ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) Page 42

by Aisha Brooks

  That settled it. “Only a few hours,” he said. He stepped out into the hallway with her then hesitated. What if Ashley had only stepped out for a moment. What if she changed her mind and came back.

  “I’ll have you back before dark,” Tiffany promised, putting her hand in his. “Come on, big guy. Let’s go have some fun.”

  ‘You don’t owe Ashley anything,’ he reminded himself. He found it odd that he was having such a hard time getting her out of his head. Clearly going out with Tiffany and Heather really was the right choice. He followed her downstairs.

  “Come on,” she said, leading the way around the hotel building, toward the adjacent parking structure. “We’ll take my car.”

  Alexei started to object. He had a perfectly good rental. He would prefer just to follow her to wherever it was she was going. It was too late that he noticed the car with the tinted windows pulling up behind him. Someone large and strong was grabbing him from behind before he had a chance to react. A damp cloth was pressed over his nose and mouth. Alexei was a big guy who could hold his own in a fight, but even he couldn’t fight through the effect of a rag soaked in chloroform.

  Chapter 5: The Son

  Alexei didn’t know where he was at first. This wasn’t the first time he had woken up to find his hands tied and something covering his eyes. He had been in the underworld for a while. This sort of thing was often part of the job description, unfortunately.

  That said, being kidnapped wasn’t exactly something you got used to.

  “Are you awake?” asked Ashley.

  Hearing Ashley’s voice reminded Alexei of what had, undoubtedly, happened. The last couple of days came rushing back to him. Her voice was a bit muffled by the bag over his head, but it was definitely her.

  “Where are we?” he asked, even though he was fairly certain that he knew already.

  “At Douglas’ place,” said Ashley. “God, I’m sorry I dragged you into this. This is all my fault.”

  Alexei snorted. “Please. This is hardly your fault. You didn’t exactly ask for my help… I don’t suppose you’re in a position where you could untie me?”

  “No,” said a voice that was not Ashley. “But I am.” Douglas pulled the bag from over Alexei’s head.

  It took Alexei a moment for his eyes to adjust. He was back in Douglas’ living room. Douglas stood in the center of the room, holding a gun and making a real effort to look menacing. Ashley was on the sofa across from him. Her hands were tied behind her. Her legs were bound at the ankles. On either side of her sat Tiffany and Heather. Both women looked rather fidgety and awkward. Tiffany, especially, wouldn’t meet Alexei’s gave.

  Alexei gave a sigh. “You’re making a mistake,” he told Douglas, calmly.

  “I am?” Douglas laughed. “It seems to me like you’re the one who made a mistake. Do you have any idea who I am?”

  Alexei rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help it. “Do you have any idea who I am? Who my father is?”

  Douglas’ wry smile faltered. Apparently, he really didn’t have any idea of who Alexei’s father was. That wasn’t uncommon. Generally, people didn’t take Alexei for anything more than a simple grunt.

  “Your best bet would have been to complain to my boss,” Alexei continued. “If you have a problem with how I’m handling things-”

  “You helped the woman who stole from me!” Douglas interrupted, waving his gun toward Alexei for emphasis.

  Alexei shrugged. “I liked her more than I liked you,” he admitted. “But, the fact remains, my boss might have been more sympathetic if you had come to him with this news. Maybe he would have even given me a slap on the wrist. As it stands, you’re going to get a lot worse than that for kidnapping his son.”

  The color seemed to drain from Douglas’ face. He stared at Alexei.

  Tiffany’s brow furrowed. She looked from Douglas to Alexei than back again. “He’s his son?” she asked.

  “Shut up, Tiffany,” snapped Douglas. He turned away from Alexei and started to pace. Suddenly, the situation was a much more complicated one than he had anticipated.

  Maybe this whole thing could still be defused. “Let me go, and I’m willing to not make any mention of this to my father,” said Alexei.

  Ashley shot him a meaningful look from where she sat tied up on the sofa.

  “Let Ashley go, too,” he added.

  That was the wrong thing to say, apparently. “Why her?” Douglas demanded, glaring at the woman who had betrayed him. He shook his head. “No, how can I even believe you?”

  Alexei would have called him paranoid, but he had a fair point. Alexei had every intention of letting his father know what had happened and no way of proving to Douglas that he wouldn’t.

  “I’m going to have to think on this,” Douglas murmured to himself as he wandered off toward the kitchen. Alexei could see him through the door and down the hallway, cell phone to his ear as he made himself a drink. If he could find a way to make this all go away, he was going to go for it. There was a very real chance that involved getting rid of Ashley and Alexei much like he had Ashley’s sister. This wasn’t looking good at all.

  Alexei turned his gaze to Tiffany. Her eyes met his briefly then darted away. “You tricked me,” he said. “I’m impressed. I really didn’t take you for the type.”

  “There really was a party,” Tiffany said, as if in her own defense.

