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The Gift of Fury

Page 19

by Richard Jackson

  “That’s a good example of how Glamour can be used. It is their defense and protection in a world that is getting smaller every day,” Kara says.

  “And how was I able to see through it?”

  “Call it a gift.”

  “A gift,” I echo her words out loud before I realize I am doing it.

  “It’s a mighty fine one,” Nightbringer replies without missing a beat.

  “And be careful. You don’t want people to think you’re crazy.”

  “Sorry, I’m still getting used to you being in my head.”


  The deeper we travel into the forest, the more magical it becomes. The Glamour hides these sights from unwelcome visitors but I see it in all its glory. Colored lights of faerie fire paint the world in their unearthly glow. The trees and plant life are more vivid in color. It makes everything so much more beautiful.

  As we step out into a clearing that is dominated by a fairy ring and large bonfire, I spot the inhabitants of this enchanted place. Here, the evening festivities are well underway. Elves mingle freely with the other Fae of Stone Mountain and their few human guests. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are too beautiful for words while others are grotesque beyond imagining. It is enough to take my breath away.

  “This place is a safe haven and gathering place for the Seelie. Please, enjoy yourself,” Nightbringer says. The satyr doesn’t leave me to my own devices. He takes his duty as host seriously. He shows me around the camp site while Kara fills me in on some details about the Fae.

  One people, they are divided into two courts. The Seelie or Blessed Court is made up of the more benevolent Fae. That’s not to say they were all goody two shoes. Far from it, they can be capricious and cruel when given reason. The Unseelie don’t need a reason. I wouldn’t call them evil but you don’t have to be evil to be bad news. Both courts have outposts and settlements scattered across the world.

  “Count, please watch what to say and do,” Kara doesn’t wait for me to ask why. Her advice would be sound for any occasion. “Intrigue is a game to them. There is always some kind of plot going on. It would be best not to be drawn into anything,” She warns.

  After the tour, Nightbringer leaves me to attend to the other guests. Throughout the night, he checks up on me or makes it a point to introduce me to another one of his guests. It’s all part of his roguish charm, even Kara finds herself enjoying the night.

  A brownie offers me a drink from his flask. I take a sip despite Kara’s warning. The world spins for a moment before returning to normal. I resolve never to do that again. The stuff is worse than Lithuanian moonshine. My insides will never be the same. I step into the woods to collect myself as Kara chides me for my recklessness. That’s when I hear a woman scream. And just like that, I am plunging into the forest like some hero in a fantasy novel.


  The screaming stops just as I find its source. A woman, a beautiful one at that, leans against a tree trying to catch her breath.

  “Are you okay” I ask. I don’t have time to say or do anything else before Kara cries a warning.

  “Look out!” she yells.

  I hear something behind me, the clopping of hooves moving fast. There is no time to dodge so I just relax and prepare for the worst. Yeah, I know it sounds strange. Maybe relax is the wrong word for what I do. I don’t let myself tense up. Rigid and inflexible things tend to break when they get hit. Less than a heartbeat later, something hard smashes into the small of my back with the impact of a wrecking ball. I’ve been kicked before but never like this. It’s powerful, reminding me of all those animal documentaries. I roll forward with the force of the blow letting it carry me away from my attacker.

  It’s a little showy and not planned. I somehow I roll to my feet. I even manage to spin around to face my opponent. Nightbringer charges me again, looking every bit as wild and dangerous as a drunken satyr can be. As he launches another kick at me, he yells “Rook!”

  I don’t know if it’s a battle cry or the girl’s name. I could care less. Out of habit, I block the kick even though I’ve moved out of its path. The lessons learned in karate class are put to use once more. I return the favor, delivering a shin kick. It’s not one of my best moves. I’m more of a puncher than a kicker but my kick does land. Nightbringer still hasn’t recovered from his own kick. He is still off balance when mine’s lands. It smacks him in the midsection causing him to double over in pain.

