Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) Page 19

by Claire Plaisted

  Ana continued to stare, not saying anything.

  “Now before I make you my whore, I need to know where my granddaughter is.”

  Ana spat in Truit’s face; earning herself another hard slap.

  “That wasn’t very nice Anastasia,” he said wiping his face. If you do it again, I’ll make things very uncomfortable for you.”

  Ana closed her eyes a look of disgust on her face.

  “Where’s my granddaughter Anastasia?”

  Turning towards him, she glared. “I don’t know your fucking granddaughter.”

  “Sure you do Anastasia. After all, you know her brother.”

  “Fuck off Truit,” she said turning her face away.

  “Well, that isn’t nice” he smiled. “Would you like me to introduce you to my grandson?”

  “If you mean Blaze fucking Carrington then he can go to hell.”

  “So I wonder why you think he’s my grandson.”

  “I don’t. I have good recall for seeing assholes in the most unlikely places.”

  “When did you last see him?”

  “No idea I don’t have a clock or watch to look at.”

  “Well, you’re correct he’s my grandson, which means you know who my granddaughter is,” he grabbed her chin tightly. “Do tell Anastasia or I may just have to hurt you.”

  “Fuck off Truit,” she spat out, pulling on her arms.”

  “You obviously enjoy the chains, who would’ve thought,” he smirked. “I must admit you have a delectable body, just like your whore of a mother.”

  “You’re a dead man Truit.”

  Truit stood laughter rumbling up and out of his mouth. “I’m very much alive my dear. I plan to stay that way too.”

  “You haven’t got a hope in hell Truit,” he bent down kissing her forehead tenderly.

  “I so look forward to taking you, Anastasia. You will be a joy to play with.”

  “Go fuck yourself Truit.”

  Truit hit her hard across her face; she clenched her teeth as pain exploded through her skull. Taking a vial and needle from his pocket, he proceeded to fill it, grinning at her, squirting some out needle.

  “This will be a nice treat for you sweetheart. Think about where Magdalena is. Let me know in the morning.”

  Grabbing her arm he injected heroin cut with quinine straight into her bloodstream. There was nothing she could do. Her eyes went out of focus; she slurred “You’ll regret this Truit.”

  He walked away laughing. “See you in the morning sweetheart.”

  Anastasia’s body hit a high making her scream before she started to go limp bit by bit until she couldn’t feel anything, her eyes went blind. She could still hear; her brain was on high alert more focused than it had ever been. Groaning quietly; unconsciousness claimed her, dreams of the past flickering by her eyes like a movie.

  Having settled Fletcher in the medical centre, Malachy ran to the communications centre. Arriving, he got everyone’s attention.

  “Right folks, as you know we’re on red alert now; just to update you. First, I need to tell you Anastasia was kidnapped from Eastchester hospital this afternoon. I’m waiting for reports from the hospital giving us evidence and possible ideas on where she may be.”

  “Boss we may have something for you,” called out Yuri.”

  “Good news I hope Yuri. Hold for now.”

  “The attack here is imminent. When it happens, I want civilians to keep your heads down. Every agent and security personnel need to protect, shoot to injure only. The more information we gather, the better. Back to your stations everyone. Yuri with me,” he commanded.

  Shutting the office door behind him, Malachy glanced up at Yuri. “What you got Yuri?”

  “I’ve sent men to the Johnson house because of the troops. I’ve had hourly updates ever since. Early this morning Truit was seen walking in the garden. When he got to the river, he entered the boathouse and disappeared. We have another cold spot there.”

  “You think Ana may is being held there?”

  “Someone is. I think it’s worth checking out.”

  “No deliveries to the house?”

  “No. I think they came in by boat. We didn’t have anyone watching that area.”


  “She’ll be ok Mal; she knows how to look after herself.”

  “Yeah, I know. Right send some men down to the boathouse get information,” he sighed. “Has Frank or Jones called in recently?”

  “All quiet there Mal. Magdalena is scared, says she feels something in the air.”

