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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

Page 12

by Claire Plaisted

  Making their way upstairs they stood between their bedrooms; Mal pulled her into his embrace tracing kisses from her ear to her lips, once there they stilled before whispering across her lips. Her arms crept around his shoulders into his wavy hair, pressing her body closer kissing him ardently. Moving the angle of his head, he sucked on her bottom lip making her sigh opening her mouth. Quickly he plunged inside tasting her sweetness, his tongue flicking over her teeth. She was quick to follow suit.

  Her breasts grew taut and heavy as she pressed harder against his chest. He cupped her bottom into him where she could now feel his hard length throbbing against her stomach. Pulling back with a moan, they backed into Ana’s room, shutting the door tumbling onto the large four-poster bed.

  “God Mal you feel fantastic,” he laughed quietly catching her face with his hands, kissing her thoroughly making her wanton body arch towards him as blood surged through her. She felt damp and wet between her thighs, her excitement growing. Ana’s fingers trembled as she unfastened his shirt; Mal trailed kisses down to her throat between her comely breasts straining against the silk fabric holding them. Her nipples tightened as his eyes caressed. Slowly he undid a couple of her buttons before unfastening the front hook of her bra, releasing her breasts to his eager fingers.

  “I do enjoy your bra’s opening at the front Ana,” he said moulding her breasts with is hands. A thumb and finger tweaking her nipples, tugging and twisting. Ana moaned when Mals’s mouth took a nipple, pulling it gently between his teeth before sucking hard. Ana arched in response trying to get him closer crying out as sensations shot to places she’d forgotten existed. Her hands fell from his shirt to his waist where she slid them over his taut buttocks massaging them enjoying the feel of his throbbing erection against her stomach.

  “You feel good Mal,” she groaned, “you’d feel better with fewer clothes on. Oh god,” she sighed as he got her other nipple between his teeth.

  “You taste wonderful Ana.” Mal sat up slightly undoing the rest of his buttons before tugging his shirt over his head. His smooth hard chest rippled in the dim light as he watched her remove her blouse and bra. Her breasts were perfect for his hands; he loved to touch them. Flicking a thumb over her nipples, she shuddered under his expertise.

  “I need you now Malachy,” she whispered.

  “Soon my lovely Ana, first I’m going to explore. You’ve such a beautiful body.”

  Sitting beside her he slowly removed her trousers massaging her long legs on the way down to her feet, enjoying the silky sensation of her satin smooth skin. Kissing his way back until he reached her nub, stroking her he felt her wet silky panties.

  “You’re so wet Ana,” he murmured as he caressed her more firmly, making her whimper. Slipping a finger under her panties touching her hot core, finding her nub she jerked her hips off the bed.

  “Mal,” she moaned tossing her head from side to side.

  Slowly he removed her panties flicking them over his shoulder before looking down at her glorious black curls. His eyes trailed up her body stopping at her breasts, then continuing to her face. Ana’s body shook with desire as she lay naked under Mal’s intense gaze. Reaching out she touched his erection making him moan, throbbing harder.

  “Take your trousers off Mal, I need to see you, touch you,” she urged. He stood letting his pants and boxers fall to the floor, his erection standing proud; throbbing hard at her intense gaze, she licked her lips. “Come here Mal,” her eyes raked his hard muscular body stopping at his thick hard length.

  Mal crawled back on the bed until his shaft touched her side. Breathing deeply, she leant up taking him in her hands. He was as hard as steel with a softness she’d never forget. Slowly she began to move her hand up and down his erection, flicking her thumb over the tip making him jerk.

  “Ana,” he sighed “feels so bloody good,” he leant forward, taking a breast in his mouth letting her continue to play. His hands stroked her folds occasionally; touching her nub making her jerk. Their breathing hitching as their pleasure climbed.

  “God, I need to be inside you Ana, I want you to wrap your hot wet heat around me before I explode.”

