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by Richard Aldous

  22 Handwritten diaries, Oct. 16, 1937, NYPL 309 (volume 5); AMS Memoirs, 163, 178.

  23 AMS, “Orestes Brownson: A Pilgrim’s Progress” (undergraduate thesis, Harvard University, 1938), Harvard University Archives, 1, 53–54; Thomas T. McAvoy, review of Orestes Brownson: A Pilgrim’s Progress, by AMS, The Review of Politics 1, no. 3 (1939): 364–365,; Granville Hicks, review of Orestes Brownson: A Pilgrim’s Progress, by AMS, The New England Quarterly 12, no. 3 (1939): 582–588, DOI:10.2307/360849.

  24 Handwritten diaries, Oct. 16, 1937, NYPL 309 (volume 5); AMS Memoirs, 176.

  25 White, In Search of History, 53; Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Oct. 27, 1938, NYPL 293/4.

  26 Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Oct. 27, 1938, NYPL 293/4.

  27 “Appeasement at Munich,” HOLLIS Catalog,; Nigel Hamilton, JFK: Reckless Youth (London: Arrow, 1992), 380.

  28 Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Oct. 27, 1938, NYPL 293/4.

  29 “Four Harvard Men Are Recipients of the Henry Awards,” Harvard Crimson, February 14, 1938,; Marian Cannon Schlesinger, interview by author, March 9, 2014.

  30 AMS diaries, Aug. 2, Sept. 6, 1938, NYPL 309; Marian Cannon to AMS, Aug. 4, Aug. 25, 1938, NYPL 299/1–3.

  31 Telegram to AMS, Sept. 5, 1938; AMS diaries, Sept. 19, 1938, NYPL 506/5 and 309.

  Chapter Three: Another Cambridge

  1 AMS diaries, Sept. 29 and 30, 1938, NYPL 309.

  2 “Four Harvard Men Are Recipients of the Henry Awards,” Harvard Crimson, Feb. 14, 1938,; Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A Twentieth Century Life (London: Pantheon, 2007), 1871 (Kindle).

  3 Charles Wintour to AMS, Apr. 15, 1939, NYPL 148/4; Michael Leapman, “Obituary: Charles Wintour,” The Independent, Nov. 4, 1999,

  4 AMS diaries, Oct. 27, 1938, NYPL 309; Hobsbawm, Interesting Times, 2044 (Kindle).

  5 AMS diaries, Oct. 27, Dec. 13, 1938, April 14, June 4, 1939, NYPL 309; AMS Memoirs, 195.

  6 John Fairbank to AMS, Nov. 26, 1938, NYPL 166/1; Charles Wintour to AMS, June [30], 1939, NYPL 148/4.

  7 AMS diaries, Nov. 11, 1938, NYPL 309; Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Feb. 2, 1939, NYPL 506/3–5; Perry Miller to AMS, April 22, 1939, NYPL 95/3; Record of Union Society vote, NYPL 506/3–5. The no teller was John Donaldson, future master of the rolls, who also presided over the infamous Guildford Four trial.

  8 Samuel Eliot Morison, Three Centuries of Harvard (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1986), 380; Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Feb. 2, 1939, NYPL 506/5.

  9 Arthur Schlesinger (Sr.) to AMS, Feb. 2, 1939, NYPL 506/3–5.

  10 Office of the President and Fellows of Harvard College to AMS, April 24, 1939, NYPL 506/5; Henry Steele Commager, “That Sturdy but Erratic Reformer, Orestes Brownson,” New York Times, April 23, 1939,

  11 Perry Miller to AMS, Apr. 22, 1939, NYPL 95/3.

  12 A. C. Hanford to AMS, July 24, 1939, NYPL 166/1; AMS to Jacob Neusner, July 9, 1992; AMS toast at Harvard Club of Cambridge, c. May 15, 1939, NYPL 506/3–5.

  13 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Mar. 16, 1939, AMS Letters, xxiv.

  14 AMS diaries, May 23, 1940, NYPL 309; AMS Memoirs, 217.

  15 His student days over, “Arthur” henceforth becomes “Schlesinger.” For clarity his father is referred to as “Arthur Sr.” or “Schlesinger Sr.”

  16 Charles Wintour to AMS, Sept. 12, 1939, NYPL 148/4; AMS toast at Harvard Club of Cambridge, c. May 15, 1939, NYPL 506/3–5.

  17 Wintour to AMS, June 8, July 11, 1940, NYPL 506/3–5; AMS journal, May 23, 1940, NYPL 309.

  18 Unidentified press clipping announcing junior fellows at Society of Fellows, NYPL 506/5; George C. Homans and Orville T. Bailey, “The Society of Fellows, Harvard University, 1933–1947,” in The Society of Fellows, ed. Crane Brinton (Cambridge, MA: The Society of Fellows of Harvard University, 1959), 32.

