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My Sweet Isabella (The Ambassador Trilogy #3)

Page 16

by Mia Villano

  “She was going to be my maid of honor, Fabrice. She was so excited about us getting married.” Isabella choked that out as she looked at me with swollen eyes.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” I caressed her back and stroked her head. I hated to see her this upset. Her tears tore me to pieces. Remembering the talk Avery and I had the time she came to Paris and how she said she couldn’t fight anymore came into my mind. She was tired, and the drugs were making her sick. I never told Isabella, and I never would.

  “I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye or tell her I love her. No, not Avery.” She cried in my arms in the waiting room all night. All of Avery’s family came and when Isabella was around them she hid her grief and calmed down. We stayed at the hospital for the night waiting and remembering the times Avery made us laugh. We sat around her bed and talked to her, hoping she could hear us. The baby had no clue what a remarkable woman her mom was, but I knew how this woman changed everyone’s life she touched. I should have told her how much she meant to me, but I never did. I was too wrapped up in my own stupid problems. I didn’t have the chance to tell her what I needed to say. You always think you have time to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you but you don’t. In an instant, your life could change and what you wish you did or said could not be replayed. I will always remember Avery as the girl who said what was on her mind, made you laugh when that was the last thing you wanted to do, and didn’t have a bad thing to say about anyone. She came from so much, yet her privilege and money didn’t change her. To me, Avery would be in my heart always.

  In the wee hours of the morning, she took her last breath with all of us gathered around. My heart broke while I watched Isabella cry for her again. I took her home and stayed with her all day as she tried to come to terms with losing her best friend.

  The funeral was tough on everyone. I never knew Avery had so many friends. She didn’t talk about the volunteer work she had done or the contributions she made to charities. I didn’t know that behind her sarcasm and smart ass humor was a person concerned more with others than herself. Small charities I had not heard of came to pay their respects, and celebrate a life gone way too soon. Her funeral was supposed to be a celebration of her life. She made her wishes clear before she died she didn’t want a traditional funeral. She wanted her funeral to be a happy occasion. She specified to Cherise she wanted a band to play rock music, a bar, food, her Chanel wardrobe put with her, and her casket closed. I had not seen anything like Avery’s funeral nor will I ever again. At the end of the service she wanted Crazy Train played as per her wishes, as everyone said one last goodbye to Avery and she was taken to the family mausoleum.

  I found out weeks later she had left a letter to Isabella. I didn’t read the letter, but my girl said the letter was something she will cherish her entire life. When the will was read, Isabella was told to be there.

  In a final show of love to Isabella, Avery left her the rest of her wardrobe and a huge amount of money to start her business when she was ready.


  They say that bad things come in sets of three. After the attempt on my life and the fact I could have died, we were faced with the heart retching passing of Avery, and one evening while I sat in my office preparing for my next day at the United Nations, I received a call from my father.

  “Dad, how are you? Is everything alright?”

  There was dead silence on the phone as I listened to him breathing.

  “What is wrong, Dad? Is Mamma okay?”

  “Yes, yes your mother is fine. Romain is the problem.” Holy fuck not again. He was bailed out of jail awaiting his trial for the death of his fiancé. My dad’s attorney said Romain would be an easy case. He would probably do little or no time because of the fact he defended a government official against an impending terrorist attack. My father paid his bail and Romain was able to stay at home under house arrest until his trial. He moved into the house in Paris. All he had to do was to keep a low profile until the trial. I provided them with security until I knew no one would hurt him or my parents.

  “What did he do?” I heard his voice start to shake. Fuck, he had to be dead. The thoughts of me finding him overdosed when I was a boy entered my mind. I remember the needle sticking out of his arm and the white color of his skin. That was an image I would always remember.

  “Is he dead?” I asked, when my father didn’t answer right away. I closed my eyes. I knew what the answer was going to be. They found him in his room in the same condition I had once found him, or he hanged himself.

  “I don’t know. He isn’t here. He’s gone.”

