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The Vampire Files, Volume One

Page 1

by P. N. Elrod

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  The Vampire Files


  The Vampire Files

  “Very entertaining.”

  —Mystery Scene

  “Fast . . . Intriguing.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “An entertaining blend of the detective story and the supernatural.”

  —Science Fiction Chronicle

  “Four stars . . . a lot of fun.”

  —Rave Reviews

  “Elrod’s sharp vampire’s-eye view of the powers of the undead goes a long way . . . excellent . . . intriguing . . . Tight and effective.”


  “The pace is fast . . . intriguing . . . an updated version of the old pulp novels.”

  —Science Fiction Review

  “You won’t want to miss this series..”

  —Cemetery Dance

  “Builds to a frenzied climax, leaving the reader almost gasping for breath. Be prepared to read the last half of the book in one sitting . . . Should satisfy even the most demanding adventure-lover’s appetite for breathless, nonstop action and excitement.”

  —Big Spring Herald

  “The twists and turns are reminiscent of The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep.”

  —Tarriel Cell

  Ace Titles by P. N. Elrod

  The Vampire Files



















  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  An Ace Book / published by arrangement with

  the author


  Ace trade paperback edition / October 2003

  Copyright © 2003 by P. N. Elrod.

  All rights reserved.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Elrod, P. N. (Patricia Nead)

  The vampire files / P. N. Elrod.

  p. cm.

  Contents: v. 1. Bloodlist ; Lifeblood ; Bloodcircle

  ISBN : 978-1-101-56803-3

  1. Fleming, Jack (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Private

  investigators—Illinois—Chicago—Fiction. 3. Detective and mystery stories, American.

  4. Fantasy fiction, American. 5. Occult fiction, American. 6. Chicago (Ill.)—Fiction.

  7. Vampires—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3555.L68V36 2003

  813’.54—dc22 2003045118


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  To the good friends who made this possible.

  You know who you are!


  Throughout the whole vast, shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible, no figure so dreadful and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both.

  —Montague Summers The Vampire: His Kith and Kin


  Chicago, summer 1936

  THE car was doing at least forty when the right front fender smashed against my left hip and sent me spinning off the road to flop bonelessly into a mass of thick, windblown grass.

  It was a well-engineered accident, involving no small skill on the part of the driver. A body, depending on its size and weight in relation to the speed and position of the car usually does two things: it either goes under the car or bounces over it. Going under, it can get dragged, leaving a lot of bloody physical evidence all over the road and vehicle. If it gets flipped up and over, the driver risks a dented hood and roof or a broken windshield or all three. The professional hit-and-run artist knows how to avoid such risks and will try to clip the target with just the front bumper or fender; that way he has only some scratched paint to touch up or at most a broken headlight to replace.

  I had been hit by such an expert. There was minimal pain, though, and that was swiftly receding. The idea my spine had been broken was the first real thought to surface in my cobweb-clogged brain since I woke up on the beach. I’d been groggy then, with only enough stuff working in my head to shakily stand and blink down at my soaked clothes. It never occurred to me to question why I was on a beach and in such a condition, and I was still in a thought-numbing state of shock when I climbed a short, sandy rise and found the road. There was no rational decision on what direction to go in, my legs took me left and walked. When I heard a car motor rumbling up behind me I stuck out a thumb and walked sideways.

  The small dot down the road swelled into a dark green Ford with a big lumpy-looking man at the wheel. While still a little distance off, the car slowed abruptly, its headlights raking painfully into my eyes. I shaded them, blinking stupidly as the motor gunned, gears shifted, and the thing shot forward. The driver held a straight course, as though he’d changed his mind about picking up a hitchhiker, then he swerved at the last possible second. If my brain had been running on more than one cylinder, I might have been able to jump away in time.

  The landscape stopped spinning an
d I lay belly-up, staring at an unnaturally brilliant Milky Way a few feet from my nose, wondering what the hell was going on. I tried moving a little, the initial pain of the impact was gone, but I was cautious of broken bones. Everything worked perfectly, though—I’d been incredibly lucky. Twisting onto my stomach, I stared down the road.

