Right Fit Wrong Shoe

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Right Fit Wrong Shoe Page 10

by Varsha Dixit

  ‘Oh, I am so sorry!’ Nandini winced. The coffee was hot.

  Rajesh’s eyes grew in the same proportions as the stain on his shirt. ‘Crap! In ten minutes, I have my first one on one, with the big man himself. There is no time to go home and change my shirt.’

  Nandini pulled him to the side. ‘Rajesh, what size shirt do you wear?’

  ‘Why? ’

  ‘I have a spare shirt in my car. A gift for my cousin!’

  ‘Fifteen or fifteen and a half.’

  ‘Bingo! Mr Rajesh, you have just got yourself a new shirt. Let me get it.’ Placing the flask on the floor, Nandini ran to her car,

  ‘Thank you Nandini. I’ll pay for it later,’ said Rajesh as she handed him the piece.

  ‘No problem amigo! Just take it. The cousin is anyway in kangaroo land for a couple of months. Go get them tiger!’ A relieved Nandini and a thankful Rajesh parted ways.

  ‘Bhagwanji, that was my Rs 5,673 worth of good deed for the day! Make sure you mark it somewhere.’ Nandini whispered, getting in the elevator. How can one ignore God in these days of aggressive self-marketing? He is the one who made humans; he, too, should suffer them—like our eco system.

  Rajesh changed in the men’s room, gathered his papers required for the meeting and commenced to the third floor. He stepped out of the elevator as Rochak stepped in.

  ‘Hi Rajesh, nice shirt!’ Rochak complimented.

  ‘A gift from Nandini,’ replied Rajesh, grinning broadly. Even he was aware of Rochak’s Achilles heels.

  Rochak extended his hand, to stall the closing, sensor-run elevator doors. ‘What was the occasion?’

  ‘No occasion! Nandini is very generous with people she likes,’ Rajesh said; not missing the opportunity to prick the roach... except his harmless lies fell on another pair of ears.

  Signing some documents, poised at Simone’s desk near the elevator, Aditya heard the entire exchange. ‘Ladies, if you are done discussing your clothes can we begin the meeting?’ Aditya turned sharply heading towards the conference room, a flustered Rajesh trailing behind .

  An hour or so later, Rajesh emerged. Simone, greeted, him with a smile. ‘So how was the meeting with Mr Sarin?’

  ‘Felt like a hot rod was inserted in every open orifice of my body,’ replied Rajesh. He and his slouched shoulders headed for the elevator. ‘Saali manhoos shirt!’ he grumbled to himself.

  ‘What’s next on the agenda?’ Aditya’s voice buzzed on the intercom. ‘Meeting with the design department and Mr Chowdhury... in about seven minutes.’

  ‘I’m running late. I have to do a con call right away; something is going on in the Philly (Philadelphia) office. Let Rochak know will you?’

  ‘Shall I cancel the meeting?’ Simone quipped.

  ‘No! Just do what you’re told!’ Aditya regretted the words the second they left his lips. ‘Sorry !’ in a gruff voice, instantly followed.

  ‘No offence taken,’ Simone replied. ‘I know it’s not me who’s got you smouldering like Mount Vesuvius,’ she muttered to the phone as Aditya hung up.

  Second Floor

  ‘Listen, why don’t you go in, I have a leakage!’ said Sneha, dashing towards the women’s room.

  ‘Sneha, you loony bin! Come right back... leakage or no leakage!’ Nandini sprinted after her. She halted embarrassed. The entire office floor had heard her.

  ‘Thanks a tonne for broadcasting it.’ Sneha, miffed, disappeared in the restroom.

  Nandini fidgeted, awkwardly, smiling at whoever glanced her way .

  A few seconds later, Sneha popped her head out. ‘Five minutes, I promise! And people, please wipe those smirks off! All your wonderful mothers, wives sisters, etc., too suffer this.’

  A resigned Nandini, clutching her notebook, entered the small conference room, next to their department.

  ‘Where is everyone?’ she voiced, glancing around the empty room. Shrugging her shoulders, she settled in the corner chair.

  The door opened. Nandini gave Rochak, an indifferent glance, as he strolled in. He purposely took the chair close to Nandini, pulling it even closer.

  Nandini attempted to get up but Rochak grabbed her hand. ‘Don’t you dare!’ she threatened, giving him a shrivelling look.

