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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

Page 50

by Aisha Brooks

  “I'd never ask you to give up being a doctor. That is one of the things I loved about your letters, it's why I picked you to begin with. I admire what you do, just please, no more secrets, I want to hear from you,” Julie told him and then kissed him, showing him that she was over her anger at him and forgave him for not telling her first hand.

  “Julie,” Marshal said as her hand started to wander over his chest and touch him intimately. He grabbed her breasts through her dress and then gave her a funny look.

  “What's wrong?” Julie asked him when he froze and just looked down at her.

  “When did you bleed last?” he asked her gently, the look on his face one of shock.

  “I don't remember, right before I came here I think,” Julie said thinking back.

  “It's been four months and your breasts are significantly larger. I think you may be with child,” Marshal said, and sounded like he was in awe as the realization of their child sunk in.

  “But, how is that possible?” Julie asked him, confused. “We weren't trying for a baby, right now, were we?”

  “That's not how it works. You become fertile sometime in the middle between your bleeds, and then you get pregnant and you stop bleeding until your fertility returns after the baby,” Marshal explained.

  Julie started to laugh, “I know all that, I've been around enough pregnant cows and my mom to get the gist without the graphic details, but thank you. I think.”

  “Will this be a problem?” Julie asked him, nervous that their life and relationship would change if they added a child.

  “Only in good ways, I assume. I would love to see your belly swell with child, and hold our baby in my arms. I'll be here for you Julie, I'm not going anywhere. Having sex leads to children, this was a possibility anytime we copulate,” Marshal told her sounding matter of fact.

  “I know,” Julie said, shaking her head, realizing that he never quite lost his doctor mode, even with her. “A baby...”

  Julie placed a hand over her belly and realized that being pregnant definitely explained her mood swings, upset belly, and why she got upset over things that normally wouldn't bug her. Feeling better that she wasn't just going crazy and there was a logical reason for her behaviors, she kissed him passionately, in the barn.

  Marshal pushed her up against the wall and kissed her back, taking care not to put any pressure on her belly as his hands started hiking up her skirt and he touched her between her legs. His lips molded over hers and he pushed his tongue between her tender lips as he kissed her demanding and rough.

  He was gentle in most of his touches, but aggressive kissing turned him on and Julie enjoyed it. His hand found the sweet spot between her legs and his expert hands quickly worked her into a frenzy and a quick orgasm against the wall. Pulling her skirt up so he could push it against the wall out of the way, he picked up one of her legs and pulled himself out of his pants and took her right there against the barn wall.

  Julie could feel the way the hard wall felt ridged as her back slid against it as he thrust into her. He enjoyed their moments alone and the sexual heat that seemed to drive their behavior if they were alone together for more than a few moments. Lack of chemistry had never been an issue between the two of them.

  Feeling his body strain and tense up as his hips grinded against her thighs until he reached his own climax, she kissed him back and nibbled on his lip, her little mews and moans egging him on to go faster.

  When he was done, he helped her straighten her skirt down and kissed her one more time hard on the mouth for good measure before placing his hand over her belly delicately.

  “If you are pregnant, the belly will get in the way at some point, so if there's any positions you like that a belly might interfere with...” he whispered suggestively to her.

  “You sure you're okay with having a baby this soon after being married?” she asked him, feeling a little nervous about the whole situation. Babies and children weren't new to her. She'd helped out plenty with her younger siblings and got the gist on what to do with children, she pictured holding a boy that looked like Marshal in her arms and it made her smile.

  She could do this, as long as he had her back and would support her. She felt a moment of insecurity while she waited for him to answer her.

  “Julie, that's one of the reasons I wanted to get married. Not just because I was lonely, but because I wanted children, and I wanted a woman who enjoyed being a wife and a mother. You are the kind of woman a man dreams of marrying. I have no regrets. I know this will be a new adventure for both of us, but like the marriage and your travels to get here, we'll enjoy the ride,” he told her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “No more lies of omission? And no goats in the house, right?” She asked him and then laughed when he hugged her.

  “I promise I won't intentionally fail to tell you something. I'm not perfect, but I'll do my best to be honest and give you all the information, and I will try to keep the goats in the barn and not in the house,” Marshal told her and cupped her cheek.

  “Okay, I can live with that,” she said smiling up at him.

  A few months later, a healthy baby boy was born. Marshal delivered him and then held them both together while the new mother nursed her baby and leaned against his chest, feeling content.

  “This is what love is supposed to feel like, isn't it?” she asked him and realized she'd never told him she loved him. "I love you, Marshal.” Realizing that he deserved to know.

  “I love you too, Julie. I told you we could get through this, now we just need to do this a few more times and we’re all set,” he teased her and then kissed the top of his newborn son's head gently.

