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French Roast (The French Twist Series Book 4)

Page 14

by Glynis Astie

  Oh, but he would.

  “It sounds like his seats are far worse off than mine were.”

  I stared at him for a long moment before muttering, “Very funny.”

  He feigned innocence. “I thought so.”

  Rather than continuing down this disturbing road, I decided to take our conversation in another direction.

  “So, I was wondering if you could help me with something, Dad.”

  “Anything, Duck.”

  “Well, Louis and I have decided to look for a new house.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re already thinking about more children? You just made quite a splash with this second one.”

  I rolled my eyes at his heinous pun. Have a little imagination, Dad!

  “No, we’re not ready for more children. I don’t know if we’ll ever be, but we’ve decided our house doesn’t quite have what we need.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Okaaaaay. How am I going to help you from all the way across the country?”

  “Come on, Dad, you have a lot to offer.”

  “Well, ‘duh,’ as your son is so fond of saying.” He paused. “So, what do you need? Do you want me to come back out and look at houses with you once you’ve recovered?”

  “Actually you can help us pretty easily from your current location.”

  “I’m intrigued.”

  “You have a number of real estate connections.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “But they all service the east coast. Everyone I know is sane enough to live on the safe side of the country.”

  “Well, that won’t be a problem.”

  “How so?”

  I held my breath for a few seconds before dropping the bomb. “We’re moving to New York.”

  I took immense satisfaction when his jaw popped open. For once I was giving him a surprise I had actually intended to give him.

  When he regained his composure, he asked, “What on earth made you reach this conclusion?”

  “I hear California’s going to fall into the ocean.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “It only took you thirteen years to see the light.”

  Luc spun into the room with great delight. “What light did Mommy see, Opa?”

  My father scooped Luc into his lap. “She’s finally come to her senses and is bringing you guys back to New York.”

  Luc’s eyes lit up. “Do we get to live with you?”

  The split second of fear I saw behind my father’s eyes was priceless.

  Louis chuckled as he entered the room. “I don’t think Opa can handle our brood, Luc. Both you and your brother are distinctly without volume buttons.”

  As if in agreement with has father’s statement, Griffin began wailing from his hospital-issued crib.

  “My baby brother needs me!” Luc sprang from my father’s lap, grabbed his father’s hand and went to tend to Griffin’s needs.

  I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was needed (only a woman can handle that particular job), so I quickly reached for my father’s hand. “What do you think, Dad?”

  “I’m thrilled, Duck! But what about your sister? You two are inseparable.”

  I sighed. “It may take a little while, but she’ll be joining us. Right now you need us more.”

  “But what about your dream of living in California?”

  “I’ve had thirteen amazing years here. I loved every minute of it. Now it’s time to move on.”

  His eyes became glassy. “I don’t know what to say, Duck. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Neither could I, Dad.”

  I held my father’s hand, and turned to behold the other amazing men in my life. Luc was helping Louis change Griffin’s diaper. He hadn’t much of a clue what he was doing, but he was eager to learn and he couldn’t stop smiling.

  I was suddenly struck by the similarity of this moment to my life in general. Through the years, I had often floundered, but I had never given up. I had always managed to find my way in the end—thanks in large part to the many wonderful people who surrounded me. Life would certainly be different without my mother’s guidance. It would most definitely not be perfect, but it would be good enough in the best way possible.


  Five years have passed since Griffin was born. Just three months after his memorable birth, we made our move to the “right” coast. We happily settled in the same town as my brother, just a thirty minute drive from my father’s house. It was wonderful to be so close to all of them and I felt lucky to be able to help my father put the pieces of his heart back together. Luc delighted in the change of seasons (I will watch the video of his first snowball fight for years to come…), while Louis quietly snuck off to buy the most powerful snow blower he could find.

  There were days when I couldn’t believe how happy I felt and days when I thought I wouldn’t survive. The latter were the dark days in which I became convinced my little one was a demon sent from the underworld to finish me off. (Severe lack of sleep coupled with ever-present grief brought about wicked bouts of delirium.) One desperate night, I found a sleep training book my mother had purchased for me when Luc was born. I had never needed it with him, but this brilliant tome literally saved my life when it came to Griffin—and the handwritten notes she had left me in the margins gave me the will to fight another day.

  As expected, the world continued to turn without my mother, but with each passing day, life became more bearable. It took her two and half years, but Kate finally made good on her promise and moved back to the east coast. She may have overshot slightly when she ended up in Providence, Rhode Island, but a three hour car ride was certainly better than a six hour plane ride, in my humble opinion. Besides, I had been lucky enough to have her at arm’s reach for most of my life; it was time for her to spread her signature sunshine to a new city. She would always keep a little in reserve for us.

