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The Railway Detective Collection: The Railway Detective, the Excursion Train, the Railway Viaduct (The Railway Detective Series)

Page 48

by Edward Marston

  ‘Angel is capable of anything, Sergeant.’

  Winifred Hawkshaw was so concerned about her daughter that she went to call the doctor. Occupied with other patients, he promised to call later on to see the girl. The anxious mother went straight back to Middle Row and up to Emily’s bedroom. To her dismay, it was empty. After searching the other rooms, she rushed downstairs where Adam Hawkshaw was starting to close up the shop for the day.

  ‘Where’s Emily?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ve no idea.’

  ‘She’s not in her room – or anywhere else.’

  ‘I didn’t see her go out.’

  ‘Have you been here all the time?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Except when I went to buy some tobacco.’

  ‘Emily’s run away,’ decided her mother.

  ‘That’s silly – where could she go?’

  ‘I don’t know, Adam, but she’s not here, is she? Emily hasn’t been out of the house for weeks but, as soon as my back is turned, she’s off. Lock up quickly,’ she ordered. ‘We’ve got to go after her.’

  ‘She’ll come back in her own good time,’ he argued.

  ‘Not when she’s in that state. I’ve never known her have a fit like that. There’s something very wrong with Emily. Now, hurry up,’ she urged. ‘We must find her!’

  Surrounded by a graveyard in which leafy trees threw long shadows across the headstones, St Mary’s Church had stood for four centuries. It was at once imposing and accessible, a fine piece of architecture that never forgot its main function of serving the parish. Emily Hawkshaw attended the church every Sunday with her family and they had always sat in the same pew halfway down the nave. This time, she ignored her usual seat and walked down the aisle to the altar rail before kneeling in front of it. Hands clasped together, she closed her eyes tight and prayed for forgiveness, her mind in turmoil, her body shaking and perspiration breaking out on her brow. She was in a positive fever of contrition.

  Madeleine Andrews had travelled from London to Ashford in a second-class compartment but Colbeck was so happy to see her, and so grateful for the information she brought, that he insisted on buying her a first-class ticket for the return journey. He removed his hat to give her a kiss on the hand then waved her off, standing wistfully on the platform until the train had rounded a bend and disappeared from sight. Deeply moved by her visit, Colbeck felt that it had been more than a pleasant interlude. What she had learnt in Hoxton might well serve to confirm his theory about how a man who courted anonymity had been traced to his home. Madeleine’s attendance at a funeral had been opportune.

  Deciding to call on Emily Hawkshaw again, Colbeck left the station and made for Church Street. He had already resolved to say nothing to his Sergeant about the unheralded visitor. Victor Leeming was too old-fashioned and conventional to believe that a woman could be directly involved in the investigative process. It was better to keep him – and, more importantly, Superintendent Tallis – ignorant of Madeleine’s part in the case. The Metropolitan Police was an exclusively male preserve. Robert Colbeck was one of the very few men who even dallied with the notion of employing female assistants.

  As he approached St Mary’s Church, his mind was still playing with fond memories of taking tea with Madeleine at the Saracen’s Head. A loud scream jerked him out of his reverie. Ahead of him, pointing upwards with horror, was a middle-aged woman. The handful of people walking past the church immediately stopped and followed the direction of her finger. Colbeck saw the slim figure at once. Holding one of the pinnacles on top of the tower was a young woman in a black dress, trying to haul herself on to the parapet. It was Emily Hawkshaw.

  Recognising her at once, Colbeck broke into a run and dashed into the church, shedding his hat and frock coat as he did so and diving through the door to the tower. He went up the steps as fast as he could, going up past the huge iron bells and feeling a first rush of air as he neared the open door at the top. When he emerged into daylight, he saw that Emily was poised between life and death, clinging to the pinnacle while standing precariously on the parapet. Intent on flinging herself off, the girl seemed to be having second thoughts.

  Colbeck inched slowly towards her so that he would be in her field of vision. In order not to alarm her, he kept his voice calm and low.

  ‘Stay there, Emily,’ he said, ‘I’ll help you down.’

