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Katieran Prime Series Book 12
KD Jones
Copyright 2016 KD Jones
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
About the Author
Katieran Commander LemAN has suffered a great loss and sworn never to let anyone get close to him again. He focuses instead on protecting his people. Now he has been tasked with seeking out the remaining Morin transport. The problem is his success depends on an alien female intent on driving him insane. He might be able to complete his mission but he’s not sure how long he can resist her.
Teagan White is a communications expert from Earth who is traveling to Katiera. An adventure to new worlds on board a ship full of sexy aliens is her fantasy come true. She loves a good challenge and now her expertise is needed to help track down the Morins, the long-time enemy of the Katieran nation. She finds herself especially attracted to their commander, LemAN. She wouldn’t mind exploring a little more of him.
A distress call is answered that could divide the Katieran Prime allies or start the nations on a path to healing. Sometimes the danger isn’t visible, but hiding within. Will LemAN and Teagan give in to their pull of attraction or allow their differences to tear them apart? Will the Katierans and their allies brave the turmoil and find what has been missing in Discovery?
Chapter 1
Light laughter from across the meal room caught his attention. Katieran Commander LemAN glared at the back of the head of the female who was the bane of his existence: Teagan Marie White, an engineering and communications expert from Earth. She arrived on the transport from Earth a few months ago and used her genius knowledge of radio waves to detect an enemy transport ship that was camouflaged. She should have gone on to Katiera and found herself a mate. Instead, she was traveling on board LemAN’s transport, putting herself in danger helping to hunt down more Morins.
He felt a growl growing inside him whenever she would lightly touch the shoulder of one of the males sitting too close to her. She was pretty, but not as beautiful as some of the other females he had seen who had traveled from Earth to Katiera under the relocation negotiations that their Prime Leader RendEL worked out with the Earth World Government, EWG.
About five years ago, while the Katieran nation had sent out transport ships to explore other worlds in hopes of finding another species that would be compatible with its own, a beacon was sent from a primitive planet called Earth asking for assistance to save its people and its planet.
Earth had become overpopulated despite the laws it implemented limiting its people from multiplying. Its natural resources were nearly depleted and it would soon have a hard time supporting and sustaining life on the planet.
Even more surprising was how little space technology the humans had. The farthest they had gotten were visits to their moon and satellite probes they sent out to inspect other planets. They had no ability to travel into deep space or reach wormholes that would take them to other galaxies.
He had transported thousands of beautiful females from Earth, so why was he so drawn to this one? Her hair was dark blond but when the light hit it, gold strands would stand out, giving her a soft glow. Her voice was husky and every time he heard her speak it seemed to caress his body.
Frustrated with himself for watching the female flirt, he stood up and walked out of the meal room. He nodded at his lieutenants that passed him by. They were younger than him and full of enthusiasm, ready to battle the enemy. He sighed, feeling more than his thirty-eight years.
LemAN’s people, the Katierans, were much more advanced with technology, medicine, and space travel. However, there had been a time many decades ago that their resources had been diminishing, too. That’s why laws were implemented that would protect life and natural resources. He was shocked to find out that on Earth, people swam in rivers, oceans, and lakes. They threw their trash in landfills and cut down their forests. Not only did they reduce their oxygen source but they polluted their air, making it difficult to breathe in some locations.
No wonder the Earth people were ready to flee, but he questioned whether it was a good idea to bring them to Katiera. It wasn’t up to him, though. His job was to follow orders and protect the Katieran nation from threats internal and external.
So three years ago the EWG made an agreement with the Katieran nation. In exchange for Katieran help in replenishing Earth’s resources, the Katierans were allowed to hold their own type of sign-up for a relocation program. The only applicants they were accepting were single women of child-bearing age.
LemAn wasn’t sure if the EWG leaders were made aware or not that Katiera had issues of its own. Many decades ago it was attacked by a warring nation known as the Morins. The Morins used a virus that nearly killed the Katierans altogether.
For those who didn’t die, the virus slowly manipulated their DNA, causing some to have side effects such as the ability to read minds. Some were so hostile it divided the nation. The Katierans with serious side effects split off and formed their own nations on different planets, Kiljor and the Colonial Planet. The most devastating were the problems that occurred to the Katierans’ ability to reproduce. Very few young had been born in the past twenty years and most were male. Their scientists predicted that if they mixed their species with another compatible one, it would give their people a chance to rebuild their numbers. The Earth women were supposedly compatible. LemAN wasn’t interested in this idea. He had been once, a long time ago, but now he only had time to focus on his career as commander. Nothing else mattered, or shouldn’t matter.
