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The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1)

Page 16

by Zara Novak

  After, they lay in the dim light of the room together for what felt like hours more, and he drew the tips of his fingers up and down her body, tracing every curve and every line. They fell into a deep sleep together, and when they woke they were on each other once more, his body answering every call of her mind.

  They went like that for an eternity, only stopping to eat or sleep or bathe, most of the time disturbing these activities with the uncontrollable lust they felt for each other.

  Eventually they finally felt the fever subsiding, and the itching heat that prickled through both of their bodies faded away, until the world came back into focus a little, and their libidos returned to a more normal level, albeit still far above normal.

  After having her pussy fucked by his tongue in the shower, Claire dried herself off at her dresser, watching Eric as he wrapped the firm muscles of his torso in the coal black shirt and jeans that fit him so well. She smiled at him and placed a hand over her stomach, looking down and wondering, hoping, that maybe she might be carrying a child of his.

  Claire looked up into the mirror once more and was startled to see Eric standing behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, she dropped her head back against his chest and sighed in content.

  “You’re wondering if you’re pregnant.” He said with a soft smile.

  “I thought you weren’t reading my mind anymore.”

  “Again. I don’t have to read your mind to know what you’re thinking.”

  “When will I know?” She asked, turning to face him as he sat on the bed. Their hands twined together as they faced each other. “How will we know? We don’t just do a test do we?”

  “We’ll know soon.” He said. “Trust me.”

  Claire looked down at the floor then back at Eric. “I’m worried that you got it wrong somehow, and that I’m not what you thought I was.”

  There was silence between them for a moment as he listened to her.

  “What if I’m not a breeder?” Claire asked. “What if I’m just a regular human? Then all this was for nothing.”

  “Even if that was the case, I’d still love you until the day I die.”

  She tried to find the right words, and realized there was only one thing she really wanted to say. “I love you too.”

  Her heart fluttered in her chest a million miles an hour. Eric knelt forward and kissed her. His lips lingered on hers, and her heart swelled with happiness.

  “Even if that was the case.” Eric repeated. “Which it’s not. You are definitely a breeder my darling Claire. You smell much too delicious to be a regular human.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes, and whatever happens I love you either way.”

  “I love you too.” She said. “I love you too.”

  Three Months Later

  “So you’re probably all wondering why we gathered you here.” Claire stood next to Eric, and they shared a passing glance, before looking back at the family sat around them.

  “I certainly am,” Veronica quipped, “I’m supposed to be going out hunting, come on already!”

  “Simmer down Veronica.” Atticus flicked his eyes at his daughter. “Continue Claire.”

  “Well,” Claire took a deep breath and felt Eric’s hand tighten around her own. “Eric and I have known for some time, but we wanted to keep it secret for a while just to be sure-”

  Before Claire could finish the rest of her sentence, Sophia had pushed her chair back from the table. “No…” Her arms were locked out straight and her expression was frozen in anticipation.

  “Yes…” Claire continued. “I’m pregnant, Eric and I are expecting!”

  For a second the family were frozen, like a trio of perfect marble statues seated around a table. Claire end Eric exchanged another look. Claire whispered to Eric. “Are they broken?”

  “I knew it!”

  The room exploded into an orchestra of screaming and cheering, Sophia spearheaded the celebration by jumping up from the table and running to meet Claire with a big hug. Veronica and Atticus had risen to their feet too, coming to meet Claire and Eric with a little more restraint. Atticus took Eric’s hand and placed a hand on his shoulder, while Veronica pried Sophia off Claire to deliver her own hug.

  “Congratulations son. I’m extremely proud.”

  “Thanks Atticus.” Eric beamed at his father, looking to the eyes of the man that had carried out this very journey but a few centuries before. Their father-son moment was broken apart by the flying dwarf that was Sophia, who came crashing into Eric, her arms swallowing him whole.

  “I knew you could do it brother! You’re not a complete waste of space!”

  “Hey easy now. That’s no way to greet the reigning leader of the Belmont family.” Eric laughed as he pushed Sophia off him. Veronica simply stood before him nodding.

