ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) Page 43

by Aisha Brooks

  Alexei couldn’t help but smile. He kissed her back. Before things could get too hot and heavy, he stood. Taking her by the hand, he led her up the stairs and to his bedroom. He had assumed that’s what she wanted out of a “tour”. Why beat around the bush?

  Ashley didn’t seem to mind. She unbuttoned her blouse and headed straight for the bed, discarding garments as she went. She had a gorgeous body. With her dark skin and soft curves, she could have been a pin up girl straight out of a different era. She was in nothing but her panties by the time she flopped down on his bed.

  Alexei shed his own clothes as he closed the space between them. He was a good looking guy and knew it. Women were always telling him as much. He worked out religiously and had a collection of scars from brawling that most people found rugged and appealing.

  Ashley was no exception. Her gaze softened as it roamed over him, drinking him in.

  “This is one heck of a first date,” said Ashley, crawling backward until she was pressed against the headboard. “Do you do this with all the ladies?”

  “Usually,” Alexei admitted, which provoked a glare from Ashley. “Do you?”

  “I’m not usually a first date kind of girl,” she said. “But after all that’s happened… I feel like I’ve earned this.”

  “There’s no shame in rewarding yourself.” Alexei took Ashley’s knees and pulled them over his own shoulders.

  Ashley gave a shriek of delight that turned to a moan as he removed her panties and began exploring her with his tongue. Alexei’s hands followed the shape of her thighs as he probed deeply.

  Ashley arched her back, moving her hips against his mouth. She gasped. Alexei felt her legs tighten around him. If she had spent any nights with Douglas, clearly he had left much to be desired in this department.

  Alexei licked her a while longer before letting her go. Ashley objected at first, but then saw what he was reaching for. She helped him with the condom. She fumbled a bit, over eager. They both got it on. Alexei wasted no time after that. He pushed himself inside her.

  Ashley gave another moan. She laid back on the bed and hooked her legs around him again. Her hands found Alexei’s and guided them to her breasts. He squeezed them as he thrust, taking his time.

  Usually, when Alexei had sex, it was a fast, often drunken, affair. He took this slow. He found a steady rhythm and kept it, listening to her shallow breathing and occasional gasp. It was hypnotic. It could have been minutes or hours until neither of them could take it anymore.

  Ashley came before Alexei did. He finished and dropped to the mattress beside her, breathless and covered in a sheen of sweat.

  Neither of them said anything, but the shared sentiment was clear enough. As far as first dates went, this had been a pretty good one.


  Ashley never did develop the skills of a criminal mastermind. She did, however, have an excellent mind for numbers. She quickly proved herself to be invaluable to Alexei. The girl was a genius when it came to moving money around. That might have been why Alexei’s father was pleased when he announced his intention of proposing to her.

  He made plans to take her out to the restaurant they had first gotten taken out from after arriving in Russia. He tried to make it sound like a casual date night. Maybe he did too good of a job at this. When Ashley showed up for the date, it was with Tiffany and Heather in tow.

  They had never gone back to the US. Alexei had made sure they had a place to live and set them up with desk jobs at one of the businesses his father owned. The language barrier had prompted them to bond with Ashley. It was an odd friendship, but Alexei didn’t much mind it… Though he would really rather they weren’t here for his proposal.

  Tiffany and Heather never stopped talking amongst themselves the whole time. Even so, Alexei decided to go through with it. When dessert came, he got down on one knee.

  Ashley shrieked, a hand flying over her mouth.

  “Oh my God,” Tiffany said before Ashley could answer. “This is perfect!”

  “Shh,” hissed Heather.

  Alexei tried to ignore them, but the seconds ticked past and Ashley still hadn’t answered.

  “I know we have a pretty good business relationship. And I know I have a history of keeping relationships casual, but if you’ll just give me a chance-”

  Ashley shook her head, causing Alexei’s heart to drop momentarily. “No. I mean- It’s not that… It’s just. Alexei, I’m pregnant. I was going to tell you tonight. The girls came along for moral support, I…”

  Alexei got up off of his knee and hugged her. He’d always imagined being horrified by this kind of news. Instead, he couldn’t have been more excited. “So, yes?”

  “Da,” said Ashley, rather awkwardly trying Russian on for size. “Of course!”

  A New Chapter

  A Mail Order Bride Romance

  This deliciously dirty story is a part of Susan Fleming’s super-charged, highly lewd collection of love and lust, written in 2015. Those who attempt to steal any part of this goldmine and take it as their own risk being a fiery, hot death from a hunk bearing copyright notices—and she’s not about to play with you.