  ‘Why does Rajesh deserve a gift and I don’t? Give me one chance to please you Nandini!’ Rochak said, leering at her.

  ‘You pervert! Get your disgusting paws off me !’ Revolted, Nandini grabbed his hand, trying to tear it off her.

  Rochak yanked her forcibly. Losing balance Nandini tumbled, falling straight in his lap. Her untied hair flopped around their faces.

  ‘I have noticed that Aditya Sarin does not like you much. So if you want to keep this job, you will have to play nice with your immediate boss, and that’s ME!’ Rochak caressed Nandini’s face hair away from her face.

  ‘Don’t touch me! I’ll throw up!’ Nandini grabbed Rochak’s hand to push it away. That was the moment Aditya and Simone entered the conference room.

  For a split second, all froze. Aditya’s expression darkened, fiercely. Rochak instantly shot from his chair throwing Nandini forward. She lurched against the table, trying to steady herself .

  ‘Sir it wasn’t my fault... Nandini—’

  Aditya raised his hand and Rochak flinched. Nandini closed her eyes, anticipating the blow to Rochak’s face any second.

  With immense control, Aditya dropped his hand to his side and yelled, ‘I KNOW! MEETING CANCELLED!’ Feeling anger, enough to turn into incredible hulk without any gene mutation, Aditya strode out.

  Simone, to avoid death by collision, hastily stepped out of his way. Casting a reproachful look at Nandini and Rochak, she followed her boss.

  Rochak turned to Nandini. ‘If you ever open your mouth—’ Before he could finish, Nandini landed a tight stinging slap across his face.

  ‘Next time you come near me, I swear from a cockroach I’ll reduce you to just a roach!’ Spewing fire Nandini, too, left the conference room.

  Aditya slammed the door shut. It shook with force. The sight of Nandini and that man continued to enrage him beyond words. He actually could see the colour red, with silhouettes of kattas and kukris, floating in it.

  The sound of something crashing and splintering came from Aditya’s room. Simone tense, remained at her desk. Around ten minutes later, the intercom buzzed and she tripped over her feet to answer it.

  ‘Get the farmhouse ready in two or three hours,’ Aditya said, no please no thank you.

  ‘The one in Unnao?’ Simone asked, nervously.

  ‘How many others do I have here?’ The line went dead.

  Nandini on her part grabbed Sneha and dragged her into their office. Breathless and fumbling, she updated Sneha about what had just happened in the conference room .

  ‘Roach is such a gutter ka keeda! Tell Aditya about the SOB. God knows what he is thinking?’ Sneha repeatedly, insisted.

  Nandini disagreed. ‘Aditya’s eyes made me nervous, Sneh. Facing him, is the last thing I need right now. I’m going to stay holed up in this room, and see how the day pans out.’

  ‘You are insane! Why are you scared? You did not do anything wrong .’ Sneha argued.

  ‘I know that... you know that! But Aditya? I just want to give him some time to calm down.’ Nandini bit heavily into the cold samosa she had picked from Roy’s desk.

  ‘I think you should go to HR and report the incident first. Aditya, we’ll tackle later,’ Sneha suggested.

  ‘Okie dokie! But man, slapping Roach felt so good, you can’t imagine,’ Nandini said, washing the stale food with a carbonated soda.

  ‘You should have kicked him between his legs while you were at it. Imagine what that would have felt like!’ Sneha added with feeling.

  A couple of hours later, Simone came down to meet Nandini. ‘Can I talk to you... alone?’

  A reluctant Sneha left the room. Nandini met the other woman’s troubled eyes. ‘Mr Sarin wants to meet you at his farmhouse. ASAP! He’s al
ready there.’

  The pit in Nandini’s stomach became a well.


  Laaga Chunari Mein Daag...


  W orried, by Aditya’s demeanor as he had left, Simone suggested, ‘You can apologise to him... through his mother.’

  ‘Is Aditya alone there?’ Nandini asked.

  ‘Yes! He is, apart from the servants of course.’

  ‘What do you think... you saw in the conference room?’ Nandini questioned, hesitantly.

  Without any dithering, Simone answered, ‘You getting intimate with a married man.’

  Spurred, Nandini got to her feet. Grabbing her purse, she sailed past Simone. ‘Do you know where it is?’ Simone asked, hurrying after her.

  ‘I could take you there if you like!’ Nandini retorted.

