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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

Page 7

by Deane, Cliff

  “Well boys, this should be pretty easy. Still, I don’t want either of the Doctors hurt so let’s do a bit of a recon. Corporal Carter, you and Simms work your way to the west side of the building. Maintain cover from the wooded area that runs right up to that side of the building. Carter, if there are only a couple of raiders and you can handle it yourself, go ahead and take them out. We don’t need any prisoners. Any questions?”

  Corporal Carter shook his head and whispered, “No, we got this Sarge. C’mon Simms let’s go have a look see. Lock and load.”

  Simms acknowledged with a head nod, and checked his weapon to ensure he was cocked and locked, then followed Carter.

  Eldridge and PFC O’Brien provided over watch as Carter and Simms made their way to the west side and managed to get a vantage point where they could see into the clinic.

  Inside two young men and a teenage girl had tied the Doctors back to back and were just shooting up some drug; Carter guessed it was probably an opiate.

  Dropping to the ground, Carter whispered to Simms, “Okay, here’s the plan. In about one minute all three will be unconscious. I’ll peek in the window to make sure they have gone to sleepy town, then we just walk in, disarm and drag ‘em outside and put a bullet in their brains. You good?”

  Simms whispered, “Good plan Corp, let’s do it.”

  “Roger that,” said Corporal Carter as he eased himself back to the window and saw that all three were passed out.

  “Okay Simms, let’s go, these three stooges are down for the count. Let’s get this done.”

  As they walked to the front of the building Corporal Carter waved Eldridge and O'Brien over.

  Carter carefully, and quietly opened the door and gave the shush sign of finger to lips to the hogtied couple. He cut them free and sent them to join Sergeant Eldridge coming across the street.

  As he started for the door, Simms said, “Hey, Corp, look at this. This creep passed out before he was even able to remove the needle. Yeah, this kinda’ crap makes me think that what’s left of the world will definitely be better off without these wackos.”

  Corporal Carter looked at the sleeping druggies and said, with disgust, “Come on let’s take out the trash,” and began dragging them out to the west side of the clinic.

  When all three were laid out, Private Simms had another idea of how to deal with them. Instead of wasting lead, he simply removed the syringe from sleeping beauty, pulled the plunger back to fill it with air and injected it into a vein. When the air hit the heart, the man died. Within a few seconds, all three were being denied access to the Pearly Gates.

  Sergeant Eldridge came to Carter and said, “Okay, let’s take care of these silly shits and get this place secured while the guys at the truck take it back to camp and bring a detail here to get this stuff loaded up.”

  Sergeant Eldridge began to pull out his sidearm when Carter placed a hand on his forearm and said, “No worries, Sarge, Pfc Simms injected air into their veins. They’re already dead. Simms has potential; we should keep adding responsibilities to him.”

  “Roger that and thanks for the tip. I’ll keep watch on both of you.”

  Eldridge knelt down to check for a pulse in each body and finding none he looked up to Carter and said, “Very nice. No noise. No wasted bullets. You’re gonna’ go far in this outfit Carter.”

  Smiling, Carter said, “Well, there is that, huh, Sarge? But don’t forget it was Simms’ idea.”

  “O'Brien,” shouted Sergeant Eldridge, “double time back to the truck and tell them to send a detail to clean out the clinic.”

  “Roger Sarge, on the way. Should I take their truck?”

  “No, we’ll go ahead and get a start loading it up.”

  Back in the Monroe Clinic Staff Sergeant Eldridge introduced himself and asked, “Hello, my name is Sergeant Scott Eldridge. Do you mind if I take a seat?”

  “Oh, yes, please do,” said Dr. Faith Monroe. “Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I can only imagine bad thinks happening for us if you hadn’t come along.

  Are you help from the Government?”

  “No ma’am, sorry. We are a squad from the A Troop, Defiance Militia, and we’re probably the closest thing to help you are going to see for years.”

  “Well, poop, are you saying that we are completely on our own?”

  Scott thought, poop? But said, “Yes ma’am there is no more USA, so it’s up to us to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again, and we will, too.”

