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Meant To Be Family (Meant To Be Series Book 3)

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by Amelia Foster

  The debauchery only extended to copious amounts of drinking and stupid tattoos he was certain to regret in thirty years. Every time he’d try to take home the girl he was making out with, he managed to back out at the last minute and spend the night instead curled up with the pillow that somehow magically held the tiniest trace of Kelsey imbedded in its fibers.

  “Don’t you think you owe it to me to tell me why you threw six perfect years down the drain without anything other than a note left behind with your engagement ring?”



  Present Day

  This was harder than his sarcastic comments. The raw, bitter anger—that he was completely justified in feeling—clawed at her soul, ripping it to shreds and testing every ounce of the strength she’d managed to build up since she left.

  Kelsey opened her mouth to answer just as the doorbell rang, saving her from admitting the one thing she could never talk to Connor about. The one thing that was too painful.

  Connor peeled his upper lip back in a sneer. “Guess you won’t be answering this time, either.”

  As soon as he was far enough out of the room she knew she was safe, Kelsey pressed a hand to her racing heart and all but fell into one of the chairs nearby. An overwhelming need to run back to her small, private one-bedroom sanctuary washed over her.

  Coming here had been stupid. If she merely would have signed off on his file that he was too difficult to handle, he’d be in an inpatient facility and she’d never have to know about it.

  But she’d been trying to save him, to spare him. Because he deserved better. He deserved a full life with every trapping imaginable. He deserved the best recovery with full use of his entire body.

  The list of things he deserved was infinite. And exactly why she’d left. Because he’d deserved more than what she was able to give him. He wanted a life she couldn’t be part of.

  Several long minutes passed before she was able to slow her breathing and temper her rapid heart rate. She tried to remember the techniques Izzy taught in her yoga classes. Another slice of pain lanced through her heart. Giving up Connor was enough to break her, but losing the family that so easily welcomed her as their own, especially his sister-in-law, almost destroyed her beyond repair.

  Often she’d viewed Tanner and Izzy as the power couple she knew she could be with Connor, but nothing cemented that more than the front row seat she had to the near destruction of their marriage more than a year ago. And the rebuilding that somehow ended in them being stronger than they’d been before.

  More than once, her tenderhearted fiancé had returned home from helping Tanner with another plan to win back his wife’s trust with an air of concern and sadness covering him. He would walk through the door and find her, wherever she was in their home, and wrap her in his arms, promising they’d never be in that position.

  Desire flared in her belly at the memory because each moment of reassurance would end in them tangled in the sheets of their bed, whispering their love and devotion to each other.

  She blinked back the threat of more tears. That was then; this is now. And the now included high-pitched screeching from the front foyer in a voice that she didn’t recognize. Six years together meant she knew all of his friends and family, and not one of them was the owner of an obnoxious laugh.

  She peered around the corner of the doorframe and down the hall just in time to see the brunette with tight curls framing her perfect heart-shaped face deposit herself in Connor’s lap.

  The physical therapist in her reared back on her haunches, ready to attack the woman for being so callous with a man recovering from injuries that could have lifelong repercussions.

  The girl that was still desperately in love with him was sharpening her claws in her mind. She didn’t care if he was technically free to date anyone. She really didn’t care if she was the reason he was. All she cared about in this moment in time was the liberal way this…person was touching Connor.

  But she silenced both sides of herself with will power she’d developed over the course of dozens of late nights when she wanted to show up on his doorstep and beg him for understanding. Instead, she stayed exactly where she was, with eyes on their interaction, but still mostly hidden from their sight.

  “Kandi, please get up. That hurts.”

  Kelsey mocked the name in her head as the other woman huffed into a standing position. Normally she believed in the solidarity of sisterhood and kept catty thoughts toward other women at bay.

  But that ended when women named Kandi had their paws all over her fiancé.

  Ex-fiancé, the small voice of her conscience reminded her, by your hands.

  Her annoyance with Kandi only grew when the other woman stood to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest. “When are you going to be out of that thing, anyway?”

  Silence echoed louder than a clap of thunder. “If I don’t do things right, maybe never.” The resignation in his voice tore at Kelsey anew. “You’re okay, though? When I woke up, I asked about you, but they couldn’t give me any information.”

  Fire and ice washed over her from head to toe. No. This was her? Rage and pain warred for control of her mind. Her nerves twitched to propel her forward and unleash every nasty thought that had ping-ponged through her brain when she saw the man who would own her heart until the day she died lying in a hospital bed, broken and suffering.

  Kandi flicked her wrist. “Airbag did its job for the most part.” She trailed a finger along her flawless, golden cheek. “The shattered glass scratched my face, though. I couldn’t go in public with those kind of marks on my skin for days. It was awful.”

  Kelsey’s hands balled into fists at her side. Connor had deep cuts on both arms and legs, a broken leg, and, far worse, a broken pelvis, yet this woman was whining about a few minor scrapes.