  “Congratulations Eric, I know we don’t always see eye to eye on things, but this is the start of a new era within the Belmont family. I will give my life for these kids, you have my word at that.”

  Eric held Veronica’s gaze with respect. “Thank you sister. That means a lot.”

  “Now for names.” Veronica began. “I’m thinking Veronica.”

  Atticus scoffed. “No, come now. Their grandfather Atticus would be much more suitable surely…”

  The bickering was interrupted by the cheering and bawling of Sophia, who was running around the room, punching the air and screaming. “Baby vampire! Baby vampire! When was the last time you saw a baby vampire?!”

  Claire and Eric couldn’t help but laugh at the mixture of reactions from the family.

  “Well actually…”

  Claire tried to get the attention of the room, but from Sophia’s manic celebration and Atticus and Veronica’s heated discussion of what a suitable name would be, no one was taking any notice. Eric took it upon himself to reign in his wild family.

  “Listen up!”

  Atticus and Veronica broke their debate and Sophia stopped mid cheer. “That’s not all we have to say, we have more news on top of that.”

  “Well, well.” Veronica raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. “Spit it out then, what could top a baby?”

  Eric looked at Claire and nodded. Claire smiled at him, and looked at the family once more, twisting her fingers together in nerves.

  “Well that’s just it.” Claire said timidly. “It’s not just one baby. We’re having triplets.”

  Eric and Claire couldn’t help but laugh as they watched the reaction unfold all over again, albeit amplified this time. Atticus’s pale expression seemed to grow whiter still, and he stood there with his jaw flapping.

  “I can’t believe it…” His voice trailed off. “This is spectacular news!”

  Even the icy faced Veronica couldn’t help but crack a smile. She nodded at Atticus and shook her head in disbelief. “What he said. I can’t believe it. Congratulations love birds. I’m happy for you.”

  In the background Sophia’s voice started up again, louder and more jubilant this time.

  “Baby vampires! Plural! Can you believe it!”

  The group erupted in laughter as Sophia resumed her kinetic celebration. Atticus and Veronica broke into another argument about names. Claire felt Eric’s hand tugging at her hand, he pulled her to the side of the room, leaving the family to react to the news in their own way.

  “I think that went rather well.” Eric said. “For my family anyway.”

  “Agreed.” Claire stared up at her pale beauty in adoration, lost in the twinkling red pools of his soul. Their hands twined together and she leaned into him, falling against the solid oak of his torso as he embraced her. His lips grazed her forehead, she closed her eyes and smiled, smelling his musk as she breathed in.

  His hand brushed over her stomach.

  “I can’t wait to meet them.” He said.

  “Me neither.”

  They turned to the window and looked upon the valley below, their story was just beginning.

Elsewhere, later.

  The Witch walked through the thick bracken of the jungle, cursing the heat and humidity of the hell she had come to suffer the last few weeks. Her pilgrimage had been a long one, but worthwhile. She delivered the message that none other knew.

  Her contact had taken some time to return her message, once she had her reply she had set off at once, knowing that her journey would take a long time. One couldn’t simply walk into the council of elders - one needed an invite. Her news was sufficient enough. Her welcome had come quickly as she had expected.

  She was at the last of her strength, having used her magic to carry her up the river and across the valley. She had been attacked by something on the border of the ancient ground. Half beast, half demon. She did not know what it was and she did not care, all she knew is that it was some ancient dread conjured up to protect the temple of her clan.

  The bush receded finally, and she saw the decrepit shine of her temple poking up among the dark vines of the twisted jungle floor. Stray shafts of light broke through the thick canopy above. The ever present cry of the howler monkey wasn’t heard here, nor was the constant shrill of the cricket or the heavy wings of the large tropical flies. The clearing stood in perfect silence, even the wind didn’t dare to brush through this dark part of the jungle.

  She pulled the back of her hand across her forehead, trying to keep the sheets of sweat from dripping over her brow. Her ebony skin shone in the tropical heat. She entered the temple, using the very last of her magic to open her night eyes. The dark recess of the temple shadow grew bright in her vision as if it were under daylight.