  I am about to follow it up when the woman I came to rescue yells “Stop it, both of you!”

  It takes all my willpower not to throw the punch I was planning. My heart is beating hard and fast like it always does when I fight. I feel untouchable. Instead, I let go of the rush. I hold my ground and wait. If Nightbringer attacks, I’ll defend myself. Kara picks that moment to give me the bad news.

  “Keep in mind, we’re in the middle of an enchanted forest. I don’t think his friends will just let you walk out of here if you rough him up too badly.”

  “Great, just great!” I yell.

  “You’re talking out loud again.”

  “This man came to my aid, Nightbringer,” The woman says.

  Another voice, one I don’t recognize, adds “And once more we see that you are not a proper host. Is this is the way you treat your guests?”

  All of us turn to glance at the new speaker. Nightbringer spits the word “Kalen”.

  The newcomer acknowledges his name with a slight bow. Kalen’s smile troubles me. I don’t know what’s going on but I get the feeling that I am now in the middle of something. For his part, Nightbringer ignores the Fae to see to the woman. As the two of them talk, I look Kalen up and down. There is a coldness to him. He didn’t come to Nightbringer’s camp to relax or enjoy himself. He came to cause trouble.

  Kara murmurs “He is an Unselee.”

  I frown, repeating my earlier words. This time I remember to internalize them. “Great, just great! What else can go wrong.”

  More people arrive. They are full of questions and reproach. The festive attitude of the night is replaced by business, politics and intrigue. I try to figure out what is going on as they speak amongst themselves. The woman picks this moment to approach me while Nightbringer leads his guest back to camp.

  “Nightbringer apologizes for his actions,” She says.

  “It would mean more coming from him but it’s alright, Rook?” I reply. This wasn’t her fault. There is no reason to take it out on her. The woman smiles hesitantly but doesn’t correct me. “It was just a misunderstanding,” I say.

  “One engineered by Kalen. Now, our home is in danger,” She says.

  I frown at Rook “What do you mean in danger?”

  “Nightbringer attacked a guest without cause who he was honor bound to protect and shelter. It is a serious offense among our kind,” I nod not understanding. The satyr was only trying to protect Rook. I turn my thoughts inward to Kara hoping she has answers for me. She doesn’t but Rook does shed more light on the situation. “Kalen wishes to use this incident as an excuse to take control of our territory. He has called for an Arbiter to settle the matter.”

  “When you said engineered, what did you mean? Did he make you scream?”

  “It is something I cannot prove but it is my belief. The timing was too convenient. I had a vision.”

  “She’s a seer,” It’s not often that I hear or sense surprise from my guardian angel. A flood of images and references flicker across the link.

  “People really can’t see the future.”

  It would be too easy if everything was preordained and written in stone. It’s not. There will always be things that are out of our control. You can call it luck, destiny or the universe conspiring against you. The rest are all a product of our actions or inaction. So where do seers and prophets fit in? It’s like dealing with your average stock market analyst. He or she isn’t always correct but the good ones can tell you what is most likely to happen with the market based on current events and
trends. At least, that’s my take on the matter. It remains to be seen if I’m correct.

  I shift my attention back to Rook. “What did you see?”

  “I saw you,” She says with a smile.


  We walk a short distance to the edge of a stream. Here, in the darkness only lit by wisps of light I study her gentle features. I don’t know how to describe her. To merely call Rook beautiful or attractive would be a disservice. She is a living paradox. Youthful while projecting a sense of timeless grace, her presence is commanding without being overpowering. She is friendly and approachable yet reserved. I find out her full name is Rook Half-Elven. Her name and heritage set her apart from most people even those who know who and what she is. Unlike her elven kin, she wears her reddish brown hair short which does nothing to mar her looks.

  “Count, you have chosen your path even though you do not know it yet. You have started a journey but you do not know your destination,” She says in a grave voice.

  “And you are confusing me.”

  Rook offers me another smile before looking into the water. “I’m a seer. When I speak of a vision, I can only put it into words that I can understand. By the end of this weekend, you will know your path though not where it will take you.”