  Love On The Prairie

  The Prairie's Mystery Matchmaker

  Book 4

  This deliciously dirty story is a part of Susan Fleming’s super-charged, highly lewd collection of love and lust, written in 2015. Those who attempt to steal any part of this goldmine and take it as their own risk being a fiery, hot death from a hunk bearing copyright notices—and she’s not about to play with you.

  This is a work of fiction—although we wish that people like this really existed, it’s nothing more than a figment of a very, very overactive imagination. Any resemblance to someone you know, a place you love or a thing you hold dear to your heart is nothing more than a craving in your heart that these carnal desires and actions were true!

  It goes without saying that this book oozes with erotic sex appeal, and is filled to the rafters with a smorgasbord of acts that you certainly wouldn’t tell your grandmother about. Bodice-ripping, panty-dropping and glasses-steaming, the scenes contained herein are wickedly naughty!

  Although all the saucy characters are flirting with forbidden desires and sometimes taking the naughty fruit they really shouldn’t be, all are consenting adults over the age of 18 and not blood-related. What they are is passionate and eager to explore their carnal desires all day long.

  In short, this book is going to get you very, very hot!

  © Susan Fleming

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any many whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination. Please note that this work is intended only for adults age 18 and over. All characters represented are age 18 or over.

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Successful Matches

  Chapter 2: A Letter From Dandy

  Chapter 3: The Black Notebook

  Chapter 4: Junior’s Response

  Chapter 5: The Proof

  Chapter 6: Dandy The Defender

  Chapter 7: Something Noble

  Chapter 8: The Regular Customer

  Chapter 9: Dealing With Tyson

  Chapter 10: Happy Endings

  Chapter 1: The Successful Matches

  The sun hangs low over the horizon, as Tyson Abrams stares, seemingly absent minded, out the window of the Atoka Lockup, a satellite facility of the Coleman County Jail. However, as absent minded as he may appear, Tyson is not absentminded. No, he is focused with unswerving attention on a problem that he has been unable to provide an answer for since it was first posed to him. He glances at the black notebook that sits on the table to his right. He knows who the book’s owner is, but is no closer to thwarting the plans of Sandra Ammor than he was the previous summer.

  It is true that he has made definite progress on the issue since last summer, because at least he now knows the identity of the mystery matchmaker. For the last eight or nine months, Sandra has been actively involved in setting up local bachelors with mail order brides from the east.

  As an elder of the Atoka Church of God, it is Tyson’s obligation to best protect those who live in Coleman County, Texas from the corrupting influences of the imperfect world that surrounds them. Unfortunately, however, Tyson has failed on multiple occasions to rid the county of the new mail order brides.

  First, it was the now Mrs. Ruth Parker who was in his sights. Mrs. Parker had been sent for from Charleston, South Carolina for a wealthy and powerful rancher in Coleman County, a Mr. Robert Parker Jr. Junior was the son and sole heir of Lt. Robert Parker, Sr.’s estate to the east of Camp Colorado, which was originally the impetus that led to permanent settlement of the area. Junior moved more cattle in a year than every rancher for six counties…less one man in McCulloch County to the south.

  This couple was likely the strangest of the matches because of the vast age difference between Junior and Ruth, who was only nineteen while Junior was nearing forty if he had not already passed it.

  This match had also caused the least fuss in the county, because shortly after they were married, Junior sold his entire estate to the bank, and they left the state, ending quite a few jobs in the process.

  This had had the benefit, though, of clearing Tyson’s field to purify the county, because with Junior out of the picture, there was no one who could prevent Tyson from doing exactly what he wanted. Junior had fired Tyson some time ago, but neither one of them had divulged the secret to anyone. Junior had made it plain, though, that he would not tolerate Tyson’s insulting Ruth.

  The next match that had been made was that of Coleman S. “Dandy” Darby, a local gunfighter turned lawman whose uncle had ridden with Frank and Jesse James in the early days of the James-Younger Gang. Dandy was one of the cowboys who had been put out of a job when Junior left Coleman, but he didn’t stay down for long, as the matchmaker had set him up with Sarah Anne Tarter from eastern Kentucky.

  The day that Sarah Anne arrived on the G, C, & SF railroad at the Coleman Station, though, Dandy’s best friend, David “Big Dave” Butler, who had been the second largest cattle rancher in the county until Junior left, was brutally murdered by the outlaw gunslinger, “Doc” Dawson.

  Dandy had gone out to meet Doc, and after taking the feared gunslinger out, had collected the over $9,500 reward that had been on Doc’s head. He had then been named a deputy sheriff and impregnated his new wife, Sarah Anne. They now own Junior’s old ranch, because Dandy purchased it with the reward money.

