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Valentines Heat IV

Page 2

by Anne Lange, Nikki Dee Houston, Arianna Archer

  When she moaned, he peered down to see her hand bouncing away between her legs. Dots of red stained her cheeks. Connor relaxed his hold, pumping his hips in shallow bursts. Fuck. He balls tightened. He tingled all over. He wanted to crawl out of his skin.

  “I’m gonna come, Angela.”

  She added more suction; her cheeks hollowing with the effort. He moved his hips faster, driving his cock closer to the back of her throat.

  “Ah yes, sweetheart, here it comes.” Connor dropped his head back as he drove forward one last time and then stilled, letting each spurt pulse from his body. Angela whimpered as a shudder rolled through her. Finally, she relaxed her jaw, allowing him to pull out of her warm, wet mouth.

  She sagged a bit, but Tyler leaped forward to steady her, while Connor tucked his flaccid cock back into his pants.

  Tyler helped Angela to her feet. “Enjoyed that, did you?” She nodded. “Let me taste.”

  He grabbed the hand she’d used to pleasure herself and brought it to his mouth. His tongue flicked out to swirl around her two fingers before he opened wide and placed them in his mouth. He clamped down and Connor could see his jaw working but his intense gaze held Angela’s. She stumbled, her back connecting with Connor’s chest. He held her tight while his friend enjoyed the benefits of Angela’s orgasm.

  A wicked look entered Tyler’s eyes as he licked her clean and then kissed the tip of each finger before he relinquished her hand. “Very yummy, sweetheart.”

  Angela’s stomach growled, loudly. Connor chuckled.

  “I guess we should feed you something more substantial than Connor’s cock.”

  “I could have yours now.”

  Tyler groaned, but Connor recognized the look in his eyes. Her hunger for food came before their need for sex.

  “Why don’t you go have a bath while Connor and I get dinner on the table?

  She pouted. But when her tummy spoke again, she gave in and sauntered away, after giving each of them a lengthy hot kiss to hold them over until later.

  Connor waited until he heard their bedroom door close before he pulled plates from the cupboard. Tyler grabbed the cutlery.

  “Those circles under her eyes look darker than they were yesterday,” Tyler said.

  “She slept for a solid two hours this afternoon. And almost every day this past week. I know we keep her up a little late most nights, but she shouldn’t be that tired.”

  “Maybe we should take it easy on her for the next few days, see if that helps.” Tyler suggested.

  “I agree. It’s worth a shot. And if nothing changes, we’ll find a way to suggest she go see her doctor. Maybe she’s not getting enough iron or something.”

  At least Connor hoped that’s all it was. He dreaded the thought that it might be something worse.


  Angela closed their bedroom door behind her and slumped against it. She was hungry all the time, tired all the time, and her mood swings were even starting to piss her off.

  She placed a hand over her tummy protectively and smiled. And she’d take every bit of it. Knowing she carried a child made every ache and pain, every quest for sleep or need for additional calories worthwhile. And she couldn’t wait to tell the guys. She’d just been waiting for the right moment. The perfect moment to tell them they were going to be fathers.

  Her mother had been pushing for grandbabies since the day she and Tyler had gotten married almost nine years ago, but Angela was glad they’d waited. They weren’t ready then. Neither of them had wanted to rush into parenthood. Little did she know then that they’d been waiting for Connor. But now that he was part of their lives, they were finally at that point. It was time to expand on their tiny family.

  She just had to find the perfect opportunity to share the news. With Valentine’s Day just one week away, she’d decided to wait until then and surprise them, knowing they’d plan something to surprise her. But this time, she would trump whatever they had organized for her.

  Pushing away from the door, she crossed the room to the master bath and started the water in their giant tub, adding scented bubble bath almost by rote while contemplating just how best to break it to them. Should she just come out with it? Or maybe give them a card? Or perhaps a tiny gift? Excitement coursed through her as an idea popped into her head. She’d buy a pair of baby booties and put one in each of their holiday cards. She couldn’t wait to see their faces.