  The Ford stopped, the motor cut, and the lump behind the wheel was just levering himself out the door.

  The only cover for fifty yards was long grass. The beach was just across the road, but this particular stretch was clear of concealing rocks. Except for the car, the only option left was a stand of trees on my side, which was much too far away.

  The man was coming up fast and had a gun in one hand.

  Anything was better than waiting for it. My feet dug into the ground and I bolted for the trees like a frightened rabbit. He spotted me, changed course, and yelled for me to stop. After hitting me with the car, he couldn’t have really expected me to do him any convenient favors.

  In an open space a gunshot doesn’t sound like a gunshot, not like the ones you hear at the movies. All I heard was a flat, unimpressive crack, then the impact sent me sprawling.

  It’d been a lucky hit; we were at a slight angle to one another and the narrow part of my body was toward him. The bullet entered my lower right back, just above the pelvic bone, traced through my vitals and out the front, just above the belt buckle. I doubled up and instinctively tried to hold things in, but there was nothing. The sharp, hot pain was already vanishing and my hands came away clean from what should have been a bloody mess.

  My would-be killer trotted up, turned me over, and stopped short as I stared accusingly at his stupefied face. He was puffing hard and looked ready to say something but gulped it back. He quickly leveled the gun with my eyes. The business end looked as big as an open manhole. His finger was ready on the trigger; orders were being sent from his brain to the tiny muscles, telling them to contract. Before they could respond I grabbed the gun and twisted it out of his hand. His finger was caught in the trigger guard, there was a soft pop, and he yelped with surprise and pain as one of the bones snapped.

  He fell back, trying to get away, and I seized an ankle, jerked, and pulled him down. His left fist swung up and slammed into my face, but with little effect. I managed a weak, backhanded swat and left him half-stunned. In another second his arms were pinned to the ground and he was utterly unable to break free. It was easy to hold him still even though he was built and muscled like a wrestler and outweighed me by a good eighty pounds. He looked up at my face hovering inches from his own and whimpered.

  The man’s heart and lungs were thundering in my ears like a train. All my senses were sharp and new and wonderful. I could even smell the blood, an exciting scent when mixed with the sour tang of fear. On his thick, rough neck the skin seemed oddly transparent where the large vein pulsed. First it disturbed, then it tantalized. My mouth sagged open, dry and aching with sudden thirst. I felt drawn to it like a cat to milk.

  He gagged and his bladder let go as my lips brushed his throat, then he passed out.

  I jerked back, wondering what the hell I was trying to do. Pushing away until I no longer touched him, I lay facedown in the spiky grass, shaking like a fever victim until the thirst faded.

  With a hand under each arm, I dragged him backward over the irregular clumps of grass and sand to his car. I felt strong enough to carry him, but didn’t relish coming into contact with his wet pants. Fortunately the key was in the ignition, so I was spared a search of his lower pockets. I opened the passenger door and stuffed him inside.

  My mind was more or less functioning again and full of questions. Who this stranger was and why he wanted to kill me seemed like good ones to start with, so I picked his coat pocket and went through his wallet.

  The driver’s license was issued to a Fred Sanderson of Cicero. The name might have been fake; it meant nothing to me, but the town struck a sour note in my general memory. A bare ten years had passed since the Capone gang invaded the place and took over. Big Al was in jail now, gone but not forgotten if Sanderson was any example.

  Except for five dollars and the phone number of someone named Elsie, there was nothing informative in the wallet. I unbuckled Sanderson’s belt and slipped it from his well-muscled waist. He was heavy, but in solid condition. As I’d thought, the leather strip had been specially constructed to overlap on the inside. Working it open, I took careful count and transferred the five hundred dollars hidden there into my own pants pocket without a single pang of conscience. After what he’d put me through he owed me, and I needed the operating funds.

  I looked long and hard at his face. The heavy jaw and thick lips were frustratingly familiar, but nothing clicked in my memory.