  “Well, they won’t find her,” he grimaced, “any movement from the basement yet?”

  “Nothing; the basement looks like it’s equipped well, which sure as hell don’t bode well for us.”

  “Well, we’re as prepared as possible.”

  “There are six people in the Johnson house now.”

  “Lovely,” he sighed, “look Yuri, do your best let me know what happens. You can send Quin and Tallon to the boathouse; they are anxious for some action.”

  “Yes boss,” he grinned.

  “Get out of here. Send Cameron and company in, please.”

  “Yeah, see you later.”

  “Well done Blaze, told you it would work,” his grandfather smirked.

  “Yes, all went smoothly except the stupid security guard trying to interfere.”

  “Did you bring the vial your men stole?”

  “Of course grandfather,” he smiled, “looking forward to using it.”

  “You had it tested,” Blaze nodded. “I presume you know what you got then.”

  “Yes. It’s lethal in a very different way,” he grinned.

  “Do tell,” Truit said, rubbing his hands together.

  “It’s a virulent version of the bird flu.”

  “That isn’t very deadly Blaze, pity it wasn’t something better.”

  “Grandfather, this one is highly contagious,” he grinned.

  “Explain how?”

  “They were messing with it at Haven Pharmaceutical. Apparently it’s highly effective against humans.”

  “You’ve tested it?”

  “Yes, we tested it.”

  “Excellent! So how effective is it?”

  “We tested it on one of my henchmen who’d been shot. He died within days, a very unpleasant death.”

  “Did you video it at all. I’d be interested in watching.”

  “For you grandfather,” he said, smirking handing over a DVD.”

  “Hey, Hank I’ve an urgent update for Yuri! Chat from the lounge area names given are grandfather and Blaze. They have a bird Flu type virus from Haven that they are preparing to use.”

  “Crap, get the recording to base while I let him know.”

  “Yes Hank, sorting now.”

  “Holy hell,” Hank came back moments later. “Those fuckers have Ana. Yuri’s sending Tallon and Quin to investigate.”

  “If they use it on her, their lives won’t be worth fucking living,” swore Clint.

  “We need to stay focused.”

  “Recording sent Hank.”

  “We’re on a shoot to injure order. The boss wants information.”

  “Okay, will let the men know.”

  Tallon and Quin grinned at each other as they set out for the Johnson house.

  “About time we had some action.”

  “Hell yeah,” said Tallon.

  “Move it man or it’ll be light before we get there.”

  “On it Quin, you better contact Hank let him know we’re on the way, he can meet us. Don’t want to crash the party after all eh,” he grinned happily.

  Driving quickly down the narrow roads, they pulled to a stop as Hank waved out to them. Pulling onto the grass, they braked leaping out.

  “Hank, what you got in store for us?”

  Hank spread out a map on the hood of the car. “We’re here. I’m going to take you through the forest down to the river here,” he pointed.

shouldn’t take long.”

  “I’ll be leaving you there. You’ll need to go up river towards the boathouse that stands here,” he points to another spot on the map. “I’ve no idea what you’ll find. We only scoped the house.”

  “Pity that,” Quin said quietly.

  “Yeah well, it’s where all the action was taking place until now.”

  “Well, we’d better get moving before dawn catches us.”

  “We’ve got three hours,” murmured Tallon.

  “Should be enough, let’s move.”

  Securing the vehicle, they set off through the dark forest. Ten minutes later they were on the riverbank listening to the rushing water from a nearby waterfall.

  “Right here you go guys. As far as we’re aware he has no external security in the gardens, though you may find some on the boathouse. See you later,” with that Hank was gone.

  “Let’s go, Tallon.”

  With a grunt of agreement, they silently approached the Johnson property. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. No scurrying animals just the sound of the river. Crouching down by a bush Quin got out his thermascope while Tallon retrieved his binoculars.

  “One body by the door Tallon,” he murmured.

  “Yeah, got him, the daft bastard’s smoking. Talk about giving yourself away.”

