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The Rapunzel Rodeo

Page 9

by Sable Sylvan

Jason approached the bed and ran a hand along Olivia’s cheeks.

  “Almost perfect,” said Jason.

  “Almost?” asked Olivia.

  “You planning on letting your hair down, Rapunzel?” asked Jason.

  “My hair?” asked Olivia with a scoff. “I don’t think anyone wants to see that.”

  “Trust me. We do,” said Jason. “I’ve never seen it down. I know all them pins holding your bun up can’t be comfortable. Will you let me take them out?”

  Olivia was suddenly self-conscious. She hadn’t let her hair down around any of the cowboys. She hadn’t had a haircut in the longest time, and the hairstyle she did have was meant to be easy to pin up and keep out of the way. She was confident in her curves, but her hair? Well, it wasn’t exactly the time she would’ve picked to let her hair down, but it was going to have to happen at some point.

  “Yes,” said Olivia, taking the hair tie out of her hair and flinging it somewhere in the room. “Let’s get this party started.” She felt her hair start to fall, but the feeling of self-consciousness was gone as quickly as it had come. Olivia felt something she hadn’t felt for the longest time: a feeling of relaxation, of relief. She’d finally gotten the issue of her hair out of the way. Now, it was time to have some real fun, starting with sucking on Jason’s cock as Matthew and Richard filled her. They alternated their thrusts in and out of her so that she was always filled with at least one of their self-saucing meats, which were cooking up a trio of orgasms like true Southern barbecue: low and slow, in terms of heat and pace, and marinated with love.

  Olivia had never felt such primal desire before. Her hair came down in furls as she was bounced every which way by her alpha male cowboys, her bobby pins loosening and falling over the bed as her long hair came down around her shoulders and then, down to the small of her back.

  Richard took her hair in his hands and inhaled. He pulled various pins out and threw them aside, burying his face in Olivia’s locks and letting them suffocate them until she reached forward, her hair brushing over Richard’s face, as she reached toward Matthew.

  Olivia pushed herself onto Matthew’s cock, pressing the tip of his cock further into her canal. She needed him to hit a certain spot for her.

  Matthew ran a hand through her hair, all the way to her scalp, feeling her soft locks between his fingers. He brought them forward and inhaled, scenting her shampoo and conditioner. It was something sweet and floral. He would’ve never guessed that Olivia, who’d always taken to pinning her hair up, would use something so feminine in her daily routine.

  “What is it?” asked Olivia.

  “You should learn to let your hair down,” said Matthew. “After all, Rapunzel…how else will you let your princes into this gorgeous tower of yours?”

  “I’ve got a tower for her,” said Jason, taking Olivia’s hair in his hands and pulling her toward his erect cock. Jason was standing near the bed, positioned so that Olivia’s mouth was at precisely the right level for her to give it a good, deep suck.

  Being dominated by Jason while dominating Richard and being pleasured in Matthew’s own away was almost too much for Olivia. She’d never imagined such wild sex could be possible. She looked up at Jason, sucking his cock while her head bobbed up and down on his shaft. Taking a breath, she looked at Richard, who was enjoying the weight of her body on his, and then at Matthew, who was worshipping her curves with fingers that ran over them like wild horses ran over the American prairie.

  “I’m close,” whispered Olivia, going back to sucking Jason’s cock, her hair falling forward over her shoulders as she leaned back in toward Jason’s lap.

  “Then you better fuckin’ come for me,” said Jason, taking her hair back in his hands and using his grip on his curvy gal to bob her head up and down tenderly on his shaft. He leaned back and bit his lower lip. He hadn’t expected someone like Olivia to be so good at sucking dick. After all, she seemed like a no-nonsense type.

  Olivia closed her eyes again. She felt the sensation of Jason’s cock between her fingers and on the tip of her tongue, his firm saltiness dominating her body and mind. Down below, she felt Richard’s rock-hard body and heard him moaning in her ears with every thrust in and out of her warmest, wettest spot. In front of her, she felt Matthew pummeling away at her body as if he wasn’t a cowboy, but an oil derrick digging for some Texas gold. All three of the handsome men were focused on her pleasure, even Jason, who knew that Olivia wanted something to do with her hands and mouth while she was taken on a ride by three shifters. A warmth grew in her body and once the ball of warmth broke and let its energy out into her body, her eyes fluttered open and she let a primal moan leave her mouth.