  A soft smile spread across Connor’s face and tugged at Kelsey’s aching heart. “Thanks for stopping by to check on me, but I actually am in the middle of physical therapy right now, so it isn’t an ideal time to chat.”

  The woman toyed with the keys she held in her hand. “I was going to stop in at the hospital to see you, but…”

  Connor’s head tilted as her voice trailed into silence. “But?”

  Kandi sighed heavily. “Let’s just be honest. It was only a second date, and while I think you’re hot as Hades, I don’t have time in my life for,” her hand swept up and down to encompass him, “this. If you ever get out of that thing, though, give me a call, yeah?”

  Nausea rose in Kelsey’s throat as her stomach processed the callous words. Kandi was right that Connor was gorgeous, but he was so much more. Bright, talented, funny, and the most thoughtful person ever.

  And deserving of everything he wanted. Everything Kelsey couldn’t give him.

  Connor’s head dropped as the front door closed, and Kelsey cautiously stepped out of the shadows she’d been hiding in. On so many levels, his defeated posture broke her heart in ways she never thought possible. She laced her fingers together in front of her and cleared her throat.

  He looked up at her with a resigned expression. “So you heard that, huh?”

  “Parts.” Liar. “She was driving that night?”

  A slow nod was the only response.

  “I’m sorry.” Her words brought his head up with a snap. “Maybe she…will reconsider and you two can get back together.” The very notion churned the granola bar she’d inhaled for lunch in her stomach, but she was trying to be an adult and not the catty teenager begging to be freed.

  For the first time, a genuine smile tugged at the corners of Connor’s mouth. “Back together? That would imply we ever were together to begin with.” His sapphire eyes saw through to her soul, the same way they had since their first meeting. “The only person I’ve been keeping company with on a regular basis since you left is Jack Daniels.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck, and his shoulders sagged. “Listen, can we pick this up tomorrow? I’m tired, and I have
a deadline on a project tonight.”

  Her arms itched to hold him. Her body ached to offer comfort. Her heart pled to confess everything and beg for another chance. For forgiveness. For understanding. In this moment, they needed each other; it was a palpable sensation floating in the air between them.

  “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter Six


  Six Years Earlier

  The cold winter air didn’t even register as Connor stood in the familiar spot outside of Kelsey’s dorm, at the end of the walk beside the lamppost. His heart skipped a beat when she emerged from behind the glass entry, the exact same way he reacted over the past three months they’d been dating.

  A light breeze was enough to ruffle the faux fur lining the hood of her coat. Her soft auburn waves framed her face, and her startling slate eyes never failed to take his breath away. Even when part of him believed the newness should have long ago worn off, he adored that just the sight of her created this kind of reaction.

  His cheeks ached from the smile that grew as she approached. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey yourself, handsome.” She quirked the corner of her mouth up. “You could come up to my room, ya know.”

  A familiar refrain with slightly bigger implications than the chance to wait somewhere warm. He slid his palm against hers and twined their fingers together. “I know, but for right now, we’ve got somewhere to be.”

  Her brows drew together and lips turned down. “I thought we were just going to exchange gifts since it’s our last day before break.” She held up the large brown bag containing several colorfully wrapped packages.

  Connor kissed her forehead and led her to his waiting Jeep. “We are, but it’s our first Christmas together. Gotta make it memorable.” He winked as he held the door open.

  She shook her head and chuckled. “You are absolutely impossible, Connor Carlisle.” She tipped her chin. “Adorable, but impossible.”

  He popped his brows up twice in rapid succession and smiled. “I guess it’s lucky for me that you like challenges.”

  Their typical conversations flowed easily, and the band that had wrapped itself around his heart from their first meeting tightened. So far their relationship had been simple, and he’d been content with their low-key dates, daily texts, and in between classes hurried kisses.

  But lately he found himself wanting more. And needing to give her more.

  Something about her had been different from their first meeting. Aside from the tomato soup-stained clothing at her hand. His heart tingled in her presence and his brain buzzed to life. It was more than a physical attraction; that was a given. Kelsey was gorgeous.

  He just hoped she felt the same way.

  A gentle squeeze from the hand encased within his brought him back to reality. “So where are we going?”

  Being his mother’s favorite had a benefit beyond simply irritating his brothers…although that was a pretty sweet side perk. It also meant that he wound up being around a lot of women and hearing a lot of things. He might only be able to remember about a third of what they said, but he gathered enough intel to be almost as romantic as the guys from the books and movies his mom and her friends swooned over.

  A talent he had never felt the need to tap into until Kelsey.

  He shot her a half smile. “Patience, Kels, patience.” He lifted her hand to his and brushed his lips across the back of her knuckles, laughing at the blush that spread across her face.

  The nerves that managed to stay mostly at bay this morning as he’d been setting up quickly took control. An erratic swarm of butterflies beat out a calypso rhythm with their wings in his gut.

  This would either end really well or really badly. There wasn’t much chance of an in between.

  Kelsey tilted her head to the side. “Monroe Art Gallery?” Confusion wrote itself across her face. “I thought we were going to dinner.”