  19 AMS journal, May 25, 1937, NYPL 309 (volume 5).

  20 Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., “The Problem of Richard Hildreth,” New England Quarterly 13, no. 2 (June 1940): 223–245.

  21 AMS to Marcus Cunliffe, July 9, 1968, AMS Letters, 361.

  22 Lilian Handlin, “George Bancroft,” American National Biography Online, February 2000,; AMS Memoirs, 225.

  23 AMS Memoirs, 227; Stuart Bruchey, Roots of American Economic Growth 1607–1861: An Essay on Social Causation (London: Routledge, 2013), 2000; AMS, The Age of Jackson (Boston: Little, Brown, 1945), 263; Alan Brinkley, “Where Historians Disagree: The Age of Jackson,” in American History: A Survey (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995),

  24 Charles Wintour to AMS, June 8, 1940, NYPL 148/4.

  25 AMS diaries, May 23, 1940, NYPL 309; Charles Wintour to AMS, Mar. 17, June 8, 1940, NYPL 148/4.

  26 AMS to “Dear Family,” Aug. 19, Aug. 24, 1940, NYPL 506/5.

  27 Marian Cannon Schlesinger, I Remember: A Life of Politics, Painting and People (Cambridge, MA: TidePool Press, 2012), 80–81.

  28 Perry Miller to AMS, Apr. 22, 1939, NYPL 95/3; AMS Memoirs, 251; AMS to his parents, May 10, May 27, 1941, NYPL 506/3.

  29 Proposal quoted in AMS Memoirs, 255; NYPL 365/5.

  30 Harvard University Appointment Office registration, May 11, 1942, NYPL 506/4; note by Bernard DeVoto, May 16, 1941, NYPL 506/5.

  31 Marian Cannon Schlesinger, interview with author, Mar. 9, 2014; note by Bernard DeVoto, May 16, 1941, NYPL 506/5.

  32 AMS Memoirs, 265–266.

  Chapter Four: A Knee-Pants Genius

  1 John King Fairbank, Chinabound: A Fifty Year Memoir (New York: Harper and Row, 1982), 155–156, 339; Stephen Schlesinger, email to author, Jan. 5, 2017.

  2 AMS Memoirs, 268.

  3 Allan M. Winkler, The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information, 1942–1945 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1978), 24; AMS Memoirs, 267.

  4 Ibid., 55–56, 67; William Strand, “Senate Kills Dry Rider to 18 Year Draft,” Chicago Tribune, Oct. 23, 1942,

  5 Notes on Biloxi, undated [November 1942], NYPL 522/1–5; AMS Memoirs, 269; Marian Schlesinger to AMS, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 299/1–3.

  6 AMS to Pringle, memorandum on drinking, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 522/3; Office of War Information, “Coast to Coast Survey of Drinking Conditions in and Around Army Camps” (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1942).

  7 AMS to Henry Pringle, annotated memorandum on race relations, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 522/3; Marian Schlesinger to AMS, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 299/1–3.

  8 AMS to Henry Pringle, annotated memorandum on race relations, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 522/3.

  9 AMS Memoirs, 272–273; AMS to Henry Pringle, annotated memorandum on race relations, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 522/3.

  10 AMS Memoirs, 272–274; AMS to Henry Pringle, annotated memorandum on race relations, undated [Nov. 1942], NYPL 522/3.

  11 Jean Edward Smith, FDR (New York: Random House, 2008 edition), 400–402.

  12 On the context of OWI and the walkout of the writers, I follow Winkler, The Politics of Propaganda, 63–68.

  13 AMS to Bernard DeVoto, Mar. 9, 1943, NYPL 522/4; ibid., 64–65.

  14 AMS to Bernard DeVoto, Mar. 9, 1943; AMS to Bernard DeVoto, undated [Apr. 1943]; AMS to Elmer Davis, Apr. 14, 1943, NYPL 522/4; Winkler, Politics of Propaganda, 23.

  15 Washington Post, April 18, 1943; Washington Daily News, Apr. 14, 1943.

  16 AMS to Bernard DeVoto, undated [Apr. 1943], 1943, NYPL 522/4.

  17 Ibid.

18 AMS to “Dear Family,” June 20, 1943, NYPL 521/1; Arthur M. Schlesinger, In Retrospect: The History of a Historian (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1963); Robert Schlesinger, “Arthur Schlesinger Jr.’s Not-So-Secret Career as a Spy,” US News & World Report, Aug. 20, 2008,

  19 AMS to “Dear Family,” June 20, 1943, NYPL 521/1.

  20 Ibid.

  21 Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, In Spies We Trust: The Story of Western Intelligence (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 73–75; Louis Menand, “Wild Thing,” The New Yorker, Mar. 14, 2011; AMS to “Dear Family,” undated [May 1943], NYPL 521/6.

