The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve
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in Christianity, 6, 74, 208, 257
contested topics in, 68, 75, 134, 254–55
as creation story, 38, 39, 79, 131
Darwinism’s incompatibility with, 269–73, 278, 280–81, 283, 297
dissenters from, 97, 269–73, 274
ethical meanings of, 7, 49, 251
as foundation stone of religion, 8, 38, 75, 79
imagination as basis of, 3, 39, 68, 252, 284
importance of, 5–6, 7–8, 284
influence of, 39, 248–49
interpretations of, 6–8, 15–16, 39, 70–71, 77–80, 133, 134–35, 137, 208, 232, 238, 252, 261, 284, 303–11
in Islam, 6–7, 121, 346
in Judaism, 6, 22, 35, 38, 49
languages of, 67
in The Life of Adam and Eve, 67–73
literal belief in, 8, 80, 137, 205, 260, 300; see also literalism
as literature, 284
moral choice as key in, 299
in Nag Hammadi writings, 66–67, 267
in Paradise Lost, see Paradise Lost
radical readings of, 189–91, 194–96
reliability of, 23, 39, 50
as single story, 37
in the Torah, 22, 35
see also Adam; Eve
Adamites, 190
Adams, John, 193
Adeodatus (Augustine’s son), 85, 86, 91, 92, 104, 119, 120, 339
Aesop, 239
Akkadian script, 43, 46
Alaric (Visigoth), 97
Alexander VII, Pope, 246–47
Alexandria, library at, 43
‘Ali, Mohammed al-Samman, 64, 334
and Ambrose, 91
and Augustine, 110–11
literalism vs., 79–80, 205–6, 251–52, 276, 284, 337–38
and Maimonides, 337
and Milton, 205
and Origen, 78–80, 252, 338
Philo on, 76–77, 338
Voltaire on, 261
Alypius (Augustine’s friend), 92, 93, 167, 339
Ambrose, bishop of Milan, 91, 93, 98, 208
American Declaration of Independence, 193
American Revolution, 137, 190
Ammon Ra, 74
angels, 208
carrying God’s messages, 23, 69, 89, 113, 221, 228, 326, 330
consulting with God, 70–71
in Eden, 67, 68, 256
images in artworks, 149, 150
immortal substance of, 208
mankind in the image of, 66
Michael, 72, 138, 228–29
motivated by envy or malice, 71
Raphael, 213, 214, 216, 218–19, 224, 228–29
Satan as, 6, 208
songs of, 308
Anne, Saint, 129
as epitome of ugliness, 296
see also primates
Apocalypse of Adam, 66
apocrypha, 68
Apollo Belvedere, 160–61
Apsu (Mesopotamian god), 27–29, 44, 327, 331
Araali, Rev. Happy Sam, 300
Aramaic language, 32
Aretino, Pietro, 169
Aristotle, 76, 89, 129, 235, 239
Adam and Eve depicted in, 9, 128, 137–38, 139–62, 250, 256, 296, 348
erotic arousal depicted in, 169
frescoes, 139–40, 151, 207
in Gothic churches, 144
of Hildesheim doors, 128, 145–46
human body depicted in, 7, 137–38, 141, 156, 250
Jewish prohibition of graven images, 140–41
and moral standards, 9, 141–44
Renaissance, 149, 152, 154, 159, 206, 212, 213, 249, 250, 261
self-portraiture, 156, 348–49
sense of embodiment in, 150, 151–52
Sistine Chapel ceiling, 107, 151, 154
skull images in, 144
see also specific artists and artworks
Aruru (mother goddess), 52, 57
asceticism, 7, 88, 124
see also Manichaeism
Ashur, 42
Ashurbanipal (Assyrian king), 42–43
Assyriology, 44, 45
Astruc, Jean, 330
Atlantis, lost kingdom of, 240
Atrahasis story, 29, 39, 46–49
Aubrey, John, 175
Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 56, 80, 81–97, 204, 230
and Adam and Eve story, 96–97, 110–19, 130, 208, 267, 293, 339
Adeodatus as son of, 85, 86, 91, 92, 104, 119, 120, 339
Against Julian, 108
baptism of, 93, 99
in bathhouse, 81–82, 94, 114, 119, 121
being “in Adam,” 98, 99, 102
in Carthage, 84–85, 86
childhood beatings of, 102–3