  She walked the path, taking care not to trip over the broken sandstone slabs, trying her hardest to remember the way. It didn’t take long for her to remember. She felt the pull of the grand council guiding her all the while.

  Before long she’d navigated the dark maze of corridors that lay hiding under the earth of the jungle. The dark and cramped corridor gave way to a large underground room, which was supported by pillars on all sides. A small opening in the ceiling some distance above granted the only source of light, which drifted down to the floor in a dim shaft.

  The pillar of light illuminate three hooded figures, who sat cross legged in a row on a raised section of the floor. Ezra ascended the steps that led to the podium and knelt before the figures.

  “You made it.” said the first.

  “Yes.” Ezra answered. “I’ve journeyed far my Queens. I bare important news.”

  The figure in the center pulled her hood back first, accompanied then by the two on either side of her. Ezra cast her eyes down to the floor in shock, not wanting to waste the ageless beauty of her Elder Queens on her mere immortal eyes.

  “You may look upon us servant. There is no quarrel here.”

  Ezra obeyed the command of her Queen and looked up with uncertainty. The swirling white eyes of the elder looked back at her, glowing with the ancient earth magic behind them.

  The figure on the left spoke, her voice whistling with the same velvet smoke of the first.

  “You spoke of great news, regarding the Vrakale prophecy?”

  “Aye my lady.” Ezra cast eyes quickly upon the gaze of the second elder, before looking back to the ground out of habit. Each woman was as beautiful, mysterious and terrifying as the last. “I believe I have witnessed the start of the prophecy, this could be the beginning of the end.”

  “What are you guardian to? What end do you speak of?”

  “Vampire my lady.” Ezra explained, cursing her forgetfulness. “It is the prophecy that foresees the end of man and vampire.”

  The third elder spoke. “Vampire?”

  “Yes. Sorry my lady.” Ezra addressed the other elder quickly. “Vampire. They are what you once knew as Vrakale. Things have changed… the world is different.”

  “Very well.” Spoke the lady in the center. “Tell us of your message. What makes you think the prophecy has come to be?”

  “There was a breeder. A human female. A member of the house that I protect, a male vampire - he has reproduced with her.”

  The central lady on the podium sat forward. Curiosity glimmered over her perfect expression, her face almost glowing in the dark like fire.

  “You are certain?” The azure eyes of the elder widened at the implication of the witch’s words.

  “Yes my lady. And she has given birth to three vampire children.”

  All three of the elders sat forward now. They looked between each other and back to Ezra. Ezra kept her eyes held on the ground, but she heard the staring of their movement.

  “And you are sure this is the sign, guardian Ezra?”

  “It is the first.” Ezra answered. “According to the scripture. Three sisters, born in one generation - separated at birth, each human, each breeders to the Vrakale bloodline.”

  “Very interesting.” Said the central lady. “Do we know who these other two sisters are?”

  “No.” Ezra answered honestly. “We have no idea my lady, but if they fell into the wrong hands…”

  “…it could be the end of us all.” Answered the voices of her elders. Silence beat in the temple for a moment before her leader spoke once more.

  “Very well. We must send you back Ezra. We will return to the mother earth to do so. You oversaw the first. The prophecy states there is one guardian for three.”

  “Yes.” Ezra nodded quickly, understanding the full implication of the words.

  “Remember your mission when you wake child. Let destiny guide she as she did for the first. You have served us well with your life. Now we must take it.”

  “Yes my-”

  Ezra’s words choked in her throat, as the hand of her leader shot up in the air. The figures remained cross legged, their perfect faces expressionless.

  Ezra lifted into the air, clinging at her throat and kicking her legs into the dark as she felt the life force draining from her body.

  A second later she fell to the floor as a corpse. She looked down upon her body through the eyes of her soul. She looked back to the podium and saw the blinding light. The true forms of the elder Queens. Their voices breathed through every atom of the air, as they spoke to her one last time.

  “Destiny will guide you now, relax and close your eyes. When you wake you will be in your new body, and your mission will begin again. Find the next daughter, protect her, it is paramount for our very existence…”

  She closed her eyes, and felt the warmth of the Gaea take her body into the unknown, when she opened them again, there would be white - and life would begin again a new.

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