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The Gift of Fury

Page 12

by Richard Jackson

  It is well past noon when I wake up. Nerva is nowhere to be found, not even a note to say where she has gone. I try not to worry about it. She’s a big girl and can take care of herself. I shower and clean up as best I can before heading home. Once more, I am forced to take it slow and easy. My crutches didn’t survive last night’s scuffle. Luckily, I have no trouble catching a cab back uptown.

  Marino is waiting for me outside of my apartment building. Her expression is guarded. It doesn’t betray her thoughts. I wonder why she is here until I remember the ring in my pocket.

  “Let me guess, you need my help.”

  I move past her, continuing inside. If Meredith has made his move, I don’t have time for these people.

  “Count…..” she warns. A touch of color appears on her cheeks. “I’m not about to apologize for doing my job but this is important.”

  The urgency in her voice stops me. Against my better judgment, I relent. “Okay, let’s talk inside.”


  After I make some coffee for us, I settle down to hear the bad news. Marino doesn’t drink. She just holds the cup as if she were drawing warmth from it.

  “You have to understand, this is all so new to us. We didn’t go to Meredith, he came to us. It was right after the incident. We were still trying to figure out what had happened. Meredith told us you and your friends were responsible for letting that thing loose. I didn’t believe him but he did a good job of convincing my superiors this was at least partially your fault.”

  Every good story and great lie has an element of truth to it. I’m not sure how much truth was in Meredith’s tale. The guilt I had been suppressing rose to the surface. Was I really partially to blame for this? A lot of people died and I could be the one responsible for it. No, I might have caused the building to fall but it’s not my fault that thing got loose. Something else happened. I’m just not sure what.

  “And what do you think?”

  “I think you had nothing to do with that creature getting free. Meredith had convinced Andrew to give him your ring so he could cast a spell to imprison it again. According to him, it had to be cast in a certain place at a certain time.”

  My words are angry and bitter. “And after what I told you people you let him?”

  “I was against it!” Marino’s words reflect my heat. She holds my gaze, not backing down. I concede the point, looking down into my own cup. “I told them it was stupid. We should at least consult with another expert in the field but there was no time. They wanted to have this wrapped up quickly.”

  “So what happened?”

  She takes a deep breathe before answering. “Whatever Meredith tried to do, it didn’t work. That’s when the ring vanished. He was livid. We all knew he was criminally insane but this…. It went beyond anything we had seen.”

  “And that’s when you tried to take him to a padded room.”

  “Yes. That’s when it showed up, the Servitor. He was in control of it the whole time. He was the one that let it loose from the building. I don’t know why he didn’t have it break him out of jail.”

  I don’t know what causes her to shake. It could be the horror of the situation or the fact she and her co-workers were used. That’s the problem when you sleep with the devil, you get burned. When Marino is able to speak again, I realize it is a combination of emotions that haunt her. “He laughed about how we had all played into his hands. All of those people dead and he laughed.”

  “I heard the speech before. Let me guess, he got away.”

  “Yes, we didn’t have anything to stop that thing. It killed almost everyone. I barely got out of there.” She pauses again, setting aside the coffee. “Is this the world you live in? Is this what you deal with?”

  Marino is hurt and shaken. It is obvious she has lost a lot of friends and co-workers. I don’t know anything I can say that will make her feel better. I settle for the truth.

  “I’ll help you get him. Don’t worry. I’m not about to let him turn the world into an abattoir.”


  Marino stays with me the rest of the day and well into the night. She doesn’t want to go even though she should. There is work to be done. She has to file a report about what happened. There’s a manhunt to arrange. Meredith is a fugitive and she wants him brought in. As a favor to me, she stays at my place doing as much as she can from here. It’s not the most efficient arrangement and her superiors might have questions for her. I haven’t told her what it’s about. I only mention it’s important. I can tell the cryptic answer annoys her. That’s better than being shell shocked. I’m still a little worried about her. Meredith exposed her to the darker side of magic. I need to show her the other side of things. I don’t want her or her superiors getting the idea all magic is evil. It’s obvious the DIA doesn’t know much about this sort of thing. I don’t want them to launch a modern day witch hunt or inquisition. I stay out of Marino’s way until it is just before midnight.