  “It was last night,” Heather clarified, speaking up on her friend’s behalf. “We swung by to see if you wanted to join us. Douglas told us to keep you happy, and you’re a fun guy, so…”

  “We saw you go in with her.” Tiffany nodded to Ashley who was looking more annoyed than ever.

  “I stepped out for just a second,” Ashley said with a groan. “I could see a donut place from the balcony, and… Well, obviously, I didn’t realize we were being watched.”

  “It’s nothing personal,” said Tiffany.

  “Yeah,” Heather added, giving Ashley an earnest look. “We never disliked you. You’re a good person. It’s just… well…”

  “If you get me out of here, I’ll make it worth your while,” Alexei said, trying to keep his voice down and his eyes on Douglas. He couldn’t see the man anymore but assumed he was still in the kitchen, talking on his phone.

  Both women looked uncertain. They said nothing, though Heather cast her own nervous look back in the direction of Douglas. Maybe they were aware of what had happened to Ashley’s sister.

  “If you don’t help me, I can’t promise you won’t get caught in the crossfire when my father comes to see what happened personally.” That was a bit of a stretch. Alexei’s father would probably take the time to investigate, but it was unlikely he would pay much mind to people as seemingly unimportant as Heather and Tiffany. They could, easily, escape his notice. All the same, Alexei let the threat hang there.

  Tiffany stared. The gears in her head were turning. For a moment, it seemed like he had gotten through to her. Then, all at once, she stood and left the room. Heather left the room on her heels.

  Ashley took this opportunity to test the ropes binding her wrists and ankles. Alexei didn’t see much point but he didn’t fault her for the effort. His own were tied very securely. Evidently, this wasn’t Douglas’ first kidnapping.

  “If I could get over there to you, do you think you could untie me?” asked Ashley.

  Alexei raised an eyebrow at her. “With what?”

  “I don’t know. Your teeth?” Ashley flopped back on the sofa, giving up. “Sorry if I’m a bit new to this whole being kidnapped thing.” She was silent for a few moments then heaved a big sigh. “I’m sorry,” she said again, without sarcasm this time. “You did me a favor. I blew everything. This is all my fault.”

  Alexei frowned at that. As tempting as it was to blame someone else, his conscience wouldn’t let him shirk all the blame.

  “I got careless,” he admitted. “You didn’t ask for my help. I should have taken this whole thing more seriously. If we’re
being honest, I probably only helped because I thought you were cute.”

  Even in their current predicament, that coaxed a smile from Ashley. She had a nice smile. It was warm and dazzlingly white. “If we get out of here, I’ll owe you a date.” Her smile turned a bit sad as she said that. “If,” she repeated.

  The distant sound of Douglas talking on his phone ceased. He came back down the hall and into the den, a half empty glass of clear liquor in hand.

  “What’s the verdict?” Alexei asked, impatient for news of their fates.

  Douglas threw him an annoyed look and sat on the sofa beside Ashley. He switched on the television and drained his glass.

  Alexei frowned. Douglas’ silence didn’t tell him much. “Well?” he prompted.

  “Well, we’re waiting for… some friends of mine to get here,” said Douglas, keeping his tone curt. “They’re going to help me… resolve this.”

  Alexei didn’t much like the sound of ‘friends’. “Maybe, once this is behind us, we can discuss future business arrangements?” Alexei offered.

  Douglas rolled his eyes. “Girls!” he called, holding up his glass for a refill.

  Tiffany and Heather entered the room. Evidently, they hadn’t gone much further than the hallway. Tiffany took the glass from Douglas and hurried off. No one wanted to test his temper today.

  “I think we’ve taken our business relationship as far as it needs to go, don’t you?” asked Douglas, not taking his eyes off the television. “Let’s not kid ourselves. If I let you out of here, you’re not going to let bygones be bygones.”

  “You don’t know that,” Alexei said, quickly. “I’m very good at forgiving and forgetting.” That was a lie and one Douglas clearly wasn’t buying into.

  “How are you going to get your money back?” asked Ashley.

  Douglas didn’t even look at her. He put a hand up. “You don’t get to talk to me.”

  Not to be deterred, Ashley pressed on. “At least let him go.” She nodded to Alexei. “Let him go, and I’ll help. Whatever you have planned, this would be faster… Wouldn’t it? Come on. This is my fault.”

  “This is your fault,” Douglas agreed. He agreed to nothing, though. He didn’t even budge on bargaining.

  Even so, Alexei was touched. No one had offered their life for him before. Maybe she just hoped he would return the favor once he was free. Either she was smart, selfless, or both. He smiled at her. He couldn’t help it.

  Ashley smiled back at him. It was a sad smile, though. There was a lot of missed potential there. Maybe they could have had something, but now neither of them would find out.

  Tiffany and Heather came back with the drink Douglas had asked for. He took it, draining half the glass in one gulp. “We have an hour or two,” he told everyone. “Settle in.”

  It was a little surreal, just sitting there watching a movie while you waited to die. Oddly enough, it was the same romantic comedy Alexei had watched with Ashley the night before. It figured. Not that he was paying attention to the movie. Alexei was too busy wracking for his brain, trying to come up with something.

