Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) Page 20

by Claire Plaisted

  Tears slipped down her cheeks as he drove away. Shoulders drooping she re-entered the compound praying he’d return safely.

  Truit and Blaze were having a good laugh when the knock came on the door.

  “Wonder who that could be at this time of day,” murmured Truit.

  “No idea. Hayes answer the door, will you,” growled Blaze.

  One of the men from the back stoop beat Hayes to the front door, showing Malachy where the lounge was just as Hayes exited the room.

  Entering the lounge. “Why Mr Garrett, what a surprise,” said Truit.

  “Good evening, Mr Truit. Apologies for calling so late in the day,” he smiled calmly. I’ve a note from Anastasia for you, a reply I suppose. Thought I’d better deliver it, no idea how important your note may have been.”

  Truit narrowed his eyes puzzled at Malachy’s gentle manner.

  “A drink Mr Garrett?” he questioned.

  “Yes please, it would be wonderful, though I can’t stay long.”

  Blaze walked out of the shadows, handing Malachy a whiskey. “How is the delightful Mirage, Mal?”

  Smiling complacently “Mirage is away at the moment Blaze,” Mal looked at him thoughtfully. “Are you two friends? I didn’t expect to see you out here.”

  “I’m his grandfather, Mr Garrett,” said Truit.

  “Really, surely you’re too young Mr Truit?”

  “I call it good genes Mr Garrett.” He smiled. “Now the note you mentioned.”

  “Yes of course.” They tensed as Malachy reached into his pocket, relaxing as he pulled out an envelope. “Here you go Mr Truit.”

  In his ear, he heard the man outside taken down quietly. Tallon and Quin were in the kitchen sealing off the basement door. Quietly they edged their way down towards the lounge. A man walked towards them. Seeing them, he made to call out. Quin put his finger up to his lips beckoning him.

  “Who the fuck are you,” he demanded.

  “We’re after the man who recently arrived. He’s wanted by the FBI.”

  “Whoa, are you sure?”

  “Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

  “What’s the name, so I can make sure.”

  “He calls himself Malachy Garrett. Is he in there?”


  “Tallon take this man outside, tell Abe we got our guy,” he grinned.

  “There’re more of you,” he asked shocked.

  “Not many just need to make sure he doesn’t escape again.”

  “This way sir,” Tallon motioned him towards the kitchen. As he stepped through the kitchen door, he was knocked unconscious by Abe, who caught him as he fell forward.

  “Well, that was fucking easy.”

  “I’ll tie him up you get to Quin, where’s Yuri and Mac?”

  “With the hacker,” he grinned.

  Abe moved quietly toward Quinn. “You ready for this?”

  “Hell yeah,” he grinned.

  Hayes walked out of the lounge, on seeing them he stopped pulling his gun. “Who and what the fuck is going on,” he demanded quietly. “FBI, we’re here for Malachy Garret,” Quin said softly as Tallon walked up behind him.

  “How do you know he’s here?”

  “The man who came out before you confirmed it and the fact we saw him enter.”

  “You’re welcome to him,” he sneered. “He’s a pain in the ass.”

  “Stand back, count to three and we’re all go.”

  Truit ripped open the envelope; the note dropping into his hands, casually he opened it. His eyes opened wide as he read the three words. ‘You’re Dead Meat.’

  “What the fuck,” he cried out jumping out of his chair.

  “Exactly what it says,” smiled Malachy pulling out his knife aiming it at Truit. “Say good night to your grandson Truit you worthless piece of shit,” Malachy said as he threw his knife, striking Truit in the shoulder. Truit was thrown backward, pinned to his chair. Blaze leapt towards Malachy when all hell broke loose.