  I direct my thoughts to Kara again “Is she on the level?”

  “I think she is telling you the truth about whatever it was she saw,” After a moment of hesitation, Kara adds “She might not be telling you everything.”

  I nod slowly, focusing on Rook. “So why did you cry out?” I ask.

  A hint of red touches Rook’s cheeks. I can’t help smiling as she averts her eyes from me. “I was not prepared to see so much.”

  “Yet you’ve told me so little,” I say.

  “I am also limited by what I can understand. You are an enigma, Count.”

  Somehow, I get the feeling there is much more to her vision than she is telling me. I decide to shift the topic back to Kalen. If he’s going to be trouble, I want to be prepared.

  “So, do you know what Kalen is up to?”

  Rook considers the water for a moment, still avoiding my gaze. I don’t press her. I wait patiently for her to reply. When she does, her voice is sad almost like she is in mourning already. “That is up to you. By our laws, an Arbiter will come to settle your dispute with Nightbringer. If you pursue the matter, Nightbringer will lose the land. It will be yours to claim, should you wish it.”

  I discard that notion immediately. “This was all a mistake,” I say. “I’m not about to screw him or you over.”

  “You’re a good man, Count. The problem is Kalen. He will still use the incident to show Nightbringer is not fit to govern here. He will challenge him to a duel, one he cannot win in his condition.

  “What do you mean? It should be a fair fight.”

  Rook shakes her head. “I am also a healer. Your kick hurt Nightbringer. I think you might have broken one or two of his ribs. He will be no match for Kalen. The Unseelie will kill him and take all that he holds dear.”

  “Including Rook,” Kara says sadly.

  “No, not going to happen,” This time I know my internal reply is being spoken out loud. I don’t care.

  “I wish to ask you a boon. If you would save Nightbringer, pursue your claim. Kalen will not be able to touch him,” She then touches my cheek and murmurs “I would be in your debt.”

  Maybe that is what she saw. I find myself tempted by the offer and feelings. I also find myself a little disgusted with myself. I’ve never taken advantage of a woman before. I’m not about to start now. I need a new plan.

  “If it’s a duel, doesn’t Nightbringer get to have a second to fight for him because he is unable?”

  I’m not sure who will answer me first. I don’t care. I’m desperate for answers. Rook answers first. “After his attack on you, no one would do such a thing. He was clearly in the wrong. If his guilt was in doubt, many would come to his aid.”

  “I see. Well, we better get back.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” Kara warns. I assure her it’s already too late when I murmur “Trust me.”


  The party is over. More than few fix me with flat unfriendly gazes. I am an outsider and part of the problem. Even though it wasn’t my fault, I am being used as a pawn in this game. I get the impression some of Nightbringer’s friends might take it upon themselves to make sure I don’t leave these woods alive. That is when Kara points out a tall Fae who stands apart from the rest.

  “Excuse me, are you the Arbiter?”

  It’s a guess on my part. From his bearing, it would make sense but why is he here now. Rook thought it would take some time before he arrived.

  “Yes, I am Aleric the Strong,” The Fae replies. There is no hint of a smile. His name and title are said as if he were speaking a universal truth, not some idle boat of posturing. “There is a story to go with my title but you did not seek me out for that.”

  I nod. “I thought it would take more time to summon an Arbiter.”

  Aleric gives me a hard look, his eyes narrow slightly. “Yes, it would have taken longer but I happened to be in the neighborhood.”

  “I guess it was fortunate… for Kalen.”

  More likely, it was part of Kalen’s plan. I doubt Aleric is part of this. If anyone ever looked incorruptible, it’s this man. He’ll stick to the letter and spirit of the law when it comes time to make a ruling. He’ll supervise Nightbringer’s murder in the guise of a duel. Aleric’s next words confirm my suspicions and add a slight chill to the air.

  “I do not like being used. Kalen is safe from my wrath but you, my friend, are not. What is it that you want?” he asks.