  She thought back to the day they first acknowledged there was something between the three of them. That day was both one of the worst days and one of the best days in her and Tyler’s marriage. The day Connor announced he loved her, but to protect her reputation and not damage his friendship with Tyler, he’d decided to leave after they’d spent most of the summer discovering the benefits of a ménage relationship.

  And falling in love.

  One of his arguments at the time had been over children. What would happen if she got pregnant? How would they bring a child into a triad relationship? What would their families and friends think? How would that child be treated by his or her peers and their neighbors? He hadn’t wanted to put her or any child through that.

  And she remembered how confused and worried she’d been. Here Tyler had brought his best friend into their home in the hopes of fulfilling some of her fantasies and she’d gone and fallen in love with the guy. She’d thought for certain she’d ruined everything.

  But that was also the same day her husband had confessed to a family secret she’d known nothing about. For years she’d thought Michael was his uncle, only to find out that both Michael and Daniel were his fathers. Apparently her husband and his sister had been raised with three parents, but after being shunned by his grandparents and others, Tyler’s mother and fathers had decided to keep their family dynamics quiet. And they’d become so used to not saying anything, that it had simply become a non-issue to them.

  Until Tyler realized he wanted to give her the same type of loving and special relationship that two men could offer the woman they both adored. Although she couldn’t even articulate the love she felt for her husband, she was also grateful Connor had agreed to Tyler’s plan, because Angela couldn’t envision a future without both of her men in it.

  Since that day, the three of them had talked often about children. And after their first full year together, decided to cease using condoms and let nature take its course when the time was right.

  Apparently the time was right.

  Stripping down, she settled into the warm bathwater, sighing as she leaned back and rested her head against the fleece bath pillow. She closed her eyes, letting the light cinnamon and vanilla fragrance she’d chosen wrap around her, creating a little haven and making her think of fresh baked rolls.

  She’d discovered her pregnancy a few short weeks ago after she’d taken a hot shower and subsequently lost her breakfast quickly thereafter. When the same thing happened again a few days later, coupled with her sudden need for naps, she’d taken stock and realized she’d missed her period. But considering she’d never been regular as a clock, it hadn’t bothered her until the nausea kicked in. Thankfully she’d managed the hide that from the guys. Considering how protective they were, one hint that something might be off and they’d be carting her off to the emergency room, probably thinking the worst.

  When her doctor had confirmed the diagnosis, she’d been over the moon. Counting backwards, she’d probably conceived around Christmas—maybe the night they’d made love under the lights of the Christmas tree—which put her at about eight weeks along. They’d be parents by late September, or early October, just in time for the new holiday season.

  A baby for Christmas. She felt a wide smile bloom.

  But first, she needed to make her big announcement to the guys. Oh, they’d make such wonderful fathers. She wondered which one of them he or she would look like. Regardless of who the biological parent was, the three of them would raise this baby, and any others they had, as a loving unit—one mother, two fat
hers. Theirs may be a unique family, one that not everybody understood, supported or even approved of, but the people who counted most did, making this child extremely lucky.

  The doorknob rattled and twisted, startling her. She jerked and water sloshed around her.

  “Hey, honey?” Tyler’s voice called through the closed bathroom door. “Supper’s just about ready.”

  “OK. I’ll just finish up and be down in a couple of minutes.”

  “No rush.” He paused. “How come the door’s locked?”

  Crap. Her guys noticed every tiny detail, which on some days drove her nuts. Every now and again a woman needed her privacy, and this was one of those times. Although she was anxious to announce her news, she was still getting used to the idea herself. And she wanted to do that on her own before she let the world in, even those closest to her.

  “Um, I probably just locked it by mistake. I’ll be down in about ten minutes, sweetheart.”

  “Take your time, babe. We can keep it warm.”