  Blaze swung his fist wildly missing Malachy’s jaw by a hairs breath. Mal pulled his gun aiming for Blaze when the lounge door behind him burst open. Quin rushed in tackling Malachy grabbing his shoulder, taking him to the floor. Tallon, who was following behind, shot Blaze in his thigh. The impact sent Blaze stumbling backwards into the marble fireplace, striking his head with a sickening crack. He slumped to the wooden floor, losing consciousness. Hayes, gun in his hand, grinned seeing Malachy on the floor. Before Hayes could pull the trigger, Tallon twisted sideways elbowed him viciously in the heart, breaking two ribs. Gasping in pain Hayes stumbled back into Abe’s solid chest. Moving instinctively, Abe grasped the smaller man, placing a hand on his head and under his chin, with a vicious twist, he snapped Hayes’s neck; letting his limp, dead body crumple to the floor. Quin hauled Malachy up off the floor. Truit watched in bewilderment.

  “We’ll wasn’t that fun,” said Abe smiling. “Who’s next?

  “Fuck Abe, you weren’t meant to kill anyone,” glared Malachy.

  “Sorry boss,” he replied not looking sorry at all.

  “What the fuck is going on,” Truit yelled holding his shoulder.

  “Shut the fuck up Truit,” growled Abe, “you’re lucky you’re not dead.”

  “He’ll be dead soon,” growled Malachy. “So Truit,” said Mal turning back to him, “How are we going to dispose of you?”

  Grimacing with pain Truit glowered saying “get this fucking knife out of me you bastard.”

  “With pleasure Truit,” he walked up yanking the knife. Truit screamed in pain as blood poured from the wound. “Don’t be such a wimp Truit you’ve done much worse to others.”

  “What the fuck do you want Garrett?”

  “Just your death, call it revenge for the murder of my parents.”

  Truit blanched. “How much do you know?”

  “I know every single evil deed you’ve done up until you murdered my father,” Mal said stonily. “You’ll pay dearly for that.”

  Truit smiled thinking of Anastasia, his trump card. “You won’t do anything to me Garrett; I have something of yours,” he sniggered.

  Malachy smiled slowly at his men; they laughed. “Actually you don’t have anything I want or need.”

  “I have your girlfriend.”

  “Nope, you don’t Truit; she was rescued earlier this morning.”

  Truit blanched again. In the background, they could hear thumping noises. Tallon grinned at the others, they knew the men in the basement had heard the shots.

  “Let the men out of the basement Quin,” Malachy said mildly.

  “Yes boss.”

  Quin met Mac at the basement door.

  “Get clear of the door,” yelled Mac.

  “What the fuck is going on up there, who the hell are you.”

  “Stand back.”

  They heard boots clomping downstairs. “Clear.”

  Guns drawn; Mac took down the barrier unlocking the door. “Come out one at a time slowly and carefully with your hands up.”

  Doing as they were told the men entered the kitchen, Mac and Quins eyes widening in shock; as each face appeared. “Well fuck.” They burst out laughing, taking off their balaclavas. “Hands down,” Quin grinned, finally revealing his face.

  “Well, well if it isn’t the little shit Quin,” said one, a smile pulling at his face. “What the fuck is going on here.” He turned to Mac his grin widening, “I see you still have your ever faithful little dog by your side.”

  “Fuck off Garson,” he grinned.

  Malachy appeared in the doorway, “so I presume you know each other?”

  “You could say that boss,” replied Mac, looking over his shoulder with a grin.

  “Well, before you all get reacquainted we’ve work to do. One dead man in the lounge plus two injured to be transferred to the compound. Where’s the hacker?”

  “Tied to his chair in the study with Yuri,” replied Mac.

  “What the fuck is going on here,”
demanded Garson.

  “I could ask you guys the same. However it can wait,” said Malachy. “Quin, place a call to Hank, get this lot escorted to the compound. The cafeteria will do until things settle.

  “Yes boss.”

  “Take Abe with you too.”

  Malachy walked back to the lounge where Tallon was guarding Truit. Blaze was still out cold on the floor.

  “Right, let’s get this rabble out of here Tallon.”

  “Boss what you going do with Hayes?”

  “Clean-up crew can take care of him. Yuri and a couple of Hanks men can guard the house.” Malachy walked over to the bar filling a glass of water. Walking to Blaze, he smiled pouring water over his face. “It’s time to wake up Blaze.”

  Coughing and spluttering Blaze groaned, sitting up his head in his hands. “Fuck off Malachy.” Pain radiated through his head and thigh, blood pooling by his leg.