  Just after Kate and her family arrived in Rhode Island, we happily welcomed another member of the family—Evan Ian Bennett. Ginny was thrilled to be a big sister and immediately appointed herself the gatekeeper of her brother’s activities. No one was allowed access to him without going through her first. I saw so much of my mother in her, which both thrilled and scared me. That type of determination in one so young was truly a sight to behold.

  With copious amounts of love and patience from his children, my father found his way once more. He took classes at the community college (which became more of an opportunity to lecture other students than to hear the lecture of the professor), joined an online film critique group (screen name: FilmBuffBennett), and spent plenty of time showing off his grandchildren at the senior center. I knew his heart would never love another woman as he loved my mother, but I was pleased to see he was able to fill it with joy.

  My boys—Louis, Luc and Griffin—brought me back from the depths of despair time and time again (following a slight detour to the pit of insanity as noted above). They made me smile when I felt like crying, laugh when the world seemed too much to bear and love when I was filled with anger about my mother’s death. I would never have made it to the other side of my pain if not for their endless compassion. They would forever be my heart and soul.

  We still had a lifetime of challenges ahead of us; a lifetime of both pitfalls and triumphs, of mistakes and exultations. But I wasn’t worried. I knew she was watching.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading French Roast! If Sydney and her antics made you laugh, cry or perhaps even thank your lucky stars you’re in full possession of your sanity, I would be grateful if you took a few moments to write a review of your reading experience—Amazon or Goodreads, take your pick! Your time, effort and thoughtful words are greatly appreciated. Who knows? You may even wrangle a few unsuspecting folks into giving Sydney and her loud but lovable family a whirl!


  To my amazing husband, Sebastien, for inspiring me to write this entertaining series. Our love story continues to thrill me—even if we�
��ve gone from romantic dinners and exciting trips to math homework and time outs. You still have the ability to make me think, laugh and swoon like no other.

  To my sons, Ryan & Xander, for being the most incredible children on the planet. I will never be able to fully articulate how much I love you or how much joy you give me on a daily basis. You will always be my greatest achievement.

  To my sister, Megan, for encouraging me every step of the way. From designing my covers to editing my words, you did whatever you could to help me bring my books into the world. Thank you for talking me through my doubts, encouraging me when I lost heart and for being my biggest cheerleader!

  To my brother, Colin, for reminding me that I had the strength to write this last installment in my series. Thank you for your huge heart, your outstanding patience and your unforgettable sense of humor. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  To my sister-in-law, Jen, for supporting me through everything with kindness and grace. Writing this part of our story reminded me, once again, how lucky we are to have you in our family. You also makes the best granola I’ve ever tasted!

  To my brother-in-law, Josh, for having the patience of a saint. One day the business side of books will make sense to me. Until then, I get to bug you—something every little sister worth her salt does very well!

  To my nieces, Sabrina and Skyler, and my nephews, Jackson and Evan, for following your crazy aunt through her writing adventure. Your unique viewpoints, endless encouragement and much-needed affection mean the world to me.

  To Deepa, for putting up with me for twenty-something years. Your ability to bring my world back into perspective is truly astounding. I wouldn’t be the person I am without you. (Still not quite sure what you get out of this relationship…)

  To Jenean, for sticking with me through the most difficult writing project of my life. Thank you for repeatedly lifting my spirits, for reading (and commenting on) every version of every scene I wrote, and for being the incredible person you are. I will never regret being your gym “stalker.”

  To the fabulous Jayne Denker, for unleashing your trademarked fabulousness in my honor. Where you find the endless supply, I have no idea! Thank you for your sarcasm, your ability to make me see reason (no easy feat, my friend!), and your general brilliance. I’m truly lucky to know you. Squirrel!

  To my favorite Queen Bee, Tracie Banister, for talking me through yet another writing experience. I cannot imagine where I would be if you hadn’t found me in the vast “Twitterverse.” Your wisdom, wit and tenacity are just a few of the things I’ve come to depend upon from you. Thank you for being your gorgeous, glittery self!

  To Jan (aka Mama Klein), for adopting me into your awesome family. Thank you for your no-nonsense attitude, your perspicacity (hee!), and your ability to make me feel special in a way that only another mama can.

  To Cathy, for encouraging me to take this crazy adventure. Thank you for seeing something special in Sydney from the very beginning. I will always be grateful for your friendship.

  To my remarkable writers’ group—Jessica Hulett, Rebekah Shackney, Juliana Badescu, Bruce Ballard and Brian Avenius. Thank you for listening to my story and helping me shape it into what I wanted it to be. You are such an intelligent, compassionate and FUN group of people. I plan to seek your collective opinion for years to come!

  To an extraordinary group of authors and bloggers for your insight, enthusiasm and unparalleled kindness. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you! My undying gratitude goes out to Melissa Amster, Melissa Baldwin, Laura Chapman, Bethany Clark, Geralyn Corcillo, Marlene Engel, Julie Galvin, Gladys Gonzalez, Hilary Grossman, Annabel Krantz, Cat Lavoie, Becky Monson, Cathy Ryan, Meredith Schorr, Mary Smith (Ms. Birdlady), and Chrissy Wolfe.

