Book Read Free


Page 23

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “Well, we didn’t shoot right away. Once his cheek was against mine and my body tensed, he asked me if I was bothered by how close he was to me. I told him I wasn’t bothered as much as I was hot and bothered. He laughed and then I felt his lips near my ear. His breath gave me goose bumps. He told me he really liked me and that I fit perfectly into his arms. Then he said he might be firing a different gun if he stayed that close to me. He tightened his hold on me and I accidentally shot. Would you believe I hit the marker’s chest?”

  “What did Cooper say?”

  “He was impressed. I fired that gun at least fifty times before he let me try one of his. He insisted that he show me how it was done, so I backed away and watched him first. The man has awesome aim. And… he’s really tall and really firm everywhere, and when he shot that gun, holy fuck. It was hot.”

  “Who knew the way to your heart was through a pistol?” I laugh.

  “So anyway, after we shot off a load of ammo, I offered to buy more for him since most of it was his, but of course, he refused. I don’t think he’d ever let me pay for anything. We went out for a quick bite to eat and talked about everything. He had me laughing the whole night. My cheeks were killing me. On the drive home he reached over and took my hand in his. It’s twice the size of mine. When we got back to his place it was almost ten and he asked me to come in for a bit.”

  “Did you?” I ask as I take out some ground beef to make spaghetti for dinner.

  “Yeah, I did. He offered me a drink and we sat on the couch discussing movies. We ended up on the floor, going through his extensive Blu-ray collection. Then we started in on music. We have a lot in common. We watched the first ‘Mission Impossible’ movie. He wrapped his arm around me, and before I knew it I was completely affixed to him and my thigh was touching his.”

  “Oh shit!”

  “Honest to God, Ev. I was burning up. He was hot in every way, shape, and form. He’s tough yet soft. It’s an attractive combination. In the middle of the movie, I lifted my hand and placed it on his thigh. He turned to face me, and when I lifted my gaze to his, he said, ‘Fuck the movie.’ Next thing I knew his mouth was on mine and he was on top of me on his floor.”

  “Oh my God!” I squeal.

  “His mouth… holy shit. The man can kiss. He pressed into me, and I swear he’s got the biggest bulge I’ve ever felt in my life.”

  “Wait, did you sleep with him?” I whisper as I glance outside to make sure I can still see the kids and they didn’t hear me.

  “God no! We just made out for a while. He might have grabbed my ass, but other than that it was just a lot of pressing and tongue. You know I have a weakness for a man who knows how to kiss.”

  “And Coop?” I question. “Did he disappoint?”

  “He definitely knows what he’s doing.”

  “I’m so happy for you!”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, that was last night and I haven’t heard from him since he texted me to make sure I got home okay.”

  “Is he working?”


  “Maybe he’s just busy.”

  She pauses. “Holy shit!” she shouts before she laughs.


  “He just texted me. It’s like he heard me or something!”


  “Yeah, maybe. We’ll just leave it at maybe.”

  IT’S THE END of my shift and I’m dragging ass. I stagger to my car, yawning the entire way. I reach in my pocket to get my keys, and as I glance up, I see Nick. He’s leaning against my van in a dark blue suit and he’s holding a cup of coffee in his hands. My hair is in a ponytail and I’m not wearing an ounce of makeup, yet the way he smiles at me makes me feel beautiful.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hi,” I mouth, but I have no air.

  “I wanted to make sure you had coffee. I’m worried about you driving home tired.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m used to not getting much sleep,” I assure him with a wave of my hand.

  “Well, last night was my fault.”

  “Yes it was. You should work on being less attractive.” I gaze up at him through the tops of my eyes and jiggle my keys in my hand nervously.

  He smiles briefly before he hands me the cup of coffee. I immediately take a sip. It’s hot with cream and sugar, just like I like it. He never ceases to amaze me with what he remembers.

  “I’m headed to work. I just wanted to stop by, make my delivery, and get my answer.”

  “Your answer?” I question.

