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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

Page 52

by Aisha Brooks

  “You said that Junior and Ruth are coming back?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “When did you find that out?”

  “Today. Junior sent me a telegram,” he answers.

  “Okay. Do you really think that he can get that mad-man to shut up?”

  “I certainly hope so. If I could, I would arrest him, but he hasn’t broken the law yet, so I can’t take him in.”

  “Well, he will before long.”

  “I agree. And when he does, I’m going to put him underneath the jail instead of in it. Wouldn’t that be funny though?”


  “I could shut him in the Atoka Lockup.”

  “Okay, and?”

  “He’s the jailer out there.”

  “Yes, that would be funny…so where will Junior and Ruth stay when they get here?”

  “Well, I wanted to ask you…since this house was Juniors, we could let them stay with us.”

  “Yeah, that would work.”

  “Is that okay with you.”

  “Yeah,” she answers. “Look, I want to thank you, Dandy.”

  “For what?”

  “For defending me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, you once took a bullet for me, and you’ve been doing everything you can to shut up this Abrams fellow, so I want to thank you.”

  “Well, honey, I am your husband after all. It’s kind of my job.”

  “But it didn’t have to be…thank you.”

  “Honey, thank you…you’re my defender!”

  “I’m being serious!” she said, getting frustrated with him.

  “I know,” he says playfully and pulling her in for a hug. “If you want to thank me so much, you can.”

  “Good,” she responds.

  “But not verbally…” he says, grinning wickedly.

  “How then?”

  “By coming to bed with me, right now!” he says, pulling her by the hand toward the bedroom. Sarah Anne revels in her husband’s attraction to her, and immediately feels her slit begin to moisten, her lips filling with blood and becoming so sensitive that she can barely stand it.

  Dandy gently removes the only garment that she was wearing, and throws it in the corner of the bedroom, exposing her bare flesh and large, pregnant belly. He bends over and kisses the top of her stomach, where their baby is growing, its birthday quickly approaching.

  Sarah pulls his face up to hers, and kisses him deeply, as she turns and sits on the edge of the bed. Gently, Dandy lays her back, while he himself lays beside her, his left hand clenching her milk engorged breast. They continue to kiss until Sarah Anne finally lets out a soft moan of longing, and Dandy releases her mound, probing instead the growing moistness between her legs.

  As he softly slides his fingers into her, she lets out a gasp, and softly whispers, “Please baby…please fuck me…fuck me now…” which causes Dandy to stand and remove his own clothing. By now, his hunger for food has been replaced by a hunger for the sweet taste of his wife’s honey pot, and before he fills her cleft with the thickness of his erection, he pauses to suckle softly at the entrance to her passage.

  “Oh my, God!” she exclaims. “Please, don’t stop!” Dandy engulfs her nether lips with his mouth, sucking even more life into her already swollen entrance, and driving her mad at the same time. He slips his tongue into her, and she lets out a moan of ecstasy, filling his mouth with the sweet nectar that comes only from woman, and Dandy drinks his fill, lapping at every delicious drop.

  Finally, Sarah Anne’s hips are no longer rocking or rolling underneath him, and he stands, pulling her toward him at the edge of their marital bed. He gently slides the entire length of his throbbing shaft into her pulsating valley, and she is immediately consumed by powerful convulsions of orgasm once more. He starts to slowly slip in and out of her slick vessel, while her hips undulate in front of him. “Faster!” she begs him, and he obliges, hammering his virility into her with such force that her entire body moves with each thrust.

  Sarah Anne closes her eyes while her entire body is rocked by the power of her lover, who continually jams his iron pole into her again and again, without ceasing. Much as before, she can feel the power of gratification fill her, and she is unable to control herself when she screams out, “fuck me! My God, please just fuck me!”

  This arouses Dandy even more as he continually impales her with the force of freight train rolling down the line, unstoppable. He continually thrusts himself into her sex, even when it begins to quake a third time, clutching at his staff as if begging him to remain there forever.

  Finally, with a shriek that pierces the night air that surrounds their home, Sarah Anne comes to the pinnacle of pleasure a third time, drenching Dandy and their bed, soaking the entire area with the delicious scent of her folds. This alone finally brings Dandy to a climax, and with one final, powerful thrust, he explodes inside her glove, filling and then overflowing her valley with his sticky essence.

  Finally, they collapse together on the bed, neither one capable of getting up to eat the scrumptious dinner that sits on the table, getting cold.

  Chapter 7: Something Noble

  Sitting in her home, Sandra Ammor is beginning to get worried. She has not seen her journal in over three weeks, before the ruckus on McCulloch St. took place. If it fell into the wrong hands, it could easily spell the end of her matchmaking, because anyone who could read would know that she had been the one writing to young mail order brides back east, pretending to be the various men who they were going to marry.

