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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

Page 16

by Claire Plaisted

  Walking into the cottage Ana found it was later than she thought. Abby started tutting and fussing over her, taking her coat ushering her into the lounge where a plate of sandwiches awaited her.

  “I’ll just get your coffee, Ana.”

  “Stop fussing Abby,” she sighed settling in a comfy chair.”

  “You know I love to fuss,” Abby beamed as she left the room.

  Leaning her head back, she tried not to think about her morning. Soon she slept only awakening by a gentle kiss on the lips. Lifting her arms dreamily, she smacked them into a hard body, making her bounce to her feet positioning herself in attack mode.

  “Hey, I surrender,” Mal waved his hands.

  “Never,” she muttered, “never wake a sleeping woman.”

  “You looked soabsolutely adorable Ana,” he grinned.

  “Whatever. What do you want.”

  “Still grouchy I see,” he replied, raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, if you had a Mr Truit encounter, then you’d be a bit cranky too.”

  “What did he want?”

  “Romance, what do you think,” she said relaxing her stance pushing her hair out of her eyes.

  “You have to be joking!”

  “Sadly no,” she sighed.

  “That’s just bloody sick. I get my hands on the bastard I’ll…”

  “Think I’ll get there first Mal.”

  “Lunch is ready, come eat and I’ll give you an update.” Her stomach rumbled making Mal smile, “Your body agrees Ana.”

  The security team watched as Mr Truit arrived back at the old Johnson house; he seemed happy unloading some rose bushes. His Butler Hayes came out helping him; they couldn’t hear their conversation from this distance, just the laughter as they entered the house. Every two hours they updated Yuri. It wasn’t until five pm that evening when a van screeched to a stop, men tumbling out. All dressed in black fatigues; guns and bags slung over their shoulders. Lining up, they walked to the door that now stood open. Each gave Mr Truit a hi-five as they assembled in the house. They counted twelve men in all.

  “Get this info relayed now Mitch.”

  “Yes Hank.”

  “Tell Yuri reinforcements needed with weaponry, and we’re awaiting orders,” Hank said. “Clint set up the laser mic so we can listen in, record everything.”

  “All set Hank.”

  Inside the house, Truit was marshalling his men into the soundproof basement, welcoming them all, slapping their backs. Each one, an old comrade of his son from the time he served in the Marines. Truit promised them payback for the loss of their Second Lieutenant, who died in US friendly fire. Each man had left the Marines, though still using the skills they’d acquired, suing them in various security areas of employment.

  “Well men, thank you for coming to help me. Here are your lodgings for the next few days while the final details are taken care of.”

  “Good enough, Mr Truit,” said one man.

  “Tis good to be back in the game,” another smiled.

  “So when do we get the details?”

  “Show down’s in two day’s men. I’ll make sure you know those details in time.”

  “So what happens in the meantime?”

  “Look around you men! Kitchen, training and weights room, dorms, etc. Enjoy.”

  Of course, none of this was heard by the security team surrounding the house. Hank picked up the thermal imagining camera aiming at the house.

  “What the hell?”

  “What’s matter?” Clint asked.

  “Only one body in the house, oh hang on, there are two more. Look like we have a cold spot, smart ass, bloody good job we saw those men go in.”

  “Yuri’s sending in reinforcements,” said Mitch.

  “So how the hell are we going to listen in, ah shit,” he exclaimed.

  “Not much we can do about it. Relay to the men that the basement is shielded.”

  “Who do you think they are?”

  “Ex-Marines by looks of things Clint, possibly men we knew and worked with. I fucking hate it when this happens.”


  “Exactly,” muttered Hank, “Clint anything on the voice recorder?”

  “All quiet right now.”

  “Mitch let Yuri know we need building plans, we need to know what we’re going to be up against.”

  “Consider it done.”

  Fletcher slowly opened his eyes, groaning quietly, looking up blearily at the ceiling seeing nothing but white. The light was low. He moved to sit up grunting in pain.