  “I asked you to promise we’d go out again. I’m still waiting.”

  I smile at him. “My answer is… maybe.”

  He shakes his head, sighs, and takes a step closer to me. The smell of his cologne does something to my heart. I feel my pulse race. He inches closer and pushes a stray hair behind my ear before he leans in and whispers, “What did you say?”

  “Maybe…” I stammer.

  He kisses the tip of my earlobe, then just underneath my ear before I feel his hot breath whisper, “What was that?”

  I close my eyes and steady myself. I can’t deny how crazed he makes me feel, and I mumble, “Okay… yes.”

  He plants a tender kiss on my lips, and I linger in the air for more when he moves away. “Better. Now go home and get some rest. I’ll text you later.”

  I nod, and he kisses my forehead before he smiles and jumps into his car. He motions for me to do the same, and I know he’s waiting to make sure I drive off safely before he leaves.

  As I drive away, I watch him wave and turn in the opposite direction toward his office. I stop at a light and lift my coffee for another sip. It’s then that I see his writing on the cup. You’re more than enough.

  I may be falling for him and it scares me. I won’t be hurt again. I won’t allow myself to fall down another hole.

  BETWEEN WORK, THE kids, and the day-to-day, the week flies by. I’m thrilled to know that Marlow’s soccer game today isn’t until 9:00 A.M., and I’m thankful for the extra hour to get ready and just sit for a few moments. Around eight fifteen there’s a knock on the door. I rise from my spot at the kitchen table and open the door to a smiling Gwen.

  “Hey, I thought we were meeting at the game.”

  “Kay called and asked me to meet you guys at the house today instead. What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you myself,” Kay announces as she treads down the stairs. “Come on in, Gwenny.”

  We move to the kitchen table, and Gwen and I pass each other glances riddled with concern. Kay wants to talk to us. Worry floods my senses.

  “So, do you remember that guy I was seeing, Cliff? The one with the blue Firebird?”

  I nod my head, and Gwen teeters her hand to show she sort of remembers.

  “Well, his sister won tickets to a girls’ night Broadway play tonight upstate and she can’t make it because her granddaughter is making her confirmation. Anyhoo, he offered me the tickets, and since I have no desire to make the drive, I’m giving them to you two.”

  My mouth falls open and Gwen stares back and forth between us.

  “Gram, I couldn’t…”

  “Now I don’t want to hear another word about it! I already told the kids I’m spending the night and we’re building a Lego town for Kale’s Star Wars figures and Marlow’s Barbies.”

  “I already have plans to see a movie with Cooper,” Gwen adds in flat, monotone voice.

  “I called him at the Police Department and he said he totally understands.”

  “You called him?” I ask.

  “I’m nothing if not thorough. Now after the game, Ev, you’ll need to come home and take a nap. At one, you and Gwen have an appointment at the spa to get your hair and nails done. There’s a dress shop next door, and I want you two to get yourselves something nice to wear after you’re finished.”

  “Gram, no! There’s no way I can—”

  “Listen, this co
ntest thing he won is all-inclusive. It was some ‘Night Out’ promo. The salon and dresses are all part of the deal!”

  Gwen eyes Kay skeptically. “Kay, if I find out you’re paying for all this and just don’t want us to know, I’m going to be really pissed off.”

  “Well, I don’t know how exactly one pisses off, but I swear to you on my red front door and my heart of hearts that I have absolutely nothing more to do with this than giving you the tickets. Oh, and a limo will be picking you up at 5:00 P.M. It’s an hour and a half drive to the theater.”

  “You swear you’re not paying for a single thing?” I question.

  “Ev, do I look like a bank? For Pete’s sake!”

  Gwen and I almost jump out of our seats at once to hug Kay. She laughs as we throw our arms around her. We could use a night out together. It’s been forever since we had some quality girl time.

  “The dresses are included?” Gwen asks in surprise.

  “I guess so, shoes too. You just have to give your names at the register.”

  We brim with excitement and almost jump up and down like children who won a trip to Disney World.

