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Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance

Page 1

by Amanda Heartley

  Table of Contents

  Shameless Submission

  Copyright and Disclaimer

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  More from Amanda!

  About the Author


  Amanda Heartley

  © 2017 Cheeky Books Ltd

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Cheeky Books Ltd

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Table of Contents

  Shameless Submission

  Copyright and Disclaimer

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

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  More from Amanda!

  About the Author


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  More from Amanda!

  Irresistible SEAL - A Military Romance

  The overseas tours have taken their toll on Luke Carter and he dreams of life outside the military. Love, romance, his own space—maybe even a family he can call his own.

  Fueled Obsession - A Bad Boy Romance

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  Together, it's the ride of a lifetime!

  Oceans Apart - A British Billionaire Romance

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  How do you hold on to love when you're 5,000 miles apart?

  Southern Heat - An Erotic Romance

  A wild ride of lust, betrayal, white-hot passion and, ultimately, true love in this sizzling romance set in the Deep South.

  Chapter 1

  Stella sat on the edge of the bed, swinging her foot back and forth, her toes playing with an empty condom wrapper. Of the two male voices she heard coming from the next room, she only recognized one. Walt, her money-hungry pimp. She tapped her foot and grumbled, “Jesus, dudes, hurry up in there.” She wanted this night to be over hours ago. Just get home, shower, and get a good night’s sleep.

  After what seemed like forever, a deep voice pulled her out of her daze. “Come on, kitten, let’s go.”

  She lifted her head and looked up at him standing there in his fancy-schmancy suit. Hmmm. He’s hot. Banker? Insurance? His dark curls framed his face as their eyes met. He nodded, and the corner of his mouth turned up into a crooked smile

  “Kitten? Get serious, dude.” She was tired, beat up, and really didn’t want to fuck this guy. Not tonight anyway. She jerked away as he held out his hand. She remembered the sex-crazed john who’d just beat the living crap out of her, but he only wanted her hand so he could help her up. She took it and sighed in relief. “Come on, big guy, let’s go. You’re a real handsome man to be buying hookers for the night.”

  She looked up at his face and figured he had to have been over six feet tall, and his hand was huge next to her tiny palm. She cringed when he touched her, but damn! He smelled good. And his eyes...deep blue like the ocean. However, it wasn’t his size, his eyes, or his dark hair that got her attention. It was his demeanor, he was a fuckin’ gentleman. Who is this guy? No way he’s a cop, he just handed Walt a handful of cash. Probably just some guy lookin’ for a piece of ass. She scoffed to herself, realizing that was probably it. Yeah, Walt would want me to fuck someone in this condition. Asshole. “Mister, I need a shower and get cleaned up. I’m so sorry. The last—”

  “Shh, my precious kitten. Where we’re going, you’ll be able to relax, shower, and tend to those nasty bruises.” She flinched as he ran his finger down her tear-stained cheek. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” He wrapped his coat around her, slid his arm around her waist, and led her out the door.

  She quickly glanced back at Walt and nodded, knowingly. He nodded in return then turned and walked away. Jerk! She’d noticed the stack of bills in his hand. She knew it was all about the money and wondered why he had to be so damn selfish. She was beaten and bruised and all he could think about was money. No thoughts about the bumps on her head, or the bruises on her ribs, the cut lip or her black and blue eyes. Nope, he only thought about money. Dick. But she knew she would be a happy hooker when she got her cut. Shit! That’s a lot of fuckin’ cash. Sucker! He paid Walt a pretty penny just to fuck me. HAH! I better bring my ‘A’ game!

  She smiled up at him and gracefully took his hand. As they passed through the doors of the grand hotel and into the reception area, he covered her with his jacket. She peeked out and noticed that people would just nod and smile. They probably knew she was a whore, but he had to be someone real important, because it seemed like everyone moved out of his way.

  The stranger opened the door to the black SUV, lifting Stella into the back seat. She could have been weightless by how easily he lifted her and sat her in the car. In those brief moments, she felt his strength, the tight muscles beneath his classy suit.

  Once he’d slipped in beside her, she prepared herself for a quick fuck but was surprised once again when he only tapped on the dark partition glass, signaling to the driver to move along. I hope this isn’t
a threesome. I am so not in the mood. She could hear her heart pounding and her neck was sore, probably from that asshole client trying to choke her. The effects of the alcohol she was forced to drink before Walt showed up were already gone, making her throat feel like a litter box and hard for her to swallow.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked. His voice was deep, and she wondered how old he was. Twenty-five? Thirty? Most clients weren’t with her to talk about their life so she never asked.

