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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

Page 19

by Deane, Cliff

As they got to know each other, the Widow’s Sons relayed that their club was affiliated with a Blue Lodge in Punta Gorda, Florida.

  In addition, all thirty of them were 32nd degree York Rite Masons and were Knights Templar. Each of them was a veteran.

  After the meeting, Levi asked Ralph, “Did you know about a Masonic Motorcycle Club called The Widow’s Sons?”

  “Sure, they are a Blue Lodge group of Masons who like to ride motorcycles. When I lived in Killeen, there was a Chapter in our Blue Lodge. ”

  “Levi, how is it I didn’t know you to be a Mason?”

  Levi smiled and replied, “You never asked. By the way are you also a York Rite? I’m Scottish Rite myself.”

  Sharing the ritual handshake Ralph said, “Am as I, Levi, am as I, and yes, I have been to the east.”

  The Masons settled on three nearby abandoned farms, and did, in fact become good friends, and trusted allies.


  Chapter 31

  Return to Camp Lejeune

  May 14th 0800

  Defiance War Room


  At the morning meeting Levi welcomed everyone and announced that he had only two items on his agenda; begin to consider a name for our new nation, and to begin the planning phase of the return to Lejeune to open some of the Armories and bring their contents back to Defiance.

  Levi put his foot down and made it absolutely clear to everyone in attendance that he intended to lead this mission, with Captain Eldridge as his Deputy and SSgt Guyardo as the NCOIC (Sergeant in charge). Though there were objections, everyone realized that the Colonel was going to win this one.

  A number of names were discussed, but no agreement was reached until Major Ben Smith suggested the new nation be named simply America. All agreed that this name would be friendly and familiar in the collective memory of the survivors. Being called Americans could become a rallying call to never give up.

  At any rate, the name of a new nation was far too important to be decided in one short meeting, so the members were tasked to get feedback from the community, both inside and out of Defiance proper. The decision was tabled until members of the community could, both mull over the name, America, or suggest another.

  It was decided that the new name would be a ballot referendum, voted upon not by just the settlers living in the village of Defiance, but everyone within the stated boundary of this new nation.

  Ralph believed this to be a wonderful idea that would give those outside of Defiance proper a sense of belonging, a sense of community.

  The second of Levi’s agenda items concerning a return to Camp Lejeune was unanimously approved. Major Smith and Captain Eldridge, along with 1st Sgt Cobb would work out the plan of action and the logistic concerns of such a major undertaking.

  Ralph’s agenda input consisted of four items. Of great importance was the progress of the building project. He said, “I am very pleased to announce that the new Government House and the 1st Squadron Regimental Headquarters are estimated to be completed within the next thirty days.

  He also announced that the first solar electric project; the Dining Facility should see completion within the next two days.

  His third agenda item for this meeting was to announce that the Secretary of the Treasury reported that his efforts to fund a gold backed currency now had hard assets of nearly one thousand pounds of gold, one thousand four hundred pounds of silver along with other precious metals and jewels.

  He also recommended that the initial price of gold should be set at $18 per ounce and silver at $3.00 per ounce and that all monies would be issued in hard currencies.

  The Secretary had also asked Ralph if he should plan on melting down gold and silver jewelry to create ingots for the treasury. Ralph told the group that he would suggest to this group a plan which would keep eighteen karat gold up to twenty-four karat intact and melt down those items of lesser quality.

  The members of this governmental grouping agreed with the Mayor’s recommendation. Now the task was to find a metallurgist capable of accomplishing this monumental task.

  The Mayor’s last agenda was to announce that the spring planting was complete and that the first sprouts were popping up everywhere.

  The news of a successful first planting caused a loud approval from everyone, except the Historian who said in a very low murmur, “Oh, my, fresh veggies.”

  With the agenda covered, and committees established, the meeting was adjourned at 0925.


  May 14th, 0930

  Defiance War Room


  The Lejeune Committee, as they called themselves, met to prepare for, and execute a mission to additional arms and ammunition from the Armories at Camp Lejeune.

  Major Smith opened the planning session with his definition and concept of the operation.

  “This mission objective is to acquire as much of the arms and munitions as our vehicle resources will allow, and then return safely to Defiance. The lead vehicle (jeep) will scout one tenth of a mile ahead of the main body to warn of blockages, ambushes, or any situation which may cause the convoy to be halted.

  Up-gunned jeeps will be evenly spaced throughout the convoy providing alternating flanking coverage.

  The trailing jeep will hold position one hundred yards to the rear of the main body to warn of any approaching danger.

  My concept of the operation will be to travel vehicle heavy, double basic ammo load, standard LBE (load bearing equipment), vest, helmet, two day supply of water and MRE’s for four days.

  “The vehicle requirements are, as I see them,

  thirty-five of our truck fleet in 2 ½ and 5-Ton trucks,

  six up-gunned jeeps,

  our lone Lowe’s truck,

  one medical,

  one maintenance truck

  All other vehicles will carry three men each. This will allow the third man to rest and will preclude mass casualties should a truck carrying many troopers be hit or destroyed.

  As you can see, this will strain our home defense, but if we have insufficient personnel to complete the mission, well, we just cannot fail to retrieve what is there…if anything.

