Tiger Born

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Tiger Born Page 4

by Deloris Nash

  Dane pushed the door open without knocking. The Alpha clenched the towel wrapped around his hips as steam flowed from the open door of the bathroom. “What the hell is your problem?”

  Dane’s nostrils flared as he snarled at him. “My problem”—he drew in a breath, his tone carefully controlled— “is those damn council enforcers. The two men I sent to bring Bella back were left unconscious on our border.”

  Braydon’s brow wrinkled as he walked over to the dresser. He opened a couple of drawers before he spoke. “The council sent a message to turn Lucas over to them. Fucking Seth! We had a good thing. He wanted that little lioness whore.” He jerked his hand through his hair as he turned toward his enforcer. Dane’s arms crossed over his chest as Braydon kept talking. “We need Bella back. She is worth too much.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he paced to the door and back to the bed several times.

  Dane scowled, but Braydon ignored him as he continued to pace, mumbling under his breath. “We need to grab Bella and get out.” He stood in front of the enforcer, hands on his hips. “Get the soldiers loyal to us. Contact our man in the pride. We need to know where they are keeping her. We take her and head to the underground. I can stall the Council for a day at the most.” He looked over at his enforcer again and snarled. “We don’t need another failure. Understood?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Julien walked with Killian to his cottage when they left the pride house. When they reached the steps, Killian stopped and turned to the other enforcer.

  “Now why are you really here?” He leaned against the rail that lined the porch as he waited for the Julien to start talking.

  “A couple of months ago, the body of a female hybrid was found.”

  He ran a hand through his hair as he continued. Killian opened his senses and was staggered by all the emotions emitted from Julien. Grief was the most prevalent.

  “There were signs that she was held prisoner and had given birth. She was no more than a kid.”

  Killian did not need his senses to know what his friend was feeling now.

  Julien’s claws were out, and fur had erupted along his arms. “She was nineteen, just a baby herself.” He walked over and leaned against the rail next to Killian. He gave a heavy sigh and shook his head. His claws started to retract as the fur gradually disappeared from his arms. His head lowered for a moment. When he raised his head, his face was expressionless as he began to speak. “Four more were found after the first in the same general area. Every one of them showed signs of being held, and everyone except the last one found had given birth within weeks of dying.”

  “The Council sent you to find out what happened?”

  “Yeah, they were all different breeds of shifters. Cougar, leopard, lion, cheetah, and the last one was a wolf.

  Killian’s brow arched after the last breed was named, but he said nothing, letting his friend talk.

  “The only thing in common was they were half human.”

  Killian turned to the other enforcer “Are you certain?”

  “Yeah, the bodies were all sent to our lab. Doc confirmed they were all half human.”

  “What about Daniel and Nathan?”

  “They contacted the Wolf Council and learned two of their females went missing about a month ago. They sent an elder from the pack to see if they could identify the female. He recognized her as one of the two that was missing. I am heading to their territory and will meet with one of their trackers to try to trace the other one.”

  “You said they were found in the same general area of each other.”

  Julien turned his gaze toward the mountains. He put his hands in his jean pockets before he spoke. “Nathan sent Eli out to check the area.”

  Killian just nodded. Eli, a Cheetah shifter, had become a Society Sentinel two years after him. The same time Julien became one. He kept silent, waiting for Julien to come back from where his mind had taken him. He knew some things of his friend’s past. He was just as private about his life before the Council as Killian was. He knew he had lost an older sister when he was still in his teens, but he did not know about the circumstances surrounding her death.

  Killian felt when Julien released from the memory that had overtaken him. He pushed his shoulders back, took his hands out of his pockets, and turned toward him. “I will be heading out in a couple of days. Nathan wanted me to stop over and lend a hand if you needed one.”

  He gave a slight snort. “I swear he is worse than a mother hen worried about her chicks.”

  Julien smirked at the comment. “He is that and so much more. I thought only the females got irrational during a pregnancy.” He heard a chuckle and saw a cheesy grin on Killian’s face before Killian stood and started up the steps.

  He turned around on the last stair to speak. “Come on in. You can meet my mate.”

  He saw Julien take a step back, his mouth slack.

  “Close your mouth before you catch a fly in your teeth.”

  Julien’s mouth snapped shut. He cleared his throat a couple of times before he was able to say anything. “Hell, when did this happen? Who is she? Daniel and Nathan didn’t say a word to me.”

  Killian held up a hand for him to stop. “Bella, the female I found in the woods. I realized she was my true mate after I spoke to them. I was waiting to tell them after we got her brother.”

  He stood on the porch, waiting for Julien to join him. Julien gave him a manly hug, clapping him on the back. “I’m happy for you, brother.” Killian felt that he was sincere with his congratulations.

  “Thank you.”

  He opened the door to see Tia coming down the stairs with a tray. Massi walked from the sitting room to greet them.

  “Massi, Tia, I want you to meet Julien. He will be here for a couple of days.” Everyone said their hellos in greeting. Killian turned to Massi. “Is there a room available at Pride House for him?” It was good Julien would be here to help for a couple of days, but he wanted to be alone with Bella.