  It was very bright now, the sky all strange with the sun and stars shining improbably together. It was confusing until I realized it was the moon that was flooding the place with such brilliance. Like ice water, fear spread out in my guts and left me shaking at the edges. The night was too bright, it was wrong, totally wrong.

  Distraction. I needed distraction. Where was I?

  East of us were tall buildings in the distance. I was still more or less in Chicago. The last thing I recalled was some phone call launching me out of the hotel I’d just checked into. I’d left at midafternoon to do something and ended up that night soaking wet on a deserted patch of Lake Michigan shoreline with some crazy trying to kill me. Wonderful.

  I felt my head for lumps, found a swelling behind one ear, and smiled with relief. A concussion of some kind; that would account for the initial disorientation, the memory loss, maybe even make my eyes overly sensitive. I’d only imagined the gunshot and had taken care of Sanderson on adrenaline alone.

  Almost as an afterthought I checked my wallet and was surprised to find it in place and intact. I thought I’d been mugged. The papers were out of order and damp, but everything was there, including the money and change left over from the precious twenty I’d used to pay for the hotel room. It was when I returned the wallet to its inside pocket that I noticed my shirt front. A big burn hole was in it just over my heart, surrounded by water-diluted red stains. There was a smaller hole down, next to my belt buckle.

  I tore the shirt open and found an ugly round scar just left of the breastbone. It was large, but looked freshly healed.

  The lapping of water on the shore sounded loudly in my ears. Far out on the silver lake, the streamlined shape of a rich man’s yacht glided slowly east and disappeared behind an intervening point of land. My left hand twitched and clenched. I made it open again. The palm had more than a dozen puckered red circles on it. More scars, and I couldn’t think of how I’d acquired them or what might have caused them. At least they didn’t hurt. My right hand was also damaged with a narrow pink welt like a neatly healed cut just above the knuckles. It, too, was painless. Cautiously I spread a hand over my heart. It should have been banging away like a trapped bird, but there was nothing, nothing but the scar and still night-cool flesh.

  I rebuttoned the shirt, not wanting to look or speculate anymore and stared helplessly at the lake. It gave no answers or comfort so I opened the driver’s door and slid behind the wheel. I rubbed my face and was surprised at the heaviness of the beard there. Reaching over, I swiveled the rearview mirror around and stared with an icy shock of comprehension at the empty glass.


  Please, God, no.

  Death had come to me that night, unexpected and unfair. Death had changed me, then left, taking with it the memory of that supreme moment we all must face. Eyes shut, I hung on to the steering wheel and vainly tried to adjust emotionally to what had once been a distant and purely intellectual concept. In a way I was more frightened by the idea that someone had wanted to kill me than by the fact that they’d succeeded. It was too much to take in, the best thing was to shut down the feelings for the moment. I’d get used to things soon enough, not that there was much choice about it now. In a larger sense it was wh
at animals and mankind had faced since old Adam found himself outside the garden: adapt or die.

  Having died already, there was only one alternative left, even if it was mentally distressing.

  For something to do I tied Sanderson’s arms behind his back with the belt and used his flowered necktie on his ankles. Rooting around in the glove compartment turned up several road maps, so I was able to make a good guess about our present location and figure out how to get back to my hotel.

  It was a tight fit behind the wheel, we were about the same height, but my legs were longer. I didn’t bother adjusting the seat, that was always more trouble than it was worth. The starter started, the engine kicked and caught, and I eased it into first. Thirty minutes later I stopped in what looked like a safe, secluded place and cut the motor. We were about a mile from my hotel according to the maps; an easy walk through the sleeping neighborhoods. This was a dead-looking business district, with a few tired stores, some dusty warehouses and empty lots decorated with weeds and broken glass. From the look of things, the Depression hadn’t been kind to the place.

  Sanderson was awake, but playing possum, the altered rhythm of his heart and lungs betraying his condition. He was either very controlled or too scared to flinch when I plucked his yellow silk handkerchief from his front pocket. I used it to rub my prints from the steering wheel, dashboard and gearshift, and stuffed it back in his pocket. His gun was weighing heavily in his own pocket as I leaned across the seat and gave his cheek a solid pat.


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