  Moving between her legs, she lifted her knees. He caught her hands holding them to one side of her head while he stroked her harder making her squirm. Panting, she looked at him, hot desire flashing into her eyes, “Mal, I’m not going to stand much more of this,” she groaned. He pushed a finger inside her. Wriggling his finger, she nearly exploded when her muscles started clenching tightly around him. She finally screamed as she shot to the heavens. Next minute he was lapping her up drinking her juices, building her up again. “Yea gods Mal please now,” she cried out.

  Removing his finger, he sat up. His shaft at her entrance he looked at her as she raised her hips; grabbing them he swiftly pushed inside in one hard thrust nearly pushing her over the edge. He stilled, enjoying the sensations of her tight sheath clenching his throbbing shaft. Leaning over, he nibbled on her breasts before beginning to move. Slowly he started to thrust deeply closing his eyes. Ana watched the bliss on his face as he held her firmly pushing slowly and deep. Smiling, she clenched him each time he withdrew, making him groan softly.

  “God; I need more of you Ana, you feel so fucking good,”

  Thrusting his cock faster, sliding it up against her spot, making her muscles clench tighter. Lifting her hips higher, she encircled his waist pushing up to him as he thrust inside, senses heightening, needs pressing them closer to orgasm. Mal stroked her nub making her scream her orgasm exploded. Plunging a few more times his body tensed and he joined her with a loud groan. His seed rushing into her for what seemed like eternity coating her walls until he finally shuddered to a stop. Mal fell onto his elbows either side of her body, in exhaustion.

  Looking deeply into her eyes, he said, “Ana, you’re the only one who can take all of me.”

  “Mmmm,” she replied happily, wriggling her bottom, feeling him stir inside her, “you ready to go again?” she grinned wickedly.

  “Hell yeah, all night will do me, Ana,” he laughed quietly taking a nipple between his lips making her body shiver with excitement.

  They were woken abruptly at six the next morning with a hammering on Ana’s door.

  “You’re needed urgently at the training centre, the pair of you; something has gone down I’ve no idea what they wouldn’t say,” shouted Abigail anxiously through the door. “Hurry up,” she hammered again.

  “Tell them we’ll be there in ten minutes Abigail.”

  “Fine, make sure you grab a cup of coffee on your way out.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Quickly dressing, running downstairs, grabbing coffee they took off down the secret entrance to see what was happening.


  Chaos ensued at the centre; people were all over the place running frantically towards the communications hub, the emergency alarm was blaring away until Malachy turned it off as they walked into the madness. Everyone froze turning to look at the boss as he stalked through the throng pulling Anastasia along behind him as he approached the double doors he stopped, Ana colliding with him.

  “Back to your stations everyone. I’ll inform you immediately if you are needed. Excuse us we will get to the bottom of this problem as quickly as possible.” Turning again, he barged through the doors practically dragging Ana.

  “Now what’s the emergency that couldn’t wait? It had better be good,” he demanded of the closest person.

  “Sir, someone is hacking into our system, efficiently and quickly. Personally I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  “Ana; ring for Cameron and Grace. Get them down here now.” Turning to the agent who’d spoken, “are there any experts in the new group of trainees? I need know if a trainee here could’ve set this up or can beat this hacking.”

  “It’s an outside job sir, no one from inside is doing this.”

  “What’s the second item?”

  The man gulped, thanking the Lord t
he boss was here. The nightmare had just begun. “There are four people dead at Haven Pharmaceuticals sir.”

  “Oh crap, what the fuck’s he done now,” dragging his fingers through his hair he turned to Ana. “Get the secure room ready, let Yuri and Quin know what we need. I want Matt and Anders,” he looked around, “Deb you too please.”

  “On it now Mal, give me ten minutes.”

  “Right, since you’re the one who told me what’s happening,” he narrowed his eyes, then smiled, “Tomas, you can join us too; make sure you bring the details. We need to sort this out.”

  “Y-yes sir,” Tomas replied, hurrying off to get the reports.

  Ten minutes later, all cleared and sitting Malachy entered with a question. “Ok, since we’ve a hacker attacking us how can we tell this death situation at Haven Pharmaceuticals is true?”

