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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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by Deane, Cliff



  Into the Darkness

  An E.M.P. Apocalypse in America


  Cliff Deane

  Books by Cliff Deane

  Vigilante: Into the Darkness

  A Post Apocalyptic Series

  Books by A J Newman and Cliff Deane

  Virus: Strain of Islam

  These books are available at Amazon:


  Hello, I would like to introduce myself to, hopefully, you, my future fans. I have been writing for many years, but until I became the Editor for a great apocalyptic writer, Mr. A J Newman, my work just didn’t have any zing.

  I spent a year as his Editor, and under his tutelage, I have gained the writing tools necessary to feel comfortable in writing for you.

  I highly recommend all of A J Newman’s (as of this writing 13 novels). A short quote from many of his reviews reads, “A J always gives a great ride…”

  Like A J, I have always been a fan of Apocalyptic and Science Fiction Literature, and like everyone else of my generation I started out with Heinlein, Andre Norton and never looked back.

  Please read my biography at the end of this book.

  I would also like to thank my faithful Medical Alert Dog Katie Deane for never finding complaint with my musings. She sleeps curled in my arm as I type.


  Copyright © Cliff Deane. All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. All events, characters, and most place names are all purely from this author’s imagination. Places used are for geographical reference only to fit my fictitious events.

  Clarification: While a Coronal Mass Ejection striking the Earth is at some point an absolute certainty, other than The Carrington Event we’re doing well so far. Just remember that not a bit of this story is true…yet, could happen though…js.


  A Few Notes to My Readers

  Just a few notes;

  In an apocalyptic environment, only the lucky one in ten will survive. Our hero does have a bit of luck and puts it to good use. I guess it is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Don’t forget the adage “ya’ gotta’ be lucky ta’ be good.” If he were unlucky, I’d have no story to tell…

  To the United States Marine Corps; though I am career Army, I had two brothers who were also lifer Marines. Please note that I have the utmost respect for America’s 9-1-1. Semper Fi, Mac.

  To the residents of Roper and Robersonville, NC, I hope you will forgive the use of your village as a battlefield.

  Though the word Zombie does appear a few times,

  this is not a book about Zombies…nuff said.

  The science behind the premise of this book is accurate.

  Many of the places named in this work do not exist.

  For your reference, there is a character list in the back of this book.

  I sure hope you enjoy Vigilante: Into the Darkness



  “Into the Darkness”

  An EMP Apocalypse in America


  A vigilante is a civilian or organization acting in a law enforcement capacity

  without legal authority.


  Chapter 1

  Nothing but Blue Skies do I see

  March 28th

  Main Gate, Ft. Benning, GA

  The morning dawned bright and sunny, with spring temperatures in the mid-seventies as Sergeant First Class, Levi Leonard Lewis, U.S. Army, Cavalry and Military Intelligence (ret), smiled at his wife and with an obvious heavy heart said, “Well, Sarah, 21 years in the Army, and now retired. I look back on my career and think, where did the years go?”

  “Sweetie,” said Sarah, Levi’s wife of 18 years, “if it’s going to make you miserable, let’s turn around and you go right back in there and reenlist. You know I’m with you, always have been, and always will be.”

  I know, I know, but it’s time for a new beginning back home. Still, I will miss it, though.”

  Sarah smiled now and softly said, “I know, hon.”

  “Sarah, I know how hard all those deployments to Iraq and Berzerkistan were on you, and I don’t think I ever really made it clear what your support and strength truly meant to me. I hope I can make you know how much your love got me through some scary tough times.

  I look at you and wonder how you have stayed so beautiful, why, you look better now than when we got married.”

  Sarah began laughing, “Flatterer, so what is it that you want, as if I didn’t know?”

  Turning his head and looking directly at Sarah, Levi said with the sincerity of a mature and lasting love, “You punkin’, just you.”

  “Hey Romeo, watch the road! Dang, now you just get those big puppy dog eyes back on the road and off my tits.”

  “Sorry, babe, what can I say, you know I love ‘em. But yeah, you’re right; I’d better stick to my driving…’cause I have big plans for tonight.”

  “Oh, really? Well, if you don’t keep your eyes on the road, like a good boy, I am going to have a headache, tonight.

  “Yes, ma’am.

  You know Sarah; the whole world is open to us. I just have to say that the future looks very bright. Yep, in two weeks I start a new career as a Detective with the West Virginia Criminal Investigation Division, and with your new job at the, we’ll have the kind of retirement we could have only dreamed.

  Yeah, I loved my service time, but if I’d stayed in for 30 years, I’d be too old to hire onto anyone’s police force.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. You look sexy as hell, I mean, that sandy blonde hair, 5’9”, narrow waist and rock hard abs.”

  “Whoa, I can go with the hair, height, and waist, but who are you seeing that has rock hard abs?”

  “Ok, maybe not rock hard, but you still look great.”

  Levi’s hat size increased by about one full size.