  “Fuck,” he muttered through dry lips.

  “You want some water Fletch,” said a voice.

  “Who’re you, what, where the fuck am I.”

  “It’s Tallon, security. We’ve been keeping an eye on you for the last couple of days.”

  “What the fuck happened.”

  “Hey, take it easy man, you were shot several times.”

  “Water?” he whispered.

  “Yeah, here you go, I’ll call the doctor.”

  “Thanks, that’s better,” Fletcher said licking his lips, “why all the security?’

  “Will let Malachy explain that one Fletch.”

  “My assignment, shit the Vial?” He muttered, “Crap did those dickheads get the vial?”

  “They got a vial apparently, no idea which one yet.”

  “Shit,” he muttered, “the guy uses morons for brains.”

  Tallon raised an eyebrow at that without responding. The doctor walked in, checking his vital signs, pleased with Fletcher’s progress.

  “Good to see you awake at last. We were all getting worried for a while there. I’ll let your family know; they’re eager to visit.” With that, he left.

  “I don’t have any fucking family. What the hell’s he on about?”

  “I wouldn’t have a clue.”

  “Brilliant,” he sighed as sleep claimed him.

  Mal got both calls within moments of each other. Still at the cottage with Ana, he strode to the study slamming the door behind him grimacing as he listened first to Yuri and then to Tallon.

  “Yuri, keep everyone on red alert in the compound; nobody is to leave other than you and your men. Let me know if you get a clearer idea of what’s going down.”

  “Yes boss. Hank says they were Ex Marines, going to have to be careful with this one.”

  “Crap. Do what you can Yuri, in fact, do what you have to.”

  “Yes boss.”

  Mal switched his phone to the other caller.

  “Yes Tallon?”

  “Fletcher woke up for a short while.”

  “Was he coherent?”

  “Yes, to a degree, he did mutter that ‘some guy hires morons for brains’ that was about it, boss.”

  “Thanks. Did the doctor give him the all clear?”

  “He told Fletcher his family could visit and walked out.”

  “I can imagine what Fletcher said to that.”

  “Well, I couldn’t help him on that one boss. He just said ‘I ain’t got any family’ to me.”

  “Fine, keep a close watch. With luck, we’ll be checking in with him tomorrow.”

  “Ok boss, no worries here so far.”

  “Good, considering things are starting to move here.”

  “Hey, I wanna catch the action too boss.”

  “I’m sure you will Tallon,” smiled Malachy.

  “Thanks boss.”

  On his way back to the lounge, his head down in thought he walked into a stranger. Abby was wringing her hands behind the gentleman looking worried.

  “Sorry sir, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “That’s ok Abby, looking up at the man, “Who are you and what can I do for you?”

  “The name’s Truit, Kevin Truit. I was wondering if the lovely Anastasia was home.”

  “I’m afraid not Mr Truit,” looking at his watch, “She’ll be at work right now.”

  “Maybe you can give her this note Mr?”<
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  “Please give her this note when you next see her Mr Garrett.”

  “Yes of course. I’ve other things that need seeing to so if you will excuse me, Abby will see you out.”

  “Oh. Well, yes of course.”

  “Abby, please see Mr Truit out.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Abby let Mr Truit out of the cottage, turning to Mal. “Sorry about that Malachy, he practically forced his way in.”

  “No worries Abby. I’ll deal with him later. Could we have a pot of your lovely tea now? I’ll need you in for this meeting too.”

  “I’ll be with you shortly then Malachy.”

  Wandering back to the study Malachy opened the note, un-amused by what he read, crushing the note into a ball, throwing it in the fire. ‘Christ, I’ll kill the bastard,’ he muttered as he walked back to the lounge. Smiling at Ana, he sat down beside her.

