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Pack and Mate

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  “Sweet mate. Beautiful wolf.”

  “Mate.” Finn felt as if he were floating.


  “Uh-huh.” Finn nodded, eyelids dropping closed.

  Cort was still hard, rubbing against his hip. He bent his knee, gently nudging Cort’s cock. Grunting, Cort jerked and pressed closer.

  “More?” Finn asked, wanting Cort to have pleasure too.

  “Want your mouth.”

  Oh, Cort did love his lips and he loved Cort’s taste. Finn slid down, moving lazy. Cort’s fingers carded through his hair, loving on his head. His eyelids went heavy, the scent of Cort everywhere. Cort’s needy cock seemed to reach for his lips.

  It was the easiest thing in the world to tilt his head and open up, the flavor of Cort familiar. Groaning, Cort tightened the fingers in his hair for a moment then relaxed them again. He lapped gently on the tip before he began to suck, pulling Cort into his lips.

  “Yes. Pup. Please.”

  It stunned him, the comfort he took from this, from the weight of Cort in his lips.

  Cort’s hand became heavy on his head, though it wasn’t holding him down. They rolled together, easy as pie, humming nice and slow. The thick cock filled his mouth, sliding along his tongue and leaving Cort’s flavor in its wake.

  Mate. He heard Cort’s pleasure, echoing inside him.

  A low moan sounded and he heard that too, merging with the taste and feeling of Cort. He wrapped one hand around Cort’s hip, dragging him in deep. When he swallowed, Cort moaned and pushed even deeper. Finn swallowed around Cort’s cock, over and over.

  “Finn.” Cort’s erection got harder on his tongue.

  A low hum vibrated through him, from down in his belly to his lips still wrapped around Cort’s hardness.

  “Finn!” This time his name was shouted and Cort pushed deep, pouring seed into his mouth.

  Finn gulped the spunk down, surprised, grabbing Cort’s legs and squeezing tight. Cort’s cock eventually slipped from between his lips and Cort stroked him with one hand.

  He rested heavy, cheek on Cort’s hip. “Tell me about you? Why are you here? Where is your pack?”

  “I was kicked out of my pack—the Alpha thought I was a threat.” Cort shrugged. “I’ve been on my own for a long time but I heard the call to find my mate and came here.”

  “Are you new? You’re large, larger than me.”

  “Am I new?” Cort asked.

  “Here. I mean, in this city.”

  “Ah. I’ve been here a year and a half. It took a long time for you to come.”

  “I hadn’t been driven from the pack yet.”

  “You were driven from your pack too?” Cort stroked his cheek, looking more upset for him than he’d been for himself.

  “We all were. The group of us. Too many bachelor males. Too many—” His lips twisted over the words the council had used. Worthless. Weak. Betas.

  Cort kissed him and looked into his eyes. “They lost the best of them when they sent you away.”

  “We tried to take care of the others, me and Pat.”

  “You’ve done a good job so far.”

  “Thank you.” He had to smile at the praise.

  Nuzzling him, Cort petted his hair. “I want to groom your wolf.”

  “Here? Now?” Cort had said it was safe, anytime. Whenever.

  “Yes. Please?”

  Finn closed his eyes and the wolf came easily with the moon so close.

  “I was right, you’re beautiful.”

  He wagged his tail, pushed his muzzle into Cort’s hands. Mate.

  “Yes. Yes, mate. Beautiful.” Cort scratched behind his ears.

  Oh. His eyes crossed and he vocalized happily. The scratches got deeper and they were so good. His tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth, one foot kicking restlessly.

  Cort picked up a brush from the headboard and began to run it over his fur. Oh. Oh! Finn rolled over, offering Cort his belly. Oh, more. Please.

  Chuckling, Cort ran the brush over his belly in long strokes. It was amazing. His eyes rolled and he melted, sprawled and panting, aching with the caresses. Then Cort began petting him as well. The brush would run over his belly followed by Cort’s hand. The sensations were different—one sharp, one soft. Both luscious.

  “Sensual pup.” Cort’s words almost purred against his ears.

  Happy. He knew that. He was happy.

