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The Clones of Mawcett

Page 41

by DePrima, Thomas

  "Yes, I suppose that's so, but our scientists have begun an investigation to learn if Terrans and Nordakians are related."

  "On Earth, scientists have sought to learn how life originated for centuries. One speculation is that micro-organisms were brought to Earth on a meteor, and the existing conditions made the planet ripe for an explosion of life. Perhaps it happened similarly on Dakistee."

  "It's a new area for our scientists because no connection with indigenous life forms here could ever be established. The name of our world has always suggested that we came from somewhere else, but no records were ever found to support that."

  "Perhaps future discoveries by your scientists on Dakistee will provide more relevant information for the investigation."

  "Perhaps. We shall be observing their efforts with a keen eye. And to properly thank you for your role in all this, I have something for you; something precious to both of you."

  The Queen signaled to a handmaiden standing near a door, who in response turned and opened it. Jenetta and Eliza stood open mouthed in shock and surprise as another woman walked in. Recovering, they both ran to her, to the extent allowed by the gowns. The cats, instantly alert to the mood of their mistress, naturally reached the woman first, but were confused by her scent.

  "Christa," Jenetta yelled as they reached her, and then the three women were together and hugging each other. They carried on for several minutes, crying as they spoke each other's names, and hugging each other tightly. The cats circled the group trying to determine what they should do, if anything. Finally, the women tried to get their emotions somewhat under control and walked, half-giggling and half-crying, back to the Queen.

  "Your Majesty," Jenetta said with a voice still choked with emotion, "I could not have asked for a better gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But how did you find her?"

  "You're most welcome, my dears. I'll let Christa tell you her story. I know that you'll want some privacy, so why don't you go back to your rooms for now and continue your reunion. Tonight you'll all join us at dinner."

  "Yes, your Majesty. Thank you again."

  The three women backed away several steps and then turned and left the room, arms locked together. The door had barely closed before both Jenetta and Eliza were pumping Christa for information.

  "Okay, okay, one at a time," Christa said, wiping away her own tears of happiness.

  "How did you get here?" Jenetta asked.

  "A Nordakian freighter picked me up. They brought me here."

  "What do you mean 'picked me up?'" Eliza asked, using her turn to speak.

  "I was in an escape pod and they found me."

  "How'd you get into an escape pod?"

  "It was a Tsgardi pod from the Boshdyte. I'd been pretending for weeks that I was getting weaker and weaker, so the guards were getting more and more lax. They knew the Captain interrogated me daily and beat me at every visit. After I overheard a couple of guards talking about what they were going to do when we reached the Raider base in a few weeks, I figured I'd better get out of there fast. I couldn't count on someone dropping a controller like last time. When I was taken to the sick bay for an examination, I waited until the lone guard looked away for a second and then picked up an instrument sterilization unit. As the guard turned back I bent it over his head, knocking him senseless. Then I hit the doctor. I hated to do that because he had been the only one on board that was kind to me, but I had to get off that ship. I did check and make sure that I hadn't killed him. He was okay, just groggy from the assault.

  "Next I opened the door from the sickbay and checked the corridor. It was empty, so I sprinted to the nearest escape pod. I knew that I'd never make it to a shuttle or space tug while I was wearing the shackles. By the way, the shackles were much easier to run in then these dresses. Anyway, as soon as I was in the pod, I punched the eject button. I was really relieved when the pod ejected. I'd heard a couple of the guards talking one day, and apparently they didn't believe that very many of the pod engines would fire, if needed, because the maintenance chief was such an incompetent oaf.

  "The ship must have been traveling at Light-187 or faster, so even though they knew that a pod ejected, they would have been at least a billion kilometers away by the time they realized that I was the one who'd left. I assumed they would turn the ship around to look for me, so I disconnected the emergency beacon and turned off all the power in the pod, except for minimal life support. Then I just sat down in the dark and waited, and waited, and waited. I used the time to pick the locks on the manacles. I spent a full month sitting, eating, and sleeping in the dark, hoping during all my awake hours that the Tsgardi couldn't spot the tiny energy signature of the life support system. I figured after 30 days that they'd probably stopped looking, so I reconnected the emergency beacon, and climbed into a stasis bed. After our last experience, I knew that it might be years before I was found. As it turned out, I was found after only five months. The medical officer on the Nordakian freighter didn't know how to reverse the Tsgardi stasis bed process, so they parked me in the corner of a hold and brought me here. I was revived three and a half months ago."

  "Three and a half months ago?!" Jenetta said. "And you couldn't call us and let us know that you were okay?"

  "Minister Gkibuke called Admiral Holt while I was still recuperating. That's when I learned about my new name. I love it, by the way. Anyway, the Admiral told the minister that he'd have both of you on a ship headed this way within two days, and he asked the minister not to let anyone know about finding me until we had been reunited."

  "Why that old so-and-so," Eliza said. "He knew all along and never told us."

  "He probably thought it would be a nice surprise."

  "It was a wonderful surprise," Jenetta said, "but I'd have preferred knowing that you were okay during our trip here."