  Re-entering the lounge minutes later, Abby found Malachy and Anastasia sitting on the couch facing each other talking quietly. Abby smiled; they made such a beautiful couple. She rattled the tray a bit, Mal being the gentleman he is crossed the room, taking it off Abby setting it on the coffee table.

  “Oh Abby, you spoil us far too much,” sighed Ana looking at the cake and sandwiches.

  “Just making sure you eat properly young lady.”

  “Sit Abby, I’ll pour for us.”

  “Thank you, Malachy. Now tell me what’s this all about?”

  “First Abby, I need you to pack a bag tonight. In the morning, you’ll be moving to the compound for a while.”


  “I need your nursing skills for one. I also need you safe. It’s about to get, should we say explosive.”

  “What on earth is going on Malachy?”

  “Yes do tell,” said Ana.

  “One of my agents has been injured in a gun battle,” he turned looking at Ana, “as you already know Ana. He’s awake now, and I’ll have him transferred to the compound, apparently he’s on a death list, so I’m not going to take any chances.”

  “Oh my,” Abby exclaimed. “How badly hurt?”

  “He’s on the mend now Abby, though I’d like you to keep an eye on him, please.”

  “Yes certainly Malachy, but what about the cottage?”

  “We’ll make sure it’s secure before we leave.”

  “So what was the second?”

  “Mr Truit is not to be trusted. He is very dangerous, especially to Anastasia.”

  “I’m able to look after myself you know Mal,” replied Ana.

  “Better safe than sorry,” he said.

  “Anastasia, he’s only thinking of your protection.”


  “The other problem is Truit has visitors. Yuri reported in saying they were probably ex-marines; they all had guns. There were a dozen all up.”

  “God damn it.”

  “Anastasia Rose,” Abby said sternly.

  Mal grinned at her discomfort.

  “So what are his plans now?”

  “That’s the main problem Ana; it seems there’s a basement at the Johnson house that’s soundproofed and cloaked. We have no way of knowing what or when something is going to happen, hence why I want Abby at the compound.”

  Ana stood stomping around the lounge. “So what’re we going to do Mal?”

  “Be as prepared as possible.”

  “Well,” said Abby standing, “I must get on and start your supper.”


  Security transported Abby to the compound the following morning while Mal and Ana flew to the hospital. Both were thoughtful about what would happen in the next few hours.

  “Mal I know you have two meeting today, why don’t you leave me at the hospital with Fletcher?”

  “Yeah, I can do that! I’ll tell him about us being brothers, don’t mind you explaining the rest.”

  “Charming, what you going to do, toss it over your shoulder as you leave?” she joked.

  “Now that is not a bad idea.”

  She glared at him, “you wouldn’t dare Mal, no way.”

  “Why not, might give you a bit of action,” he grinned back at her.

  “Much prefer your action,” she smirked.

  Mal muttered under his breath as he turned to look out the helicopter window.

  Settling back into his seat, he closed his eyes, deciding what to tell Detective Moran, sighing he glanced at the pilot.

  “We’ll be there shortly sir.”

  “Thanks Bissett.”

  “You want me to hang around for you sir?”

  “Yes, we’ll need you for a return flight later this afternoon.”

  The throbbing of the blades was giving Ana a headache, not having much sleep last night didn’t help. She groaned, rubbing her temples.

  “We’re nearly there now Ana.”

  “Thank god for that.”

  The helicopter banked as it flew to the landing pad hovering Bissett did a perfect landing.

  “Thanks Bissett, we’ll see you later at the airport.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Opening the door, bowing their heads, they jumped out running towards Tallon, who stood waiting for them by the stairs. Bissett saluted taking off again.

  “Morning Boss, Ana,” Tallon grinned.

  “So how’s the patient this morning?”

  “Fine, though a bit grumpy. It seems he just wants out of here.”

  “Well, with some luck that will happen this afternoon.”

  They walked down the stairwell to the elevators. Arriving on the surgical ward they walked to where Quin was guarding Fletcher’s door.