  ‘No!’ she cried. ‘Stay back.’

  ‘I know that you must hate yourself even to think of doing this but you must remember those who love you. Do you really want to hurt your family and your friends?’

  ‘I don’t deserve to be loved.’

  ‘Come down from there and tell me why,’ he suggested, moving closer. ‘Killing yourself will solve nothing.’

  ‘Keep away from me – or I’ll jump.’

  ‘No, Emily. If you really meant to do it, you’d have gone by now. But you knew that there would be consequences, didn’t you? Others would suffer terribly, especially your mother. Don’t you think she’s been through enough already?’

  ‘I’ve been through it as well,’ sobbed the girl.

  ‘Then share your suffering with her. Help each other, Emily.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘You must,’ he said, gently. ‘It’s the only way.’

  ‘God will never forgive me.’

  ‘You won’t find forgiveness by jumping off here. To take your own life is anathema. To do it on consecrated ground makes it even worse. This is a church, Emily. You understand what that means, don’t you?’

  She began to tremble. ‘I just can’t go on.’

  ‘Yes, you can. It won’t always be like this. Time heals even the deepest wounds. You have a long life ahead of you. Why destroy it in a moment of despair? You’re loved, Emily,’ he said, taking a small step towards her. ‘You’re loved and needed.’

  The girl fell silent as she considered what he had said and Colbeck took it as a good sign. But she was still balanced perilously on the edge of the parapet. One false move on his part and she might jump. From down below, he could hear sounds of a crowd gathering to watch. Emily Hawkshaw had an audience.

  ‘You know that this is wrong,’ he told her, moving slightly closer. ‘You were christened in this church and brought up in a God-fearing household. You know that it mustn’t end this way. It will leave a stain on the whole family.’

  ‘I don’t care about that.’

  ‘What do you care about? Tell me. I’m here to listen.’

  ‘You wouldn’t understand,’ she said, trembling even more.

  ‘Then come down and talk to someone who would understand.’ He ventured another step. ‘Please, Emily. For everyone’s sake – come down.’

  The girl began to weep and cling more desperately to the pinnacle. It was as if she finally realised the implications of what she had intended to do. Suddenly, she lost her nerve and began to panic. Emily tried to turn back but her foot slipped and she lost her hold on the pinnacle. There was a gasp of horror from below as she teetered on the very brink of the parapet, then Colbeck darted forward to grab her and snatched her back to safety.

  Emily Hawkshaw fainted in his arms.

  After another tiring day in the boiler shop, Gregory Newman was eager to get home to Turton Street. As he came out of the railway works, however, he found Adam Hawkshaw waiting to speak to him.

  ‘Good evening, Adam,’ he said, cheerily.

  ‘Can you come to the shop?’ asked the other. ‘Mother wants to talk to you as soon as possible.’

  ‘Why – what’s happened?’

  ‘Emily tried to commit suicide.’

  ‘Dear God!’

  ‘She was going to throw herself off the church tower.’

  ‘What on earth made her do that?’

  ‘We don’t know, Gregory.’

  ‘Where is Emily now?’

  ‘She’s in bed. The doctor gave her something to make her sleep.’

  ‘Did she change her mind at the last moment?’
br />   ‘No,’ said Hawkshaw with a tinge of resentment. ‘That Inspector Colbeck went up the tower and brought her down again. We saw him catch her as she was about to fall. It’s a miracle she’s alive.’

  ‘This is terrible news!’ exclaimed Newman.

  ‘Then you’ll come?’

  ‘Of course. Let me go home first to take care of my wife then I’ll come straight away. How has Win taken it?’

  ‘She’s very upset.’

  ‘Emily – of all people! You’d never have thought she’d do anything as desperate as this. Whatever could have provoked her?’

  ‘She took fright when Inspector Colbeck wanted to question her.’

  ‘And did he?’

  ‘No, Emily ran away before he came back. She sneaked out when we weren’t looking. We were searching for her when we heard this noise from the churchyard. We got there in time to see it all.’

  Newman started walking. ‘Tell Win I’ll be there directly.’