  “Sir, we’ve double-checked the link; this came straight from our central office; the name Fletcher attached to the incident.”

  “Ok fine. I want a link straight through to Haven Pharmaceuticals CEO; we’ll take things from there.”

  Yuri stood dialling in the information through an encrypted program. Malachy stood as the video cleared showing the CEO.

  “Morning Malachy, we have a situation here. I’m not sure how bad it is.”

  “We’ve had a missive from your Assistant Security Chief; you have four dead, please tell me what’s going on?”

  He blanched suddenly grasping the seriousness of the situation. “I’ll have to get back to you. Information is still coming into my office. If you could send, some of your security people in we’ll get a quicker understanding of what happened.”

  “Thank you. We’re keeping this line clear for you.” The video closed, and Malachy sat down looking at Yuri. “Organise Tallon and McDaniel’s to get to Haven.”

  “Yes boss, on it now,” said Yuri.

  “Right Tomas, what do we know about this hacker and where it’s coming from?”

  “At the moment we’re tracing it back to its origin. It’s jumping all over the ruddy world. We hope to have an origin soon.”

  “Ok, have we lost anything vital?”

  “They attacked agent database that’s triple encoded, so we don’t think they know what they have yet. Unless they’re geniuses then, there’s no way they’ll break it completely.”

  “Anything else hacked.”

  “They went after some old assignments.”

  “Which ones were hit?”

  “Most are old cases of Anastasia’s. Again, they’re encoded, however, not as heavily; they could break them within days.”

  “Well, fuck. It’s finally all coming together,” Mal muttered slamming his fist on the table making them jump. “Ana you’re staying here for the time being, make sure you have Yuri or Quin with you if you go outside the compound.”

  “I can take care of myself, Mal,” she grumbled.

  “Yeah, but I’m fed up with people taking pot shots at us.” Pulling in a deep breath, he spoke to Deb, Matt and Anders. “Yesterday Deb you researched a company called Truit & Haier Engineering. I want you to dig out all you can on the company, dig as deep as you can. I’ve a feeling there is a connection to a case Ana’s worked on. I’ll give you more details of which remain in this room. The research will be conducted from this room only since the system is separate from the one under attack.”

  “Yes sir,” they replied in unison. A knock on the door and an agent gave a report to Tomas just as the door was closing Cameron, and Grace walked inside.

  “Glad you’re here guys. I need you both in the communications hub to take the hacker apart. Protect what you can. Tomas will give you details shortly.”

  “Looks like the hacker’s not far sir,” said Tomas.

  Mal and Ana looked at each other, “Truit,” they groaned. Turning back to Tomas Mal replied. “Take Cameron and Grace, bring them up to date and get them working fast. If you get the hacker, ID let them know. Yuri, get your security team ready. I’d like to know what is going on at the Johnson house, low profile of course. Keep in touch, let us know.”

  “Is there anything in particular you want to know about the company sir?” asked Debbie.

  “Yes dig into the family names of the men involved, find out who the hidden scientist is though I think I can answer that myself. I need to be sure. I want background checks done on employees who have or are working there. You may need to talk to Enrique at some stage about women who were part of an experiment if, as I think it’s, the same company. There’re too many coincidences for my liking.”

  “Right Ana, let’s go and get some breakfast. Hell of a way to start the day.”

  Everyone gathered what they needed leaving the three agents to their research.

  In the canteen Ana quietly asked. “You don’t think Fletch could have left a loophole for someone to get in while he was training do you?”

  “I can’t see how Ana, trainees’ aren’t allowed in the communications hub. As far as I know he was never cleared for access. I’ll get it checked out.”

  “Sir a message from Haven Pharmaceuticals,” said Tomas

  “Already, what’s the update then?”

  “Three dead one severely injured. The dead are. Jarvis, a top scientist, two security men, seriously injured is the assistant chief of security.”

  “What,” Mal exploded from his chair, “shit this can’t be happening.”

  “Tomas get Quin here now; we need to get over to Haven Pharmaceuticals as fast as possible,” commanded Ana.