  “Ok, but have you taken a good look at yourself lately, Sarah? Perfect body, slim, athletic, a dancer’s legs, and the twins, yep, you are lookin’ good babe.”

  “Ok, ok, enough of that. You know, I was thinking just last night that I was born at Thomas Memorial Hospital in South Charleston, and now I’ll be running their E.R. staff.”

  Now, smiling and becoming more relaxed, both felt at peace with the future when Levi said, “You know Sarah, I’m glad we decided to take a couple of weeks in Kill Devil Hills. Our second honeymoon, making love like a couple of young’uns, and then, just sittin’ in the mornin’ sun, toes in the water, ass in the sand…”

  “Cute, Mr. Levins, but I think you have your song lyrics spliced together,” laughed Sarah. “Still, it does sound very nice.”

  “Yeah, well I’d bet you’re the only one who’d pick up on the Otis Redding thing.

  Ya’ know, I think things are going to work out just fine.”


  Sarah’s Song

  April 29th

  Room 269, Days Inn Kill Devil Hills Oceanfront

  Kill Devil Hills, N.C.

  Levi awoke with the sun, as another beautiful spring day dawned bright and clear. The sun’s reflection looked as though a million diamonds floated upon the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. A slight breeze stirred the curtains through the opened window, and the salty sweet smell of the Atlantic Ocean lapping gently along the shore set the mood and Levi was simply too happy to get up.

  He lay back on the mattress remembering their honeymoon kind of lovemaking last night. Inhaling deeply, he could still smell her perfume. It made him want to cuddle some more, and maybe have an instant re
play, but when he reached out for Sarah, he found only empty space.

  He smiled thinking that Sarah must have gotten up early and gone out for fresh pastries from that bakery they passed driving into Kill Devil Hills.

  Sitting up, Levi reached out to the bedside light and pushed the button. He was surprised when nothing happened, but assumed the bulb had burned out. Turning on the TV brought the same result.

  Well, damn, the power is out. He thought, I hope it hasn’t been out for too long or the donuts won’t be ready.

  Guess I’ll get a shower…yeah good idea Ace, she might be in the mood, too. Dang, but she looked fantastic in that bikini, and that wrap around gauzy skirt thing in the early evening before it got too cold. Yep, there’s no question about it, a morninger is better than a nooner ‘cause it is sooner.

  Levi grabbed a quick shower and began to become a bit concerned that Sarah wasn’t back yet. Of course, the power outage probably caused her to be longer at the bakery than she had planned.

  He wasn’t happy that the power was still off, and he decided that showering in absolute darkness was now off his bucket list.

  He toweled off, got dressed and decided to call Sarah to see how much longer she would be.

  Oh, crap, he thought, the battery is dead. Damn, now what?

  After waiting for approximately another ten minutes, Levi decided to go out and meet her at the bakery.

  The hallway was in total darkness, as the emergency lighting had also failed. Levi was forced to feel his way down the hallway to the stairs. A feeling of unease began to creep down his spine.

  He opened the stairwell door and nearly tripped over Sarah’s body. She had, indeed gone for donuts, but had met death on this stairwell instead.

  Windows, high overhead allowed light to infiltrate the landing area and stairs so residents could find their way out safely in just such an emergency.

  Sarah’s summer dress had been torn off along with her underwear. Even in death, Levi could see that she had been terrified. She had been beaten, raped, and finally, her throat had been slashed.

  Levi let out a savage roar that quickly turned to body racking sobs as he held her lifeless form in his arms. He sat this way for perhaps an hour. Now, drenched in her blood, he wondered how he could get help. He certainly did not intend to leave her there, all alone, and the hallway was too dark to carry her back to their room.

  The door opened, and a couple came onto the landing. Upon stepping through, they jumped back in shock and surprise. The woman screamed and immediately thought that Levi had killed the woman in his arms.

  “NO, NO, I was going to meet her at the bakery and found her here. She has been raped and murdered. I can’t leave her, please have the reception desk call the police and an ambulance so we can get her out of this stairwell.

  The man said, “Yes, of course, we’ll send them right up,” as he dragged his sobbing wife down the stairwell she kept repeating, oh, my God, oh, my God…

  Levi held Sarah’s lifeless body and cried. He remained with her for what seemed an eternity, but no one came to help.

  Finally, realizing that he would have to go down to get help, he gently eased the body of the one woman he had ever loved away from the door and covered her with her dress and his shirt.

  Please God, let this be a dream…it was not.

  Levi arrived to bedlam in the lobby of the hotel. Everyone was screaming at once, demanding that the staff do something to sort this mess out.

  One angry man shouted, “My car won’t start! There are stalled cars all over the street. This announcement initiated a rush by others to try their cars.

  The angry man turned around and saw the blood-covered man named Levi Levins and screamed, “LOOK!”

  Everyone still in the lobby turned to Levi, women began screaming, and men rushed their families out into the morning sunlight.

  Now alone with the Hotel Manager, Levi said, “Please call the police, my wife has been murdered.”