  “Morning boss, any news?” he asked.

  “The best news for you guys is that you’ll be returning to Trengrove this afternoon.”

  “Bit of action then boss.”

  “Looks that way Quin,” Mal replied. “Where’s Ivan?”

  “Sleeping boss, he did the early morning shift.”

  “How’s Fletch? Did Moran come and see him yesterday?”

  “Nope, we haven’t told him Fletch is awake yet boss, thought you should know first.”

  “Good enough, I’ll tell him this afternoon.”

  “So you ready for this Mal?”

  “Not really,” turning to Tallon and Quin he said, “Don’t enter the room until I leave, no matter what you hear.”

  “Yes sir,” they replied, looking puzzled.

  “Okay, let’s go Ana. It’s now or never.”

  Anastasia opened the door, quietly entering Fletchers room, Mal closing it behind him. Fletcher stirred in the bed. His eyes opening, groaning, he reached for his water knocking it over.

  “I’ll get that for you Fletcher,” said Ana.

  “What the fuck do you want? More blood, haven’t you had enough already.”

  “Charming welcome Fletch,” she replied.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Actually, I accompanied Malachy here.”

  “We have things to discuss Fletch.”

  “Look, I didn’t take any vial, those fuckwits shot me.”

  “We know exactly what happened to you, Fletcher. It was all caught on security camera. We’re not here about your assignment.”

  “So what do you want,” he said, sipping his water.”

  “You want the good news or the bad news Fletch?”

  “Just get it the fuck over with.”

  “We know you’re a double agent Fletch.”

  Fletcher let out a quick, shallow laugh, “took you a while to work that out.”

  We’ve known for a while Fletcher. However, we’re after bigger fish in the sea, or you would already be dead.”

  “So what you going to do with me then?” he asked.

  “That’s the bad news or should I say the tricky news, Fletcher.”

  “What you mean.”

  “Usually we dispose of double agents,” Mal opened his bag, pulling out a file looking down at i
t with a sigh. “This will tell you everything you need to know Fletcher, Ana can explain,” he passed the file to Ana. Standing up, he turned to the door Ana glaring after him.

  “You can’t do this Mal,” she snarled

  “Never dare me Ana,” he walked to the door, his hand on the handle he turned looking Fletcher straight in the face. “I thought you’d better know that we’re brothers.” Not waiting for a reply, he walked out the door, closing it behind him walking away.

  “What the fuck does he mean by that,” croaked Fletcher struggling to sit up.”

  “Exactly what he said Fletch,” she sighed.

  “How the fuck can we be brothers, we’re nothing alike. I don’t have any fucking family.”

  “Yeah, you have, more than just Malachy.”

  “Don’t tell me.”

  “Yep, you got it in one Fletch. We’re related by DNA.”

  “What the fuck?” he managed to yell.

  The door opened, Quin putting his head around the door. “You ok Ana?”

  “Yes, no worries Quin,” she winced as Fletcher glared at her. Quin left the room again as Fletcher turned to Ana.

  “Here read this Fletcher then it’ll start to make sense. You can ask me anything, and I’ll do my best to tell you the truth.”

  “Fuck, why does he have to be my brother never mind you a sort of sister, who’s that twisted?”

  “One of our DNA fathers is that twisted Fletcher, now read the file while I get a fresh coffee.”

  “Sounds like I’ll need a brandy,” he muttered as he took the file beginning to read.

  Ana walked out of the room, “keep an eye on him, I doubt his mood will improve much over the next few hours.”

  “What’s going on Ana?”

  “Good and bad news for Fletch,” she smirked. “I’m just going to get a coffee.” Ana walked off down the corridor; turning toward the café she ran into a hard chest.

  “Oops sorry,” she said as she stepped back onto someone’s shoes. Looking over her shoulder into the mean black eyes of another man, still smiling, she said, “Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?”


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