  “I can’t see anything else.”

  “The boathouse is clear at the river.”

  “How do you want to play this Tallon?”

  “I’ll go round from the river; you take the front. We’ll put him out if need be.”

  “See you in the boathouse. Ten minutes.”

  Setting their watches in sync, they set off each taking a different path.

  Tallon moved quickly towards the yacht tied off under an extension. An obviously new building attached to a shabby derelict shed. He crossed onto the pier watching out for wire trips as he approached. Peering through one of the windows, he froze as a shadow walked past, watching the shadow walk out of the door shutting it quietly behind him. Moving to the next window, he gently eased it open climbing through landing on the floor silently.

  “Tallon you ok,” a voice spoke in his ear.

  “Yes, I’m at the back of the shed inside, can’t see a bloody thing.”

  “I’ll be with you shortly, nearly collided with the guard, I put him out.”

  Tallon grunted. “Serves the fucker right,” he whispered.

  Standing, Tallon retrieved his penlight walking down the side until he found Quin. They flicked their lights to the floor; finding a bright new shiny lock. They walked over, kneeling down to look closely at the lock.

  “Shit, it’s alarmed.”

  “Oh fuck, can you pick the lock, Quin?”

  “Nah, not touching that, one wrong move and it would blast our ears.”

  “Shit. What about cutting it off?”

  “We’d have to come back, I ain’t got no cutters on me,” swore Quin.

  “If Ana’s in there we have to get her out.”

  “Ok. We got maybe thirty minutes until the dude wakes. If I hold the lock carefully, you can try picking it.”

  “Not my best fucking talent,” groaned Tallon.

  “Gotta be better than me,” Quin grimaced.

  Tallon got out his tools quickly sliding two inside the lock. “Don’t fucking move a muscle Quin or we’re busted.”

  “Come on man hurry up will you.”

  “Shut the fuck up, I’m doing my best.”

  The lock clicked. They both sighed with relief. Quickly and quietly they opened the trap door shining their penlights down the steps.

  “Let’s get this over with; you keep watch here Tallon.”

  “Fine, now hurry for fucks sake.”

  Quin ran down the stairs, finding a door with a key in it. Unlocking the door carefully, he entered the barren room, sweeping the penlight around. It landed on a sleeping woman spread-eagled and chained to a bed. Walking up closer Quin let out a loud breath.

  “I’ll fucking kill that bastard for this,” he muttered.

  Ana was lying in her underwear unconscious. He shined his light onto her face and watched her eyes flicker rapidly under the lids. Quin went back up to Tallon.

  “You’re going to have to pick some more locks mate. She’s chained to the fucking bed. It’s not a pretty sight. I’ll do guard duty. Now move we have about ten minutes to get out of here.

  Tallon moved down the stairs shining his light until he found Ana. He froze in shock glad Mal hadn’t joined them. Quickly and quietly he opened each lock massaging feeling back into her arms and legs as he went.

  “Wake up Ana.” She didn’t move, just her eyes racing, her heart beating slowly, her breathing shallow. “What the fuck has he done to you?” Picking her up carefully, he tossed her over his shoulder where she slumped; up the stairs out the trap door he motioned Quin to take her out the front.

  “Resetting the alarm; be with you in five minutes.”

  “Hurry,” said Quin as he set off with Ana over his shoulder. Tallon backed down the stairs, closing and locking the basement door. Quietly he closed the trap door when he heard a moan. Carefully snapping the lock into place he merged himself into the background. Not a sound. Out the window, he took off meeting up with Quin.

  “All done; nobody will know anyone’s been there, well until they check on her.”

  With a grin, they quickly moved down the riverbank covering their tracks as they went, up into the edge of the forest.

  “She’ll need protection going through here.” Tallon took off his jacket, placing it around the unconscious Anastasia. “Right, let’s go.”

  Ten minutes later they arrived at their jeep. Laying her across the backseat; they set off back to the compound.