  I anticipate crossing the LOD nlt than 0600 hours on 16 May.

  Command and Control will consist of Colonel Levins, Captain Eldridge, Captain Pickett, and Staff Sergeant Guyardo.”

  Major Smith then opened the meeting up for discussion.

  Captain Pickett said, “Major, I would like to recommend that elements of B Troop be sent out two days in advance of the convoy to recon the route and provide flanking support as required.

  I propose two ten man teams flanking the road. Should a danger present itself, we shall either eliminate the threat or await the convoy should more firepower be needed.”

  Major Smith said, “Leon, that is an excellent plan, but can you be on the road today?”

  “Yes, sir, we can. I have discussed just such a mission with my NCO’s, and they assure me the mission can commence with two hours notice. That being the case I would say we could be on the move nlt 1400 hours today.”

  “Very well, Captain, you have my blessing…Colonel Levins, do you have any input on this?”

  Levi shook his head and made it clear he approved the plan.

  When the plan was agreed upon the individual requirements for preparation of mission success were established.

  After much discussion of the minute details, the meeting was adjourned at 1005.

  Following the meeting, Colonel Levins spoke with Major Ben Smith. “Ben, you did a great job, now tell me; just how long have you been planning this mission?”

  Ben smiled and said, “Since the day you returned from Lejeune. I regret that I didn’t include the use of our cavalry. That was foolish of me, but I am very pleased you liked the overall plan.”

  “Liked? Ben, that was as good a mission guidance briefing as I have ever attended. Ya’ dun good, son. Ya’ dun good.

  I have to tell you my friend that I may be
a rallying point, but you are the glue that keeps us on the right path.

  Say, do you remember the old sci-fi series called, Star Trek the New Generation?”

  “Yes, sir, of course.”

  “In that series, the XO, Riker, was the template for you. The only difference, Number One, is that your work doesn’t take place on a movie set. You are the best, Ben. Keep up the good work.”

  Levi shook Ben’s hand and left him speechless. As Levi left the room he muttered to himself, just loud enough for Ben to hear, “Damn, how lucky can a Commander get?”


  Leon drove his jeep back to Fort Pickett and began preparing for a dangerous mission. They crossed their line of departure at exactly 1400 hours.

  Once arriving at the route, the convoy would take Leon divided his force of twenty mounted cavalry into two ten man squads on each side of the roadway. Two scouts on each team eased along the flanks of the road followed at two hundred yards by the main bodies.

  At dark, the units made a dry camp, and after placing OPs, and tin cans filled with rocks hung on wire around the camp, everyone settled in for some cold MREs and sleep.

  At first light, the scout set out on their recon mission, followed ten minutes later by the main bodies.

  At thirty miles from their last camp, the scouts spotted a roadblock. After ascertaining that the blockage was manned by six men at the blockade and a sniper on each flank, one of the scouts rode back to the main body to report.

  Captain Pickett ordered a halt and after hearing the report decided to advance, on foot, with ten men to within one hundred yards of the roadblock. The thick pine forest concealed the troopers.

  Leon sent one scout to each flank to get a closer look before considering his next move.

  The scouts easily spotted the men playing sniper, both sound asleep. They made their way around them to investigate the position from the rear. What they saw were five heavily armed men and seven naked women in chains performing cooking duties.

  The scouts clearly heard one of the men on the roadblock saying, “Man, this job sucks. Do you think Ike really believes we can stop that Defiance outfit? Remember what they done to Snake and most of our gang? Well, if he does, he’s nuts, but I ain’t gonna’ be the one to tell him that.

  The man then turned around, and the scout saw the logo on the back of the man’s vest. It read “Death Dealers.”

  At this point, both scouts slipped back to Captain Pickett and reported that there were still Death Dealers around.

  “Sir, we have a total of seven of the Death Dealer’s motorcycle gang. Remember that group that A Troop took out in Kill Devil Hills last month? Apparently, they didn’t get them all.”

  “Yeah,” said Captain Pickett, “my guess is the rest are enjoying the pleasures of Washington Park. It is a lovely little town right on the Pamlico River.

  Ok, we need info on this bunch of scumbags, so that means we need a prisoner, so here’s what we’re gonna’ do.

  Ted, you take three troopers to the left flank, and Joe, you do the same on the right flank. Now, do not forget the snipers.

  I’m going to give you thirty minutes to get into position. Let’s see, right now it’s quarter to, so at exactly twenty minutes past I will fire a shot. You will quickly follow suit and take all save one of these big bad Death Dealers out…but remember I want one prisoner, so we don’t shoot the man nearest to the slaves. We clear on this?”

  “Yes, sir, at twenty past you fire one round we shoot all the males, save the one closest to the slaves, and take that bastard alive. Yes, sir, we good.”

  “Well, all right, get your teams ready for silent movement and get your asses movin’.”

  The NCOs grabbed their fire teams, removed any noise making equipment, and made their way through the forest.

  At fifteen minutes past the hour, everyone was in place, targets assigned and awaiting the signal to open fire.