  Matthew’s eyes glowed a lighthouse amber, nearly gold, as he felt Olivia’s walls clench down around him. Her hot desire for him managed to milk his seed from his very body. Although Matthew hadn’t thought he was close to the edge before, the feeling of Olivia tightening around him had driven him past the point of no return. His horse reared up on its back two legs and pushed Matthew’s soul to complete the mating ritual.

  Richard’s eyes flashed sapphire blue as his inner horse galloped in circles. The feeling of Olivia tightening around his cock had driven him to the brink. He felt his balls twitch and a second later, he flooded Olivia with his semen.

  Jason let loose, his emerald eyes glowing in the sunlit room. His horse neighed, telling him to finally let his manhood do what it had been designed to do. Looking down at Olivia, watching her orgasm and experience wave after wave of pleasure, had been enough to drive him over the edge. His balls let loose, a flurry of cum flooding out onto Olivia’s neck, dripping down her chest and enrobing her in a crystal necklace of desire.

  As everyone in the foursome came, something magical happened. A glow filled the room. The source wasn’t the shifters’ eyes. This time, the glow came from beneath their skin. In that moment, Olivia realized why their mate marks and herd marks all took the frame-like forms they’d taken.

  It was as if Fate herself had branded the skin in the center of each of the breed marks. A golden symbol appeared in the center of each of the breed marks. Even though each of the shifters’ breed marks and herd marks were different, the mate marks were all the same. The symbol was hard to read at first due to the bright glow of the magical branding. When the light faded away, Olivia could tell what the mark said. There was a cursive letter O, with a number 3 connected to it.

  “What happened? What is it? What does it mean?” asked Olivia.

  “This is the form that horse shifter marks take,” explained Richard. “Each of the marks across the ménage is the same. For horse shifters, the brand you see always appears in the center of the breed mark, which is why herd marks are applied outside the breed mark, so as not to cover the space where the mate mark will appear.

  “Each brand can be read. Reading a brand is usually referred to as ‘calling’ a brand,” said Jason, pointing at parts of Richard’s set of marks, as he couldn’t see his own mark given it was located on his shoulder blade. “You already know how to call the herd and breed specifications based on these rings. Now, to call the mate mark, you look at what the mate mark says. This has what’s called a ‘running’ O and the number three. The letter and number are connected, so you can say it’s ‘O-three’ or ‘O-connected-three.’ Either’s fine.”

  “The ‘O’ stands for ‘Olivia,’” said Jason.

  “The three then…that must stand for the three of you,” said Olivia.

  “That’d be my educated guess,” said Richard. “The same mark did appear on all three of us, so I think it’s safe to say that this is a fated ménage.”

  “Took y’all long enough to realize it,” said Olivia. “Now…are we going to this rodeo or what?”

  Chapter Eleven

  The rodeo was jam-packed by the time that Olivia and the werehorses got there. They were lucky she had a volunteer parking lot pass, or she wouldn’t have been able to get parking. By far, the most popular attra
ction was the petting zoo, which the dude ranch had sponsored again that weekend because it had been an effective marketing campaign for the ranch. The first spot Olivia and the horse shifters hit was the food court, to load up on drinks and fried food, before rushing to the main arena to watch the dressage competition.

  Cayenne came out on her horse. She was wearing the dress Olivia had sewn for her. A Nordic color palette created by Cayenne played a major part in the creation of the dress. There were layers of deep sea blue, fjord grays and whites, and evergreen greens. Shimmering tulle and jewel-encrusted satin shone under the hot Southern sun. The silhouette of the dress formed a giant cupcake-like standard ball gown shape. Of course, Cayenne had to wear riding boots with the ensemble, and those were all Texas. It was fitting, given that Cayenne’s horse, Strand, was a Fjord horse.