  Mr. Monroe said, “Sergeant, I like your attitude, so what can we do to help?”

  Before Scott could answer Faith asked, “Would you like some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.”

  “Why thank you, ma’am, that would be very nice, that is if you also have enough for my men.”

  “Of course, I’ll be right back.”

  Dr. Tom Monroe then asked, “Scott, is it? May I call you that?”

  Smiling, Sergeant Eldridge said, “Yes, I would like that. I guess you must be wondering why we happened to come by this morning.”

  “Well, yes, that is exactly my question. What does bring you here? Oh, my name is Tom, and my wife is Faith.”

  Scott had noticed that the Doctors had name tags that said Dr. Tom and Dr. Faith, “Tom, the reason we are here is to ask you to join our little town of Defiance. I had planned to spend considerable time convincing you that you are no longer safe here. I guess those nut jobs out back saved you from my pitch.

  Anyway, having said that, I must say that we do want you to join us. We offer a safe place to relocate your clinic, good people, around ninety so far, and a new start with a Conservative Constitutionalist environment.

  We have a Mayor, a banker who’s working on a new gold and silver backed currency, two barbers, and…well…aw just about everything you could need. It’s kinda’ like Mayberry. We are building a strong militia that answers to the civilian government headed up by our Mayor.

  So, the bottom line is, you must realize that you can’t stay here. By tomorrow there will be more druggies coming through, and following them will be the gangs. Tom if you decide to stay here, you will be dead by tomorrow, and your wife will not have a happy ending.”

  Faith was bringing in the coffee urn and said, “I heard everything you just said. Let me understand one thing. You are saying that if we do not agree to come to; Defiance was it, then you will not protect us?”

  “Ma’am, I guess that pretty much sums it up. We don’t have sufficient forces to protect anyone outside of our immediate area. Our position is, if you do not wish to join us, then you are strictly on your own.”

  “Hmmm, well, if we decide not to go with you, are you planning on taking our medical supplies and equipment?”

  Scott looked down at the floor and after a few seconds of thought said, “Dr. Monroe, I cannot believe that you do not understand that your clinic will be looted, and anything the bad guys don’t want they will destroy.”

  “Oh, no, we certainly do not want that,” said Tom.

  “Well, then what would you have us do? Secure this clinic back at Defiance where it can do lots of good, or leave it for the gangs to loot and destroy?

  I guess what I am saying is, yes, we will take everything here even if you decide not to come with us. A working clinic is of more use to the overall community even if we have to just take it and find other Doctors.

  I’m sorry, but there it is. We really would like for you to join us. The community needs you, and this clinic.

  “I see. Tom, I agree with Scott that we are no longer safe at this location, I personally have no death wish, so my vote is to go to Defiance where we can continue to be doctors, rather than lying dead on the floor in the middle of a destroyed clinic.”

  Tom began to beam and said, “Then let’s get to packing, ‘cause I’m with you, too, Scott.”

  Smiling now Scott said, “Go ahead and start packing your personal belongings. We have a truck coming with a detail to make short work of t
he movement. You just tell ‘em what, and how. They will do the heavy lifting.”

  “Oh, Scott, will we be taking the x-ray and other electronic equipment?”

  “Yes, hopefully, we will soon be able to produce our own electricity. We do have a plan to regain power, and our philosophy is; if it can be done, it must be done.”

  “Scott, have you found any Nurses, yet, because if not, I’m pretty sure we can find four, but only one is married. The other three are in their twenties, and single. Is that a good incentive to recruit them?”

  Scott gave a bit of a nervous laugh and stammered, “Well, uh, yeah, oh I think, uh, yes, ma’am, that is a wonderful incentive. Hot damn, this day is shaping right up…wait, are they fat and ugly?”

  “Scott, shame on you for being so judgmental,” laughed Faith, “and no, they are not. Are your young men fat and ugly, or more like you?”


  Chapter 11

  What to do? What to do?