  The three women spent the rest of the afternoon talking about everything that had happened since Mawcett, and only stopped because they had to get ready for dinner with the King and Queen.

  As they walked together, side by side toward the palace banquet hall, Jenetta idly wondered if Nordakians who hadn't seen Terrans before, would think they all looked alike. The three women, standing six-feet four-inches in the heels, would certainly change the misconception that Terrans were all midgets. Her Majesty had sent a request that the cats accompany the women to the dinner so the other guests could see the animals. Jenetta was concerned that the large assemblage would cause the cats great agitation, so she sat on the floor and spoke to them for several minutes before they left their palace suite, soothingly explaining how secure the palace was and that there was little danger from the guests, so they should be on their best behavior. The cats were fed before going to the banquet so that hunger wouldn't affect their conduct.

  A large group of dignitaries were already assembled for the dinner, and more were arriving as the dinner hour approached. The three identical women naturally became the center of attention, but the other guests didn't try to get too close because the cats growled menacingly if anyone moved closer than half a meter. Despite Jenetta's attempt to prepare them for the crowd, they were still nervous with all the people crowding around to stare. They must also have been feeling some confusion about the new woman who smelled and looked just like their mistress and the other one. While wearing the thirteen-centimeter heels, the three sisters weren't much shorter than most Nordakian women; and since they spoke fluent Dakis, they were able to participate in any conversation.

  Called into the dining room at the appointed time, the guests were escorted to their seats at the various tables, while Jenetta, Eliza, and Christa were seated at the head table with the King and Queen. Jenetta and Christa sat on the King's right side, and Eliza sat on the Queen's left. Despite the confusing smells, the cats were somehow able to discern which was Jenetta and stayed by her chair.

  The meal, as befits a royal banquet, was delicious, and no affair of state would be complete without speeches, so after desse
rt had been served and eaten, the King stood up to speak. Palace scribes rushed to record his words for posterity.

  "My people, I'm glad you could join us tonight for this fine repast. I have to stand for a few minutes to help my digestion, so I thought I might as well say a few words." The King paused while a polite round of chuckling passed around the room. "I'd like to introduce my guests here at the head table, although they really need no introduction. On my immediate right is Captain Jenetta Carver of our own Space Force," the king paused while the guests applauded, "and to her right is her sister Christa." After another pause for applause, he continued, "And to my beautiful Queen's left is Captain Carver's sister Eliza."

  When the applause subsided, he said, "As I'm sure you already know, Christa and Eliza are what we have been calling, 'new people'. They were born less than two years ago on what has been known as Mawcett, but what will only be known on Nordakia as Dakistee from this day forward. Dakistee has been proven to be the original homeland of our people, and it was technology created by our far distant ancestors that's responsible for Eliza and Christa being here with us today. Although they are 'new people', I can assure you that they are no less complete than Captain Carver herself. As Dakistee has been proven to be the original homeland of our people, I have decided to offer dual citizenship to all seventy-nine citizens of that planet who desire it. I hope that this will finally put an end to lingering debates surrounding the issue of their births."

  The room erupted in applause following the announcement. Jenetta, Christa, and Eliza were shocked by the unexpected declaration, but recovered quickly and joined in the ovation.

  The King continued after the applause had died down. "You're aware that Captain Carver, fighting against a vastly superior force on Dakistee, protected the technology of our ancestors from theft by Raiders. One of the items that she was able to save for us was a computer core dating back almost twenty thousand years. Buried among the priceless historical records in that computer core was a version of the Almuth that we had never seen. After a year of study by our greatest scholars, it's been established, beyond any doubt whatsoever, that it's the original version. The version we've been faithfully following as the True Word, is actually a carefully edited document prepared by a handful of religious renegades who founded the original colonies here on Nordakia."

  The room full of dignitaries, normally very quiet during a speech made by the King, seemed to have even stopped breathing. Most had heard of the discovery of the original Almuth, but few had yet seen a copy, and they didn't know if it was to be accepted as the doctrine that the planet would follow.

  "This day I've signed a proclamation that the original version shall be restored as the One True Word. Millions of copies are being printed, and will be distributed, beginning tomorrow, to schools, government offices, and religious centers. The old copies will be collected and destroyed, except for copies to be housed in museums and official archives, purely for historical purposes. Publishers are being given copies of the original document so they may reproduce them for purchase by our citizens, and electronic downloads will be free to all. Observing the original Almuth will result in many changes in the way that we live. The religious leaders that brought our people here apparently felt they should follow a much stricter discipline than the original Almuth required. Their changes resulted in our people surrendering many of their rights, and many of the advances that had been made by our ancestors. Technology was totally shunned by those leaders, and new restrictions to freedom were imposed. It's only been during the past few hundred years that new, looser interpretations allowed our people to once again employ technology that would make our lives easier, healthier, longer, and more rewarding. The original version finds no fault with the way we've been living, and in fact allows greater freedoms. The Almuth shall continue to be our guiding beacon, but its light will shine a little brighter than before for our people.