  Seeing Nandini and Simone’s speed and expression, Sneha trotted towards them. Too late! The elevator doors shut, taking Nandini away .

  This slur has to be cleared. Aditya will hear the truth about the pervie, whether he likes it or not. The thought drove Nandini. She did the thirty or so odd kilometres, ignoring the incessant ringing of her cell.

  The guards at the gates on hearing her name, immediately let Nandini in. She was expected.

  Driving through the winding driveway, Nandini stopped next to Aditya’s convertible. For a few minutes, all she did was, stare at the structure. Never had steel and cement been as beautifully merged as they were here, to form a four-storey replica of the Pantheon at Rome. The sheer magnificence of architecture and richness at display was mesmerising.

  Getting out of the car, Nandini hotfooted to the entrance. The regal door opened at her approach, a maid in uniform standing behind.

  ‘Mr Sarin is waiting for you in the master suite!’ she offered, quickly leaving Nandini alone.

  Muddled, Nandini fidgeted with her purse strap. ‘Why the suite?’ she whispered.

  ‘Airport, flee to the nearest airport!’ shrieked her insides, until they went hoarse. Nandini, gingerly, climbed the stairs, her heels clicking loudly in the silence.

  The suite door stood open; Nandini knocked but there was no answer. Having taken a few tentative steps in, she whirled, at the sound of the door slamming shut.

  Aditya leaned against the closed door, his appearance rakish and dishevelled. His tie and suit jacket had been discarded, top few buttons of his shirt were open. His hands folded casually across his chest, only there was nothing casual about the way he looked at Nandini.

  ‘See something you like?’ Aditya scorned .

  Nandini quickly averted her face. ‘Why did you call me here?’ she asked, amazed by how calm she sounded.

  ‘For my share of the spoils!’ Aditya crooned walking past her, yet remaining dangerously close.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ voiced Nandini, licking her suddenly parched lips.

  ‘How innocent of you?’ Aditya’s eyes fixed on her mouth.

  ‘Let’s go downstairs,’ Nandini suggested, swallowing. She turned away, heading for the door.

  ‘Let’s not! Unless you prefer a table to a bed.’

  A strong hand caught Nandini’s arm. Aditya hauled her close, so close that Nandini could count his eyelashes, feel his breath on her face and smell the....

  ‘You’ve been drinking! ’ Supposed to be an accusation, it came out like gasp.

  ‘So?’ Aditya challenged, wrapping his arms completely around her.

  ‘Stop it! Stop it Adi!’ Nandini, to put some distance, began struggling against him.

  ‘You’re only helping!’ Aditya said. A cruel smile played on his lips even as unbidden desire flooded his eyes.

  Nandini’s face flushed, embarrassment or excitement, she was not sure.

  ‘Are you about to faint?’ Aditya intentionally, repeated the words from their very first meeting.

  ‘Please let me go, Aditya. You don’t want to do this,’ Nandini begged, striving hard to quell her own body’s reaction to him. She was melting against Aditya’s hard strength; her arms ached to wrap themselves around him .

  ‘You, also, want me! Say my name, again,’ Aditya murmured, huskily, his lips working their way against her collarbone.

  Crap! He remembers the spot, were Nandini’s last coherent thoughts, before long repressed emotions swamped her. Her eyes fluttered close and she unconsciously pressed deeper against Aditya.

  After what seemed an eternity, Aditya’s mouth claimed hers. Nandini moaned. Her body and heart gave in to the potent pleasure, stemming from the touch of the only man capable of satiating her. Nandini had no memory of how they moved to the bed or when most of their clothes came off.

  Desire blinded Nandini to everything else... and she was not alone.

  Aditya’s agenda of teaching Nandini a harsh lesson was long forgotten. The sweetness and softness of her mouth and body blew him away. The more he took the more he needed. Nandini burned him with her heat. Aditya pressed her even closer, his mouth and hands frantically clinging to her; Nandini became his last gulp of oxygen before he went under.

  ‘I’ll make you feel better! Better than the others,’ Aditya urgently whispered, moving to draw her under him. The words cooled Nandini like a bucket of ice poured on her body.

  Oh my god! Realising the enormity of what was about to occur, Nandini forcefully pushed at Aditya, attempting distance enough to roll away from the hard body.

  Clamping his arms even tighter around her, Aditya raised desire filled eyes. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked, thickly.