  “Gone? How can he be gone? Didn’t I have someone watching your place twenty-four hours a day?”

  “Yes, you did and yes the guard was here. Romain went to bed early, and your mother and I were watching a movie. I went upstairs to go to bed a few minutes ago, and his tracking device lay on the floor. His room door was open, and he wasn’t in there. Son of a bitch.

  “Have you checked the entire house?” The place was so big you could get lost without even trying.

  “Yes, the entire house was checked from top to bottom by me and the staff. There is no sign of him.”

  “Did you call the police?” Surely that was the first call my dad made.

  “No, I wanted to call you first. I wanted to check with you on what to do.” That was an unfamiliar statement coming from the one man who was sure of all he did in life. My dad was always on the top of his game.

  “You need to call the police and then Bassi. For all we know he up and left. I don’t think anyone kidnapped him if that is what you think. Romain is not one to face his mistakes. You know this is his track record. He will up and run when things don’t go his way. He always has.”

  “I know. I don’t know where he could have run to. Rome, I presume.”

  “I have a few guys that can be out there in a few hours. They are costly, but they find what I need them to find. I can send them to you, but in the mean time you need to call the police before he’s gone forever. He won’t go too far.”

  My head tried to take in all types of scenarios that could have happened. More than likely he ran. Romain has never been able to face anything, even if it involved him doing something he shouldn’t have done. Romain was a runner. He ran from his problems either by hiding, taking drugs, or by going away where no one could find him.

  “Call me back when you get the information. I can’t fly out right now, Dad. I have some important issues I need to contend with her at the Embassy, and I’m supposed to fly to the UN later today.”

  “Hell, I understand. I don’t want you to fly out here for this. No, I needed your advice. Thank you, Son. I will call soon.”

  I hung up the phone and switched on the televisions in my office. I had each one set to a different news channel. I blew out a sigh of relief to find out the news story wasn’t on any channel, yet.

  When I thought he had his life turned around he went and did something stupid again. He was so fucking stupid. I wasn’t helping him. Unless he was kidnapped, murdered, or beaten to a pulp, he was on his own. He could rot in jail for the rest of his life. I had to let him and his problems go. I had my own personal and public issues to contend with. My phone rang again within a few minutes. It was my dad again.

  “Well, did he resurface?”

  “No, he did not. I called the police. They are coming over. We’re trying to contact his acquaintances.” Surely he had already gone far away. Why the fuck would he do this when this was such a cut and dry case. He would have been a free man. Now he faced real prison time. I was so tired of the bullshit.

  “He left a note though, Fabrice. I don’t know what to make of it. Can I read this letter to you?” My dad was beyond agitated. I could hear the anger in his voice. This asshole brother of mine had put both my parents through so much over the years.

  “Of course. Go ahead.”

  “Somethings will never be right. I can’t ever be the ma
n I should be. I have tried many times but I can’t do it. I’m sorry for the hurt. I’m sorry for being your son. Please forgive me, and I hope one day you will understand. I’m leaving. I can’t face any more scrutiny. I killed her to protect you and Fabrice. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me one day. I love you all but you won’t see me again. I’m going away for good this time. I want to ride off into the sunset like a man. This is my one and only gift to you. Much love, Romain.”

  Well that didn’t sound good. He was either going far away or he was going to kill himself. Knowing my brother, he didn’t have the balls to kill himself. He was too much of a wimp to do himself in.

  “Dad, he’s going away. We need to come to terms with the fact we may not see him again.” I didn’t know how else to explain this to him.

  “I know he isn’t going to kill himself. He isn’t man enough to do that. What he has done is cause pain and suffering to your mother again, and I will not have her go through this ever another time. This is the last straw, Fabrice. I want you to know I’m through with him. If he is alive, he is dead to me.”

  “Dad, I understand. He has made a mockery of our life by his actions. Yes, he did kill someone for us. But, he could have been pardoned and been able to go on with his life. That was too easy for Romain. Does Mamma know?”