  “I’ll phone and see. If not…” Massi shrugged. “I’m sure someone from the Pride has an empty room.”

  “Thanks,” Killian said before he turned to look at Tia. “How is she doing, Tia?”

  “I took her a tray after you left now. She is resting again.” Tia gave him the you better not disturb her look before she walked into the kitchen with the tray.

  A slight growl emitted from him as he stared at her. He could hear her humming as she tidied up the kitchen. He heard snorting from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see Julien with a bemused smile on his face. Massi came back before he could say anything to his friend.

  “There’s room at Pride House for you,” Massi said to Julien just as Tia came back from the kitchen. She moved to Massi’s side and put an arm around his waist, her cheek rubbing against his shoulder.

  Killian answered before Julien could. “Thanks, I’ll take him over later. You and Tia can leave I will be here with her,” Killian said as he crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes narrowed, looking at Tia.

  She gave him a benign smile as her head rested against Massi’s shoulder.

  He turned away shaking his head as he motioned to Julien to follow him into the sitting room. Before he sat down, he heard the front door open and then close.

  Killian leaned his elbows on his legs and looked directly into Julien’s eyes as he began to talk. “So, tell me what else Doc found out about the females’ deaths.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He glanced at the number for the incoming call. “Damn!” He thought he would not hear from that asshole again.


  “Where are they keeping the tigress?” He heard the growl in the speaker’s voice.

  “Screw you, you bastard. I’m done.”

  “You’re only done when I say you are.”

  “Fuck that. I gave you the info on the Alpha. I’m out.”

  “Listen, I don’t have time to fuck around with you. I want to know where she is. Or hav
e you forgotten about the pictures or knife? You gave up your Alpha. Why not the female?”

  The silence lasted until he spoke again.

  “They found the body. All it takes is one call.” He heard the curse from the other end. “Now where is the female?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Killian made it up the stairs in a couple of leaps. He was in a hurry to see Bella after his conversation with Julien. He took the other sentinel back to the Pride House to get settle in for the night. Some of the pride were having dinner. They made the offer for both to join them, but he declined. He wanted to get back to his mate. He slipped in the half-open door. His gaze ran over the small figure sleeping in the bed.

  Closing the door behind him, his gaze never leaving her, he rested against the entrance, just drinking in the sight of his mate in his bed. The urge to be inside her, to claim her as his own clawed at him. He pushed away from the door and crossed the room to sit on the side of the bed. He leaned over and gently brushed a lock of sable hair from her forehead. The tips of his fingers moved down to caress her cheek.

  He pulled his fingers away from her and sighed. He needed a shower. He removed his boots and socks. He stood barefoot on the carpet. Killian walked over to the dresser and removed a tank top and some cotton shorts. He went into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Killian stripped and stepped on the cool tile floor as he turned on the water. The steam from the shower filled the room as the water beat over his head. He closed his eyes to let the heat soak into his skin. His mind wandered back to the conversation he had with Julien.

  “What else did Doc find about the females?”

  “She found some strange compound in their blood.”


  “It was something she had never seen before, so she sent it to one of the shifter labs to be analyzed.”

  Killian raised his chin and put his face under the spray, his thoughts dark as he scrubbed it with his hands. Julien would find the people responsible for kidnapping young female shifters and getting them pregnant and then killing them. He turned to tip his head back so the water would soak his hair. He grabbed the shampoo, poured some in his hand, and washed his hair.

  As he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, his mind wandered to the female asleep in his bed. Images of her filtered through him. Her soft midnight curls flowing over the pillow, earthy green eyes with flecks of gray like chips of metal. The top of her lips with a natural Cupid’s bow, the bottom one slightly plusher than the top. His hand went to rub his cock as he imagined her lips wrapped around it. Killian swallowed a moan as he stroked his shaft faster. He kept his lips sealed tight as to not make a sound as he came. He slumped against the tile wall after his release. After a few deep breaths, he grabbed the soap to wash the rest of his body.

  He turned the water off as the last of the suds went down the drain. Killian took the large towel hanging on the rack and dried off before he left the shower. He put on the tank and shorts he brought into the bathroom with him. He usually slept in the nude, but he did not want Bella to wake up to find him naked in bed with her. The steam from the shower billowed out the door as it opened. His gaze instantly centered on the female in his bed. He would just hold her through the night, he thought as he stared at his mate.

  A battle waged inside him as he walked to the other side of the bed, his eyes still on her. He wanted to do more than just hold her. Killian knew she was still sore from the attack on her. Most of the bruises were faded and her body was healing. He pulled her close to his chest, his front to her back in a spoon fashion. His hand was gentle as it moved over the riot of sable curls. He stopped caressing her hair as she started to shift in her sleep. Killian was on his back, her head now lying on his shoulder.