  “It’s almost that time” I say.

  “Time for what?”

  “Time to begin your education. Come on.”

  I grab my coat and open the door for her. It takes her a few minutes to gather her things. Instead of heading downstairs, we go up to the roof. I can see the mixture of curiosity and suspicion at war on her features. Marino has good reason to be suspicious after what she had been through. She glossed over the details but I had seen the Servitor’s handiwork. Being present while it slaughtered everyone in sight is something I don’t want to think about. It would do things to anyone’s head.

  Finally, she asks “What are we doing up here?”

  “Don’t be nervous. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

  Marino can’t feel it yet. That will change soon. I take the remaining time to explain a few things to her. “There is a time when magic is at its strongest. It’s called the Witching Hour.”

  “That’s at midnight isn’t it?”

  “It is and it isn’t. The name is a bit misleading. The amount of time varies. A lot depends on the stars, the sun and the moon. At the height of a full moon, the witching hour can last up to three hours. On nights with no moon, it might only be a few minutes.”

  Marino nods, not realizing what this has to do with her and why we are here. I point to the east, in the direction of Central Park. It’s not visible from our vantage point. The buildings between us and the Park form a wall that hides it from view.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Not a thing.” I smile. The world changes yet it remains the same. The laws of nature relax, loosening their hold. This is the Witching Hour. Her exposure to Meredith and his magic made her sensitive to the shift. It does the same to everyone who is exposed to magic. Some don’t realize what it is they sense. Those that realize something special is happening have a choice to make.

  It’s not an easy one and there is no turning back once you make the decision. You can choose to enter the supernatural world or turn your back upon it. Almost no one takes the third option. Only a select few choose to walk in both worlds; the natural and the supernatural. The price for doing so is it that you’re not fully a part of either world. It’s the path I chose.

  When I talk to most people about magic and the supernatural, they look at me like I am crazy. It’s why I couldn’t go back to my old life, I had changed too much. I can fit in and walk among the supernatural but at the end of the day I’m still only human no matter what I have seen and can do. Would I trade that away? No, it’s what makes me who I am so I walk this tightrope, making my own world that is a mix of the two, a world that Meredith has placed in grave danger.

  There aren’t many Fae left in the world. Few call the city their home. Those that do, live within or near Central Park. By the light of the stars and moon, they gather. Faerie fire erupts over Central Park. It is lost to all those not attuned or able to sense the Witching Hour. I’m used to the spectacle. It’s something I take for granted until I look up into the night sky during the Witching Hou
r. It is a thing of beauty, the embodiment of their commitment to their home. It’s absolutely mesmerizing. When Marino recovers from the sight, we descend to the city streets. When I walked with Kara before my confrontation with Meredith, I avoided all the places where I might run into my friends. I also took pains to avoid any supernatural types. This time, I seek them out. I give Marino a tour of my world, taking her to the more magical places of the city. It’s not always pretty. To do this right, I have to show the good with the bad so she can make an informed decision.

  At Lincoln Center, a street magician performs real magic disguising it as simple illusion and parlor tricks for the crowds leaving the opera house. We laugh as sprites soar and buzz around the oblivious skaters on the ice at Rockefeller Center. On Canal Street near the Manhattan Bridge, I point out a troll accosting passer bys for change. At the South Street Seaport, a siren sings her song. And so it goes. It is close to sunrise when we return to the roof of my building. I wonder what Kara is doing right now. I miss her. There were nights when we did nothing but look up at the stars together. Now it feels like I pissed all that away. Jennifer touches my arm. She looks to the east and the first rays of the sun, taking a deep breath. Some of the horror has been washed away. She still looks bewildered. Who wouldn’t be? There’s a lot to process. She has a lot of choices to make in the coming days.

  “I see what you mean Count.” She smiles impishly, an expression I’ve never seen her use before. “It’s something I had to experience firsthand. And you see and do this every day?”