  22 AMS to “Dear Family,” undated [May 1943], NYPL 521/6; Robin Winks, Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939–1961 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987), 61.

  23 Winks, Cloak and Gown, 62–63; AMS to “Dear Family,” undated [May 1943], NYPL 521/6; AMS diaries, May 25, 1937, NYPL 309 (volume 5); Nelson MacPherson, American Intelligence in Wartime London: The Story of OSS (London: Routledge, 2014), 101.

  24 Winks, Cloak and Gown, 90–91; AMS Memoirs, 297–300.

  25 Interview with Arthur Schlesinger Jr., OSS Oral History Project, NYPL 521/1; Petra Marquardt-Bigman to AMS, Aug. 27, 1997, NYPL 521/1; Barry M. Katz, Foreign Intelligence: Research and Analysis in the OSS, 1942–1945 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989), 65–67.

  26 AMS to “Dear Family,” undated [May 1943], NYPL 521/6.

  27 Winks, Cloak and Gown, 90–91.

  28 J. L. Granatstein, review of Cold War Exile: The Unclosed Case of Maurice Halperin, by Don S. Kirschner, Political Psychology 18, no. 2 (1997): 511–514, The description of “Venona” is from Calder Walton, Empire of Secrets: British Intelligence, the Cold War, and the Twilight of Empire (New York: Overlook Press, 2013), 117.

  29 Interview with Arthur Schlesinger Jr., OSS Oral History Project, NYPL 521/1.

  30 “Revolution in La Paz,” New York Times, December 21, 1943,; Arnaldo Cortesi, “La Paz Regime Out,” New York Times, Dec. 21, 1943,; “Hull is Hesitant on Bolivia Regime,” New York Times, December 23, 1943,

  31 Don S. Kirschner, Cold War Exile: The Unclosed Case of Maurice Halperin (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1995), 97.

  32 Kirschner, Cold War Exile, 88; AMS Memoirs, 302.

  33 Leo P. Ribuffo, Right Center Left: Essays in American History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1992), 141–142; Cold War International History Project, “Was Robert Oppenheimer a Soviet Spy? A Round Table Discussion,” Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, July 7, 2011,

  34 Katz, Foreign Intelligence, 14–15.

  35 Kirschner, Cold War Exile, 88–89.

  36 Kirschner, Cold War Exile, 89–90; AMS memoirs, 302–303.

  37 “AS Jr. war chronology,” July 11, 1991, NYPL 521/4.

  38 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 8, 1991; FBI Report, July 12, 1948, NYPL 517/2.

  39 Crane Brinton and Harold Deutsch to William L. Langer, Feb. 22, 1944, NYPL 521/2.

  40 FBI Report, July 12, 1948, NYPL 517/2; AMS memoirs, 316–317.

  41 AMS, “The London Operation,” July 11, 1991, NYPL 521/4.

  42 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger [June 27, 1944].

  Chapter Five: The Real Education of Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

  1 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 9, 1944, NYPL 299/3.

  2 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 9, 16, 30, Aug. 31, Sept. 10, 20, 1944, NYPL 299/3; AMS to Bernard DeVoto, Aug. 8, 1943, NYPL 35/4; Charles Wintour to AMS, June 8, July 11, 1940, NYPL 506/3–5; AMS journal, May 23, 1940, NYPL 309.

  3 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, July 7, Aug. 28, Nov. 20, 1944, NYPL 298/3; AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 24, Aug. 17, Sept. 10, 18, 1944, NYPL 299/3; AMS Memoirs, 320; AMS, “The London Operation,” July 11, 1991, NYPL 521/4; Charles Wintour to AMS, June 8, July 11, 1940, NYPL 506/3–5.

  4 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Aug. 17, 1944, NYPL 299/3.

  5 Richard Brown Baker, The Year of the Buzz Bomb: A Journal of London, 1944 (Pickle Partners Publishing: Kindle Formatted edition, 2015); AMS, “The London Operation,” July 11, 1991, NYPL 521/4; Nelson MacPherson, American Intelligence in Wartime London: The Story of OSS (London: Routledge, 2014), 100.

  6 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Aug. 10, 1944, NYPL 299/3; AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Oct. 23, 1944, NYPL 298/3.

  7 AMS to Bernard DeVoto, Aug. 8, 1943, NYPL 35/4; Marian Cannon Schlesinger to AMS, Oct. 9, 1944, NYPL 299/3; AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Sept. 10, 1944, NYPL 299/3.