  The manager’s nametag read, Mr. Holt. He backed up to the wall and said, “Please don’t hurt me. Take what you want, but please don’t kill me.”

  This actually helped Levi regain a bit of his composure, and he said, “I didn’t kill anyone, and I don’t want to hurt you. Now, please call the police.”

  Relaxing just a bit, Holt stuttered out in a voice nearing panic, “N…Nothing is working, no phones, no cars, nothing. I don’t know what to do!”

  Levi’s military training forced itself above his sorrow as he said, “Okay, then I will tell you what you are going to do. Get a sheet, and then you and I are going to the 2nd-floor landing. Once there we will wrap her in the sheet, and take her back to our room. Then I’ll go find the police.”

  “But, but, I, I can’t just leave the desk. I have to stay right here. If I see a policeman, I will send him up to you.”

  Now Levi was becoming angry as he said, “Listen, Holt, I didn’t ask you to come up to help. I gave you a direct fucking order. Now, either you come and help me, or be covered in your own blood. Am I clear here?”

  “But, But…”

  Screaming now, “But nothin’, get your ass moving ya’ fuck, ya.”

  Seeing the blood on Levi, and wanting to keep his own blood secured he jumped to it, got the sheet and asked Levi to lead the way.

  “Listen, moron, if I lead, you’ll split, so get your candy ass moving. He led Levi to the 2nd-floor landing.

  Together they gently, and with great care wrapped Sarah in the sheet, and took her to their room. Levi’s door failed to unlock, and he realized that with no power the electronic lock mechanism would not disengage.

  “Holt, is there another way to open this door?”

  “No, no, I don’t know, no, I don’t think so; at least; I don’t have any idea how to open it.”

  “Levi leaned on what he had learned from his deployments to Berzerkistan. He stepped back from the door and kicked it directly adjacent to the locking mechanism. On the third attempt, the door lock snapped, and Levi pushed the door open. Light from the window filtered into the hallway as he and Holt again gently lifted the body of Sarah, with great care and laid her on the unmade bed. Levi covered her, kissed her on the forehead and turned to Holt.

  “Get out!”…Holt fled.

  Upon seeing himself in the mirror, and seeing the image of a blood-soaked mad man, Levi stripped down to his underwear and washed off Sarah’s blood.

  He then lay down on the bed, took his beloved Sarah in his arms, and while holding her, Levi Levins cried for a long, long time before falling into a troubled slumber.

  Finally, some time later he felt the early stages of rigor begin to take hold of Sarah’s body.

  Levi steeled himself to the fact that some other great tragedy must have befallen the area. He again showered, dressed in clean clothes, and made his way back to the lobby.

  Several people were milling around waiting for someone to tell them what to do, but there was no one in charge. Holt had not stopped running until he was well away from the maniac in room 269.


  What happened?

  March 29

  What happened

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

  Going to his car, Levi pressed the unlock button on his clicker but got no response. He used the key, opened the door, seated himself behind the wheel, and attempted to start the car…nothing.

  Upon exiting the car Levi looked around and saw that there were no vehicles running anywhere that he could see, but he did see lots of people walking away from their stranded autos. He also saw several billowing clouds of smoke rising high into the air. Plane crashes…

  Just moments before Levi had been nearly suicidal, but the realization that suicide would not put him in heaven with his Sarah, or that it would not help him bring justice to the man who had done this to Sarah, justice, yes, Old Testament justice.

  Levi Levins rapidly evolved, though many might argue that he had mutated, or perhaps even devolved. His heart was shatter
ed, but his mind became clear, abruptly halting his plunge into shock or madness.

  Levi began walking up the street searching for the police, but none were to be found. He did see two abandoned police cars, but no uniformed officers. Checking the cars he had hoped to find a shotgun, but this was not his lucky day.

  Levi now knew exactly what had happened. There was only one thing that could take out the electricity, cell phones, and autos at the same time, Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP), and only two things were known to be able to create an EMP capable of destroying the national electrical grid; high altitude nuclear detonations at approximately 225 miles above Kansas or a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from our sun would completely destroy the grid from southern Canada to northern Mexico.

  A direct hit by a large enough CME to destroy the worldwide grid systems would likely fry the entire earth. This is called an Extinction Level Event (ELE). A near miss, however, could well fry the entire worldwide electrical grids, but an EMP near miss would be totally harmless to life, yet would destroy all unshielded electronics.

  He also remembered reading something about a CME strike called the Carrington event of 1859. An amateur astronomer, Richard Carrington, made a note of a large CME being ejected from the sun.

  Seventeen and a half hours later that same CME made a direct hit on the Earth. Fortunately, it did not have sufficient strength to cause an ELE, but it did set fires in many telegraph offices and destroyed telegraph lines and equipment in both Europe and The United States. It is estimated that if another Carrington-like CME struck the Earth today, the bill would rise beyond two trillion in 2013 dollars, and take years to recover.


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