  ‘Thanks,’ said Hawkshaw, falling in beside him.

  ‘Did Emily really mean to go through with it?’

  ‘She didn’t say. When she was brought down from the tower, she was in a dead faint. She came out of it later but she refused to tell us anything. Emily just lay on the bed and cried.’

  ‘The doctor was right to give her a sedative.’

  ‘I’m worried, Gregory,’ said Hawkshaw, showing a rare touch of sympathy for his stepsister.

  ‘So am I.’

  ‘What if Emily tries to do that again?’

  The suicide attempt was also being discussed over a drink at the Saracen’s Head. Victor Leeming was astonished by what he heard.

  ‘Why did she do it, Inspector?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m hoping that that will emerge in time.’

  ‘A young girl, throwing her life away like that – it’s unthinkable.’

  ‘Emily had come to the end of her tether.’

  ‘She must have been in despair even to consider suicide. I mean, it’s the last resort. You’re only driven to that when there seems to be absolutely no future for you.’ He gave a shrug. ‘Was she so attached to her stepfather that she couldn’t live without him?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Colbeck. ‘What is clear, however, is that Emily Hawkshaw is consumed with guilt over something. She’s nursing a secret that she’s not even able to divulge to her mother.’

  ‘Is there any chance she’ll confide in you, sir?’

  ‘I doubt it.’

  ‘But you saved her life.’

  ‘She may resent me for that. I brought her back to the very things she was running away from. We’ll have to wait and see, Victor. However,’ he went on, as Leeming drank some beer, ‘tell me what you discovered. Did you find Constable Butterkiss at all helpful?’

  ‘Very helpful.’

  Putting his glass aside and referring to his notebook, Leeming described the people on the petition whom he considered to be potential suspects. Of the ten names that he had written down, six had acquired a tick from the Sergeant. All of the men lived in or near Ashford and had a close connection with Nathan Hawkshaw.

  ‘Did you ask him about Angel?’ said Colbeck.

  ‘I did, Inspector, and there certainly is such a man.’

  ‘Would he have been at that fair in Lenham?’


  Leeming passed on the details given to him by George Butterkiss and argued that Angel had to be looked at as a potential suspect for the murder of Joseph Dykes. The man whose name had first been voiced by Gregory Newman had a long record of criminality. He had been in the right place at the right time to attack Dykes.

  ‘But we come back to the old problem,’ said Leeming. ‘How could Angel have persuaded Dykes to go to such a quiet part of the wood?’

  ‘He couldn’t, Victor – and neither could Nathan Hawkshaw.’

  ‘So how did the victim get there?’

  ‘I can think of only one possible way.’

  ‘What’s that, Inspector?’

  ‘Dykes had been drinking heavily,’ said Colbeck, ‘and probably looked to spend most of the day at the Red Lion. What was the one thing that could get him out of that pub?’

  ‘A knife in his ribs.’

  ‘There was a much easier way. A woman could have done it. When you returned from the scene of the crime, you told me that it was a place where young couples might have gone. I think that someone may have deliberately aroused Dykes’s lust.’

  ‘From what I hear, that wouldn’t have taken much doing.’

  ‘Once she had lured him to the wood, the killer could strike.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Leeming, warming to the notion. ‘The woman was there to distract the victim. If that’s what happened, it’s just like those two murders on the train.’

  ‘It’s uncannily like them,’ agreed Colbeck, ‘and it raises a possibility that has never even crossed our minds before. Supposing that all three murders were committed by the same man?’



  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I can accept that he’s a legitimate suspect for the murder of Dykes but he had no motive to kill the hangman or the prison chaplain. No, it must be someone else.’

  ‘Well, it absolves Hawkshaw of the crime,’ observed Leeming. ‘If the same man is responsible for all three murders, Hawkshaw must have been innocent. He couldn’t have killed two people after he was dead.’

  ‘There’s another fact we have to face,’ said Colbeck, taking a sip of his drink as he meditated. ‘This is pure speculation, of course, and we may well be wrong about this. But, assuming we’re not, then the man who butchered Joseph Dykes in that wood allowed someone else to go to the gallows on his behalf.’