  “We’d better go. We have a soccer game to get to,” Kay announces with a wave of her hand.

  “Thank you, Gram,” I say as I pull her arm toward me. “Have I told you yet today just how much I love and appreciate you?”

  “Oh, songbird… I know just how you feel about me because it’s exactly how I feel about you!”

  I almost cry, but Kale charges down the stairs and stops dead in his tracks when he sees the overflowing emotion in the room.

  “Did somebody die?” he asks.

  “Kale…” I laugh. “No, we’re just happy.”

  “Then why does it look like everyone’s about to cry?”

  “We’re girls,” Gwen tells him. “We’re emotional beings. Sometimes we cry when we’re happy and sometimes when we’re sad. You better get used to it. Someday you’re going to have a girlfriend.”

  He rolls his eyes as he pushes past us toward the laundry room to get his shoes, and we hear him mumble, “Women…”

  We all laugh at him and he turns to offer his mega-watt smile. I’m not sure he’s happy with the hugs and kisses he receives from each one of us, but he handles it like the true little man he’s becoming.

  When we arrive at the game, I immediately search for Nick. I’m surprised by how much I miss him. I haven’t seen him since he showed up with coffee, and although we’ve spent a few hours on the phone, my heart almost aches to see him again. He’s asked me repeatedly to go out with him tonight, and I told him I couldn’t because I didn’t want to ask so much of Kay, but now I feel guilty about telling him I’m going out with Gwen instead.

  I park the car and the five us climb out of the van. In the distance I see Mike and Nick in deep conversation. Mike’s arms are flailing and Nick’s are crossed and steady. I can’t help but worry about what’s going on. Gwen notices too.

  “Oh shit, what’s that all about?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumble, not taking my eyes off of them. “Can you get the stuff for me? I’m going to find out.”

  The closer I get to them, the more people I notice staring in their direction. Mike seems angry, and Nick is immobile and glaring at Mike like he’s the dumbest person on the planet.

  As I approach them, they both turn in unison. Mike rolls his eyes and Nick smiles my smile.

  “What’s going on over here?” I ask. “People are staring at you two!”

  “Nothing, babe. Everything’s fine,” Nick assures.

  “Babe?” Mike questions. “So now she’s your babe?”

  “What the fuck, Mike?” I hush loudly as I pull on his arm. “What’s your deal?”

  “I’m not going to have this guy hanging around my kids.”

  Nick rolls his eyes.

  “Okay, first of all, who said he was hanging around my kids? And secondly, if he were, what business would it be of yours? I don’t remember you asking my permission for Krista to meet them.”

  “That was different,” Mike adds. “Krista’s a good person. This guy’s just trying to get in your pants.”

  Anger boils within me, and I notice Nick clench his hand into a fist. I reach my arm out and step between them before we cause a scene. “Maybe I want him in my pants. That’s really none of your business, now is it?”

  “I’m just looking out for you, Everly,” Mike adds with his best attempt at sincerity.

  “I’m fully capable of taking care of myself. Now both of you stop acting like teenage boys with something to prove and shake hands. The kids are watching you, and they don’t need to see two grown men acting more immature than they do!”

  Nick gazes at me with squinted eyes. He takes a hesitant step forward and is the first to offer his hand to Mike. Mike huffs and shakes his hand without looking him in the eye. I can tell there’s a power struggle when they shake. Mike turns away and heads off toward my gawking children on the sidelines, and Nick crosses his arms and refocuses his eyes on the field. As I glance back to watch Mike approach the kids, I see him shake out his hand and flex it. It makes me want to burst into a cackle, but I hold back.

  “Hi,” I say to Nick.

  “Hi,” he whispers, not turning toward me.

  “So I’m babe now?” I laugh.

  “I was just staking my claim.”

  I glance down at his yellow and black striped shorts. “Can I call you bumble bee?”

  He huffs as he turns back to the field. “Not if you want me to answer.”

  He seems preoccupied and quiet. After a moment of silence, I start to feel ignored. “Well, I’ll let you get back to the kids. It was nice to see you.”