He entered the command bridge and took his seat watching the viewing screen. “How far are we from the wormhole?”
“Commander, we will arrive in two hours.”
Good. He picked up his digital tablet and reviewed updates on the ship’s maintenance. He needed a distraction from the female.
Teagan glanced over her shoulder and sighed when she saw Commander LemAN had left. She lost interest in what the men around her were saying. Why couldn’t she be interested in one of these guys? They were young, sexy, good-looking, and very eager. There weren’t any females on the transport ship, which made her a precious gem for these miners.
She quickly finished her meal and took the food tray back to the waste bin. As she got to the entrance of the meal room, Lieutenant VoyER was waiting for her. He was nothing if not persistent. They walked the corridors, Lt. VoyER talking to her while she got caught up in her thoughts.
She laughed inwardly. On Earth she was hardly sought after. Oh, she wasn’t ugly or anything, but she never paid a whole lot of attention to her looks. She had medium-length wavy dark blond hair, almost light brown. Nothing special. Her brown eyes were plain. Her complexion was fair. She burned easily so she kept out
of direct sunlight when she could. She was short and lacked a lot of curves, but she did have nice lips and legs. On Earth she was considered cute but had a brilliant mind for figuring out how things worked. Here on the Horizen she was treated like a beautiful, sexy goddess as well as still being brilliant at figuring out how things worked.
She had a high IQ in mechanics and engineering, but because she came from a very poor family, she’d never had the official schooling that would have helped train and cultivate her intelligence. Her parents were poor and weren’t very supportive.
When she became legally able to live on her own, she had no education to get anything more than manual labor type jobs. She hated waiting tables and constantly had to fight off unwanted male attention. Then one day she watched as a cable guy drove by. She probably knew more about satellite dishes than that guy did—she had set herself up illegally years ago to receive free satellite TV. She filled out an application and was surprised that she actually got hired. It was fine for a while and paid better than waitressing.
Then the aliens came to Earth. She was living a boring life, and the chance to travel somewhere new for free was too good to pass up. It wasn’t until she showed up at the hotel that she got the idea that these aliens were looking for women. She wanted to learn about their advanced technology. What was more exciting than traveling to another planet with sexy aliens?
She was always told her curiosity was going to get her in trouble, and it had over and over again. This time, though, her curiosity got her several galaxies away on an alien ship full of sexy men with golden irises. Her mind was needed but she felt that her body was what they coveted the most. Except for the commander—he acted like she was an inconvenience. Maybe that’s what made him irresistible to her, the fact that he wasn’t after her body.
“Would you care to share the Evening Meal with me this evening?” Lt. VoyER asked.
He had asked her out almost every day for the past two weeks. Each time she refused, giving him one reason or another. He wasn’t the only male who’d asked her out but she refused all of them. Her true reason was that she was waiting—waiting for someone else who wasn’t interested in her to finally notice her.
LemAN was older than the others, in his late thirties with a few silver streaks through his jet black hair. His body was as big and well-built as any of the other younger warriors. His hair and his eyes were the only things that showed his experience and age. Man, his eyes were intense, like they could see right through her to her very soul.
There was pain in those eyes that he tried to keep hidden from others. He did a good job because no one else seemed to notice it but her. Her mind looked for things most didn’t—figuring out a mathematical equation, how to divert a fuel line to another location. LemAN was a mystery that needed to be figured out. He fascinated her but he wanted nothing to do with her, which made her want him even more.
She’d forgotten about the young warrior walking next to her. “Maybe next time.”
He looked dejected. “Is there someone else you’re interested in?”
Yes, but he doesn’t want me. She shook her head. “I’m just new to all this and learning it all. I’m not sure I’m ready for a relationship yet.”
He didn’t look like he completely believed her. “I’m not forcing myself on you but I won’t be giving up unless you tell me to.”
She smiled up at him. She had to admire his persistence. Her few boyfriends in the past never made her feel so desirable. It was a real ego boost. Maybe one of these times he will ask and she will finally be over her crush on the commander and say yes to him.
“I expect no less.”
“Where would you like me to escort you to before my shift begins?”
“I want to look at engineering again. I am still amazed at how everything works.”
He shook his head at her. “You’re very quick at picking up things. You must be a genius back on your planet. What position did you hold?”