  “You think I’m part of this set up?” Aleric doesn’t reply. His look says it all. I take a moment to swallow my anger before continuing. “I’m just curious about something. If I don’t press my claim, can I choose to be Nightbringer’s second?”

  The question catches Aleric by surprise. He gives me another look, this one more appraising. “You could but why would you want to? It would be unheard of.”

  I shrug. “But it would be legal.”

  Aleric nods slowly. He doesn’t know what I am up to. Neither does Kara. Just like the Arbiter, I don’t like being used. I’m going to set things right and get a little payback. Finally Aleric speaks. “I might have been wrong in my assessment of you. I don’t know what you are planning but I wish you luck with it.”

  “You’re going to need it,” Kara murmurs.


  It doesn’t take me long to find Kalen. He seems pleased with himself. I make it my business to wreck his mood.

  “I hear Nightbringer’s fate is in my hands,” I say.

  This causes Kalen to give me a very unfriendly look. “You could put it that way. What is it that you want? A boon? I am sorry. You have nothing to offer me.”

  I direct my question to Kara “A boon? What is he talking about?”

  Kara is quick to give me an answer. It was as if she had been waiting for this question all night. “The Fae don’t accept payment in coin. They deal in boons and favors. It’s their currency. For them, a whispered word or favor is more valuable than wealth. The more people who owe you, the more power you have in their little games. A boon from the right person can be very useful. If you say you owe a Fae, he or she will collect one day.”

  “I see. That’s alright. I wouldn’t feel right about handing over my land once I claim it.”

  “Your land?” He asks incredulously. Only with effort does Kalen get his voice under control again. “You can’t do that,” He says.

  “And why not? It seems like a nice place to build a house,” I say.

  Kara laughs at that. She didn’t expect me to say that. She thought I would take a more direct approach. Sometimes she forgets, I like to use my brain before my brawn.

  Kalen seems beside himself with anger. He didn’t really plan on me pressing my claim. Maybe he intended to be the o
ne Nightbringer attacked. Whatever the case may be, his plan is now in danger.

  “I suppose I could just give the land to whomever I chose, even back to Nightbringer,” Now, I smile. It’s the sort of expression a used car salesman tried to use on me once. It gets my point across.

  The Unseelie’s hands open and close as if he wishes they were throttling me. “You would make a mockery of our laws,” He says.

  I would but I doubt Aleric would allow such a thing. Then again, he might just get repay Kalen. It doesn’t matter.

  “Someone did that already when they set Nightbringer up. Course, if you have a different idea. I am all ears.”

  “Ah, I get it now. You want to make a deal. Well played, sir. Well played.” Kalen pauses, raising his voice so that all can hear our bargain. Any agreement would be useless without witnesses or a way to enforce our deal. “I can see offering you a boon in return for letting me deal with Nightbringer concerning his attack on you.”

  I reply in an equally loud voice “I’ll let you present your case to the Arbiter, if that is what you mean.”

  “It is,” He says.

  “Then we shouldn’t have a problem.” I say using the same smile from earlier.

  No sooner than we finish shaking hands does Kara say “I hope you know what you are doing. You just doomed Nightbringer.”

  Before I can fill Kara in on the rest of my plan, someone spins me around. I see the look of shock and betrayal on Rook’s face before her slap rocks my world.

  “You have chosen your path base one,” She screams before storming off to rejoin Nightbringer.

  Kalen watches her go, leering at her retreating figure. “Don’t worry friend. I will keep her out of trouble once Nightbringer is dead. The half elven will be too busy to think of you.”

  “Only if I screw up,” I murmur to Kara.


  Kalen doesn’t waste any time calling out Nightbringer for his attack on me. I see the expression on the satyr’s face. He has no choice but to accept. Honor and pride demand it. I let him do what he has to do then I do what I have to do. I raise my voice so that I can be heard by the crowd present. “I’ll be Nightbringer’s second.”


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