  The grooming continued until he was drooling then Cort shifted and wrapped around him, nose to tail. He snuggled close, vocalizing, singing to Cort. Cort rumbled out his pleasure.

  Soon he was napping, snoring hard, and dreaming of chasing rabbits.

  Chapter Nine

  The last night of the moon had come and gone and Cort wanted to show off his pup, so they were having supper in the club dining room. He pulled the chair out for Finn, wanting to impress Finn too.

  Finn sat, eyes wide, looking around. “Lots of people.”

  “There are a lot of club members. And tonight’s the first night after the moon. We’ve all come out to play.”

  “Play? Is there games or is that just meaning a party?”

  Cort smiled. “It means we’re showing off our mates and some people indulge in sexual games.”

  His sweet pup was so innocent.

  “Sex games? Do you— Oh. You have…there are people here for…for you?” Finn’s cheeks went dark red, head ducking. “Oh. I didn’t—I misunderstood.”

  “What? No, pup, you haven’t misunderstood at all. You’re the one for me, my mate.” He took Finn’s hand. “There is only you.” And he would beat anyone who suggested otherwise.

  “I don’t… I don’t want to have sex with others.”

  He growled, unable to even stop if he’d wanted to. “No one else will ever touch you.” He would do more than beat anyone who suggested otherwise on this point.

  “No?” Finn looked both relieved and unnerved at the same time.

  “You’re mine, Finn. My mate. We belong only to each other.”

  “Yes. Yes, that. Oh.” Finn reached for his hand. “I was worried.”

  “I’m sorry, pup. I never wanted you to worry. I wanted to show you off. I’m very proud of you.”

  “Proud of me?” Finn smoothed his hands over the newly washed silk shirt.

  “Oh yes. So proud of my mate.” He let his eyes admire.

  Finn was well-groomed, red hair bright as a fox, and his boy preened a bit, for him. He licked his lips, foot sliding along Finn’s ankle.

  One of the servers came over, stood silently by their table, waiting to be acknowledged.

  “Do you know what you want, Finn? Or should I order for both of us?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. You can.”

  Cort turned to the waiter. “Surf and turf for two, please. Meat rare.”

  “Wine, sir?”

  “A strong red, please.” He knew Finn had never had any and he wanted his pup to have a chance to try it, to try everything.

  “Yes sir.”

  Once the waiter left, Cort gave Finn his full attention again. “Have you ever had lobster?”

  “I’ve had shrimp.”

  “Lobster is sweeter. And more fun to feed to you with my fingers.” Oh yes, he loved being able to introduce Finn to new things.

  “That sounds—”

  One of the Masters turned a pup over his knee, spanking him hard and fast, and Finn yelped.

  Reaching out, Cort took Finn’s hand and squeezed. “Easy, Finn. The pup wants it.”

  “I-I-I— He’s hitting him.”

  “Spanking. They’re playing. Like when I held your hands over your head.” It would be a joy to introduce Finn to this kind of thing as well.

  “Playing?” Finn stared.

  “Doing it for fun, for pleasure. To increase the sensation and love between them.”

  “I-I need a walk. I need—I’ll be right back.”

  Cort grabbed hold of Finn’s hand, not letting him get up and walk away f
rom the table. “Don’t run from me, Finn.”


  His pup’s eyes rolled and Cort dropped his mouth onto Finn’s, kissing hard and deep. Finn needed to remember who his mate was and how much he’d loved everything Cort had done to him so far. It took a heartbeat for his pup to melt, relax, cuddle into his arms but Finn did at last. Good boy.

  Grabbing hold of Finn’s tongue, Cort sucked on it. His arms wrapped around Finn, protecting and surrounding, holding on. He kissed Finn until his pup’s prick pushing against his thigh. Only then did he back off.

  “Sit closer, mate.”

  Finn nodded, moving closer to him and leaning against him.

  “What is done here is like pack only deeper, stronger. More intense.”

  “I don’t understand.” Finn’s fingers traced his, fingertips touching softly, driving him crazy.

  “I’m your Alpha. You and I are a pack of two.”

  “Only two.” Finn traced a question mark on the back of his hand.