She snorted. “I installed cable TV.”
“I do not know what that is.”
She waved it off. “I just basically set up things so that people could receive information on their televisions, like digital monitors.”
“Oh, well that is a highly important position, then. Without you the Earth people would not know what was going on in the world.”
She didn’t correct him on how unimportant her job was. Besides, some of what he said was true. The installers, who not only installed the cables but also maintained and fixed things when they went wrong, were important in their own right. Some of the smartest people she’d ever met were installers like her.
They walked to the lift and went down to the level where engineering was located. Stopping right outside the door, he turned to her.
“I have to get ready for my shift but if you call on your comm link, I’ll make sure someone comes to escort you back to your quarters.”
“I appreciate it but I think I can figure out how to get back.”
“Are you sure I can’t convince you to go to the Evening Meal with me?”
Teagan touched his arm. “I’m probably going to stay inside my quarters tonight and just have something delivered. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait.” He smiled before leaving.
She watched him until he disappeared inside the lift. Why couldn’t she be interested in him? He was nice and sweet, not to mention easy on the eyes. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the one she dreamed of every night. Sighing, she turned and entered engineering. Men stood up straighter and smiled at her. Her attention was immediately taken by the new equipment installed.
“Oh, what is that?” She was completely lost in investigating.
Two hours later
“Commander LemAN, the leader of the Balar people has requested you come through the wormhole immediately.”
LemAN growled low at the mention of the other male. “Why?”
“He claims there has been movement that looks similar to the Morins.”
Kitana! He didn’t like the blue leader because the male had way too much interest in Teagan, but if there was a chance another Morin ship was presenting itself they had to lend aid.
“Set course for Balar.”
“Yes, Commander.”
Chapter 2
The next morning
“What’s going on?” Teagan had walked into the meal room to find it almost completely barren. She spotted one of the lieutenants finishing up his meal.
“We’re preparing to orbit around Balar.”
“Balar? Since when did we go through the wormhole?”
“Last night.”
“I cannot say. I’m sorry, I must get to my assigned location.”
She waved him off and went to get a plate of food. Why hadn’t LemAN said anything to her about going through the wormhole? Was there a sighting of the Morin transport? The whole reason she was still on board this ship instead of lazing on the beaches of Katiera was because of her ability to use radio waves to find the Morin transport ships that had camouflage capabilities.
After plopping down on her seat, she ate some of her food, feeling uncomfortable being the only person there. She ate a third of her plate before getting back up and taking her tray to the cleaning unit.
Commander LemAN had been a pain in her ass since day one. She was attracted to him but would not let him stop her from doing her job. Well, she wasn’t going to just wait around until LemAN decided to let her know what was what. She would take matters into her own hands.
LemAN leaned forward as they approached the orbital pattern for Balar. “Contact Leader Toro and put him on the main screen.”
“Yes, Commander,” the communications officer responded.
The doors to the command bridge swished open and he glanced at them then did a double take. “Miss White, what are you doing here?”
“That’s what I
came here to ask you. What are we doing back at Balar?” She stopped right next to him and crossed her arms over her chest. His eyes immediately went to the voluptuous swell of her creamy breasts. Her shirt was way too tight under what she called her overalls. It also showed some skin from her waist and he couldn’t help but wonder if she wore anything else under there.
“Uh, um…eyes up here, big boy.” She pointed to her eyes.
He felt heat rise to his face for having been caught ogling her. LemAN glanced around to see who was watching, and his crew quickly turned their attention elsewhere. The female made him forget where he was at times. That was unacceptable.
“Miss White, go back to your quarters and I will come and answer your questions when I am done here.”
“Hell no.”
“Commander, Leader Toro is online.”
LemAN turned to look at the large monitor as the blue alien’s image came up. “Leader Toro…we once again answered your call. What have you found?”
“Good to see you, too, Commander LemAN. Is that little Teagan with you?”
Teagan’s face lit up with pleasure. “Hi, Toro. How’s everything going?”
“Much better now that I get to see your beautiful face.”
LemAN growled low at seeing how she lit up as she spoke to the other male. She never looked at him like that, with such happiness and joy to see him. He pushed down his personal feelings and glared at the male. “You have reason to believe that the Morins have returned?”
“Yes, the electronic waves that Teagan helped identify previously have shown up sporadically.”
“Do you feel they are planning to attack you?”
“No, I think they are searching for something. The pattern they’ve taken is going from one inhabitable planet or inhabitable luna to another.”