  About the Author

  Glynis never expected in her wildest dreams to be a writer. After thirteen years in the Human Resources Industry, she decided to stay at home with her two amazing sons. Ever in search of a project, she was inspired to write the story of how, in only six short months, she met and married her wonderfully romantic French husband, Sebastien. The end result became her first novel, French Twist. As this was just the beginning of their epic love story, Glynis continued to chronicle their adventures in the sequel, French Toast, and the final installment in the series, French Fry.

  After she finished milking her life story for all it was worth, she decided to write straight-up fiction with Gamer Girl, which infused her beloved chick lit with a hint of fantasy. She then realized there were a few ounces left in her real-life French fairy tale, and added French Roast to the mix. She is currently considering writing a prequel to the series, and is therefore questioning her definition of “final installment.”

  When Glynis is not writing, she is trying to keep the peace amongst the three men and two cats in her life, finding missing body parts (Lego pieces are small!), supervising a myriad of homework assignments and keeping a tenuous hold on her sanity by consuming whatever chocolate is in the vicinity.

  Connect with Glynis Astie





  Also by Glynis Astie

  French Twist

  French Toast

  French Fry

  Gamer Girl

  French Twist

  Sydney Bennett had spent her life in pursuit of perfection. She planned, weighed her options and made careful choices based on calculated outcomes. Through all of her efforts, she had come pretty close to perfection, if she didn’t say so herself. She had fled the cold winters in New York for sunny California, found a job she loved and lived in the same town as her sister, and best friend, Kate. The one area of perfection that had always eluded her was her love life. No matter how hard she tried, she always ended up with a broken heart. After a particularly traumatic breakup, Sydney vowed she was done with love.

  Just as Sydney threw herself into her new plan to forget about men, a handsome Frenchman tossed all of her intentions out the window as he swept her off of her feet. Louis Durand had lived a life filled with excitement and adventure. He was impetuous, intelligent and incredibly charming. So naturally, he scared Sydney half to death. From the moment they met, Louis and Sydney’s romance progressed at warp speed. Sydney did her best not to run, but her deep rooted relationship anxiety threatened to provide an easy exit. When Louis mentioned marriage before Sydney even knew his favorite color, she was more than tempted to reach for her running shoes. Will she be able to put her fears aside to follow her heart? The one thing Sydney will learn is that sometimes perfection comes with a twist...

  “It was easy to root for Sydney because she was so darn likeable and her insecurities felt authentic…She made me laugh, she made me cringe with embarrassment and her relationships with her family made me cry (in a good way).”

  -Meredith Schorr, author of Blogger Girl and How Do You Know?

  “Based on real life events, French Twist is a beautiful love story that really makes you believe that love at first sight is possible…I look forward to reading more by this talented author!”

  -Hilary Grossman, author of Dangled Carat and Plan Bea

  “I really found the writing of the author refreshing and lively…I found the book quite entertaining… I cannot wait to start with book two.”

  -Lynelle Clark, Aspired Writer Book Blog

  “I thought this book was completely charming, fun, and romantic…You will get wrapped up in the story and swept away by the romance of it all.”

  Stephanie, Steph the Bookworm Book Blog

  French Toast

  Sydney Bennett is back! And her pursuit of perfection is alive and well. Naïve to the core, Sydney believed when she finally married the man of her dreams, the hard part was over. Following a civil ceremony as a me
ans to keep Louis from being deported, Sydney continues to plan the fairytale wedding she had dreamed of since the age of five. Much to her chagrin, she discovers her mother-in-law is planning what seems to be a rival wedding in France that SHE has been dreaming about for her only child since before he was born. How will Sydney be able to ensure two perfect weddings in the midst of Louis’ fruitless job search? Especially when her mother-in-law’s idea of perfection appears to be having Sydney embarrass herself in front of hundreds of people whom she has never met?

  As if she didn’t have enough on her mind already, Sydney finds herself faced with the trials and tribulations of being a wife. Sydney had always heard marriage was hard, but she thought this was just a ruse that married couples portrayed in a bid to make single girls feel less desperate. But as the bills pile up and emotions run high, she realizes there may just be some truth to this statement. And as she watches Louis’ perfection fade away before her very eyes, she begins to wonder if she made a rash decision in marrying a man she had known for a mere six months.

  With all the obstacles Sydney and Louis will encounter, will they be raising their glasses in celebration or watching their impulsive marriage crash and burn? One thing is certain, Sydney and Louis Durand are headed for one hell of a toast…

  “Both French Twist and French Toast are lighthearted fun reads that will keep you in stitches and make you a believer that fairytale romances really do exist ... even when real life puts obstacles in the way!”


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