  "I wish to again thank Captain Carver, Christa Carver, and Eliza Carver for bringing the original Almuth back to our people." The King began the applause and standing ovation that lasted several minutes while the skin color of the audience flashed in shades of blue, green, yellow, and tan. As the attendees retook their seats, the king continued with, "Azula Carver," he said, looking at Jenetta, "we owe you a debt we can never repay. But I've arranged for a small gift as a token of our great admiration and affection. I hope it will please you. I have today, by royal decree, appended all royal lands on the Gavistee Peninsula to your existing estate."

  The room erupted in applause again, and the noble born of Nordakia rose to their feet as one, their skin color flashing like a prism twisting in the sunlight. Jenetta was speechless so the applause gave her time to compose herself and think of something to say.

  When the nobles had retaken their seat, Jenetta said, "Your majesties, I am very grateful for the honors and gifts you have bestowed upon me and my family. I am most appreciative, and I will continue to dedicate my life to your service and to the protection and advancement of all our people. Thank you, your majesties."

  With the speeches over, the guests moved to the ballroom to listen to the orchestra. Jenetta privately wondered how long it would take for dancing to become a custom if less restrictive gowns became common. In spite of the music, people crowded around the three Terran women, as close as the cats allowed, to ply them with questions about Dakistee and the original Almuth.

  Following the dinner party, Jenetta, Christa, and Eliza returned to Jenetta's rooms and talked for several hours more. It was like a pajama party with the sisters that Jenetta never had as a child. For this evening, they shared the same enormous bed.

  In the morning, the three women discussed the previous night's events as they ate breakfast. Both Christa and Eliza had decided to accept the Nordakian offer of citizenship. There had been little doubt that they would. It would give them the protection of a real planetary government and more firmly establish their rights as 'real beings' instead of just 'clones.'

  Jenetta kept hoping to run into Minister Dtaple Gkibuke, but in the several days following the dinner party she never encountered him. She finally sent a request that he visit her. He arrived at her rooms within an hour of receiving the request.

  "Minister, thank you for coming so promptly," Jenetta said after he had been ushered into her sitting room and her three handmaidens had withdrawn.

  "I am honored to have been summoned into your presence, My Lady."

  "I have a question, and I've been a bit embarrassed to ask anyone else."

  "I will answer it openly and honestly if I know the answer, My Lady."

  "The King and Queen have increased the size of my estate, but I'm afraid I'm ignorant of exactly what that means. You see, I've never been to Gavistee. Is the peninsula quite large, and how much land has been added to the million hectares I was granted originally?"

  "My lady, the peninsula is quite large. If I remember correctly, it's somewhere along the lines of thirty-six million hectares."

  "That's considerable," Jenetta said. "And how much land is now included in my estate."

  "Why, thirty-six million hectares, My Lady. The entire peninsula was owned by the crown."

  Jenetta gasped, then coughed once. If her mental calculation was correct, thirty-six million hectares was about three-hundred sixty thousand square kilometers. That was almost the combined size of Kansas and Oklahoma back on Earth.

  "The entire peninsula was Royal land?"

  "Yes, My Lady. Hence the name. It was intended literally when the planet was settled."

  Jenetta knew that Gavistee translated to 'Queensland' in Amer.

  "The king said it was a small gift," Jenetta remarked.

  "And so it is, My Lady. Their majesties have many billions of hectares of land on both Nordakia and Obotymot. Your Gavistee estate represents, oh, roughly, just two percent of all vegetational cover under cultivation on the planet before the meteor struck; and an almost insignificant amount of the total arable land."
  "Perhaps the estate size is small to our majesties, but I'm quite overwhelmed."

  "My Lady, the return of the original Almuth will radically change our two planets. Not a single individual will remain who is not affected. We owe that to you. The king said the land is a small gift, and so it is, compared to the gift that you have given us. I believe that Obotymot will grow closer again because the priesthood can no longer be justifiably critical of their freer lifestyle. You have changed all our lives, and we are grateful almost beyond words."

  Jenetta smiled. "Thank you, minister."

  "Thank you, My Lady."

  It didn't take long for word of the King's offered citizenship to reach the G.A.C. In a special session, so as not to be outdone by one of its member planets, the G.A.C. finally passed legislation guaranteeing the rights of the seventy-nine 'new people,' and recommending that planets offer full citizenship rights to the 'new people' created from their citizens. Earth immediately offered dual citizenship to the clones of the nine Terran scientists, and Christa and Eliza. The Carver women finally had the simple recognition that they had been seeking.

  A few days later, the oath of Nordakian citizenship was administered to Christa and Eliza in a private ceremony held in the palace. The King also honored Christa and Eliza by proclaiming each to be a 'Lady of the Royal House.' Jenetta had received that honor before the cloning took place, so it was only right that the two 'new' women have the title. Neither woman could share the title of Azula since there could be only one for the estate on Obotymot.

  Changes began appearing on Nordakia almost immediately. In the palace, the dressmakers were worked overtime in preparing new gowns for the Queen and court. At least for the present, the lengths would remain the same, but the skirts became wide and even voluminous in some cases. At the very least, slits appeared so that it was easy to take normal steps. Jenetta, Christa, and Eliza were finally liberated from the necessity to ever again wear corsets when all new gowns were made for them, this time with the proper waist measurement.


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