  Finally, several months after Doc had been taken out, Pauline Murphy had arrived on the train, looking for one Dwight Butler, whose wife died from pneumonia contracted during Big Dave’s funeral…and he had been Dwight’s older brother. This had been the final straw for Tyson, and he had formed a mob to run Sarah Anne and Pauline out of town, only for the mob to be thwarted by the influence of Dwight, who was smart and knew enough of the bible to prevent what Tyson was trying to accomplish.

  Dwight had quoted scripture, and the mob fell apart, straightaway. Sure, Tyson could easily find the people to create the mob once more, but Tyson is questioning his position in the county, and has been ever since Dwight had stood between him and those whores.

  Speaking of whores, Tyson thought to himself. I need to be getting to the Hanged Man pretty soon. The Hanged Man was the local watering hole and saloon in Atoka, and he has business there this evening. He stands up, and proceeds to lock up the Atoka Lockup, and walks out for the day.

  Yes, he still doesn’t know how he can force Sandra to stop matching, but meeting with Sally will certainly help set the pieces in motion.

  Chapter 2: A Letter From Dandy

  Many miles north in the plains of Nebraska, Robert Parker Jr. stands in the garden patch outside the home he had built for himself and Ruth. He leans back, and wipes his brow with a handkerchief that he has started to carry with him at all times. You would not know by looking at him that he is a man worth multiple millions of dollars, as he has remained humble through his entire life, despite making himself into what he is through hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. His father, Robert Sr. had been killed during his service as an officer in the Confederate Infantry at Lookout Mountain in Tennessee.

  Junior’s wife, Ruth, was also born to a man who served in the War for Southern Independence, although he survived the war and fathered Ruth at an old age, resulting in the nearly twenty years age difference between the two.

  As he leans against his hoe, wiping his forehead with his handkerchief, Junior notices a dust cloud that is approaching them from the east. He stands there, still as a statue until a horseback man with a letter arrived.

  Five minutes later, Junior is entering the house, calling for his wife.


  “Yes, Junior!” she called back.

  “Where are you? We need to talk.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked, exiting the bedroom with a pair of Junior’s denim pants and a roll of sewing thread and needle.

  “We have a letter.”

  “Who would be sending us mail?”

  “The letter says…” Junior began, scanning the letter to see who sent it. “It says that it’s from Dandy Darby! From Coleman! Why would he be mailing us?”

  “I don’t know, baby,” Ruth answers, “You don’t think it has anything to do with our house back there, do you?”

  “Such as?”

  “I’m not sure. Why don’t you read it aloud?”

  “Okay,” Junior answered before clearing his throat and reading:

  Dear Junior,

  First of all, I hope that my letter finds you and your new wife well. Things in Coleman County have changed rather dramatically in the time that you have been gone from the area.

  First of all, I have the unhappy news of letting you know that Big Dave Butler was killed (murdered) only a few months after the two of you left. Junior, I know that you (like myself) had great respect for Dave, and I want to let you know that his death did not go unavenged, as I myself brought Doc Dawson to justice and collected the reward for his capture, dead or alive.

  Finally, the biggest reason for my letter is this, Junior: Tyson Abrams is causing serious trouble in the county. Two other men have married matches from the matchmaker—myself included—and he is doing everything he can to make life hell for us. We are at a loss for solutions, so I am forced to turn to you. If there is any way you can come back for a short time, you are the only one who can control this animal.

  I hope you can come. Please let me know,

  Coleman S. Darby (Dandy)

  “So what do you think, baby?” Junior asks Ruth.

  “I think that we need to go back.”

  “What?” Junior asks, surprised.

  “Yes…we should go back, so that you can help your friends deal with this,” she answers. “It’s only right.”

  “You know what?” Junior asks her.


  “That’s what I love about you.”


  “How you have such a well-developed sense of what is and is not the right thing to do,” he says, moving in to kiss her. The taste of his lips causes her to quiver, and she discovers that she
is incredibly aroused by the sexy form of her husband standing before her, wrestling with a difficult decision.

  Instead of pulling away when Junior does, she instead locks her hands behind his neck, and keeps him bent over to kiss her. A moment later, she sighs and removes her hand from behind his neck, and replaces it on his manhood which is throbbing with desire just as her slit becomes so moist that her desire for him becomes too great.

  Within seconds, Junior has lifted her simple prairie dress over her head, and she stands naked before him. She quickly falls to her knees, and undoes his belt-buckle, quickly freeing his pulsating shaft. She immediately begins to lick and suck at the tip of his member, moistening him while also working herself to a climax on her own.


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