  When the men Douglas had called arrived, he would try reasoning with them. There was no point in them crossing the Russian mafia. Worst case scenario, they would probably have to untie his legs to get him to his feet. Alexei would take that moment, and-

  “Did you kill him?” asked Heather.

  Alexei looked up, pulled from his plans by the women’s voices. Heather and Tiffany were scooting closer to Douglas on the sofa. Douglas himself was slumped over, chin on his chest. His eyes were closed. The now empty glass had slipped from his hand.

  “I didn’t mean to,” said Tiffany, looking alarmed. She reached out a shaking hand to check his pulse but shrieked at the last minute and pulled her hand away. “Oh my god, what if I killed him?”

  Ashley, sitting on the other side of Douglas, sat up a little straighter. “What the hell happened?” she asked.

  Alexei frowned, trying to sort this out. “Did you poison him?”

  “I drugged him,” Tiffany admitted, sounding pained. “It seemed like the best option at the time.” She gave a distressed little sigh.

  Heather gave Douglas a poke. When he did nothing, she got up and hurried over to Alexei. “If we untie the two of you, you won’t kill us right?” she asked. “We won’t be in trouble with the Russian mafia or anything?”

  “No,” Alexei said quickly. “If you untie us, I’m going to owe you. I’ll owe the two of you big time.” He meant every word of that.

  Heather worked on the ropes for a while. Finally, she ended up going to the kitchen for a knife. It took her a moment, but she got the ropes off of him. She moved on to Ashley next.

  “We need to hurry. We should be gone before the guys Douglas called get here.”

  All the same, he went to Douglas and checked his pulse. “He’s still alive,” he told Tiffany, who looked visibly relieved, then, abruptly, terrified. “He won’t do anything to you,” Alexei promised. “I’ll see to that.”

  “What are you going to do with him?” asked Heather.

  Alexei considered that. He took Douglas’ gun from him and checked to make sure that it was loaded. It was. “I’ll leave that up to Ashley,” he said, offering her the gun. Ashley had more of a stake in all of this, after all. Douglas had taken more from her.

  Ashley didn’t take the gun. She stood there, rubbing her wrists where they’d been bound, considering her options for a moment. “You have connections, you said?” she asked Alexei. “Your dad is pretty high up in the Russian underworld and all that.”

  “I’m a big deal back home, yes,” said Alexei with a smile.

  “Well, let’s take him with us to Russia,” said Ashley.

  Alexei raised an eyebrow at that. “You’re coming with me to Russia?”

  “You’ll forgive me if I don’t exactly feel safe staying here.” Ashley motioned to her surroundings, likely indicating the surrounding city as well. “I wouldn’t mind laying low for a while… If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all… I suppose that would be the easiest way for us to have that date of ours.”

  “Excuse me,” said Tiffany.

  “We’d like to lay low, too,” added Heather.

  “The more the merrier.” Alexei pulled Douglas over his shoulder and carried him outside. As soon as they were clear of this place, he would

  call his father. This was going to take a lot of explaining.

  Chapter 6: First Date

  Saying Alexei was well off in Russia had been a bit of an understatement. He had been born into money and had only accumulated more during his lifetime. His father hadn’t been thrilled that he had so badly botched a business deal but it was preferable that he hadn’t died over it.

  What they were going to do with Douglas was a stickier matter. After the disrespect he had shown to their family, they couldn’t just let him get off without due punishment.

  They hired a private jet back home, but Douglas didn’t make it off the tarmac. They handed him over to the police. With Ashley’s help, they created a money trail that was downright condemning. And, with the connections of Alexei’s family, there was no way he wasn’t going down for this and, at least, a dozen related crimes.

  Heather and Tiffany did come with him. They were delighted by the jet, having only ridden commercial in the past. They were so thrilled, they tried rather hard to simultaneously renew their memberships in the mile high club with Alexei.

  It was tempting, but Alexei had other plans. As soon as they landed, he booked Heather and Tiffany a room at a nice hotel. He then made dinner plans for himself and Ashley.

  Of course, by the time he had checked in with his father, he was pretty worn down. At Ashley’s suggestion, they grabbed a meal to go and took it back to Alexei’s place.

  Ashley was in awe. Alexei’s home was stupendous. It was a gated estate with gardens and a pool. For such a nice place, he didn’t actually stay there a ton. He spent most of h
is time on the road while a staff employed by his father kept things up. It was sort of nice to just crash on the coach with Alexei and watch television.

  Ashley didn’t fall asleep during the movie this time. “Do you mind if I stay here tonight?” she asked as the credits rolled. “I’m still a little shaken.

  “I have plenty of guest rooms,” Alexei offered, though he was rather hoping Ashley had a different kind of sleep over in mind.

  She did, it seemed. “Why don’t you take me on a tour then?” Ashley suggested with a sly smile. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Alexei’s cheek. He turned his head, and she kissed him on the mouth.


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