  “Please, you must have read my mind. Water would be great.”

  “How old are you?”

  “T-t-twenty. Almost twenty-one.” She smiled nervously, playing with her hands.

  A crooked smile crossed his face. “Then I guess it’s sparkling cider tonight.” He pulled out a bottle from the console then poured two glasses of the bubbly apple drink. “Here you go, precious.”

  “T-t-thank you.” She took the glass and drank. The bubbles tickled her nose, causing her to sneeze.

  “Bless you!” the man said.

  “Thank you.” The sparkling cider and his calm demeanor put her at ease with him. She was grateful when her body finally started to relax. “So, where are you taking me?”

  “Just up the street a ways. Not far. I don’t know if you remember me, but my name’s Michael. You can call me Sir. Tonight, you will bathe and get some sleep. I’ll tend to your wounds. Tomorrow morning, we’ll start your training.” He raised his glass. “So drink up, kitten, we’re almost home.”

  “T-t-training? Training for what?” Confusion clouded her mind, and she was so tired. It had been a long day, and with the last john beating her almost to death, she just wanted to sleep; not train, not fuck, not do anything but sleep.

  He laughed a little and squeezed her thigh. She flinched and pulled his coat in tighter around herself. He patted her thigh, like an old friend who had known her all his life. “Don’t worry about that, princess. For now, we’re going to take care of you, get you back to health, and then I’ll explain everything you need to know.”

  She sputtered her juice. “I’m staying with you? What do you mean? Training? You aren’t just an everyday client?”

  He glared at her with his deep blue eyes. “Stella, Stella baby, you know you ask too many questions? Now enjoy your cider, we’ll be home in just a few.” He pointed his finger at her, and his eyes twinkled playfully. “And I don’t want to hear another peep out of you.”

  “Yes, Sir…” She lowered her head. The forceful, yet quiet way he talked to her let her know he was a man of respect. Why does he need a hooker? He’s obviously loaded and could probably get any woman he wanted with the snap of his fingers. Fuck, I’m not gonna ask. Who fucking cares? As long as I get my cut.

  They pulled up to a house surrounded by stone walls. The gate creaked open, and they drove into the yard of the most beautiful mansion she had ever seen. It reminded her of the castles in her fairy tale books she’d read as a little girl. The yard was immaculate, and the mansion was huge; it must have had fifty rooms. As they pulled into the drive, she watched in awe as the lights danced across a beautiful waterfall to music that was coming from somewhere. This guy obviously had money and a lot of it.

  He opened the door to the SUV, and she choked out a, “Wow, you live here? This house is amazing.”

  “Thank you, and yes, kitten, this is my house. My beautiful sanctuary. Come in, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” He slid his arm around her shoulder and guided her across the huge foyer. He towered over her five-feet frame by at least a foot, maybe more.

  “I-I have a room? Like... a guest room? You’re actually giving me a room?”

  He laughed aloud and looked down at her. “For a working girl, you sure do ask a lot of questions.” He opened the door and guided her inside. “This is where you’ll sleep tonight. The bathroom is over there. Go ahead and get yourself cleaned up, and I’ll have Maga bring you some fresh, warm towels. Go ahead, enjoy.” He closed the door behind him and was gone.

  She plopped down on the bed, looking around. What the fuck? This place is more like a castle than a house, and I get the room with no view? Figures. The room was nothing like the rest of the house. It was almost naked, very sparsely furnished with just a bed and chair. No dresser, no TV, just a huge room with a bed, and everything was stark white. The comforter, sheets, even the big easy chair in the corner was a supple white leather. She wondered if anyone had ever lived there before. She got up and walked over to the closet, opening the mirrored doors to see if anything was in there. It was bare. The only clothes she owned right now were what she was wearing, and they were filthy.

  At least the king-size bed was comfortable. She usually stayed in Walt’s penthouse suite, but that was getting old. At least here, she might have some privacy, although the room was very bleak and cold. A little too bare for her taste. Stella jumped when the door opened and a woman rushed into the room with towels, body wash, and shampoo. Her heavy breasts jiggled, and her wide hips swayed from side to side as she walked purposefully toward the side of the bed.

  “Oh sweetheart, what happened to you? Someone hurt you?” She hurried to Stella’s side and examined the cut on her forehead.