  “Not yet, I didn’t tell her.” I heard his anger in his voice. My dad was always a level-headed and calm man. He was a tailor and built a business by being the man he was. He never became too angry, but he let you know he was nobody’s fool, and when he had enough he had enough. I could tell now he had enough. With irritation dripping from his words, he said to me. “Fabrice, I’m done. This was the last time I will consider him my son.” I didn’t answer. There was nothing left to say.

  I spent the next few weeks working hard to become stronger both physically and mentally. Isabella was still down from the death of Avery. She and I needed to get away and we decided to go somewhere for a short trip. We chose New York City. One of Isabella’s favorite places, and I had to be at the United Nations one day, but then we would have the rest of the time together. We spent the days getting lost in the crowded city and passed the nights trying different restaurants and making love until we couldn’t move. I saw her smile return, and I knew she was starting to feel better. I took her to a French boutique my father had connections to. I had suggested she look for a wedding dress and she tried on one for fun. It wasn’t traditional that I saw her in the dress, I know. She fell in love with the first one she tried on. I loved watching her eyes catch fire when she looked in the mirror. The ivory color against her skin was perfect. I could not see her in any other dress but that one.

  “Why are we doing this?” she smiled at me as we both looked in the mirror.

  “I don’t know. I thought you might like to try one on and see what you liked. I know it’s strange, but I wanted to see if there was anything in here you may fall in love with.”

  We both couldn’t stop staring at her in the that dress. The dress was perfect.

  “This is the one, isn’t it?” Isabella tried not to smile so broadly. She couldn’t help herself. Madame Camille, the boutique owner, smiled with us, nodding her head.

  “Fabrice, Mrs. DeFrizio, is going to be so angry.” I had no idea what she was talking about.

  “Who is Mrs. DeFrizio?” I asked trying to understand what was going on.

  “She’s the owner of Bella Luna Dresses. She made Sophia’s dress and I promised I would go to her if I ever married.” She was kidding, right?

  “I think she will forgive you, Isabella.” I wrapped my arms around her waist as I stood behind her admiring the dress she would wear in a couple of months.

  “No, you don’t understand, she will be very angry.” She was serious. I tried not to laugh as I looked at her wearing a very expensive French-made wedding dress.

  “Is she in the mob?”

  “Shut up, Fabrice. I don’t know how I will explain this to her.”

  “I know, don’t, and if she says anything tell her my father is a tailor and he made the dress. Simple as that or should I say Bada Bing Bada Bang?”

  “You’re awful.” She turned around and kissed me. The dress would be delivered to the vineyard in time for the wedding, and then we went to pick out our wedding bands. I wanted Cartier to match her engagement ring. She agreed, and we headed over to the store to purchase two platinum bands. Our wedding came together perfectly.

  On our last night, we sat in Central Park eating a hot dog from a vendor. We decided the last of the details to our wedding.

  “I want close family and friends, Fabrice.”

  “That is fine with me. We will have a small Catholic ceremony at the vineyard. Mamma wants to plan the wedding and reception if you don’t mind. The planning will help keep her mind off Romain.”

  “Of course. Let her. I hate that kind of thing and I just want to marry you.” Taking her hand that held my ring on her delicate finger, I kissed her ring and then kissed her on the lips.

  We sat in silence, her head against my chest and watched the sun go down. There was so much love and lust between us. She was my universe and my reason to live. To make her my wife would be the best day of my life.

  The memories of that moment in the coffee shop was still fresh in my mind, even months later. I had flashbacks and nightmares nearly every day. Something I never had when I was in special Ops. I’ve been through shootings, bombings, and massacres. Nothing like this has ever affected me as badly. The flashes were the faces of the people being shot. The look of terror in a child’s face as a gun is pointed at his head. The mothers voice in my head pleading for the cowardly killer to take her life instead. The screams of the innocent as they were slaughtered for no reason other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time. They were unlucky to be where I was that day. They were going about their day, enjoying life, and then, executed as if they meant nothing. The smell of blood I can’t get out of my memory. There was so much blood. Bodies everywhere were strewed across the floor in front of me. The thoughts kept me up most nights even with Isabella next to me. If I did sleep, I slept for a couple of hours a night and woke up in a cold sweat. Reaching over and feeling her next to me, helped calm my night terrors. I didn’t tell her about how bad the dreams were. She didn’t need to know.