  Of course, the best case scenario would be that she has simply misplaced her journal somewhere in the house she shares with her younger brother, and that no one would ever find that she is the matchmaker, and the worst case scenario would be that Tyson Abrams finds it and gets another mob together.

  Or that Dwight would find it.

  She swore to Dwight that she was not the matchmaker when he asked her the pointed question on McCulloch Street after he had talked down the Abrams mob several weeks ago. She had felt guilty about lying to her older brother, but she had to, didn’t she? She couldn’t let him get in the way of her noble work of bringing in some better women into this God forsaken county.

  People like that whore Sally are what is bringing the area down. Then, there are the sycophantic people like Tyson who pay lip service to the Lord, but then turn around and drink like fishes and abuse their spouses. The only way to make this community any better would be to bring in some women to marry the few good men too, who would raise their children in a genuine fear of the Lord, and thereby reform the county of its lawless and debauched ways.

  Why don’t they see that? she asks herself. Do they not realize that what I am doing is for the benefit of everyone in the county? And in the best interests of the upcoming generations? Maybe they just don’t care…well, they don’t care about what the Lord thinks, so of course they think I’m crazy.

  So far, each of the matches has resulted in a marriage, and Dandy and Sarah Anne are expecting a baby any day now! If it weren’t for Sandra, those two would have never met, and that baby wouldn’t be coming. The numb skulls in Coleman don’t realize that she, Sandra Ammor, was the reason that baby is coming into the world. She is the reason that Dandy decided to settle down and become a respectable husband. She is the reason that her brother, Dwight, has been able to recover from the trauma of dear Amanda’s death. She is the reason that Junior Parker is finally happily married to a good, Christian wife who loves him for him, instead of loving him for how fat his wallet is, and how much money she can take from him to spend on herself.

  Why can’t these people understand that she is doing something noble?

  Chapter 8: The Regular Customer

  Sally sits on the edge of the bed in her room at the Hanged Man, silently crying tears of pain and embarrassment. She may be a whore, but no woman deserves to have done to her what Tyson Abrams just did to her. Every woman should be able to
say no, regardless of what she does to take care of and provide for herself.

  The barbaric hypocrite stands by the door, a look of disgust on his face as he surveys the mess of a woman he leaves behind. “Get over yourself, whore. You’ve done worse for money,” he says, turning to leave. “Thank you for your help today. I’ll make sure you are rewarded justly for your assistance, when I have ruined that crazy woman’s ability to interfere in the dealings of the men in this community.”

  “Just get out of here, you asshole!” screams Sally. “Leave and don’t let me ever see your face again!”

  “Oh? I thought you wanted a regular customer?”

  “Not you! You are disgusting!” the woman screams through her busted lip. With an almighty blow, Tyson punched her in the face, the bones in her face shattering upon impact. She hits the floor with a dull thud, and Tyson turns to open the door.

  “See you next week, whore. And you’d better be here,” he said, ruthlessly leaving the shattered remains of the prostitute, broken and bloody on the floor of the Hanged Man’s room.

  Tyson leaves the saloon, and pays his tab with the barman before exiting. Sitting at a table playing poker is Ed Fuller, another one of the elders at the Atoka Church of God and a notorious gambler and drinker. He also used to work for Tyson as a cattleman for Junior Parker before he got fired for trying to pick drunken fights while on cattle drives.

  “Well hey there, Tyson. What are you doing in the Hanged Man?” Ed asked.

  “I wanted a drink, Ed.”

  “Don’t we all…listen, what are we going to do about this matchmaker? It’s just that Daisy’s sister is getting antsy…she is worried that there won’t be any men left to marry when the matchmaker is finished.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I know who the matchmaker is, and I will be putting a stop to this business very soon.”

  “Okay, just make sure that—“

  “I said that I will take care of it!” Tyson shouts, his eyes beginning to pop once more.

  “Okay, okay…calm down.”

  “I must go home. Do not tell anyone that I know who the matchmaker is. I must go home to Emily and Elizabeth. Good evening to you,” he says, clearly in a rush to leave the bar.

  He exits the building, and turns left to walk toward his home, just outside the limits of the community of Atoka. When he arrives, he enters his home, and sees his wife, Emily, sitting at the table. The woman looks haggard, with dark bags under her eyes. “I know who the matchmaker is,” he says.

  Emily does not say a word, but instead sits in complete silence. The poor woman simply wants him to leave her alone for one evening.

  If she can escape a beating, then it will have been a success.

  Chapter 9: Dealing With Tyson

  A week later, a large locomotive puffs to a stop at the main platform of the Coleman Station of the Gulf, Colorado, & Santa Fe Railway, white steam billowing behind the series of train cars. When it finally comes to a full and complete stop, men begin to unload the various cargo holds of the freight, while other men remove the sacks of mail from the mail car. The fourth car doors open, and the only two passengers on the train exit and walk lazily over to the postmaster’s booth. The man knocks on the door, and Sandra Ammor opens the door.