  At twenty past Leon fired one round into the air and a second later rifle thunder roared through the trees, leaving only one bewildered man standing in the open throwing his hands high and screaming, “Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed.”

  Ted took the scoped Remington 22 LR and placed a well-aimed round into the meaty portion of the right calf of the man, taking him to the ground, leaving him screaming in pain.

  Ted then instructed the trooper nearest him to ease on down and make sure the survivor was in fact unarmed, and that the others were dead.

  The women sat huddled together fearing that another horror might now be coming into their lives.

  Once the entire force had arrived at the roadblock, Leon asked the women, “Which of these assholes has the key to your chains?”

  The all pointed to the man still screaming in pain on the ground. A Sergeant went to the downed man and said, “Fish out them keys dickweed, and be quick.”

  The man said, “They’re in my right pocket. I need a doctor, ya’ shot me damn it.”

  The Sergeant gently kicked the wounded calf and said, “I didn’t ask Y'all where they wuz. I told ya’ to git ‘em.”

  When the Sergeant touched the wound, the man screamed and scrambled to get the keys, then handed them to his tormentor.

  Leon had him unlock the chains around the ankles of the women. As he freed them, Leon asked, “Ladies, do you have any clothes, here?”

  Without looking in Leon’s eyes, one said, ye… yes, sir, over in their truck.”

  Leon smiled his most charming smile and said, “Thank the Lord, please go over there and get dressed. We mean you no harm, and I suspicion you have had enough harm for this lifetime.”

  While the ladies were dressing Leon knelt down beside the wounded Death Dealer, and said, “Well, well, well, how the worm has turned. Now here’s the deal. Just so you know who we are I will tell you. We are Troop B, Defiance Militia, and you are nothing.

  Let’s make this easy, I ask, you answer. If I like what you say, then when we leave I won’t let these ladies care for you. I imagine that leaving you with them would not be a good thing…well, for you anyway.

  So, here goes; how many of you pricks are there?”

  “You get me to a doc, and I’ll tell.”

  Making a wrong answer buzzer sound, Levi said, “Nope, not the right answer.” He called the woman who seemed to be the oldest of her group and asked her, “Ma’am, if I were to leave this maggot in your care what would you do?”

  Feeling the power of freedom, the woman, named Alice said, “Strip him naked, stake him to the ground by one of these red ant nests, then cut off his balls to attract the ants.”

  “Hmmm,” said Leon as he looked down at the man on the ground now begging not to be left to the women.

  “Ma’am, would you like to demonstrate a small token of your love of this man?”

  “Oh, yes. Would some of you spread his legs and loan me your knife?”

  “Alice, I would love to do that, but we need him alive for now, so maybe just a swift kick?” and Leon whispered into her ear.

  “Well, okay, that’ll work, for now, I guess.”

  The screaming from pain now turned to pleas for help.

  Leon thought that maybe she was getting into this just a bit too much, but he did have two troopers spread his legs, and she kicked him squarely on the bullet wound in his calf.

  The man screamed from the pain, which was severe, but probably not as debilitating as where he had anticipated the kick.

  “All right,” said Leon. “Now you had best listen up if you want to avoid these ladies. I’ll ask one more time, and if I don’t like the answer, well, you get staked to the ground, oh, and naked.

  One more time, how many of you pricks are there?”

  “Twenty-two,” answered the defeated gangbanger.

  Now, making a pinging sound, Leon said, “Oh, yeah, I like that answer. Question two: where are they?”

  “They’re in Washington Park, over by the river.”

  “Did you kill anyone in the town?”
r />   “Well, duh, we had to, didn’t we? How else were we to take over?”

  “Why were these women naked?”

  “If they’re naked they cain’t be hiden no weapons, and ‘sides they look better that way, right?”

  “Did you partake of the delights of any of these young ladies?”

  “Of course, what else are they good for, besides cookin’ and shit?”

  Leon then turned to his troopers and said, “Would any of you like to offer anything in this man’s defense?”

  Almost to a man, the troopers just spit on the ground.

  Turning back to the wounded man, Leon said, “What’s your name?”


  “Well, Bull I needed your name to put on the sign. I find you guilty of murder and rape. The penalty for these crimes is hanging by the neck until you are dead.”

  “What? No, you can’t do that, hell you ain’t even read me my rights. This is bullshit. I want a lawyer.”

  “Oh, Bull, you are such a whiner…”

  Suddenly, the rumble of motorcycles could be heard approaching. Leon ordered his troopers to take up positions on each side of the road. He also promised to let the women have Bull if he made one single sound.

  Leon sat in a nearby chair and waited for the arrival of the bikers who seconds later came riding in.

  As they put down their kickstands and started to get off the bikes, Leon shouted, “Gentlemen, please stay seated. You are covered on each side of the road, and you will be shot if you get off your bike.

  The men were surprised to hear Leon but decided not to get off the bikes.

  The leader said, “Who the fuck are you?”

  “My name is Captain Leon Pickett, commander of B Troop, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment of Defiance.”

  The leader reached for his gun but was thrown to the ground from the impacts of a dozen caliber 30/30 rounds slamming into his body knocking him from his ride.

  The others seven riders froze in place and raised their hands.


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