  “Not a nice way to talk to your Uncle. Respect is what you need to learn.

  “You’re no uncle of mine.”

  “So you never told him Truit. Tut, tut, that will never do.”

  Blaze eyes widened as he remembered Haier’s words. “No fucking way.”

  Truit sighed. “Fletcher and Anastasia are my children Blaze. You’re therefore, their nephew and in a way Malachy is your uncle though not blood-related.”

  Blaze paled. “Tallon get a bandage on his thigh so we can get out of here. Discuss this later.”

  All was quiet back at the compound. Still on high alert security were doing hourly sweeps. Abby was pacing restlessly in the medical lounge waiting to hear from both Malachy and the doctor checking Anastasia’s condition. The door opened slowly; a masked gunman walked in slowly his Walther pointing at Abby’s head. Eyes opening wide, she shook her head, hands over her heart. Slowly she sank into a chair behind her, terror and shock settling in her eyes.

  “Not a word lady,” whispered his harsh voice. Abby nodded slowly. Retrieving some tape from his pocket, he tore some off placing it over her mouth. Next he taped her feet and arms. Satisfied he picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder checking the corridor before putting her in a janitor’s cupboard. A nasty grin on his face he quietly shut the door locking it.

  “One clear,” he muttered into his mic, “who’s next Patrice?”

  “Get as many non-essential staff out of the way, move it and fast. We don’t have much longer.”

  “Pleasure’s mine,” he replied. Taking off his mask, he checked his security uniform calmly walking down the corridor for his next target.

  In the medical wing, Ana’s blood tests were back. She’d been injected with heroin that was over generously cut with quinine; a combination which could prove fatal. Administering naloxone was the best they could do. Plunging a needle into Ana’s arm they prayed they weren’t too late. They wouldn’t know for a few hours how much damage there was.

  Ana’s body was fighting the drugs. With her complex DNA, the battle was intense. It was the only time Ana could thank Truit. It may save her life as it had done with Fletcher.

  Ana’s dreams were intense. It was like been in a new world. Bright bursts of colours scalded her eyes as scenes and features changed from one to another, her brain wouldn’t close down for proper sleep. As the naloxone coursed through her body the dream-like pictures slowed, her heart rate started to settle. Sensing noise around her, she shook her head from side to side making her nurse leap to her feet checking her vital signs calling the doctor.

  Puzzled by the lack of doctors, the nurse popped her head around the curtain receiving a blow to the head. Crumpling to the floor, the man quickly bound and gagged her; leaving her in a storeroom. Returning to the emergency cubicle, he looked in smiling with malice.

  “Not long now Missy,” he whispered, stroking her hair. He returned to his post as security detail for Anastasia. “All done Patrice, when’s showdown?”

  “Within the hour, so keep alert.”

  With everything settled at the Johnson house, the teams made for the transport heading back to the compound. The prisoners secured with handcuffs in the back of Mal’s jeep.

  “Let’s get moving men,” he waved them off.


  Arriving at the compound all was quiet frowning Mal wondered where Abby was, she was always a worrier. The men tumbled out of the jeeps walking towards the door chatting amicably. Mal sensed something wrong jumping out of his jeep he hollered to Yuri.

  “Get the hell back here now Yuri, all of you.”

  They turned staring at him in shock, what the hell was wrong. “What’s the matter boss,” asked Yuri.

  “Just back away from the entrance something isn’t right.” They all turned as one towards Malachy jogging back to him when an explosion ripped through the front entrance. The energy blast rolled towards the jeeps; the intense force crumpling those closest. Shattering windows sent shards of glass into the night sky raining down into the backs of the running men. The searing flames rolled like a tsunami engulfing those moving too slowly; lifting them off the ground, tossing them into the air like rag dolls. Screams and swearing filled the air, as men landed in heaps on the concrete. Some covered with burns, bodies bloodied and unconscious, others dead.

