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Ann H

Page 3

by Unknown

  As quietly as she could she opened the bathroom window and started her climb out. However, like all the things that seemed to be happening to her lately, this little escape wasn’t to be as easy as the first one. Hands grabbed hold of her from under the arms, pulling her out of the window hard once she had her upper half out.


  “Not going to happen a second time.” Reed didn’t let her down only carried her around the house and back inside. “Brent, think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Brent smiled. “I’ll talk to you in the morning some time.”

  Once Brent left the cabin, she knew the battle would be over, or would it just begin? Jerking out of his hold, Jennifer put as much distance as she could between them. The sun was setting, the rare moon once shining with more of the redness causing her to feel the first stage of an unexpected cycle. Not a good thing when you’re locked up with a male that is also being affected by the damn thing.

  “This has gone on long enough,” she said. “You need to let me go home before things get out of control.”

  “Oh baby, they’ve already gotten out of control.” He took one-step forward, reached behind him, and pulled his shirt up over his head, tossing it away.

  Her mouth went dry at the sight of his bare chest. Sure, she felt the damn thing, but lord help her now at what she saw. Ripple after ripple of muscles and power that moved when he took a breath and when he moved his arms. There was no way in hell she would be a match for him. She had a pretty good idea once he touched her, skin to skin, and then her cycle would force her to mate, just like his heat would force him to claim.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she gasped when his hands went to the belt around his jeans.

  He stilled for a moment, one eyebrow going up again. “You figure it out sweetheart.”

  “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m going to let you mate me.”

  The belt came undone followed by the snap of his jeans and the zipper going down. She lost it when she got her first look at the crest of his cock straining for release. Just that peek and it hit her how fucked she really was—and soon going to be.

  “Oh shit!” she gasped, turning her back on him as he finished undressing. “This can’t be happening to me.” One touch and she knew without a doubt in this world that she would melt. Already the unexpected cycle was building, picking up the scent of a male, drawing her to mate.

  “You feel it, don’t you?” he asked and walked quietly up behind her. When she felt him right at the back of her neck it made her jump and turned around. With wide eyes, she stared up at him, so close she could feel his body heat knowing it came from “the pull of the moon.”

  “This is madness,” she whispered, closing her eyes when he reached up, touching the side of her face.

  “A full moon madness,” he whispered back right before his lips touched hers.

  True to what she felt, she melted into him. The one touch was all it took and Jennifer could no longer think as to why this was all wrong. The need to feel, to be claimed, taken and mated overcame her, tossing her into a need she never experienced before. She leaned into him. His arms went around her and she leaned into the kiss. Her shorts fell from her hips to the ground.

  Strong hands gripped her ass, squeezing, parting the flesh before picking her up. She didn’t hesitate in wrapping her legs around his hips and moaned into the kiss at the feel of his cock touching her heated mound. The longer he kissed her the hotter she became, and all Jennifer could think about was what would it would feel like when that moon was full.

  Reed walked with her to the bed and how he got her shirt off she had no clue. By the time he lowered them both to the bed she was as naked as him. Not once did he stop kissing her, only deepened it as they lay on the bed. Heads slanted, tongues dueling and his hands roamed all over her body.

  First touch, first real kiss, and she forgot to tell him. Fingers found the core of her pleasure. Her clit got the first real touch from a male and she shivered under him in bliss. He rubbed as he kissed her, slowly moving his lips from hers, down her chin to her throat and lower still. She didn’t even realize that he had lowered his own body down on hers until she felt his breath touch the wetness of her pussy.

  Her need was upon her, so there would be no denying him now. A glance from him and she parted her legs wider, inviting him to take and give, to ease this ache she felt building inside her.

  Reed parted the slick folds and licked her. Jennifer couldn’t keep the moan still behind her lips. She closed her eyes, pressed her head into the pillow, and let it out, grabbing his hair, urging him on. He took the hint and began a feast that stole her breath away.

  Licking, sucking, even a nip here and there. Jennifer pumped her hips up welcomed the fingers that sank deep inside her and raced for the pleasure he gave. Every nerve ending in her body felt as if it came alive and was all pointed down between her legs. Fingers pumped into her fast as lips closed around the clit, sending her through a tidal wave she never experienced before. She cried out, tightened her legs around his head, as the climax hit, not even noticing she screamed during it.

  Back up her body those lips moved, stopping to suck on each breast, making the nipples ache in need also. Higher those kisses moved up just as he moved her legs up around his hips and the heated crest of his cock touched the wet, swollen folds of her pussy.

  Jennifer thought she was too far-gone not to turn back. She needed the relief and didn’t care any longer that she was about to be mated to this male. A male she didn’t know and who didn’t know her. All she cared about was getting the release. Her cycle hit just then and she jerked, her hips going upward, bumping into his cock. Reed groaned, reached down between them, and rubbed the head up and down the slit.

  “Do you want to tell me now?” He sounded raw, rough when he spoke.

  She didn’t know what he was talking about. Jennifer tried to focus on his face and understand what he asked, but she couldn’t. “What?”