  I circle, ready to stomp away from him, when I hear him say, “So, you might want me in your pants? Was that for Mike’s benefit or for mine?”

  “I don’t say anything for Mike’s benefit anymore, and I don’t say anything for show. I say what I mean and mean what I say.”

  He smirks. He’s still staring forward when he asks, “Do you know how badly I want to grab you and kiss your fiery mouth right now?”

  I can’t help but bite my lip.

  He turns to face me and seems less uptight. “So, tonight? How about dinner? I’ll do better this time, I promise.”

  I flinch and try to summon the right words as Marlow runs up to Nick and grabs him from behind. He immediately twists at the waist with his arms open to examine his hugger with genuine amusement.

  “Hi, Coach Nick!”

  “Hey there, Mar. How’s my favorite player?”

  “I’m your favorite?” she asks with bulging eyes as he bends down to her level.

  He presses his finger to his lips and says, “Shh… don’t tell the others, okay?”

  She offers him her pinky for a swear, and Nick intertwines his with hers. Their interaction makes me want to push him to the ground and take him on the field. He’s amazing with her.

  “Now get out there and warm up. I hear number six has a mean left foot. We need to show him who’s tougher.”

  “I am!” she shouts enthusiastically.

  “Yes you are. I want to see ten of your best kicks. Now go.” He nods in the direction of the goal, and she takes off running.

  I yell, “Put on your hat!”

  She rolls her eyes and frowns but then pulls it out of her shorts pocket and places it on her head.

  “Mom… concession?” Kale asks as he runs over.

  “The game hasn’t even started yet and you already want sugar?”

  “Why do you think I like coming?” he questions honestly.

  I sigh, and as I reach into my purse, I notice Nick’s eyes focused on me.

  “Kale, do you know Coach Dawson’s friend, Nick?” I gesture toward him.

  “Yeah, I helped at practice before,” he answers.

  “Good to see you, Kale. I’m surprised you’re not on a team. You’re a pretty good player.”

  “You think?�
�� Kale asks with raised eyebrows.

  “I do.”

  I see a chance and I take it. “Kale, I don’t know if you know this or not, but Nick and I are old friends. I was thinking of having him over for dinner next week so he can show Marlow some of his tricks. Would you be interested in seeing them too?”

  Kale glances between us and smiles. “Yeah, that’d be cool.”

  I smile and hand him a dollar.

  “Aww, last week I got a five,” he responds.

  “Well, last week I was distracted, but this week I’m on the ball.”

  Nick’s intense gaze as he stands with crossed arms causing his muscles to bulge, makes me feel weak and needy.

  “Bye, Nick. See you next week!” Kale runs off toward the concession and Nick continues to examine me.

  “So, about that…”

  “Um hmm…” he hums skeptically.

  “So, would you… I mean… could you?”

  “I would love nothing more.” He smiles, and I suddenly want to lick his lips.

  The coach blows his whistle and he takes notice. “Gotta go. So, dinner tonight, then?” he asks as he backs away.

  I mouth, “I can’t,” with a frown, and his hand goes to his heart as his head falls. My mood drops, but he’s so handsome that I can’t help but grin.

  Marlow plays another excellent game, and her team wins five to three. Throughout the game, I notice Kale paying closer attention and cheering her on more than usual. I wonder if Nick sparked an interest in him, and I feel hopeful at the idea of him playing a team sport.

  Mike keeps his distance during the game and appears to be very focused on his phone for most of it. I wonder if he noticed his daughter’s assist and two goals.

  After the game, I head toward the benches as usual, and although Nick is deep in conversation with a parent, I think he seems to straighten as I approach. It gives me a small thrill to know he notices me, and I find his attention doesn’t make me the least bit uncomfortable. It’s strange and fulfilling.

  I listen to the coach discuss the practice schedule for the following week before Marlow runs over to me with her goodie bag. “You have snacks next week, Mom. Can we go to the store tonight and pick stuff out?”


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