  “Y-yes Ana,” he stuttered rushing off.

  “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Is it possible someone double-crossed Fletch?”

  “I can’t see how.”

  “Your car’s ready boss,” announced Quin ten minutes later.

  “It’s going to be a long day, let’s go. Go to the airfield Quin we’ll take the chopper, Haven has a landing pad.”

  “Right you are boss.”

  The chopper lifted off the ground, Mal at the controls; soon they were travelling across empty fields and hills. It took an hour to get to Haven Pharmaceutical. Shutting down the engine Mal, and Ana jumped down out of the chopper before the blades stopped twirling.

  “The CEO is this way, sir.”

  “Thanks, after we’ve spoken I want to go to where the incident took place.”

  “Yes sir. I’ll make arrangements right away.”

  Entering the office complex they all shook hands. “Not a great way to meet Malachy; however, it’s good to meet the man in charge.”

  “Latest details please,” he asked, “apologies, this needs sorting quickly.”

  “Yes of course. My top scientist is dead. Jarvis was a good man, married with four children. He was working on the virus involving your agency. He’s a sad loss. Two security personnel, who’ve been with this company for many years, were both shot dead. I’ve video of the incident for you to view. Our new Assistant Chief tried to save Jarvis, which is why he was so severely injured.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Here watch this.” A screen lowered behind him as a video of the shoot-out proceeded.

  The two security men hadn’t stood a chance; both got bullets in the brain before they could say boo to a goose. The men turned the corner slashing a security card through the lock before entering the lab where Fletcher and Jarvis were. Fletcher saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Shock on his face, he grabbed Jarvis diving for the floor, shots flying over their shoulders, glass smashing. Fletcher’s head appeared gun in hand he took in the situation. Rolling away from Jarvis to take the fire away from him, he got behind a bench shooting at the legs of one of the hostile men. A man collapsed with a scream.

  “Get the fucking virus,” he yelled at the other man. Crawling across the floor towards Jarvis the man shot him in the leg.

  “Fletcher for god’s sake,” he screamed in agony, “hit the emergency, close this place down,” Jarvis screamed again.
  “I can’t get at it, Jarvis.”

  “If they get the virus we’re all fucking dead.”

  “Then I’d better make sure they don’t.”

  More shots fired; Fletcher tried to fight the men off. The men needed a finger and an eye to scan to get into the next lab. Looking around the end of the bench, he shot Fletcher in the shoulder, throwing him backwards. Taking their chances, the men hauled Jarvis out from under his desk. Grinning evilly one man removed a knife from its sheath and proceeded to chop Jarvis’s thumb off. Jarvis screamed in agony. Fletcher moved back into the picture taking a shot in the man shoulder and hitting the same guy in the back. Cursing, the man turned shooting at Fletcher rapidly; bullets flew; hitting him three times putting Fletcher down permanently.

  “Now for the eye,” snarled the man.”

  “Noooo,” Jarvis screamed in terror.

  “Enough,” he said shooting him in the heart he dug his knife into Jarvis’s eye socket cutting the cord. “Shit, I hate blood, you ok H?”

  “Fuck, got two bullets. Hurry up get the fucking vial so we can get out of here.”

  The man entered the next lab, picking up a vial kicking Fletcher on the way out. Walking past his partner, he looked saying ‘sorry’ and shot him in the head. H quickly slouched over Jarvis’s body. The man then disappeared from the screen.

  The CEO closed off the video, his face white with strain. “How the hell did they get in, never mind out. Where was the rest of security?” ask Malachy, “Did he get the virus or not? What was in the vial he took? I need answers.”

  “You’re not the only one Malachy,” the CEO said angrily. “I have a crime scene team in there now. I’ve no idea if he got the correct vial or not. The vials in the lab are dangerous. That’s why they are highly protected. I’ll have to re-evaluate security.” A knock sounded at the door, “yes what now,” he said tiredly.”

  “Detective Moran sir, he’d like a word.”

  “Fine; send him in please Samuel,” he said. “Could you take Malachy and Ana down to the lab?”


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