  “Junior! Ruth! How have y’all been?” she hollers out.

  “We’ve been fine,” Junior answers. “Just fine. Are Dandy and Dwight here? They were supposed to be meeting us.”

  “We’re here, Junior,” Dwight says from the corner, standing to shake his hand.

  “Great! Where’s Dandy at?”

  “I’m not sure. He probably couldn’t get away from the hoosegow in time.”

  “What? Dandy’s in jail?”

  “Yeah, but not on that side of the bars. He’s chief deputy for the Sheriff these days.”

  “That’s great!” Junior says, “I know that he wanted that for a long time.”

  “Yeah, he has,” Dandy says from the doorway, smiling.

  “Dandy! Where the hell did you come from!” Junior hollers, grabbing the younger man’s hand and wringing it.

  “I couldn’t come without the missus,” Dandy responds, grinning from ear to ear. “Junior, this is my wife, Sarah Anne, and our baby,” he says, rubbing his wife’s stomach tenderly.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sarah Anne,” Junior says, “and this is my lovely bride, Ruth,”

  “Hello everyone!” she says, beaming, taking Sarah Anne’s hand, and turning to Pauline. “And you are?”

  “I’m sorry! Junior…Ruth, this is Pauline, my new wife,” Dwight says, quickly introducing her. Ruth and Pauline shake hands, the two youngest women there.

  “Now, I hate to break up this cozy catch-up session, everyone,” Sandra cuts in, “but I have work to do. Shoo!”

  When everyone is outside, Junior turns to Dwight and says “I see that your sister hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “Not one jot,” Dwight responds, shaking his head.

  “So, Dwight…I hate to ask, but before we go find Tyson, I simply have to know…what exactly happened to Big Dave…and Amanda?”

  “Well,” Dwight says, rubbing his forehead. “Dave was murdered.”


  “Yeah…his body was found with a note on it from Doc Dawson.”

  “The cattle rustler?”

  “The very same,” Dandy answers Junior. “To get at me.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Yeah…after you left, I started working for Dave. He said that a rustler was stealing his cattle, so he asked me and the Garret boys to stop him.”

  “Jefferson and Davis?”

  “Yeah…well, they didn’t listen to me, and got shot. I was…indisposed.”


  “Well, Dawson went to Dave’s house and killed him, and left a note for me, and I had to kill him.”

  “He didn’t just kill Dawson,” Dwight interjects. “He met him in the middle of the street and beat him to the quick draw!”

  “Wow,” Ruth says.

  “Don’t make it into something it wasn’t, now Dwight,” Dandy says. “All it takes is being the fastest once. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, I’m the one lying dead in the dirt. I was just faster that one time, and it was the one time I needed to be.”

  “What about Amanda?” Junior asks.

  “Well, it was raining the day of Dave’s funeral, and a few days later, she took to a cold. Within a week, it had developed into fully fledged pneumonia. She died a month later.”

  “I’m sorry,” Junior and Ruth say together.

  “It’s okay, now,” Dwight says. “If I hadn’t lost Amanda, I wouldn’t be where I am now, and I wouldn’t have this beautiful woman,” he says, hugging Pauline with one arm. “I’m not saying that I love Pauline more or less than Amanda, but I am saying that God’s got a plan in everything, and that’s why I am so angry with Tyson.


  “Yeah, Tyson…what’s he been doing?” Junior asks.

  “Well, the pompous asshole formed a mob to run Pauline and I out of town!” Sarah Anne exclaims. “The little prick is so pissed that he can’t control everyone that he formed a mob, and that damned nigger whore tried to say that my husband was her man before I came around.”

  “It was kind of funny when my beautiful wife went off on Sally,” Dandy says, smirking.

  “What did you say?” Ruth asks.

  “Well, I told her that I didn’t take her man, because she was nothing but a God damned whore that my husband fucked until he met me!” Sarah Anne exclaims, her vulgarity causing Ruth and Pauline to blush. Sarah Anne surely was a spitfire.

  “Well, I suppose we’d better go find Tyson,” Junior says.

  “What are you going to do?” Dwight asks.

  “I’m going to remind him of why he isn’t able to talk bad on anyone…because I know what he’s done. If he doesn’t promise to keep his mouth shut, let’s just say that Pastor Bill is going to find out why I was a
gainst Tyson’s election as an elder.”

  Chapter 10: Happy Endings

  It didn’t take Junior and the boys long to find Tyson. Ruth, Pauline, and Sarah Anne stayed behind at Dandy and Sarah Anne’s house (Junior’s old ranch house), because they would likely only inflame the situation more than it needed to be. Dandy, Junior, and Dwight entered into the Hanged Man Saloon, and sat at the bar, and ordered three whiskeys. While their backs were turned, Tyson entered the saloon, immediately causing a ruckus.


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