  Cayenne’s practice had paid off. She hadn’t had much time to practice, but what time she’d had, she’d used well. There were twenty competitors in the dressage portion of the rodeo. It was a surprising turnout, but Olivia had always managed to be surprised by the extent of Cayenne’s clout. The competition consisted of both a technical and a creative section, starting with technical tests.

  “I could do that, you know,” said Richard, eating a corndog.

  “Do what? Dressage?” asked Olivia.

  “Hell yeah,” said Richard. “I don’t get what people think is so impressive about it. I could run around and do a canter and a trot when I’m told to, but you don’t see me bragging about it.”

  “Wait, you mean, you could be a dressage horse, not a dressage rider?” asked Olivia. “You do realize that being the rider is the hard part…right?”

  “Trust me, if you’d ever seen Richard on a horse, you’d know he could never do dressage,” said Matthew.

  “And what that’s supposed to mean?” asked Richard.

  “It means you ain’t exactly the best rider on the ranch,” said Matthew. “But…you’re still a powerful shifter, and I’m sure you’d be graceful in the ring.”

  “A horse shifter cowboy that isn’t good on a horse? Now I’ve heard everything,” said Olivia. “Don’t worry. We won’t kick you out of our lil’ club.”

  “Aww, now, ain’t that just the sweetest thing?” asked Jason sarcastically. “Barf.”

  “Big words coming from a man who can’t pronounce dressage,” said Richard. “What’d you call it again? ‘Dress age’?”

  “Boys…” warned Olivia.

  “Hey, we’re not fighting over you,” said Jason. “We’re fighting over dressage. Is that banned, too?”

  “I don’t know what I’ll do with you boys,” said Olivia, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

  “Oh, I’m sure we could find some fun activities to do,” said Matthew.

  Soon, it was time for the dance portion. Acoustic guitar and crooning played from speakers. Olivia smiled. Olivia knew that Cayenne had been waffling between two dance routines, one American and one European. It looked like Cayenne had followed her heart and gone with an old country classic, one that was, of course, about a horse. Cayenne performed her dressage routine, nailing every move in her horse’s dance.

  The audience gave her a huge round of applause…albeit a lot of it came from Olivia, her boys, and of course, Cayenne’s sisters and the Scoville brothers, who had come out in full force to support their own. Basil had even hired a videographer and a photographer to record Cayenne’s dressage debut.

  The competition was fierce, but Cayenne managed to snag second place and looked happier having snagged second than she had looked snagging first in anything before. As Olivia watched Cayenne embrace Basil, Olivia smiled. Now, Olivia knew what it was like to have a fairytale romance of her own.

  “What’s next?” asked Olivia.

  “Well, I’ve got to get back to supervising this here rodeo,” said Cayenne. “I heard we’re already halfway toward our fundraising goal. At this rate, the library will be able to afford more than just a renovation. We might be able to afford a state-of-the-art computer lab, which means more staff, which means more jobs for the town. You should explore the rodeo. After all, when you start working the ticket booth next week, you’ll want to know about everything the rodeo has to offer because you know people aren’t going to read the frikkin’ website.”

  “Wait, working the ticket booth next week? I thought I was assigned to work it tonight?” asked Olivia.

  “My grandma wanted to get involved, so I did what I do best: delegate,” said Cayenne. “Now go have some fun! I expect a full report later…and I mean a full report.”

  Olivia did what Cayenne told her to. She explored the rest of the rodeo with her three werehorses, starting with a visit to the petting zoo, where they bought cups full of feed to feed to the docile animals. There were the usual suspects: goats, pigs, sheep, but there were also some big horses that were enjoying having their coats brushed and their manes braided, as well as some other kinds of animals. Olivia had no clue where the dude ranch had managed to track down an iguana shifter and a guinea pig shifter, but every creature small and large seemed to be present. Olivia half-expected to see an emu riding an elephant come ‘round the bend.

  Olivia and the boys loaded up on foods and got some seats in the arena. A live country music act was finishing up, and during the halftime show, other people had gone to get food. By the time the band packed up, the arena was full, as people were excited to watch more equestrian rodeo acts, starting with barrel riding.