  “What you’re trying to hide from me.” The head pushed into her and she arched again, moaning. “Tell me now.”

  “Please!” she begged, tossing her head back and forth. “Please.”

  He growled and surged into her. Jennifer screamed at the burning, splitting pain that came with it as he broke through her innocence. She heard him swear, but it didn’t still him either. Reed plunged into her, took her like a male would take his female, claiming her, and branding her as his.

  It felt like something overcame them both. She could see the half-red moon outside, shining on them both. It pushed them together, fluid them, stated he claim her, and neither could do a damn thing about it except for go alone with it and let the moon have what it wanted.

  Jennifer held onto him tight, her nails dug into his sides as he thrust in and out. Each motion inward gave her a surge of pleasure. His body pressed onto hers, chest rubbed against chest and his lips sucked at the marking on her shoulder.

  His steady motion had her unable to process it all. Each feeling each sensation held her in a tight web of pure ecstasy. She wanted to moan, wanted to cry, hell she wanted to scream at him to never stop and then to stop all in the same breath.

  Reed must’ve been able to tell when she hit her peak. His thrust became faster, harder and right before it hit he bit down hard on her shoulder, over the mark he made in front of her father.

  Jennifer screamed and dug her nails deep and hard into his sides. Reed also cried out, his hands going under her to her ass, squeezing so hard she knew without a doubt she’d have hand print bruises there come morning.

  She thought that it might be over, but it wasn’t. Reed shocked her by rolling over to his back, taking her with him. On instinct alone, she sat up and crossed her arms over her chest. The move took him deeper inside her and she gasped at the full feeling she got. When she looked down at him, she saw that his eyes were bright red.

  “If you had admitted to me you
were still a virgin, I would’ve taken things slower.”

  “You don’t give me the impression that you’re the kind of guy to take anything slow.”

  He smiled, hands rubbing up and down her legs. “You got me there.”

  “Am I allowed to take a shower?”

  “Not alone you’re not.” She shivered, closing her eyes for a second. Opening them back up she looked over at the window and at the half-red moon. “I can still smell it,” he said, his voice filled with passion still.

  Quickly she looked back at him. “What?”

  “Your need.” He sat up, wrapping his arms around her. “I was told once that on a red moon, males tend to share their mates. I also found that hard to believe, but I have this strange feeling I know why now.”

  “And that is?”

  “It’s your need.” A finger went down the middle of her back, causing her to shiver again. “It’s stronger, more demanding, and the only way we can help you is by bringing another into our bed.”

  Her eyes widened at that statement, and yet with the way she felt at the moment, having him still deep and very hard inside her, she couldn’t stop her womb from contracting around him. The statement alone seemed to give her a very tiny orgasm.

  “Oh, you like that idea I see,” he purred.

  “No,” she breathed out, unable to stop herself from moving her hips, doing the very same thing he did to her.

  Her clit began to throb and Jennifer moved her hips on her own. She watched Reed close his eyes at her movements, hands back on her ass, guiding her, going with the flow as she fucked him this time.

  “Yeah, just like that,” he sighed. “Take me and think about that other male in our bed, come moon night.” He parted her ass, pulled it until she felt a slight burn from the two globes being parted. “But who will you take where? Do I get the sweet, tight pussy here or am I the one to sink into your ass?” Two fingers suddenly pushed into her rear and Jennifer couldn’t stop the climax from hitting.

  Before she came down from it, Reed once more changed positions. He had her back on the bed, face down coming up behind her. With a yank, Jennifer found herself up on all fours. She waited, expected him to thrust back into her and take her hard once more, but he didn’t. Instead, she felt teasing fingers at her pussy, moving backward to the unused entrance of her ass.

  “I’m taking it all right now,” he growled. “Everything you have is now mine. Say it!”

  She hung her head down, feeling defeated right then. “It’s all yours,” she whispered.

  Biting her lip, she also held her breath at the feel of his cock pressing at the entrance to her rear. It felt like it wouldn’t give, but Reed made it so. She felt a pop followed by a deep burn and stretch as he sank his thick cock into her.

  “Breathe, or its only going to hurt,” he told her.

  Jennifer let out her breath in a rush and it did help. Her rear gave for him just a little bit, but the pain and the burn didn’t go away. When his hand reached around her, finding her clit and began to play, then she did relax and came at the same time. That climax opened the window for him and Reed surged into her, claiming her ass as he claimed everything else.

  “Yeah, baby,” he moaned. “You feel so good.”

  He moved a slow withdrawal then forward again. Jennifer didn’t think she could breathe and wasn’t sure how she kept doing it, but she did. Each push back in, sometimes a short burst of power and it knocked the wind right out of her. She never thought that in her life she could feel so helpless, so cared for and so dominated all at the same time.

  He took—she gave. It became that simple. He brought her to a new high one she never knew existed. Hell, she didn’t even know she was crying until she heard a soft shh from him.

  Harder, faster he began to move as did his fingers playing with her clit. Raw sensations gripped her, held her so tight that she thought she was going to pass out from all the pleasure, and thought she did right at her peek.