  “You will be fine, no stitches. Here are some fresh towels and soap to bathe with, get some sleep. I’ll bring you some tea to relax you.”

  Looking at her dark hair and tanned face, Stella judged her to be in her early fifties by her general demeanor and the tiny crow’s feet on either side of her big brown eyes. Her full and voluptuous figure was typical of women her age, smooth and curvy.

  “Uh...sure.” She offered her hand for a handshake. “I’m Stella, by the way.” Maga grabbed the girl’s hand and held it. Her smile was warm and inviting. Stella wasn’t used to so much attention by someone who wasn’t paying her to fuck, and the lady was friendly.

  “Oh yes, I know who you are. The master’s new submissive. He is so pleased to finally have you here with us.”

  Stella shook her head, baffled. “Submissive? No, no, no, no. You must have me confused with someone else. I’m not a submissive. I’m an escort. You know like... men pay me to have fun?”

  She waved her hand in front of her. “Oh dear, I have said too much. Please, let me run you a bath. It will all be better in the morning.” Maga hurried to the bathroom and started running the water.

  Stella followed her. “What is this place? Where am I?”

  Maga ignored her, adding some bath oil that filled the room with the sweet smell of jasmine. She looked over at Stella, showing her the bottle. “The Master’s favorite scent,” she quipped.

  “Smells nice, do I get any clothes to go with it?”

  “Dear, the master doesn’t let his women slaves wear clothes in the house. He will explain everything later I’m sure.” She turned and rushed toward the door.

  “Hey, wait!” But she was already gone, leaving Stella in the room by herself. A hot bath sounded amazing, and after the fucked-up night she’d had, all she wanted to do was to get all the grime and crud off her body and fall asleep.

  She looked at her bruised body in the mirror and thought about the crazy bastard who did this to her. He was a wild fuck and had tried to get her drunk by forcing champagne down her throat while he held her down. He’d choked her as he slammed her against the wall and tried to enter her from behind with his whiskey dick. He was clearly drunk before she’d got there, and Walt was supposed to protect her from men like that. He was supposed to check out everyone before they were alone with her. She was his best, his golden ticket, but he’d dropped the ball on this one. Or maybe his greed had taken over, and he just didn’t care anymore?

  She slid into the hot water, savoring the feel of it against her bruised and battered skin. At least tonight, she had a nice, quiet room and could get some sleep. She felt a little weird, spending the night and all, but Michael and Maga seemed to be okay people.

  She still wasn’t sure about the ‘Master’ and training talk, but she would find o
ut in the morning and probably just fuck him and go home. She was relieved that she didn’t have to fuck, suck, or perform right now. The whole night had been a bitch, and she was just glad it was over.

  Chapter 2

  Stella wiggled under the covers, sliding her arm across the bed to see if anyone was there. Opening one eye, she’d forgotten where she was, and then she saw him sitting there.

  “Where am I?”

  “Good morning, kitten. Did you sleep well?” He looked quite different in his torn blue jeans and tight-fitting black t-shirt. His face was freshly shaven and the scent of his sweet, musky cologne hung in the air. Not the same suited man she’d met just hours before. He looked a lot younger, more relaxed. An unkempt lock of hair fell across his face. He reached up to move it out of his eyes, and she finally remembered where she was.

  She sat up, wrapping the blanket around her. She was still naked and had no idea how long she’d been there. “Yeah, I guess I did. Whoa. What day is it?”

  “Monday. Afternoon. You’ve been asleep for quite a while.”

  “Monday? Wow, I’ve been asleep for … over thirteen hours? And we didn’t uh—” she raised her eyebrow and gestured her hand across the bed. “You know—?”

  “Have sex?” he answered. “No, kitten, I don’t take advantage of beautiful women in their sleep.”

  She ran her hand through her disheveled hair, embarrassed that she’d slept so long, but grateful that she had and Michael didn’t seem to care. “Was I drugged? Did you give me something? I’ve never slept so long in my entire life.”

  He smiled. “No, kitten, you weren’t drugged. Maga made some tea to relax you, and you just needed some sleep.”

  “Mmm-hmm…. I’m starving. Can I possibly get something to eat, or are we gonna, you know... have sex? That’s why I’m here, right? To have sex with you?”

  He stood up, crossed the room, and sat on the bed beside her. “Slow down a minute. You just woke up. Come here.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close to him, curling his finger up in a fiery tendril. “Yeah, we have something to eat. You feeling okay? You got pretty beat up yesterday.”


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