He couldn’t believe how loyal she was after such a strange beginning to their relationship. He didn’t want to ruin it by asking her about it, but he finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “Eddie, why are you here with me? What made you want to stay by my side? You were under no obligation,” Lars said.

  Eddie looked down. “I know. It wasn’t about obligation. I guess it must seem strange to you. It’s just, at the rodeo, when you were injured, all your so-called friends abandoned you. Even Tanya didn’t seem to care. She walked away from you at your worst moment. I couldn’t let you travel to the hospital alone. Then, for the next few days, I didn’t want you to wake up without anyone here for you, so I stayed. And, I guess, after caring for you for so many days, my feelings for you just grew and became very real. I fell in love with you, Lars. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”

  Lars kissed her hand. “Not at all. It makes me love you back. Eddie, I’ve never known real love before. I see it now, and I never want to lose it. Will you marry me? Here in this hospital? Not because you need the money, or I need an inheritance, but because we love each other?”

  Eddie wiped the tears from her face. “Yes, I will.”

  The chaplain of the hospital performed a simple ceremony with the traditional exchange of vows, witnessed by the nurses that Eddie had developed a friendship with over the month.

  Two weeks later, Lars brought his wife home to his house at the Fiske Ranch.

  Chapter 8: Love at Last

  Lars opened the front door. “Welcome home, Mrs. Fiske.”

  Eddie walked into the ranch style home and looked at the minimal décor. “I didn’t even realize you had your own place.”

  Lars held her hand. “I built this home a few years ago. I don’t spend much time here, ‘cause I don’t like being alone. I’d rather stay with my Grandpa or be on the rodeo circuit in my trailer.”

  “I like it, Lars. It’s simple, not pretentious like I expected.”

  “Well, if you like this, I have something I want to show you in the master bedroom.” Lars took her hand and led her down the hall.

  Eddie giggled and followed him eagerly.

  Lars closed the bedroom door and smiled at his beautiful wife. He walked over to her and kissed her, gently at first. Then he wrapped his arms around her as he slid his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back with passion and desire.

  He unbuttoned her long-sleeved plaid shirt and let it fall off her shoulders on to the floor. Eddie held her arms up as he lifted her tank top over her head. She unfastened her bra in the back and removed it. Lars cupped her breast in his hands and kissed her on the lips. He caressed her soft skin and gently ran his fingers to her nipples. They were hard, and her body trembled at his touch.

  “You are so beautiful,” Lars whispered.

  Eddie smiled and unbuttoned her jeans. She drew the zipper downward and watched as Lars anticipated what was coming. She stepped out of her jeans and slid down her panties. She sat down on the bed and motioned with her finger for him to join her.

  Lars walked to her. She stopped him and loosened his pants while he removed his shirt. She lowered his pants and underwear and held his hard penis in her hand. She fondled him with her hands and tongue. He took all of him in her mouth and sucked on him while she caressed his balls. Lars leaned into her and held on to her shoulders. He had never been so consumed and felt weak in the most wonderful way. She slid him in and out of her mouth until he felt like he was going to peak.

  He pulled out of her mouth and crawled on top of her. She slid back until she was fully on the bed. He kissed her mouth, her neck and her breasts. She moaned with pleasure. He ran his fingers down her firm abdomen and slid them between her legs. She spread her legs and moaned as he touched her clit gently and pushed his finger inside her.

  When she oozed with wetness and climbed on top and inserted himself inside her. God, she felt so good. She was tight and wet and welcomed him with rhythmic gyrations.

  He was already so worked up, it didn’t take him long to come inside her. He kept sliding in and out moving with her pelvis. Her moans became rhythmic and higher and he increased his speed. He thrust harder and harder until she yelled out and put her hands on his buttox indicated that he should stop.

  “You want to go for two?” Lars asked.

  Eddie smiled. “Not yet, cowboy. Just stay right where you are for a minute.”

  Lars watched her face. He saw pure joy and satisfaction. He hoped he could see that look over and over for the rest of his life.

  He slowly pulled out and lay by her side. She rolled into him and he held her until they fell asleep with legs intertwined.

  The next morning, Eddie woke and felt Lars’ body spooning against hers and his arms around her. She couldn’t imagine a better way to wake up.

  She moved his hand to cup her breast and he moaned.

  “I like that,” he said.

  “So do I,” Eddie replied.

  She wiggled her butt and felt his penis start to grow.

  “Mm, my baby wakes up horny.” He k
issed her neck. “And I am happy to oblige.”

  She giggled and turned to face him.

  He rolled over on top of her and kissed her.

  They made love again.

  Lars collapsed at her side and lay his head on her breast. She ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Lars, I want to talk about Tanya,” Eddie said.

  Lars groaned. “No! Her name is not allowed in our bed, my dear bride.”

  “Well, normally I would not bring up another woman in our bed, and I don’t want to get up and out of this amazing position, but I feel like we need to talk about our situation.”


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