and Christian orthodoxy, 99, 104–7, 109–10, 118–19, 124, 252
The City of God, 116–17, 118, 119, 343
in concubinage arrangement, 85–86, 89, 92, 104, 119, 120–21
Confessions, 82, 85, 87, 94, 96, 100, 101, 102, 111, 339, 343
conversion of, 93–94, 98
and his father, 82–85, 89, 90, 94, 114
and his mother, 82, 83–85, 86, 87, 89–93, 94–96, 119, 120
infant memories of, 103–4
influence of, 97, 214, 272
inner conflicts of, 88, 92
law studies of, 86
The Literal Meaning of Genesis, 111–19, 137, 163, 206, 228, 244, 250, 276, 342–45
and Manichaeism, 87–88, 89, 90, 91, 98, 99–100, 101, 109, 111, 118, 352
monastic community founded by, 93, 96
on morality, 101, 104, 267
mystical experience of, 94–96
On Genesis: A Refutation of the Manichees, 110–11, 267
On Marriage, 108, 213, 344
and Pelagius’s exile, 106
reading Scripture, 86, 91, 93–94, 97
on self-control, 116–17, 119, 167
self-examination of, 98–119
and sexual desire, 92–93, 107–10, 114–19, 121, 217, 341
skepticism about, 105–6
as teacher, 88, 89, 91
and theft of pears, 99, 100
and university education, 83, 84
Voltaire on, 260–61
Autun, France, statue of Eve in, 147–48
Aztec Calendar Stone, 241
Aztec priests, records of, 241
Baal (Marduk), 41
Babylonian Captivity, 31–32
Babylonian Empire:
“By the waters of Babylon,” 30–31, 34, 44
creation story of, 37, 40, 41, 52, 58
Esagila temple in, 27
Etemenanki ziggurat in, 27, 32
exiles in, 24–34, 38
fall of, 35, 40, 42, 43
hanging gardens of, 24, 327
languages in, 32
Nebuchadnezzar II as king of, 24, 25, 31, 32, 38, 41
pantheon of, 42, 49; see also Marduk
Seven Wonders of the World in, 24
succession crisis in, 32–33
urban culture of, 47, 58–59
writing in, 40
Bacon, Francis, 257
Baldung Grien, Hans, 137, 154
Ball, John, 189, 193, 248, 357
Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 338
Barbari, Jacopo de’, 160
Bargello Museum, Florence, 142
Basil the Great, Saint, 336
Basket, Fuegia, 279, 283
Bassus, Junius, 142
Baths of Diocletian, 81
Battell, Andrew, 364
Baxandall, Michael, 150
Bayle, Peter, 265, 266, 267, 268
A Historical and Critical Dictionary, 253–58, 259, 260
Beagle, HMS, 278, 279, 280, 283
Beatles, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” 12
Bel (Marduk), 27
Benson, Ezra Taft, 262
Bernward (bishop), 145
Berossus, History of Babylonia, 41, 240
sp; Bible:
accessibility of, 91
allegorical links to, 205
alternative origin stories discovered, 238–43
anagogical interpretation of, 205
and apocrypha, 68
chronology in, 240, 242
creation of, 33–36, 39
creation story in, 41, 67, 134, 238, 276
Crusader Bible, 149
evolution vs., 271, 272, 273
First Bible of Charles the Bald, 143
four-fold method of reading, 205
generations begat in, 22, 248
Genesis in, see Genesis
Gospel of Thomas, 66
Grandvier-Montval, 143
interpretations of, 77–78, 97, 205, 232, 247–48, 255, 330, 343
limitations of, 236–37, 243, 251, 255
literal truth of, see literalism
moral guidelines in, 205
New Testament of, 74–75, 205, 207, 253
Old Testament of, 205, 207
primitive stories in, 76
Psalm 14, 26
Psalm 22, 26
Psalm 137, 24, 30–31
scriptural typology of, 74–75, 205
translations of, 123, 239, 243
Vulgate, 123
Blackborough, William and Hester, 186
Bonaventure, Saint, 205
mental activities of, 17
sexual activities of, 298–99
see also primates
Book of Jubilees, 23, 109, 303, 335
books, papyrus codices, 65, 334
Borghese, Cardinal Scipio, 347
