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Jane Austen's England

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by Roy Adkins,Lesley Adkins

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  Map of England

  Map of Jane Austen territory

  Map of William Holland territory

  Map of James Woodforde territory

  The counties of England and Wales in 1809 (Authors’ collection)

  Map of London, 1797. Printed for William Faden, geographer to the King, Charing Cross, London. From Rose, J. H. 1908 Dumouriez and the Defence of England Against Napoleon (London)

  Map of London, 1797, with Holborn, St Giles and Covent Garden. From Rose, J. H. 1908 Dumouriez and the Defence of England Against Napoleon (London)

  Map of London, 1797, with St Paul’s and Bethlem. From Rose, J. H. 1908 Dumouriez and the Defence of England Against Napoleon (London)



  So-called Zoffany portrait (now attributed to the artist Ozias Humphry) of Jane Austen as a young girl. From Austen-Leigh, W. and Austen-Leigh, R. 1913 Jane Austen: Her Life and Letters. A Family Record (London), frontispiece

  The cottage in Chawton, Hampshire, where Jane Austen lived from 1809 to 1917 (Authors’ collection)

  Parchment indenture of Richard Cureton, apprenticed in 1783 to William Wakelin (or Wakelen), girdler (Authors’ collection)

  A view of London and the River Thames in 1814 from Blackfriars Bridge (Authors’ collection)

  A woman using water from a pump near cottages in Wenlock, Shropshire, in 1815. From
Stevens, F. 1815 Views of the cottages and farm-houses in England and Wales (London)

  Building new terraced houses, with a bricklayer standing on wooden scaffolding while a labourer mixes mortar. From The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts 1818 (new edn) (London)

  A 1794 halfpenny token of John Fowler, a London whale oil merchant (Authors’ collection)

  ‘Afternoon dress’, a fashion plate of 1800 (Authors’ collection)

  A weaver making worsted stockings on a stocking loom. The print, dated January 1805, is from The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts 1818 (new edn) (London)

  A hairdresser cutting and dressing the long hair of a male customer. The print, dated September 1808, is from The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts 1818 (new edn) (London)

  St Peter and St Paul church in Over Stowey, Somerset (Authors’ collection)

  A copper penny token issued at Bath in 1811 (Authors’ collection)

  Reverse of a copper ‘cartwheel’ twopence of George III (Authors’ collection)

  A copper halfpenny of 1791 (obverse and reverse) issued by the copper works of Charles Roe at Macclesfield (Authors’ collection)

  The obverse and reverse of a halfpenny copper token of the industrialist John Wilkinson (Authors’ collection)

  A man viewed from the rear seated at a loom, depicted on a 1791 copper halfpenny token (Authors’ collection)

  A halfpenny token, payable at the warehouse of John Kershaw, a Rochdale mercer and draper (Authors’ collection)

  Advertisements in the Morning Chronicle newspaper for 29 October 1807 (Authors’ collection)

  Joseph Johnson, a crippled black beggar and former merchant seaman. The print, dated December 1815, is from Smith, J. T. 1874 (first published 1817) Vagabondiana; or, Anecdotes of Mendicant Wanderers Through the Streets of London (London)

  A workhouse depicted on a copper penny token issued by the Overseers of the Poor at Sheffield (Authors’ collection)

  A boy selling matches in a London street. The print, dated December 1815, is from Smith, J. T. 1874 (first published 1817) Vagabondiana; or, Anecdotes of Mendicant Wanderers Through the Streets of London (London)


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