  She listened to his footsteps recede before she pulled the drain and climbed from the tub. She grabbed a towel to dry off, slowing down as she passed the heavy cotton over her flat stomach.

  Soon she’d start to swell. Already she’d noticed a difference in her breasts. They were heavier, more sensitive. She closed her eyes, envisioning herself holding a child close and nursing it. When she blinked her eyes open and looked at her reflection in the mirror she could almost see it. A tiny baby cuddled in her arms, while Tyler and Connor, one on each side of her, looked over her shoulder.

  The perfect moment.

  * * *

  Tyler tried not to gape at his wife as she shoveled forkful after forkful of food into her mouth. “Angela, honey, there’s more where that came from.”

  She stopped, the next mouthful held mid-air as she glanced between him and Connor, who was also giving her an amused look.

  “Sorry, I’m just hungry.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” He cocked his head and studied her. Something seemed different, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “Are you feeling OK?”

  She nodded, chewing the chicken and potatoes she’d shoved between her lips. She chased it with half a glass of milk. Since when did his wife drink milk with her meals?

  But he did like the mustache. He wanted to lick it off.

  Instead, he pinned her with a look he hoped conveyed his concern. “You’ve been awfully tired lately. Maybe you should see your doctor.”

  “I’m feeling just fine, Tyler. Honest, there’s nothing to worry about.” She took another sip and then looked to both of them. “So what are we doing for Valentine’s? Do you guys have anything special planned?”

  “Maybe it’s a surprise.” Connor lifted his glass of wine, swirling the clear liquid for a moment before he put the glass to his lips for a swallow.

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need a surprise. I’d just like to go out for dinner.” She had a gleam in her eye but avoided making eye contact.

  “That can be arranged,” Connor said.

  “I thought we could go to that new steakhouse you like and then maybe if you’re up to it, we could go The Vault afterward.” Tyler studied his wife. Something was definitely off. But at the moment, her skin had a rosy hue after her bath, and the tips of her wet hair brushed the top of her shoulders, giving her a warm, cozy look. And now that her hunger seemed to have been sated, she’d slowed down on the consumption, marginally. She appeared more alert than earlier, but he still sensed some anxiety in her. Every so often she’d dart a quick glance at one of them, and then she’d get this dreamy look on her face.

  Tyler glanced over to where Connor sat. He also watched their wife with a keen eye. Catching Tyler’s gaze his friend shrugged. He’d picked up on it too, but like Tyler, probably couldn’t figure it out.

  “Everything fine with work?” Maybe if he tried a different tactic.

  She raised her head. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

  “Just curious. If you’re having trouble with a project or something, maybe one of us can help.”

  “Nope. I’m good. But thanks for the offer.” She rose from her chair. “Anybody want some ice cream? I think we have some left from the other night.” Both he and Connor shook their heads. She shrugged. “Suit yourself. It’s all mine then.”

  Connor stood as well, picking up his empty plate and hers. “You go ahead and get yours and I’ll clean up here.

  She smiled. The bright and obvious happiness on her face warmed him and comforted him, but it didn’t ease the disquiet he felt. “So, I’ll make the reservations for Valentine’s, and we’ll head to the club afterwards.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to a night out.” Angela turned and walked into the kitchen.

  He could hear her digging through the freezer, the clanging of a bowl hitting the counter, then a nasty squirting sound. When she returned to the table with a large dish of black cherry ice cream smothered in caramel sauce, he almost choked, but somehow managed to hide his grimace at the god-awful combination. “I thought you hated black cherry.” She preferred chocolate chip, ungarnished.

  She shrugged. “Just in the mood, I guess.”

  The sight of her licking the gooey sauce off the end of her spoon with the tip of her tongue momentarily distracted him. His cock hardened as she licked the cold and sticky sweetness from her lips. Connor re-entered the room and came to a sudden stop. His eyes darted first to her actions, then to her dessert choice—he didn’t hide his expression—and finally across the table to Tyler, who wasn’t quite sure what to say over the fact that his wife of almost ten years was doing something he’d never seen her do before. She’d always chosen chocolate sauce over caramel.