  He threw the vehicle into park and turned in his seat. “Do you trust me?”

  A slow nod and total silence was her response at first, which did nothing to soothe the nervous sensations clanging through his veins.

  But then a smile spread across her face, and calm descended over him. “Who wouldn’t trust a soup-covered stranger?”

  Some of the tension eased from his shoulders, and he hopped out of the Jeep, rounded the hood, and opened her door. With an exaggerated bow, he stretched out one arm. “After you, milady.”

  Kelsey pressed an impromptu kiss to his lips and smiled. She gestured to the bag of gifts that had been housed on the floor by her feet on the drive over. “Should I bring those in with me?”

  “Definitely,” he confirmed with a decisive nod. “I’m sure the staff will be thrilled to receive presents.”

  She smacked his arm lightly, and he barely felt it through his winter coat, but hooked her fingers through the twisted paper handles and followed him into the quaint, red-sided home that had been converted into a small town art gallery featuring the occasional big name, but primarily local artists.

  He swung the door open and motioned her in. Barely far enough inside to close the door behind them, she stopped and let out a short gasp. Her mouth fell into a perfect O, and her hand reached behind her for his without taking her eyes off the sight in front of her.

  “Connor.” She breathed his name on an exhale.

  Releasing her hand, he wound his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder, stress being replaced with confidence. This was definitely on the “ending well” side so far.



  Six Years Earlier

  The white lights of the Christmas tree turned to starbursts as tears blurred her vision. Everything laid out before her was far too much to take in from the monochromatic blue and white Christmas decorations to the fake snow creating a path on the floor to the blue, silver, and white table straight ahead in the featured artist room. Two place settings and a silver mercury vase bursting with white poinsettias filled nearly the entire small, round surface.

  Her heart stuttered to a halt inside her chest. Connor did all of this…for her? She turned in the space of his arms, dropping the bag she held in her hand and wrapping her arms around his neck. “This is perfect,” she whispered close to his ear, unable to speak any louder for fear the dam holding back her emotions would crack.

  His hold on her tightened, and they stood locked together for endless moments until Connor finally pushed her away with a tender smile. “Let me take your coat, gorgeous.”

  Connor hung both of their jackets on the pegs in a row on the wall to their left and led her into the room where the table sat. Paintings lined all the walls except the one directly behind their table. A large black sheet was draped there instead.

  He pulled out her chair and motioned for her to sit down, brushing a soft kiss across her cheek before taking the seat across from her. The corners of his mouth twitched with a repressed grin. “What?”

  Both of her brows rose. “What? A better question is, how?” She waved her hands out to encompass the decorations that clearly weren’t part of the normal business operation of the gallery. “How…just how?”

  He narrowed his lids into slits. “Did I just manage to make you speechless?”

  Pressing her lips together to contain the laugh threatening to bubble up and belie her front of irritation, she grabbed a roll from the silver wire basket in front of her and threw it at him. “That’s not an answer.”

  Connor caught the baked good easily and tore a hunk off, shoving it in his mouth. “I’ve been here a million times since I started college. It’s kind of my sanctuary from school. So I’ve gotten to know the owners pretty well, and they agreed to let me have this space for a few hours.”

  “A few hours,” she slowly repeated his words. “But how could you have possibly gotten this all set up in just a few hours?”

  He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. “Dean offered to help. Well…I didn’t rea
lly give him much option.”

  Over the past three months, Connor had talked a lot about his family. It was obvious that he was incredibly close to them all, even when he called Wyatt an asshole or Tanner oppressive, but she knew that his younger brother Dean was more than a brother. He was Connor’s best friend.

  Dean had been the first member of the Carlisle family she’d met—well, the only one so far—and seeing their bond had sent her straight to her phone to dial her older sister. Even though they were only a few hours apart, she desperately missed Tobi and the late night ice cream sundae parties that got them through innumerable high school crises.

  Before she could answer, a discreet waiter appeared bearing two small plates with silver lids that he set quietly in front of them. He stepped away as silently as he’d approached.

  When she was confident he was out of hearing range, Kelsey leaned forward. “You had this thing catered?” The question dripped with incredulity in a tone just above a stage whisper.

  “Listen, gorgeous, just because I’m my mom’s favorite doesn’t mean she actually had any luck teaching me how to cook.” He reached out and held her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You’re too important to risk giving you food poisoning at my hands.”

  Kelsey lifted the lid and a hiccuping sob mingled with laughter at the meal. Greasy fast food cheeseburgers and fries were displayed on fine china. The waiter returned long enough to deposit soda contained in the chain’s extra-large paper cup on the table in front of each of them.

  She lifted her eyes to Connor’s. “You seriously did this?”

  He lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile and offered a small shrug. “It’s what we had on our first date.”

  With a shake of her head, because the man sitting across from her truly left her speechless, she took a big bite of the unhealthy burger. If he hadn’t proven over the past several months that this was entirely in his character—and gently declined her advances, suggesting they take their time—she’d be certain this was a ploy to sleep with her.


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