  This is a work of fiction—although we wish that people like this really existed, it’s nothing more than a figment of a very, very overactive imagination. Any resemblance to someone you know, a place you love or a thing you hold dear to your heart is nothing more than a craving in your heart that these carnal desires and actions were true!

  It goes without saying that this book oozes with erotic sex appeal, and is filled to the rafters with a smorgasbord of acts that you certainly wouldn’t tell your grandmother about. Bodice-ripping, panty-dropping and glasses-steaming, the scenes contained herein are wickedly naughty!

  Although all the saucy characters are flirting with forbidden desires and sometimes taking the naughty fruit they really shouldn’t be, all are consenting adults over the age of 18 and not blood-related. What they are is passionate and eager to explore their carnal desires all day long.

  In short, this book is going to get you very, very hot!

  © Susan Fleming

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any many whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination. Please note that this work is intended only for adults age 18 and over. All characters represented are age 18 or over.

  A Note To The Naughty Amongst Us

  I devote this book as my attempt to satisfy all those forbidden urges we might just happen to share.

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  Thank you for all your support, I’m always looking for feedback and appreciate your opinion.

  - Susan

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1: Nervous Upon Arrival

  Chapter 2: A Party Gone Wrong

  Chapter 3: Vicksburg Living

  Chapter 4: Sometimes You Need A Second Chance

  Chapter 5: A Walk In The Moonlight

  Chapter 6: A Promise of Love

  Chapter 1: Nervous Upon Arrival

  Belle Trotter knew as soon as she stepped down from the train that she was in way over her head. The noonday heat blasted her in the face as she looked around. She was used to the hustle and bustle of the big city, but she could see from end to end of the town as she stood at the bottom of the steps.

  For one crazy second, every part of her mind told her to turn a
round, jump back on the train, and ride it as far away from the little town of Vicksburg as she could, but she didn’t. Summoning every ounce of will she had, she gathered up her small floral valise that held everything she owned in this world and stepped away from the train so others could depart. A glance about the station proved to her that she knew not a soul around.

  A tall, whip-thin man raised a hand and began to walk toward her. Belle’s heart leapt in her chest as she looked the man over. She decided that this must be the man whom she was to marry.

  My Lord, she thought, how did I ever get myself into this? The man looked something like what he said he would over the telegraph. At least he didn’t lie about that, she thought. It was a small comfort.

  For now, her mind was overrun with thoughts that she wished she would have had before. Thoughts about who this man was. He claimed to be a sheriff, but she had no idea if that was true. For all she knew, he could be an outlaw and just wanted a woman for a few nights.

  Sweat broke out on her forehead, so she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped it away as casually as she could. Her hands wrung the kerchief as she waited for the man to get to her. He stepped up and swept his hat from his head. It was all she could do not to laugh out of nervousness when he sketched a bow over his extended right leg. As was customary she held out her hand. He took it and gently kissed the back before he spoke.

  His voice was gruff, but held no anger. This close she could see that he had a walrus mustache. It had once been black, but now it was flecked with gray, as was his hair. He smelt fine. Not like an outlaw at all. What an odd thing to notice, she thought to herself as he replaced his hat on his head.

  “You must be Belle Trotter.”

  “I am.”

  “Nice to meet you Belle. My name is Matt Thorn.”

  “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  “If you don’t mind me saying, Ma’am. I’d say you about the prettiest thing I’ve seen in my life. Your beauty rivals that of the desert flower when the rains come after a long drought.”

  “Thank you.” She blushed despite herself. Suddenly, everything began to take its toll. The new town, people talking all around her, the man before her, and the noises of the train were all more than she could stand. Her head began to swim. “Could we step in the shade? I am beginning to feel lightheaded.”

  “Of course.”

  Taking her valise, he linked her hand through his elbow and led her toward a bench near the train station that was in the shade, but all of the sudden her dress seemed like it was much too tight. I can’t get any air, she thought. Darkness seeped into her vision. I hope I’m not dying was her last thought before she fainted. As she fell, strong arms wrapped around her and kept her from hitting the ground.

  Belle had no sensation of being moved from the station and to a stranger’s bed. She was off in another time. In her mind, she was back in Chicago and her parents were still alive. The memory was one from more than three years ago, when she was just fourteen.