  “Get hold of Hank, let him know we have her, and she needs medical attention.”

  “Doing it now Quin.”

  They drove into the compound fifteen minutes later, shoving the doors open Malachy raced across to the jeep.

  “What the fuck did he do to her, where is she?” he growled.

  Tallon flung himself out of the jeep, opening the back door. Lifting Anastasia up and placed her in Mal’s arms. “Get her to medical boss; then we’ll know what he did.”

  Mal cradled the limp, unconscious Ana in his arms as he raced through the compound to the medical centre. Placing her gently on a bed medical staff surrounded her.

  “Find out what’s wrong with her,” he demanded.

  “Sir, we’ll do what we can.”

  Abby appeared at his side. “Come on Malachy,” she said gently, “we need to leave them to do their job.”

  “I’m staying here.”

  “Malachy you can’t do anything here right now, why don’t you help me get a room ready for her. Come on,” she tugged at his hand.

  “I’m going to take great pleasure in killing that bastard.”

  “Yes, I know. Come now, we’ll sort her room and then get a whiskey down you.” Abby led him towards a private room.


  The medical team were working hard to find out what was wrong with Anastasia. Her eye movement showing she was in some form of REM sleep. Her muscles were loose; though in her unconscious state; they couldn’t tell how badly affected she was. Blood tests were taken. They were carrying out of all kinds of tests on her blood samples while in emergency antibiotics and salines were inserted in her arms.

  It was one hell of a night at the compound. Organized chaos, to be precise. Nobody had ever seen Malachy so furious. In the long haul, Abby didn’t manage to keep him calm. His temper finally let loose erupting explosively.

  “Yuri, get a team of five men together, weapons. I’ll meet you outside in ten minutes.”

  “With pleasure boss,” Yuri grinned widely. Yuri went to his security office, calling the men he wanted inside. Tallon, Quin, Mac. He was about to call Hank when the door was flung violently open, Abe appearing in the doorway grimacing.

me in Yuri so I can kill the fucking asshole,” he growled.

  “Abe you’re not fit for duty.”

  “I’m going. Count me in,” he growled out menacingly.

  “Ok, get your gear sorted, this could be messy.”

  “Thanks Yuri,” he turned storming out.

  “Well, this is going to be more fun than I thought,” muttered Yuri with a smile. Finalising his task, he met his men in the weapons room where they all kitted out. Hank had reported three men in the lounge, one in the study and two on the back step. The two out back would be the first ones taken out. The rest they’d play by ear.

  Malachy dressed in his best suit, armed with gun and knife stood in the forecourt. He was raring to go. Hard, fast without making a killing field. Yuri gaped at him.

  “Err boss, where’s your combat gear?”

  “I’m going to visit Truit,” he smiled dangerously.

  “Pardon boss.”

  “Here’s the plan,” he smiled. “I’m going to visit Truit. We’re going to have a discussion. First, I need to know where the men are in the house.”

  “There’re two on the back stoop, one in the study and three in the lounge boss.”

  “Fine,” he grinned. “I want you to take out those on the stoop first. Once inside; get someone to seal off the basement. Make sure the hacker stays safe.”

  “You’re wired I presume boss.”

  “Yes, listen in and do what is necessary as the need arises.”

  “Including kills boss?”

  “Rather you didn’t kill just yet Abe,” Mal said dangerously “Remember Truit and Blaze are mine,” he said grimly.

  “Okay. Make sure you listen to us too, so you know where we are.”

  “Will do,” he replied. Make it look like you’ve come to arrest me? They should enjoy that. They’ll be unprepared when you turn on them.”

  “Not a bad idea. We’ll work things out, let you know.”

  “Right let’s get this over with then,” he grinned.

  The men swung into the jeep pulling down their balaclavas as the jeep raced off toward Hanks meeting spot. Malachy started his car as Abby ran out.

  “Malachy please don’t do this. Ana needs you.”

  “Ana is unconscious. I’m going. I need to do this Abby.”


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