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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

Page 22

by Claire Plaisted

  “Nice of you to let me know doctor,” Mal said mildly.

  “Apologies sir, with all that’s been going on…” He trailed off.

  “Mal stop making a fuss. Let the doctor do his examination,” said Abby.

  “Don’t go Mal,” Ana said uncertainty in her voice.

  “I’m in the chair beside you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “So how do you feel Anastasia?”

  “Lousy,” she grumbled. “Can’t feel my legs, can’t see anything, can’t do anything,” she muttered.

  “Sounds like you’re going to be alright then, humour is important.”

  “Was I laughing doctor?”

  Malachy smiled at her attitude, knowing, in the long run, she’d be fine. “All your vitals are normal and active; we just need to keep an eye on the paralysis and your eyes. We’ll get them tested in a few days if no changes.”

  “Thanks doc. How’s Fletchers progress since the small set-back last night?”

  “He’ll be fine, had to put a new cast on his leg, no serious damage there. We also had to do a new drip since you managed to rip it out of his arm.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t me doctor. I’ll visit him later.”

  “I’ll check back tonight, Mr Garrett.”

  “What on earth have you been up to Malachy,” Ana asked curiously.

  “This and that Ana,” he said, standing up and bending over her kissing her waiting lips. A whoosh of breath escaped her as she responded, enjoying his taste.

  A cough brought him to his senses remembering Abby was behind him. “Food Anastasia?” asked Abby gently.

  “Yes please, I’m starving.” Ana heard Abby bustle away. “So, tell me how is Maggie?”

  “Not good, looks like she may end up in a wheelchair, they’re not sure yet, still doing tests. Two bullets hit her, one bruising her spine.”

  “Crap, not that I like her. However, nobody deserves that.”

  “Nope,” said Mal shaking his head.

  “Anyone else hurt or dead that I need to know?”

  “Yuri lost a leg below his right knee. Abe…”

  “Abe, he’s on leave,” she piped up.

  “He came back, especially for you, my love. He has a broken shoulder.”

  “Any deaths I need to know about?”

  “Frank is dead along with Mac and Hank. Two others from those other marines that went into Truit’s house are also dead.”

  “Anything else to tell me?” she said mildly.

  “Fletcher is alive and well as you know; would you like to visit him?”

  “Later Mal,” she replied as she heard the door open, the smell of some hot and spicy food filling her nostrils. “Oh, Abby you spoil me,” she grinned.

  “It’s all chopped small, so you can feed yourself. I bought you a napkin too.”

  “While you’re eating, I’m going to check on Fletch, Abby will stay with you just in case you need a helping hand.”

  Fletcher was sat up in bed reading, though looking thoroughly bored when Malachy entered.

  “Hi Mal, have you come to apologise for the damage you did to my cast,” he grinned.

  “No, I have a more pressing matter, Fletcher.”

  Fletcher closed his book looking at Mal. “What may that be?”

  “The nurse called Mary Kranski. She said that she was your mother.”

  “Well, you know it’s a tall story Mal. The documents you gave me proved we share a mother.”

  “Exactly Fletch. I’m wondering if she was one of the women in the trials that produced you and Anastasia.”

  “Is it possible she could be Ana’s birth mother?”

  “There isn’t much resemblance. However, DNA can be taken if her story matches any of these documents.”

  “The wisest choice no doubt. How is Ana?”

  “She’s still paralysed from the waist down and blind. It is a good job that Truit’s dead or I would’ve killed him myself.”

  “I can’t believe my life has been such a huge lie,” Fletcher grouched. “It’s going to take some getting used to having a family; so take it easy on me eh Mal.”

  “Yeah, we’ll manage.”

  Malachy left the room, checking on Ana before proceeding to the interview room where they held Mary Kranski. Entering the bland room, Mary looked up her face pale, her eyes red from crying.

  “Would you like a cup of tea Mary or anything to eat?”

  “No,” she replied quietly, “the water will do.”

  Malachy sat down in the chair across from her. Placing a file on the table, he told Mary that he was going to record their interview.

  “W-why are you doing this sir?”

  “Well, for a start, we need to know who you are, where you’re from and why you said you were Fletcher’s mother.”

  “Well, I am his mother. He was taken from me at birth.”

  Leaning forward, placing his hands over hers, he gently said.

  “You’re not his mother, Mary. You never have been and never will be.” Mary sobbed softly. “I can prove it, Mary.”

  “You’re wrong sir. He’s my son. Please let me have my son back,” she sobbed.

  “Mary I need you to tell your story from the start.”

  “M-my story,” she cried out yanking her hands out of his. “It’s the truth.”

  “All right Mary, tell me the truth from what you know or think you know.”

  “Fine, I’ll tell you how I know he’s mine.”

  “Good,” Malachy started the recording, giving the date and who was talking. Go ahead Mary.”

  “I was sixteen and living on the streets; my parents were both dead. I sold my body so I could eat and keep warm. About a year after I started living on the streets, I was approached by a gentleman who said he could give me a better life. Of course, I was sceptical, nobody believes that rubbish.” Mary sighed. “Anyway, for some reason I believed him. He was young and well dressed, said he was a scientist…”

  About the Author

  Claire Plaisted grew up in Sandbach, Cheshire, England during her teen years. Leaving home at the age of 19 years, she went to live in Colwyn Bay, North Wales. It was during this time that Claire visited New Zealand for a ten week holiday and met her future husband.

  In 1991, Claire migrated to Palmerston North, New Zealand and married in 1992. She has three of four children, losing their youngest daughter at three months of age.

  Today Claire lives in Rotorua with her husband and three surviving children.

  Rotorua is where her journey into writing began. Already a Family History Researcher and with a small hobby business making and formatting Family History Books, Claire started to write novels and hasn’t looked back since.

  Claire has self-published five adult mystery romance books, two short stories and one children’s book. There are many more to be published.

  Discover more books written by this author

  Garrett Investigation Bureau Series

  Hidden Secrets

  Secrets Past

  Hidden Agenda prequel needs to be read after book one

  Hidden Slaves

  Secret Assassin

  Double Crossed – Out September 2015

  Children’s Books

  Zoe’s Journey

  Cere’s Haunted House - due 2015

  Girlie and the War of the Wasps - due 2015

  Short Stories

  Charlie Girl’s First Summer Christmas

  The Diary of a Psychotic Killer

  The Dragon Tattoo Series

  Fred the Evil Incarnate

  Contact Claire Plaisted




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