  “We have a family pack of—how many is it?—seven altogether, but you and I are our own pack within that.”

  “A clan. Yes. Yes, I know about that. I do. Am I enough for you? For your whole pack?” Finn asked, his pup so earnest.

  “You’re my entire world already, Finn.”

  “That doesn’t explain why there was hitting,” Finn noted dryly.

  Cort didn’t smile though he wanted to. He took a breath instead and explained. “So similar to an Alpha and a beta, I’m a Dom and you’re a sub. And we do things, crazy and wild and fun for pleasure.”

  Finn shook his head. “My cousin? The one that mated? Is there hitting for him?”

  “I don’t know. Every relationship is different. It’s really a matter of trial and error and what works for one pair might not be what works for another pair. Everyone finds their own way.”

  “I’m not bad.” That was very, very sure. “I’m good. Even Pat says so.”

  “But what if you enjoy being spanked?” Cort asked. He knew there were plenty of subs who did things on purpose to be “punished”.

  “You don’t,” Finn insisted. “That’s why it’s what happens when you’re bad.”

  “You might be surprised. That pup who just got spanked probably likes it. He probably is enjoying sitting next to his Alpha with his ass on fire.”

  Oh, moon and stars above, his pup gave him a look that would wilt a weaker man.

  “You won’t know unless you try it,” he insisted.

  “No. No, that’s bad,” Finn insisted.

  “Are you saying you wouldn’t even try it? For me?”

  Oh, Finn was caught in his tiny trap. He could see it in his pup’s eyes.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it.” Cort kissed the side of Finn’s mouth.

  Finn scooted even closer. “No one will hit Pat and the pups, right?”

  “No one hits anyone without permission. Or at least without having their safeword, so they know that the person understands they can stop things anytime they want.”

  “The city has complicated rules,” Finn noted.

  “These are club rules rather than city rules.” He tugged Finn closer. “First of all you should choose a word that means ‘I need everything to stop.’ It’s called a safeword.”

  “Why would I need everything to stop?”

  “What if we try the spanking and you can’t take it? What if we try something and you feel scared?”

  Finn blinked at him. “Then you would stop because you’re my mate.”

  “Well, yes, but…” He obviously wasn’t explaining it very well but he’d never had to explain it to anyone before.

  Finn nodded, as though that was that. “You know me, in your soul.”

  Cort nodded. He supposed he did. He couldn’t deny that. “I do.”

  “Well, then, if I need you to stop, you will.”

  He considered that, then nodded slowly. They were their own pack—they could make their own rules. Finn settled more happily next to him, fingers twined with his.

  Their order came before they could talk about anything else, two plates full of food, including lobster, shrimp and scallops for the surf, and steak and venison for the turf.

  Cort’s stomach growled and he licked his lips. “Are you hungry, pup?”

  “I am! I’m always hungry.” Finn offered him a smile and he loved that, how his pup let worries go with a pop.

  Grinning, happy down to his toes, he grabbed a shrimp and slipped it into Finn’s mouth. Finn snapped it up, laughing, eyes only on him. Leaning in, he licked Finn’s lips, tasting the spiciness that had been on the shrimp. Finn chuffed softly, head tossing a bit.

  “Beautiful pup.”

  He grabbed another shrimp and ate it. Then he shared a kiss with Finn. Finn leaned in, one hand on his thigh.

  “Let’s eat the steaks.” The seafood was nice but it didn’t fill a man up like the meat did.

  Those pretty eyes glinted, but after three days of good food and running, it was quick, faint, the wolf inside Finn sated, satisfied.

  They shared the beef and the venison steaks, eating bites of both and Cort couldn’t choose a favorite between them. “I can’t decide which one I like better.”

  “I like the venison.” That was happy, simple, offered right over.

  He pushed the rest of the venison to Finn’s side—he was just as happy with the beef steak.

  “Oh, you don’t have to. I wasn’t asking.”

  “But I like them equally and you prefer the venison.” It was a no-brainer, really.

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t take from you.”

  Cort growled softly. “I have given it to you.”

  “Thank you.” Finn nuzzled his cheek, his jaw.