  April 5th, 1100 hours

  Barracks building site

  Defiance, NC

  Ralph came roaring up to Levi saying, “Levi, oh crap we got problems.”

  “Of course we do, what else is new, Ralph.

  “Shut up a minute, and I’ll tell you what’s new. There is a state prison about ten miles from here, and one of the newbies told me that the Warden is planning to release the prisoners.”

  “WHAT? No fucking way! We have to stop this nonsense.”

  Ralph was very excited when he said, “But, Levi, what can he do? Most of the guards have not shown up for work since the lights went out, and they are running out of food.”

  “First, calm down, damn it. I’ll tell you what that Warden can do; he can walk away and let them starve, or go in and end their suffering with 9 mils. They must not be turned loose to prey on these people. Come on, let’s go visit this Warden.”

  They took Levi’s jeep, Sergeants Guy and Eldridge accompanying them as they drove straight to the prison gates where Levi introduced himself and the Mayor.

  After they were disarmed, Levi and Ralph were escorted to the Wardens Office and introduced.

  “Let’s see; Captain Levins is it, and Mayor Bassett? Yes, how may I help you?” Two armed guards stood by the door.

  “Sir,” said Levi we have heard a rumor that you plan to open the gates to free the prisoners. Surely this cannot be true.”

  The Warden looked at Levi and Ralph with disgust as he said, “Gentlemen that is exactly what I plan to do. We can no longer secure or feed them. With no electricity, conditions are rapidly deteriorating. What other option do I have? There are only five of us remaining to run this entire facility.”

  Levi turned to the guards and asked them, “Do you think this is a good idea?”

  Before they could answer the Warden quickly stood up and declared, “These morons don’t make the decisions around here, I do. Do not even think of asking them anything.”

  “Sergeant Eldridge, please ask to borrow a pistol from the guards.”

  The Warden now screamed, “You must be crazy, Williams, arrest these men.”

  Williams drew his service pistol and shot the Warden in the chest, then handed his pistol to Sergeant Eldridge.

  Taking both men’s weapons, Levi ordered them to go with Sergeant Guy and bring the remaining two guards to the Warden’s Office.

  Williams said, “Sir that is not necessary. They are just down the hall waiting to be called in. May I do that now Captain?”

  “Please do.”

  The two guards came in, saw the body of the Warden and smiled. “Well, that liberal bastard won’t be letting murderers run amuck in this community.

  Sir, we are at your orders, well, as long as you do not order us to free these assholes.”

  Levi said, “Men, as I see it, we have two choices. One, we just leave them in their cells and walk away, or we shoot them to ease their misery. Which do you suggest?”

  “Captain,” said Williams, we have all been attacked, insulted and spit on. I say fuck ‘em, let ‘em rot.” All four guards agreed, and with that, all eight men walked out of the prison and locked the gate behind them.

  The guard’s weapons were returned, and they began walking back to their homes. They were not offered a place in Defiance.

  On the way home, Levi said to Ralph, “See Mayor, nothing to get your panties in a wad about. Let’s face it, those criminals made their beds, and now they must sleep in them. No way do they go free.”

  “Well done, Captain, even though I do feel sad for what is coming to them, but I would pull the trigger myself rather than set them free.

  You know, Captain Levins, if you will pick it up a bit we might get home in time for supper.”

  “Oh shit, I am so glad you said that. Sergeant Guy, I want you to pick a detail from those we saved today, and go to the Wagon Wheel Restaurant and move it to Defiance. Can do?”

  “Well, yes sir, but it’ll be quite a job, but sure, can do, sir.”

  “Good, let them get a shower, a good night’s sleep, and a couple of meals under their belt, then get on it at 0700, Roger that?”

  “Yes sir, Roger that, Captain.” Sergeant Guy immediately began planning the mission, and who to add to the detail to take care of the gas pipes and well, everything.

  “Wait, Mike, you can leave the stoves. Pick up new propane models at our Home Depot, and go first class.”

  “Roger that sir, it will sure make the job easier.”