  “Not everyday but this is my world, the world between. If you’re serious about wanting to learn about the supernatural, the price tag can be a bit high. It’s up to you. Once you decide, there is no going back.”

  “Count.” She leans closer, close enough for me to feel her warmth. “Will I be able to work magic?”

  “Yes, probably to some degree.”

  “Can you work magic?”

  “No. Not really, I can’t touch it.”

  “I don’t understand” She says.

  I smile, resisting the urge to slip my arm around her. “Neither do I. The one that does isn’t speaking to me right now.”

  Marino nods, perhaps hearing something in my voice. She murmurs “Thank you.”

  We stand there as the stars flee the dawn, enjoying what could be a romantic moment. Her lips are dangerously close and like I fool I don’t take advantage of the situation. I’m as human as the next person but I just can’t do it. It wouldn’t be fair to her or Kara, no matter how tempting. Instead, we just enjoy the sunrise and each others company.

  Chapter Twenty

  Teachers and professors are a strange and wonderful lot. I don’t mean the ones who see it as just another job. I’m talking about the dedicated ones. The rare ones you remember years later because of the lessons they taught you, even the ones not part of the curriculum. My physics teacher was one of those individuals. He was a man of science who still had the passion of an explorer and the soul of a philosopher. His lessons were eye opening. You always left his class thinking, not just about science but about life and the way things worked. If he had a religion, it was education. He saw it as his duty to teach his students not only the subject matter but how to learn on their own. On the first day of class, he gave us all a warning. A closed mind, whether it’s yours or someone else’s is a dangerous thing. It breeds intolerance and makes you unreceptive to new ideas. In his opinion, it has led to more trouble than anything else in this day and age. That sounded pretty accurate to me especially now. An open mind is a prerequisite in my line of work. It also fits with my style. I like to look at things from different angles. Sometimes I can see things from someone else’s point of view. It’s helped me solve a lot of problems and avoid potential trouble. That’s not to say I don’t have my stubborn moments but I try to be flexible and leave room for being wrong.

  Being a teacher is a new role for me. Scott or Sol could probably do a better job at it than me but it’s not their responsibility. I took it upon myself to re-introduce Jennifer to the supernatural. I can’t just let her stumble along blindly or foist her off on someone else. It wouldn’t be right. So I struggle to pass on the lessons I learned while trying not to bore the hell out of her. It helps that I enjoy spending time with Jennifer. She’s a fast learner and always full of questions. Later when she is ready to learn actual magic, I’ll see that she gets a good teacher. For now, she’s my responsibility.

  Tonight, there isn’t much to talk about except magic. Our efforts to track down Meredith have been fruitless. I’m about to make myself a drink when Jennifer brings up the Bloodstone.

  “You never told me how you got the ring from Meredith.”

  “I didn’t. It just appeared on my desk.”

  Jennifer is about to say, “That’s impossible.” Instead, she just smiles ruefully. Her world has gotten a bit more complicated now that magic is a part of it. It will take some time for her to make the adjustment.

  “There is had to be a reason someone sent you the ring.” She says.

  Jennifer has made a lot of progress over the last week. She thinks someone must have used magic to take the ring from Meredith and send it to me. There is another possibility.

  “It could have come to me on its own. The Bloodstone might be attuned to me. I was told no one would be able to use it but me if that happened.”

  “Where did you get it from anyway?”

  “It’s a long story.” I say.

  “Aren’t they all?” she replies.


  As a child, I never spent as much time in Van Cortlandt Park as I would have liked. Even though it was in the same borough, it was far enough away to make travel there inconvenient. It wasn’t the largest or most famous park in the city. It didn’t need those honors. From its winding forested trails to its wide open fields, Van Cortlandt Park is a place of marvels. You never had to look hard to find something to do, especially at this time of year. It’s the end of spring and the beginning of summer. On a nearby field, the Big Apple Circus is putting up their big top and preparing to entertain the masses. I keep promising myself to catch their show. Sadly, it’s one of those promises I always break. As we leave the parade grounds behind, Kara’s thoughts touch me across the link bringing a smile to my face.