  ‘Then why did he go on to commit those revenge murders?’

  ‘Guilt, perhaps.’

  ‘Remorse over the way that he let an innocent man be hanged?’

  ‘Perhaps. He may be trying to make amends in some perverse way by killing the people whom he feels made Nathan Hawkshaw’s last hour on earth more agonising than it need have been.’

  ‘It doesn’t add up, sir.’

  ‘Not at the moment, Victor, but it opens up a whole new line of inquiry.’ He glanced down at the petition. ‘And it suggests that someone on this list needs to be caught very quickly indeed.’

  ‘Yes, he could have killed three victims.’

  ‘Four,’ said Colbeck. ‘You’re forgetting Nathan Hawkshaw.’

  ‘Of course. He had the most lingering death of all. He was made to take the blame for someone else’s crime.’

  ‘That’s what it begins to look like.’ He picked up the petition. ‘We must make our first calls this evening. And if we have no success with this part of the list, we must work our way through the rest of it – and that includes the women.’

  ‘Wait a moment, sir.’


  ‘Would someone who let Hawkshaw go on trial for a murder that he didn’t commit then sign a petition for his release?’

  ‘What better way to disguise his own guilt?’

  ‘That’s true. Who do we start with, sir?’

  ‘Peter Stelling. He’s an ironmonger. We can rely on him to have a ready supply of wire. We’ll have to see if his stock contains anything resembling the murder weapon we found near Paddock Wood.’

  ‘Does that mean we cross Angel off the list?’

  ‘For the moment. From what you’ve told me about him, we’d have the devil’s own job tracking him down.’

  ‘We’d need Amos Lockyer to do that, Inspector.’


  ‘He was a policeman here for years,’ said Leeming, ‘and he helped Constable Butterkiss a great deal. Lockyer was dismissed for being drunk on duty and carrying a loaded firearm. According to Constable Butterkiss, he was a real bloodhound. He was the only person who ever managed to find Angel and arrest him.’

  ‘Where is this man now?’

g on a farm near Charing, apparently. At least, that’s what Butterkiss told me. He reveres the man though he was amazed to see his name on that petition.’

  ‘I don’t recall an Amos Lockyer there,’ said Colbeck, studying the document closely. ‘Where is he?’

  ‘Right there,’ said Leeming, pointing to the illegible squiggle in the first column. ‘I couldn’t read it either but that’s definitely him. Lockyer’s father used to be a watchman in the town. That’s what got him interested in being a policeman.’

  ‘You never mentioned him earlier.’

  ‘That was because I’d crossed him off my list.’

  ‘Simply because he was once a local constable?’

  ‘No, sir. I’d need a better reason than that. We both know that there are bad apples in police uniform as everywhere else. I only crossed off Amos Lockyer when Butterkiss told me a little more about him.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘To start with,’ said Leeming, ‘he’s no spring chicken. And he has a bad leg. A poacher he tried to arrest shot him in the thigh. I can’t see him leaping out of a moving train, can you?’

  ‘Yet you say he had great skill in finding people?’

  ‘That’s right. Lockyer was famed for it.’

  Colbeck thought hard about what Madeleine Andrews had learnt in Hoxton. Jacob Guttridge had been followed by an older man with an unusual rolling gait. It was too much of a coincidence.

  ‘I’ll speak to the ironmonger on my own,’ he decided.

  ‘What about me?’

  ‘Go back to Constable Butterkiss and tell him that your need his services again.’ Leeming pulled a face. ‘Yes, I know that he’s not your idea of a boon companion, Victor, but this is important.’

  ‘Can’t it wait until tomorrow?’

  ‘No. Ask him to drive you to Charing at once.’

  ‘Not another long journey with George Butterkiss!’

  ‘You need him to find the farm where this Amos Lockyer works. And when you do,’ said Colbeck, ‘I want you to bring the man back to Ashford immediately.’

  ‘How is she now, Win?’ asked Gregory Newman, his face pitted with concern. ‘I was shocked when Adam told me what she tried to do.’


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