Bosch, Hieronymus, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 216
Botticelli, Sandro, 206
Bourignon, Antoinette, 311
Bracciolini, Poggio, 238
Bradshaw, John, 358
Bridgewater, Earl of, 165–66
British Museum, clay tablets in collection of, 43–44, 46, 50
Browne, Sir Thomas, 191
Bruno, Giordano, 240
Buddha, 87
Button, Jemmy, 279–80, 283
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 283
Caelestius (Pelagius’s disciple), 340
Cain, 70, 232
Calvin, John, 213, 310
camel, temptation by, 6
Campbell, Joseph:
Historical Atlas of World Mythology, 320
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 317, 318
Cape Verde islands, Darwin’s visit to, 278
Cappadocian Fathers, 305
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, 129
Carmelite church (Carmine), Florence, 149, 152
Carracci, Annibale, 169
Catherine of Aragon, 178
Catullus, 168
Celsus (Greek philosopher), 78–79
Centre National d’Appui à la Recherche, Chad, 10
chalk, 275, 363–64
Chappell, William, 164
Charles I, king of England:
and civil war, 171, 175, 176–77, 186, 192, 199, 351
execution of, 192, 194, 196, 197
Charles II, king of England, 198, 201
Charles the Bald, 143
as highest calling, 124
Milton on, 166–69, 170, 172, 173, 174, 181, 184, 214
and misogyny, 126
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales, 126–27
and bonobos, 298–99
as endangered species, 288
grooming techniques of, 290
Kanyawara group of, 285
Kibale Chimpanzee Project, 285–302
mental activities of, 17
as Pan troglodytes, 298
as patrilocal, 288
sexual relations of, 295
skeleton of, 13
see also primates
Adam and Eve story as foundational in, 75, 79, 129
Adam and Eve story interpreted in, 6, 74, 208, 257
apocrypha, 68
Augustine’s orthodoxy in, 99, 104–7, 109–10, 118–19, 124, 252
canon of, 23, 65, 68, 131, 179, 353
catechumen (instruction) in, 83
faith in, 205–6
fundamentalist, 276
and heresies, 75, 242, 246
index of prohibited books, 136
and inquisition, 131–33
and Jesus, see Jesus Christ
literalism as cornerstone of, 8–10, 118–19, 252; see also literalism
and marriage, see marriage
misogyny in, 121, 123, 125–27, 129–33, 136
Mormonism, 262
and nakedness, 234–37
official doctrine of, 127, 252, 256, 257, 259, 260, 284, 340
as official religion of Rome, 75
religious wars, 231–32, 238, 253, 260
reprobates, 182, 184
in Rome, 141
savior of, 38, 129, 229
and sinfulness, 6, 229
and Sistine Chapel frescoes, 207
skepticism within, 137, 252, 257
Trinity in, 70
typology of, 74–75, 205
women welcomed into, 121
Cicero, 86
clay tablets:
cuneiform script on, 40, 42, 43, 45, 332
mystery unraveled, 43–44, 45
recovery of, 42–43, 50, 331
search for, 50–51
stories similar to Torah, 45–48
Clement of Alexandria, 304, 346
Cola di Rienzo, 190
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 283
Columbus, Christopher, 158, 233, 234, 235, 242
Comestor, Peter, 143
Condé, Prince of, 232, 242, 246
Constantine the Great, 141
Copernicus, 238, 257, 275
Coptic Museum, Cairo, 65
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da, 169
Cortés, Hernán, 158
Cranach, Lucas the elder, 154
Cranach, Lucas the younger, 154
creation stories:
Adam and Eve story as, 3, 38, 39, 79, 131, 134, 281
alternative, 239, 241, 242–43
in ancient myths, 16–17, 39, 51, 238
artistic illustration of, see art
author’s imagination of, 18–19
breath of life in, 20, 44, 57, 58, 75, 300, 338
changes in thinking about, 281–84
Darwinism vs., 269, 271–75, 278, 280–81