  8 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Oct. 23, 1944, NYPL 298/3.

  9 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Oct. 22, 1944, NYPL 299/3; MacPherson, American Intelligence in Wartime London, 147–149; AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Oct. 23, Nov. 20, 1944, NYPL 298/3; AMS Memoirs, 330.

  10 Gertrude G. Johnson, “Manpower Selection and the Preventative Medicine Program,” Office of Medical History, US Army Medical Department,; AMS Memoirs, 342.

  11 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Nov. 4, 17, 1944, NYPL 299/3.

  12 AMS Memoirs, 337–338.

  13 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Nov. 17, 1944, Jan. 28, 1945, NYPL 299/3; AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Nov. 10, 1944, NYPL 298/3.

  14 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Nov. 10, Dec. 25, 1944, NYPL 298/3.

  15 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Feb. 22, 25, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  16 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 3, 11, 29, 1945, NYPL 299/3; AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Mar. 12, 1945, NYPL 298/3.

  17 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Apr. 5, May 3, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  18 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, May 9, 1945, NYPL 298/3.

  19 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, May 8, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  20 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, May 25, June 13, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  21 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, May 25, 28, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  22 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, June 10, 19, 24, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  23 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, June 24, July 8, 1945, NYPL 299/3; Army of the United States, Separation Qualification Record, Dec. 6, 1945, NYPL 532/5.

  24 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 15, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  25 Paul Lewis, “Harry Rositzke, 91, Linguist and American Spymaster,” New York Times, Nov. 8, 2002,; AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 21, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  26 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 21, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  27 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Aug. 16, 17, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  28 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, July 28, Aug. 8, 22, Sept. 3, 20, Oct. 1, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  29 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Oct. 1, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  30 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Aug. 3, Oct. 1, 1945, NYPL 299/3. AMS Memoirs, 357.

  Chapter Six: The Age of Schlesinger

  1 AMS to Marian Cannon Schlesinger, Sept. 22, 1945, NYPL 299/3.

  2 Orville Prescott, “Books of the Times,” New York Times, Sept. 14, 1945; Allan Nevins, “At the Roots of Democracy,” review of The Age of Jackson, by AMS Jr., New York Times, Sept. 16, 1945,

  3 Richard Hofstadter, “Democracy in the Making,” review of The Age of Jackson, by AMS, New Republic, October 22, 1945,; Bray Hammo
nd, review of The Age of Jackson, The Journal of Economic History 6, no. 1 (1946): 79–84, For academic reviews of The Age of Jackson, see, for example: Russel B. Nye, review of The Age of Jackson, The American Historical Review 51, no. 3 (1946): 510–513,, DOI:10.2307/1840130; “What Are the Outstanding Books of 1945?” ALA Bulletin 39, no. 12 (1945): 509–510,; Culver H. Smith, review of The Age of Jackson, The Journal of Southern History 12, no. 1 (1946): 123–126,, DOI: 10.2307/2197735; Thomas T. McAvoy, “Leaders of Democracy,” review of The Age of Jackson, et al., The Review of Politics 8, no. 1 (1946): 135–137,; Carl Brent Swisher, review of The Age of Jackson, The New England Quarterly 19, no. 1 (1946): 122–123,, DOI:10.2307/361216.

  4 AMS Memoirs, 42; Arthur M. Schlesinger (Sr.), In Retrospect: The History of a Historian (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1963); Harry Hansen, “Pulitzer Award to Schlesinger for Jackson Book Commended,” Chicago Sunday Tribune, May 12, 1946,

  5 On the “six essays,” I follow Donald B. Cole, “The Age of Jackson: After Forty Years,” review of The Age of Jackson, by AMS, Reviews in American History 14, no. 1 (1986),, DOI: 10.2307/2702131; Stuart Bruchey, Roots of American Economic Growth 1607–1861: An Essay on Social Causation (London: Routledge, 2013), 2000.

  6 Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., “The Ages of Jackson,” New York Review of Books, Dec. 7, 1989,

  7 AMS to Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger, Apr. 16, 1945, NYPL 298/3; AMS to Elizabeth Schlesinger, undated [fall 1932], NYPL 296.

  8 Cole, “The Age of Jackson: After Forty Years”; Daniel Howe, “Goodbye to the ‘Age of Jackson’?” New York Review of Books, May 28, 2009,; John Sacher, review of Jacksonian Antislavery and the Politics of Free Soil, 1824–1854, by Jonathan H. Earle, Indiana Magazine of History 101, no. 4 (2005): 383–384,; Chris Cillizza, “Newt Gingrich Explains How Donald Trump Happened,” Washington Post, December 17, 2015,


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