  “What’s the deal with this one again?” asked Olivia.

  “You see those four barrels out there?” asked Jason. “The riders are going to try and zip around all four barrels on their horses, in a cloverleaf pattern. The name of this game is speed.”

  “Got it,” said Olivia.

  Olivia watched intently as the riders ran in the cloverleaf pattern. Men and women, boys and girls all participated in the event, but when Olivia saw a familiar rider enter the fray, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

  It was Cayenne, on Strand, in the same dress Olivia had made for her for the dressage event. Cayenne rode out, galloping on Strand, whooping a banshee’s howl into the air, which caused the audience to applause. Strand rode out and nailed the four leaf clover design. Then, Cayenne and Strand rode to the area where the other riders were waiting for the judges to give the group their ratings.

  “Did you see what I just saw?” asked Olivia. “Are pig shifters flying, or did I just see Cayenne nail a rodeo sport?”

  “She’s a firebrand,” said Matthew. “Birds of a feather flock together.”

  Cayenne had been the last competitor. The judges ran the numbers, looked at the cameras to ensure their results were right, and finally, announced their winners. This time, Cayenne took first place. Cayenne rode along the side of the arena, up to Olivia, who sat within the first few front rows of the arena.

  “I told you I was gonna get first,” Cayenne said with a wink, before riding off into the stables.

  “I’ll be. Now, I think we’ve seen everything,” said Matthew.

  “And done everything we can do here,” Richard added. “We watched dressage, hung out at the petting zoo, saw live music, checked out the rodeo, tried nearly every food offered by the local restaurants…that’s pretty much everything.”

  “Well, aren’t you three forgetting the most important thing you have to do today?” asked Olivia.

  “And what would that be?” asked Jason.

  “You know, you three never did end up asking me out,” said Olivia slyly.

  “You didn’t ask us out, either,” teased Richard.

  “Olivia Larson, will you accept the three of us as your boyfriends?” asked Jason.

  “Of course I will,” said Olivia. “Took y’all long enough to ask me, though. Now, what do you say we meet up with Kai and chow down on some more grub?”

  “I’d be quite amenable to that,” said Jason with a tip of his hat.

  Olivia and her trio got up and ceded their sea
ts to a family of four. As Olivia and her mates walked away, she looked back at the seats, now filled by a different family. Family. That is what they were, wasn’t it? It was unorthodox, but in Fallowedirt, Texas, anything could happen, and a family could take many shapes. Sometimes, it was a mom, a dad, and two kids. Other times, it could be a curvy Southern belle and her billionaire polar bear. Olivia had finally found the shape her family was meant to take, and for now, it was the shape of three handsome horse shifters who’d learned to rein in their alpha male instincts, and a curvy seamstress proud to be the source of the change she saw in all their hearts. Through the rest of the rodeo activities, Olivia couldn’t believe her luck. Not only had she helped three shifters find their fated mates, but they’d also helped her find her true loves.


  Three Months Later

  “Are you ready?” Jason asked impatiently. “I don’t have all day, you know.”

  “And what exactly is so important that you’re rushing Olivia over it?” asked Richard.

  “I’ve got anniversary plans with my girlfriend,” said Jason. “What, you don’t think I realized what day it was?”

  “Ha-ha, real funny,” Matthew said sarcastically.

  “Okay, you can open your eyes,” said Olivia.

  The three horse shifters opened their eyes.

  There were three dress forms set up in Olivia’s new seamstress shop. A lot of changes had happened to Fallowedirt over the last three months, ever since the summer fundraising events had ended. The town had raised enough money to give the library a head to toe makeover. There had been enough left over to add on a new computer lab and a few staff positions. They’d even had enough to finally build a brand new special section for parents and kids to use for reading out loud as a family. Olivia had been able to upgrade her studio. While she’d previously been working at home, the influx of business from the girls on the dressage circuit had given her the funds to finally buy a studio of her own where she could display her latest creations for all to see.


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