  “Fuck. When is this going to end,” snarled Malachy. Behind him Truit laughed, enjoying the show. Turning Mal opened the door, reaching in he hauled Truit out by his injured shoulder making him scream.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he growled punching him in the face, dropping him to the floor unconscious. “Yuri, you okay?”

  “Yuri is down boss,” yelled Tallon.

  “Fuck. Tallon get hold of security and ask them what the fuck’s going on.”

  “Yes boss.”

  “And get some medics out here.” Turning to the few men around him; “you, you and you with me, guns at the ready.”

  “No reply from security or medical boss.”

  “Bloody brilliant,” he muttered. “Quin, Tallon you’re in charge out here see who’s hurt and treat them as you can. I’m going in. See if you can get hold of the communications centre it should be secure.”

  “Ok boss, just keep your radio link open.”

  “Done, now men, let’s move.”

  The moved quickly and quietly towards the smoking, twisted broken entrance. Wires were hanging free, carefully; with guns drawn the men followed Mal into the corridor backs against walls waiting for the go signal. Mal’s ear piece came alive.

  “Communications are still secure; they want to help. I’ve put them through to you, could be useful having eyes from the inside.”

  “Thanks Tallon.”

  “Cameron here Mal, where are you?”

  “I’m in the smoke at the entrance. Where’s security?”

  “We’ve one on Ana, one on Fletchers door,” looking at another monitor. “There is someone I don’t recognize in the security office. Two in there on the floor, tied up looking pretty pissed off. The camera is blurry so can’t see much.”

  “What about the corridors.”

  “Empty Malachy, never seen it so quiet.”

  “Can you see Ana in medical?”

  “Nope, curtain around her bed, one of your security in attendance.”

  “Who is he Cameron?”

  “Hang on,” he muttered twirling dials zooming in closer. “His name tag says, Anton.”

  “Okay, keep me posted, we’ll move shortly.”

  “Okay Malachy.”

  “Quin, come in.”

  “Yes boss, what can I do for you?”

  “Security detail called Anton. I don’t recall him?”

  “Yes sir, youngest recruit built like the Hulk. He’s been with us around nine months, excellent skills. He left the Marines two years ago due to traumatic breakdown after operation Gladfly.”

  “Who’s he mainly worked with, is he safe?”

  “Should be sir, comes across as honest with great work ethics.”

  “Thanks Quin.” Hand signals
and the men moved cautiously forward.

  “Cameron come in please,” said Mal

  “Malachy, what can I do for you?”

  “We’re heading for medical, checking in on Ana. Keep an eye on us please. Let me know any other movement.”

  “Okay, will do Malachy, no worries.”

  They checked each room they passed down the corridor; all was quiet. Stopping at the first crossroad, they looked around the corners. Nothing was to be seen or heard.

  “Very odd,” murmured Malachy. “You two take a corridor each, meet up in medical,” grabbing the other man by the shoulder,” you’re coming with me to medical.

  “Clear all the way Malachy,” Cameron said into his ear.

  “Thanks Cam, see you soon.”

  Off at a trot, they arrived at medical, carefully looking through the doors.

  “What you want to do boss?”

  “You stay here watch my back; you’re not one of my men so be cautious. I’m not sure on this security guard. He looks too at home considering what’s going on. He’s certainly not reported to anyone.”

  “He’s a big fellow boss; you want me to shoot to kill if he attacks?”

  “Prefer in the kneecaps.”

  “You’re too kind boss.”

  “Well, if he turns into the Hulk shoot to bloody kill.”

  “The green machine,” he replied with a small snigger. “Okay, I’m gone, see you shortly boss.”

  Malachy quietly opened the medical department door, easing inside the room. Anton snapped to attention. Tension filled the air as their eyes met. A slow smiled spread across Anton’s face.

  “Evening Mr Garrett.”

  “Evening Anton,” he said blandly, “could you tell me why you’ve not reported in tonight considering what’s going on.”

  Anton put his best, bewildered look on his face, “Sir I’ve not heard anything.”

  “You mean the explosion didn’t knock you off your feet.”

  “What explosion sir,” he asked shocked.

  “Maybe you should go and see Anton. They need all the help they can get out there right now.”


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