  Ralph turned to Levi and said, “Great idea. If we consolidate the food preparation, we save on food, and everyone gets better acquainted. I like it…yep, glad I thought of it.”

  Levi said nothing; he just smiled like a Cheshire Cat.


  Chapter 14

  All Work and No Play…

  April 6th, 1130

  Captain Levins’ tent


  “Levi, things are going pretty well even though too many people decided our minefield was a bluff. Now, though, they do seem to be avoiding the area.

  We’ve annexed a Walmart, Home Depot, two Army/Navy stores, two more gun shops and a Food Lion.

  Oh, yeah, the idea to hire some walkers for a day’s labor for food and water was brilliant. Ben, ya’ done good. It’s a danged shame that in a couple more days they’ll be too weak to hire on.

  I want to thank each of you for the effort you have provided; sadly it’s not going to be enough. The next ten or so days will be not only difficult and dangerous but incredibly heartrending as we will be forced to watch the death of so many fellow Americans.

  We are entering a new era of unimaginable tragedy, and danger. We cannot afford to let our guard down for even one second. To avoid this calamity, we must stand firm in our resolve to preserve Defiance.

  We have all seen the increasing number of fires in the area, and they are getting closer. Those we have saved from the road say gangs of murderers are everywhere. Is there anything we can do to smack and stack a few of them?”

  “Ben,” said Levi, “I wish we could but we just don’t have the manpower just yet to take on that mission...Wait a minute, what if we find a few vets that we can’t use, you know, the older guys, feed and arm them. Maybe they can begin to police themselves.

  I hate to turn vets away, but we need the strength of youth. I was thinking that if we arm them, we at least give them a chance. Yeah, I like it.”

  Ralph piped in, “But what if they decide to hit us instead of the bad guys?”

  Levi said, “Ralph if we handle it right by moving them, say 10 miles up the road I don’t think they will walk the 10 miles back. Not when they think they might be able to take some bad guy stuff. You know, payback is a bitch.”

  “Yep sure is,” added Ben, “Though I can’t help being reminded that every time the U.S. tried to arm one faction against another, it always blew up in our faces. Our good guys often became bad guys. Still, I think it is the right thing to do, so yeah, let’s do it. I can get start
ed on it now.”

  Levi said, “Mr. Mayor?”

  “I must admit that Ben has a good point, but yeah, sure, I’m on board, let’s roll. Get to it, Ben, see ya’ later.”

  Rising from his chair, Ben said, “Roger that, sir, I’m on the way.”

  Levi then turned to Ralph and asked, “How are things going on the civilian side of this circus?”

  “Pretty danged well. We’ve got supply organized, and the team is sorting and cataloging. Yesterday in a meeting with the team leader, Mary Collins suggested that we make a quick grab of a Goodwill store. They have lots of every size of clothing.

  She also said the same thing you did about passing out winter clothing this fall to put the locals solidly behind us.”

  “Ralph, I’m embarrassed, you or I should have thought of that exact thing on day one. What is Mary’s background?”

  “You’re gonna’ love this; she was a Regional Manager for…wait for it…Goodwill Industries. Don’t you love it?”

  Both men laughed heartily before moving on to other business.

  “Day before yesterday we found two seamstresses, and a couple of barbers, both are already very busy. I should add that they are so busy because they are getting your militia boys groomed and uniforms altered to fit.”

  Levi said, “Ralph, I would not have thought of that until it was too late to get them, very good acquisitions.”

  Levi then called out, “Top!”

  First Sergeant Bradley Cobb shouted back, “On the way, sir. Two seconds later his head popped through the tent flap and said, “Yes sir, what’cha need?”

  “Come on in Top. Is Guyardo still in charge of the Walmart crew?”

  “Yes sir, he is, and he needs resupply of men and bullets. So far he’s been able to hold his own against the walkers, but we need to reinforce him and the grocery stores. We just got a report from him this morning saying that shots were fired at him from an attempt by some gang bangers to take the Walmart. They left ten dead gangsters behind them and over a hundred walkers who were just walking behind the gang.”


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