  Intrigued at the change in their wife, Tyler sat back in his chair, and Connor leaned against the wall as they watched Angela consume her dessert.

  “You know, sweetheart.” Connor’s interruption had her raising her eyes to meet his, but she didn’t stop in her quest to finish her treat. “I happen to love caramel. How about Ty and I drizzle it over your body and spend a delicious amount of time licking it off?”

  Oh, now that sounded like a plan. Even though earlier they had agreed to take it easy on her, this was one idea Tyler could certainly get on board with. A little languid and sensual playtime. She could relax and they could do all the work. And judging by the insta-blush on her cheeks and the spark of arousal in her eyes, Angela like the idea as well.

  “I could go for that. But it also means I’d end up all sticky afterwards and then I’d need to take a shower.”

  Connor shrugged the issue off. “No worries. We can help you there too.”

  Tyler instantly pictured the three of them in the shower together. He could shampoo her hair while Connor lathered her up with sweet scented soap. They could coax her into another orgasm and then tuck her into bed.

  Angela quirked an elegant eyebrow at them. “Well, I do owe Tyler a treat. And I think cock and caramel sauce goes together as well. So as long as I get my treat, you can have yours.”

  Not likely. Tonight would be all about her, but they didn’t need to argue that point. She’d be so relaxed when they were done with her, she’d have no need to count sheep. “I’m game, darling. How about Connor and I finish with the clean-up and you head on upstairs and get ready for us?”

  “Ready? I’m there now.” She grinned and stuck her spoon in her mouth, using her tongue to lick every inch, purposely making it slow, driving his need for her through the roof. Over against the wall, Connor growled and Tyler glanced at his friend, to see a decidedly hungry look covering his face.

  Finally, Angela pushed her chair away from the table, leaving her empty dish and spoon, and rose. She slid the chair in and then leaned over the table, providing them with a tantalizing glimpse down her top. She’d gone without a bra after her bath, a fact that Tyler wanted to thank her for during dinner when he had the pleasure of noticing her peaked nipples beneath the cotton and a
lmost sheer fabric. He could already taste them smothered in the sweet, thick sauce.

  She rounded the table and then paused. “Don’t be long.” With a naughty wink she strode from the room. Neither man said a word as they listened to her footsteps up the stairs and down the short hallway to the master bedroom.

  Connor groaned and backed into the wall with a thump.

  Tyler laughed. “Something is definitely going on with our wife, my friend. But I’ll be damned if I can figure out what it is.”

  Connor scrubbed a hand over his face. “Maybe she’s simply working too hard. And she’s probably just got some sort of surprise cooked up for us for Valentine’s.” He moved to grab the remaining items off the table. Tyler picked up the salt and pepper and Angela’s bowl before he joined his friend in the kitchen.

  “Maybe. I can’t wait to see her covered in the caramel, though. Kinda glad now I didn’t go for ice cream when she offered.”

  Connor chuckled. “Well, if we get this mess taken care of, we can go upstairs, find our little vixen spread out on our bed, naked as the day she was born, and have our wicked way with her. I think we should tie her up though. Payback for sassing us, and it will force her to enjoy and not participate. After a couple of good orgasms, she should be tired enough to drift right into sleep.”

  “I like where your mind is headed. How about I load the dishwasher while you put away the leftovers and wipe down the table?”

  About twenty minutes later, they’d completed their tasks, even washed up the few things that couldn’t fit in the dishwater. Then Tyler grabbed the caramel sauce, some water bottles, and turned out the lights. He locked up for the night, not planning to venture back downstairs once they got started on their dessert.

  Connor was a few steps behind Tyler as he crossed the threshold into their bedroom and came to a quick halt. His friend slammed into his back, pushing him forward, but Tyler held his ground and raised his hand to warn Connor.

  “What the—?”

  Tyler shushed him.


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