  ‘Please let me go Adi... this is not right,’ Nandini reasoned, breathless and struggling.

  Thwarted desire altered to anger. ‘Don’t fight me Nandini. I will finish what I started. When you are cozy with every Tom, Dick or Harry in the office why the prude act here?’ Aditya clamped Nandini’s hands above her head.

  ‘You have got it all wrong...’ Nandini half-groaned, half-shouted, desperate to cover herself up.

  ‘Then name your price ! What will make you more like what you were a few minutes ago ?’ Aditya roared. His dark eyes became darker, lust and anger riding strong within. He was feeling so hot that he was sure one could cook their eggs off his back.

  Nandini gritting her teeth, bit out, ‘I swear if my hands were free, you’d be the second man I’d slap today!’

  Aditya for an answer pinched her wrists even more painfully. He lowered his head to take Nandini’s mouth forcefully. The gloves were off.

  Aditya is actually going to see this to the end! Warning cymbals went off in Nandini’s head. Completely panicking, she blurted out the truth, ‘This is a first for me!’

  Aditya paused.

  Humiliated, Nandini shut her eyes, turning her face away.

  Clasping her chin, Aditya brought her face back to him. Nandini had no choice but to meet the probing eyes, through the sheen of angry tears.

  ‘Are you lying to me Nandini?’ asked Aditya, watching her gravely.

  ‘Do you want to find out for yourself?’ Nandini provoked, a tear trailed from the corner of an eye.

  For a few long minutes, Aditya continued to gaze at her; taking in the tousled hair, gloomy eyes and the ravished lips. Abruptly he rolled off her .

  Mortified, Nandini lunged at the covers drawing them over her, covering even her face. She heard him move about, probably getting in his clothes.

  ‘Whenever you are ready, come down to the library,’ Aditya said, softly to the shrouded body, quelling the titanic urge to join her under the sheet. He stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.


  Bhagam Bhaag

  W ith lighting speed, Nandini jumped out of the bed. Fearing, Aditya might come back any minute; stumbling and lurching, she hurriedly got dressed. Going in the restroom, she splashed her face several times with cold water rushing, from the golden faucets.

  ‘I have to quietly and quickly get out of here!’ Nandini declared to the mirror, taking in the pale, shocked face, staring back at her.

  Opening the door of the suite, she peeked out. Thankfully, the corridor was empty. Clutching her sandals in the hand, Nandini tiptoed – pausing at the top of the winding, marble staircase.

  On hearing some sounds, Nandini hastily retreated behind the mahogany glass cabinet. It was just the maid, holding a tray on which sat a glass of frothy pink liquid. She disappeared in the direction of the library, at the back of the house .

  Ginger ale! Nandini noticed. Aditya had just ordered her favourite drink. ‘Shove your bloody drink for all I care,’ Nandini viscously whispered, going down.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she paused... listening. ‘Coast clear! Now all I have to do is get out of the main door.’ Holding her breath, Nandini stealthily proceeded. Unfortunately, the protruding edge of the carpet went unheeded.

  Nandini’s foot snagged! Slowly but surely she tumbled forward, the sandals hurtled from her hands, knocking the large crystal panther off its place, on the adjoining table.

  ‘Super canary shit! Probably Swarovski!’ Nandini watched, horrified, as the piece noisily shattered into zillion pieces.

  Sounds of the library door opening galvanised her into action. Nandini dashed towards the door. As she twisted the handle to heave the door open, footsteps halted behind her.

  Wildly, Nandini careened towards her car, barefoot and her hair flying. She grabbed the handle of the car door and yanked. It remained shut. ‘Don’t! Don’t you dare screw with me right now! Open! OPEN DAMN IT!’ Nandini cursed, her fists and feet, tugging and pounding the car door.

  ‘Try using the keys, they might get the job done!’ Aditya, standing behind, serenely suggested. He pressed his lips to keep the smile out of his voice.

  Uttering another rude expletive, Nandini rummaged inside her purse. On not finding them, frustrated, she simply turned the bag upside down. Receipts going back, probably to the ice age, her niece’s hairclip, cell and lipstick among few other things jangled down, rolling at her feet. Still no keys!

  ‘Here you go, you dropped them inside.’ Aditya stretched his hand out, over her shoulder. The keys dangled on it. His lips remained tightly clamped; it was getting harder and harder to keep a straight face.


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