  “You’re welcome.” He rubbed back, loving the glide of their cheeks together.

  They finished their meal, bodies touching, the sound of the others around them comforting. This was a safe place and while not a pack, they were comfortable here.

  “Do you want dessert, pup?” He hoped so, he’d heard they had berry crumble with ice cream tonight.

  “Ice cream?” His pup bounced, so cute.

  “There’s berry crumble with it. I think.” He waved at their waiter.

  “Ice cream. Ice cream.” The words were whispered into his ear.

  Laughing, he asked the waiter for two desserts, with extra ice cream.

  “Pretty laugh.” Finn nibbled at his jaw.

  “You make me happy.”

  “Do I?” His cheeky pup bit again.

  It made him laugh some more and he hugged Finn to him. “You do.”

  “You make me happy too.” Finn was dear, gentle.


  Their dessert came and Cort licked his lips. Steam came off the top of the crumble, which smelled like sweet and strawberries and raspberries and blackberries, and the vanilla ice cream was melting where it touched the hot dessert.

  Finn picked up a spoon and gathered a big bite of both ice cream and crumble. “Open up!”

  Cort did, making a happy noise as the cooked berries hit his tongue.

  “My mate likes berries.” Finn was nearly giddy. It was a good look on his pup.

  Laughing again, he kissed Finn. He was so in love with this pup.

  “Cort? Is that our stern Cort smiling in the dining room?” Handel, a big bear of a man with a quick smile and a ready laugh grinned down at him.

  Cort put his arm around Finn’s shoulders, instinctively protecting his pup. “Good evening, Handel. Did you have a good moon?”

  “Exceptional.” Handel might be addressing him, but the big man was staring at Finn. “Who is this pretty one?”

  “My mate. Finn.” Cort emphasized both my and mate.

  “Finn. I’m Handel. Pleased.”

  They shook hands and Cort swallowed down the urge to growl. The big man was just being polite. Probably. Anyway, it wasn’t as though his Finn was going to str
ay, his dear pup was his heart and soul and they both knew it. Still, they were new, brand-new, and he was buzzing with the energy.

  “We were actually about to return to our rooms.” He stood, managing a smile for Handel.

  “Oh, have a lovely evening. When you are free we should work out together again.”

  “I’ll call. It’ll probably be a few weeks.” The bond was so new.

  “Yes. Yes, enjoy it. I’m so happy for you, friend.”

  Cort shook Handel’s hand, his arm going around Finn’s shoulders again as soon as they were standing. He wanted to snap and snarl and growl and Handel didn’t deserve that. He just couldn’t help it.

  Finn leaned in, breathing deep, as if his pup were inhaling him. It was unbelievably sexy, having his mate here with him, doing things like that. It eased him greatly.

  And it was time to go, be where they could be alone. Where he could do anything he wanted to Finn. And oh, the things he wanted.

  Somehow he managed to guide them from the dining room without running. And without running into Finn’s family either. In fact Cort got them back to their home in record time.

  Finn looked at him, laughing. “We forgot our ice cream!”

  “I want you more than ice cream.”

  “I want you more than anything,” countered Finn.

  Beaming, he let them in and pushed Finn up against the closed door, bringing their mouths together. Finn arched, a low cry pushing into his mouth, needy. Cort rubbed their bodies together, loving the heat at Finn’s groin.

  So many things to explore, so many sensations.

  Biting at Finn’s lower lip, he grabbed his pup’s ass, squeezed. Finn yelped, climbing up his body. He loved the feeling of Finn’s legs wrapped around his waist.

  “So strong, my Alpha. So strong. So fine.” Finn’s words were a hymn.

  “Yours, pup. All yours.” He walked slowly toward their bed.

  “Mine.” Finn even growled a little for him. “I never knew such need.”

  “Good. I don’t want anyone else having this from you.” Right now the thought of someone else touching Finn made him a little crazy. Maybe it always would.

  He climbed onto the bed, still carrying Finn, refusing to let go. Leaning in, he eased them down onto the mattress. From there he pressed his pup into the bed, lying on top of the slender body.


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