Enuma Elish (Mesopotamia), 27–29, 33, 39, 44, 52, 57, 58
eyewitnesses lacking in, 21–23
in Genesis, 15, 16, 18, 37, 41, 44, 57, 70, 148, 208, 216, 238, 244–45, 276, 282
in Gilgamesh, 52, 57, 60
as human invention, 17–18
interpretations of, 70–71, 112, 134–35
“In the beginning,” 71, 278, 336
moral judgments in, 50, 299
murder in, 28–29
pagan, 75, 238, 239, 273
and primate research, 300–302
purposes of, 17
questions about, 67, 75–76, 238–40, 255–56, 261
sampling of, 313–20
sex in, 27–29, 56; see also sex
similarities among, 45–46
and storytelling, see stories
ubiquitousness of, 18
Croesus, King, 32
Cromwell, Oliver, 186, 198, 205, 209, 358
Cromwell, Richard, 198
Cyril, Saint, 336
Cyrus, Persian king, 32–33
Damian, Saint Peter, Officium Beatae Virginis, 130–31, 132
Damrosch, David, 45
The Buried Book, 331
Daniel, book of, 41
Dante Alighieri, 56, 209, 210
Paradiso, 128
Darius, king of Persia, 43
Darwin, Charles, 10
critics of, 280
The Descent of Man, 269–74, 280–81
influence of, 282, 284, 297
influences on, 273, 278, 280, 283
The Origin of Species, 269, 271, 275, 278
scientific evidence collected by, 278, 279, 282, 283, 297
on sexual selection, 271
theory of evolution, 270–73, 280–81, 282–83
theory of natural selection, 14, 274, 279, 282, 287
travel on HMS Beagle, 278, 279, 280, 283
Darwin, Erasmus, 273
Dati, Carlo, 187, 351
Davenant, William, 358
David, house of, 24
accepting the reality of, 227–28, 243, 307, 308
of Adam, 68, 72, 335
as physical nature of humans, 106, 345
questions about, 100, 153, 266, 343, 345
serpent as foundation of, 128
and the soul, 101
through Adam and Eve, 144, 308, 336, 340
Dicaearchus of Messana, 239
Diggers, 194–96
dinosaurs, 267, 268
Diodati, Charles, 165, 170, 214, 351
Donne, John, 168
Duns Scotus, John, 308
Dürer, Albrecht, 9, 152–62
canon of proportions sought by, 160
early years of, 155
Fall of Man, 152–54, 156, 161–62, 256
Four Books on Human Proportion, 157
on good and evil, 349
influence of, 152, 154–55, 161, 162, 163
observations of Africans, 159
search for perfect form, 158–61
self-portraiture of, 155–57, 348–49
technical skills of, 154, 155, 157
Eden, see Garden of Eden; Paradise
Nag Hammadi Library in, 64–67, 267
origin story of, 313
Ptolemaic kings of, 43
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 262
Eleazar, Rabbi Jeremiah ben, 15, 215
Elect (ascetics), 88
Eliot, George, Middlemarch, 207
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 240
Elohim, 331
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 262, 263
Battle of Naseby, 186
censorship opposed in, 196
civil war in, 171–72, 175, 176–77, 186, 192–93, 194, 196, 198–99, 204–5, 206, 351
defenders of monarchy in, 196
Divorce Reform Act (1969-73), 178
educational system of, 353
New Model Army in, 192, 195
Peasants’ Revolt (1381), 189
Puritans in, 172
Restoration in, 198–99
Enki (Babylonian god), 46–47
Enlightenment, skeptical doubts raised in, 9–10, 137, 261, 268, 284, 338
Enuma Elish (origin story), 27–29, 33, 39, 44, 46, 52, 57, 58
Eocene Epoch, 275
Epicurus, 101, 102, 238, 339
Epiphanius (bishop), 252
Eric the Red, 242
Erikson, Leif, 242
Erlik (devil), 318
Eskimos, artifacts of, 242
Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 23
eugenics, 282
Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, 41
as allegory, 110, 205, 337
beauty of, 135, 216, 220–21, 254, 296
children of, 296