  He heard her inhale deep as she snuggled closer into him. The aroma of her body engorged his cock, and his beasts raged at him to take her. It took a few minutes to control the animal urges rampaging through his body. He needed to think about her and her needs, not his. His beasts calmed down after a fashion. He reminded them that she was hurt and needed to heal. Now only if he could calm his cock the way he calmed his cats. Sleep was going to be a bitch.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bella stirred and snuggled closer into the cocoon of warmth. The steady beat of noise had woken her. She stiffened before she realized the sound was that of a heartbeat.


  She knew it was him.

  Her head lay in the arc between his shoulder and chest. She rubbed her nose against the smooth soft surface of his chest. She raised her head to look into his eyes. The arms around her tightened and then relaxed. His hands moved from her waist to briefly caress her cheek and then went to her hair. He stroked the loose curls away from her forehead, leaned in closer, and placed a tender kiss there. A soft growl emanated from his throat before he pulled away.

  Her eyes closed as she inhaled a breath and the wild masculine scent filled her lungs. Killian eased her head from his shoulder onto the pillow. She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her. His head rested against his hand. His other hand came to lay against her cheek, his thumb gently caressing it.

  “How do you feel?” Killian asked.

  “I’m feeling much better. Some places are still sore but much better than before.”

  He leaned over her. Ordinarily, being this vulnerable would have had her body trembling. But Killian made her feel safe. It seemed like forever since she felt safe enough to be this open with someone. Her hand went to his cheek, and a tingle of sensation ran through her from the feel of the soft stubble of hair on his face. Bella was not the only one affected by the touch. She felt him shiver. Killian removed her hand from his cheeks and kissed the tips of her fingers. He breathed deep.

  “There are things we need to talk about.”

  Her gaze met his, and he grinned. Her body felt like a wet noodle from his smile. She had to swallow several times. Her body trembled under his. No man had ever devastated her with the need to have to consume him.

  Her body swelled with sensations unfamiliar to her, and her stomach fluttered as if it were filled with butterflies. She devoured him with her gaze, watched his eyes blaze with heat, and heard his breath grow shallow. He leaned forward, his lips inches from hers.

  He pressed his tongue against her lips. She inhaled, her lips parted. Killian took advantage and thrust his tongue out, invading her mouth with hot, bold strokes. His taste intoxicated her, flooded her senses, and drove the desire she had for him higher. He took the kiss deeper, consuming her.

  She moaned, moving her hands into his hair.

  She flinched when his hand tightened around her waist.

  He pulled back and slowed the kiss until it was soft and lush. Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers and took a harsh breath.

  Bella’s body vibrated with heat. The feel of his lips against hers had sent shivers chasing up her spine. She had never been kissed like that before, had never experienced the flood of intense desire that overwhelmed her. The heat of his body enfolded her, the warmth wrapping around her like a cloud of comfort. Untangling her hands from his hair and placing one on his chest, she breathed in raggedly. She stared at him, her voice husky as she spoke to him. “What do we need to talk about?”

  Killian reclined against the headboard, taking her with him to rest on his chest. He entangled his hands in her hair before he spoke. “I did not get the chance to tell you before. I notified the Council that I found and that you are my mate.” She just nodded. “I told them about the Alpha of your streak. I know he is your uncle. Adam told me.” She stiffened unintentionally at the mention of her uncle, but she did not say anything. “I know about your brother, and I know the only reason you stay with your streak is because of him.”

  Bella tried to raise her upper body from his chest to look into his eyes, but he held her firmly against him, his hand tightening in her hair but not enough to cause her pain. “I spoke to the Council, and they agree with me a
nd ordered your Alpha to bring him here to you. He will stay here with you.”

  Killian did not try to stop her again when she moved to look at him. “Why would the Council do that for me? Order him to give my brother to me? I am just a hybrid, and he is the Alpha.”

  His eyebrows rose at her question. “I told them how I found you, and Adam confirmed that this was not the first time he has done that to you. Or other hybrids in your streak.” He looked directly into her eyes as he spoke.

  “You are a shifter, and no Alpha should mistreat the ones they are supposed to protect. Whether or not they are full blood or hybrid.” Her eyes widened at the statement he made.

  “Julien, another Council sentinel, is here, but he will be leaving soon. So the Council will be sending others to escort your Alpha back to society headquarters to answer for the charges against him.”

  Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She lowered her head, and her forehead touched his chest. She could not believe the Council would take the word of any hybrid in her streak over the Alpha.

  He cupped her chin and lifted it, looking into her eyes. “An Alpha’s number one job is to protect those in his care. He has misused his positions and will pay the price for exploiting his duty,” he stated as he lowered his head to kiss her gently on the lips. His lips touched hers for the barest of seconds before he rested his forehead against hers, expelling a deep sigh before he started talking again.

  “I am a Council Sentinel. It is my duty to protect. Just as it is the Alpha’s duty to protect.” Killian leaned back to lay his head against the headboard.

  “My father was Alpha before he died. My uncle took his place until my brother is old enough to assume the responsibility. In our streak, the mantle of Alpha is passed down to the firstborn son of the Alpha.”

  “That is true in my streak too. But either a male or female could hold the position of Alpha. My aunt is Alpha of my streak.”


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