  Jennifer arched herself back and pushed back against him. The scream that came forth tore at her soul. Tears fell down her face, hands fisted into the sheets, and still the orgasm washed through her. One powerful wave after another. It felt like it would never end, just as he felt like he would never end.

  Yet, it all did. She could feel him swelling inside her, felt the spurt of his release and cried out again. Weakness overcame her, and Jennifer dropped down on the bed, him still inside her. Too weak to talk or move, all she could do was whimper when it was over and he finally pulled out. She didn’t even have the strength to look over her shoulder to see where he went when he left the bed. She did moan once a warm washcloth touched her sore body. Reed cleaned her up then tucked her into the bed, snuggling up behind her.

  Safe. That’s what she felt right then, but her body still hummed. She stared at the moon, thinking about how she would be feeling once it was full.

  “Don’t think about that,” he said in her ear low, his own voice had a sluggish sound to it.

  “How do you know I’m thinking?”

  “I can hear it.”

  She giggled at that.

  “I’ll take care of it,” he sighed, getting closer.

  “And how will you take care of it? Males like you don’t like to share?”

  “I’m not sharing. I’m taking care of my mate, and if she needs another to get through her cycle then I’ll endure it.”

  Jennifer smiled, even though he couldn’t see it. “How will you endure it? The only other male of our kind near is your brother.” When he said nothing, she turned over to face him. “You’re going to ask your brother?”

  Reed took a deep breath, “Like you said, there isn’t another male of our kind around, and I do trust him.”

  “But he’s your brother. Isn’t that going to be a bit strange? I mean, hell we really don’t know each other.”

  He turned her back around, holding her close to his chest. “We know each other and will get to know each other better. Yes, it will be a bit strange to have my brother in bed with us, but it’s only for the one time. Doubt we will see another red moon in our lifetime.”

  She thought about this for a bit, the smiled again. “So do I get to pick who goes in where?”

  Reed growled, “Don’t push it, mate.”

  Again, she giggled, “Well what if I like it so much I want to do it again?” This time he nipped at her shoulder. “Ouch!”

  “One time and one time only!” he snapped. “Period. Now go to sleep.”

  Still smiling, Jennifer closed her eyes and tried to sleep. A hard task when your body was still humming, the need from a cycle you don’t expect to happen before a full moon hitting her. It was hard, but somehow she managed to do just that and got some rest. After all, she didn’t know what the next night might bring her.

  Chapter Four

  “Excuse me? I didn’t hear you right. You want me to do what?” Brent asked Reed, a frown on his face, hands on hips.

  Reed sat on the sofa in Brent’s rented cabin as calmly as he could or at least he worked to appear so. Inside he screamed that this was a mistake, he didn’t want to share his mate even though he knew she was going to need it.

  “You’re the only one I trust,” Reed said.

  Brent shook his head and Reed kept an eye on him. They were only two years apart and very close, not to mention they sort of looked alike. Brent kept his hair shorter however; they had the same dark locks, same dark eyes and were built with the same muscle mass. Brent happened to be only about one or two inches shorter than Reed though. One other time they shared a woman and it was a night that they both agreed they didn’t want to do again, because they both really did like it—too much in fact.

  “I thought we agreed to never do that again,” Brent said, leaning on the sink with arms crossed over his chest. “We liked it too much. Remember?”

  “I remember.”

  “Then why are you asking me?”

  Reed growled and stood up, rubbing his face, the
n the back of his neck. “You remember the stories we heard about the red moon. How we’re forced into a mating heat.”

  “Yeah, I remember them.”

  “Well, do you also remember the stories of how a female went into a needing cycle and that it built with each night with the moon? That once the moon became red, she would be so far gone that one wouldn’t be enough.” He took a deep breath and began to pace the small space. “Brent, I never thought I’d stumble upon my mate like this or be put in this kind of position.” He stopped and met his brother in the eye. “Last night, when I took her, I felt like I was in heat too and I could smell her cycle. This morning that scent is stronger instead of weaker. What we were told is true and she’s going to need another to get through this. I won’t be able to take care of her alone. I trust you. I’m only asking this one thing. Join us for one round, then go and I’ll be able to finish it. Please.”

  “What does she say?”

  “I mentioned it to her…” He went back over the sofa and sat down with a deep, tired sigh. “She acted like it interested her. I plan on talking to her about it more when she wakes up.”

  “If she is fine with it, then I’ll do this for you… once.”

  Reed met Brent’s gaze. “Thank you.”

  “Just don’t ask me again. I don’t like the idea of having sex with your mate.”

  “Unless we get caught in another red full moon, I have no intention of asking you do this again. Trust me.”


  Reed smiled as did Brent. “Now that is done with, what happened?”

  It seemed it was Brent’s turn to look and act uncomfortable. “I don’t know who, but someone in our world is selling us out to that bitch. He gets paid by the size of our package. Guess he got a nice check thanks to my dick.”

  Reed shook his head. “We need to figure out who and stop him.”

  “Well that’s going to be hard since it could be full blood or half blood. Hell it could even be a female for all we know.”


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