  I was restless and insomnia was now my enemy. I slipped out of bed leaving her warm and safe under the covers. I made my way to a shower and decided to get to the office early. The memories could not be washed away as easily as I hoped. I found myself standing in the scalding shower trying to forget the pain. I looked down at the scar forever reminding me of that horrible day. The pain, the smell the sounds. It was too much to bare at times when I thought of the poor, innocent people that lost their lives because of me. They probably didn’t even know me, yet they were to pay for what I had done. The guilt lingered as I dried off and started my day. I didn’t notice Isabella watched me standing in the doorway. I jumped when I turned around to see her standing there naked. Her hair a mess from sleeping, her face clean with no makeup. I still didn’t feel worthy enough for such a remarkable woman.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked in her sleepy voice.

  “Can’t sleep, so I’m going to go into the office early. What are you doing up?” I was like a deer caught in headlights. Gazing at her I felt my cock get hard.

  “I was horny and wanted you. You weren’t there. Come back to bed and make me come, Fabrice.” Holy fuck. How could any man refuse that? Her need for me pushed away all the bad thoughts when I looked at her.

  No one in their right mind would. I was the luckiest mother fucker around.

  I walked toward her and she held out her hand to guide me back to the bed. She climbed in and waited for me to get in next to her. The covers were still warm from her sleeping there while I showered. She lay on her back and spread her legs. I looked down. She was right she was horny and wet and all mine. Gazing at her laying in the soft white
of my bed sheets brought out the femininity in her that drove me mad and made me glad I was a man. Her tanned skin against the stark white, her hair wild and crazy fanned out over the fluffy pillows and most importantly the look in her eyes that told me only I could satisfy her the way she needed.

  “Fabrice,” she purred as she writhed around. For once I didn’t know what to do. I shivered gazing at her. She had the most perfect body there ever was. She was a sexual playground, and she waited for me to start playing. I bent down and took one of her nipples in my mouth and bit her ever so lightly. She moaned. My hand roamed across her and down to her pussy. My fingers slid in low, and she raised her hips up. Isabella grabbed onto my cock and rubbed it on her clit. The wetness of her want made me even harder. The need to bring her to an orgasm became vicious. Watching her squirm with need made me insanely horny myself. My fingers were still inside her. I loved knowing I could hit that spot that made her scream. I took my fingers out of her and she grabbed my hand and put my fingers to my mouth. I knew what she wanted. I licked them as I looked at her. We said nothing as I sucked on my fingers. The sun came up and peeked through the curtains. It cast a dim light around the room making the mood even more sensual.

  “What do you want my sweet girl?” I could barely speak. Her hand still clasped my cock as she worked me up and down. I hovered over her as she looked up at me.

  “I want you to come all over me, Fabrice.” Fuck. That was hot, and I was about there. She kept stroking my cock from the tip down to my nuts. She pulled my head down with her one hand and kissed me, tracing the outline of my lips with her tongue. I was so close. My cock hurt I was so turned on. The way she jacked me off was like nothing I ever had before. Her hand so firm yet soft, and she knew when to go fast and slow down.

  “I want your cum all over me today, Fabrice. I want to know you are with me. Come hard all over me.” She was being so naughty, spurring on my orgasm as I felt it coming up and my body tightened. I looked down to see her pussy slick and open to me and I spewed like a volcano, all over stomach. She stopped stroking me after the last spurt and rubbed my cum into her skin like lotion. When she was done she looked extremely horny and I wanted her to come. I knew she needed to come so I flopped on my back and pulled her to me.


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