  Chapter 2: A Party Gone Wrong

  Her father called to her from downstairs and told her to hurry up. The play would be starting soon and they would miss the opening act if she didn’t come down now. She yelled to him and told him she was coming down as she fixed the last pin in her hair to keep it up in an elegant, yet graceful bun. Her mother had taught her how to put her hair up last year and ever since then she hadn’t gone anywhere without it done up properly.

  She ran out of her room and down the stairs in a flash. Her father and mother waited at the bottom of the stairs with the front door open. Through the open door, Belle could see the carriage driver as he stood beside the carriage, waiting politely. Her father spun his hat in his hands by the brim and motioned for her to hurry. She leapt the last two steps and landed in front of her parents in a skid. The floor was slick from a recent waxing and she could not stop her slide. With quick hands her mother reached out and grabbed her by the arms. She waved a gloved finger under Belle’s nose.

  “This is not the behavior of a lady. A lady does not run or jump down the stairs. A lady has poise and dignity.” The grip of her mother was like iron as she pulled her down the front steps. “You must learn to be a lady, Belle. If you do not, then you will never find a good husband as I did and you will be forced to live your life out as a spinster and die alone.”

  “Oh, Mother. You are so melodramatic.” Belle sighed.

  “Don’t use that tone of voice with your mother.” Her father was a good man in his own way, but even at the age of fourteen Belle could see that he did nothing unless he consulted with her mother first, and then he would only continue if she gave him a yes.

  I hope that the man I marry isn’t like my father, Belle thought. She felt bad for thinking that way, but she thought that a man and woman should be equals in a marriage, not one ruling the other.

  As she climbed up into the carriage after her mother, she hoped that the man she was going to meet tonight would be a handsome man with strong arms and a quick wit. Her father climbed into the stage behind her and they set off for the play.

  After the play, Belle and her parents would be going to a small party of the Chicago elite. The man she was promised to once she turned fifteen was to be at the party so that they could be formally introduced. She found herself wondering once again what he would be like. Mother had told her that he was in his early thirties, but that was no matter. As long as he was handsome and smart, she didn’t care if he was forty.

  The carriage trundled along the road for some time with them in the back until a single shot rang out in the night. Beside her, Belle’s mother screamed at the report of the gun and pulled her close. The carriage shifted slightly and another shot rang out. This time it was much closer. The thump of the driver as he pitched off carriage and landed in the street was loud. Again, Belle’s mother screamed. Belle turned to her father in the hopes that he would know what to do, but he was huddled in the corner with his knees pulled up to his chest. Sobs racked his small body each time he took a breath. The carriage door flew open.

  A man with a black handkerchief tied around the lower half of his face appeared and even though she couldn’t see his mouth, she could tell that he smiled because of his eyes. In his hand, he held a pistol that gleamed in the moonlight. He motioned the gun to her father.

  “Get out of the coach.” His voice was gruff to intentionally disguise it.

  “Just take what you want.” Her father held out his wallet and his gold watch in shaking hands.

  “I don’t want your money. I was hired to do a job and I aim to do it. Now, you and the missus get out of the coach or I’ll kill the both of you in front of your daughter and I know you don’t want that. Do you?”

  “No. No, please. We’ll get out.” Her mother climbed over and stepped down. Belle couldn’t believe when the thief or robber or whatever he was helped her mother down from the carriage. Her father went next, but he shook all over and the man had to help him down as well. He motioned for them to step back off the road and turned back toward Belle.

  “You’re gonna want to turn your head little one. No one wants you to see what is about to happen. Me in the least, but I was paid to do a job and I’ll see it finished. Turn around now.”

  Belle was too confused and scared to do anything other than what the man asked her to do. She turned and looked out the window opposite of the door her mother and father exited. Her mother let out a small scream, but it was silenced by the roar of a gun. Her father emitted a small choking sob and then it too was drowned out by the gun’s report. She heard footsteps approach the door of the carriage, but she was too afraid to turn around. A gruff voice spoke through the window at her.

  “I’m gonna take you home now. I don’t enjoy what I do. Of that you can be assured. Believe me when I say I did what I had to do not just for money, but for the good of the country. I know that no matter what I say you’ll still hate me and probably won’t believe me, but one day you’ll be older and mayb
e you’ll understand. What happened here tonight was inevitable if the country is to survive. I’m sorry.”

  Without another word he walked away from the window. Belle felt the carriage shift as he climbed into the driver’s seat, but that was the last thing that she remembered for she fainted. She vaguely recalled someone carrying her into her house and laying her down, but that was all. Someone began to pat her lightly on the cheek and call her name over and over again.

  “Belle. Belle. Belle.”

  Chapter 3: Vicksburg Living


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