  “You’re in a good mood.”

  “Why shouldn’t I be in one? Things have been going our way. I’m doing okay in my new line of work. I got to save a damsel in distress. What could go wrong?”

  She doesn’t reply immediately. We both know I got lucky that time. It could have been a lot worse if Hagan wasn’t there. The bouncer at the Jesse James and self proclaimed immortal drew a lot of fire. Together, we managed to solve Wendy’s little stalker problem. If I had been there by myself, I would most likely be dead. I have no illusions about my ability to fight off a bar full of people looking to rip me apart. Since that night, I have been a bit more careful as I learned the trade. There was a lot to pick up. Even though Kara won’t say it, she thinks I am making excellent progress.

  “Yes but don’t let it go to your head.”

  I nod. One of the leading causes of death in this business besides blind stupidity is overconfidence. It’s why Sol asked me to accompany Timothy on this little gig. Sol didn’t get the title “Solomon the Wise” because he took unnecessary chances. It’s his knowledge that comes from experience which makes him a master at his craft. Sometimes I take it for granted. He’s my friend first and sorcerer second. Today, I am on Sol’s payroll. My partner has more experience than me as a paranormal investigator but he lacks my little talent not to mention Kara brilliant insight and welcome companionship.


  I am about to reply to Kara when Timothy ruins the moment by speaking. It’s not what he says but how he says it.

  “Let me handle this, Count.”

  I don’t know what he thinks I’m here for but it’s not to take orders. Maybe he thinks, I’ll just slow him
down or cramp his style. Either way, I’m not having it.

  “Yes massa. I’s follow your lead massa.”

  “Are you trying to be funny?” he asks.

  “You’re quick, I like that.”

  Kara chuckles softly. “One of these days, we’ll have to work on your people skills.”

  Timothy frowns as he turns to face me. “Look, I’m allowing you to tag along as a favor to my employers.”

  “And here I thought it was because your employers wanted you to have some backup. Let’s just get this over with. I’ll follow your lead but keep the orders to a minimum.”

  Timothy mutters something too quiet for me to catch. It is enough to dispel Kara’s good humor.

  “I don’t like or trust him” Kara says.

  “Neither does Sol. That’s why we’re here.”

  What I get in return is the equivalent of a mental nod. “Just be careful. He doesn’t care about you.”

  “I would be worried if he did.”

  “That’s not funny. You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  I give Timothy the once over again. He seems like an okay guy but I don’t think we will ever be buddy buddy. He was dead set against me accompanying him. It couldn’t have been about the money. Hell, I could care less about it. I’m here because Sol asked me to be. More importantly, I wanted to see this through. When I helped out Wendy with her stalker, I stumbled onto a much bigger situation. Her stalker was using a powerful magic item to try and charm her. He wasn’t the only one, weeks later another item turned up in the hands of a cat burglar. Contrary to popular belief, powerful magic items aren’t all that common.

  There are three classes of magic items. The first is used by spell caster to help them work magic. They can take many forms though a majority resembles your stereotypical magic wands and staves of power. The second are those items enchanted to work a particular effect. Potions and charms fall into this category and like the first type their form can vary. I’ve seen gems that hold a spell and scrolls that could be read to produce a magical effect. In these cases, the magic can only be used once before the item is either consumed or drained of power. I like to call the last type, Class Three. These items are imbued with a lasting or permanent effect. Their powers and strength vary. Some, like Excalibur, are the stuff of legends. To make these types of items requires a lot of time, effort and skill. With magic the way it is, only he most skilled practitioners can create such items. Even so, none can match the power of the items created in the early days. Any truly powerful item you come across was more than likely made a very long time ago. It was these items that were turning up. When these things turn up in such quantities, people get a little concerned especially when they start to fall into what Sol likes to call “the wrong hands”. That usually means anyone’s hands but his and a few close personal friends. In this case, I found myself agreeing with him.


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