Tiger Born

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Tiger Born Page 5

by Deloris Nash


  “Yes, really. My father is the Beta and the top enforcer. He protects the Alpha and the streak against anyone who means harm them.”

  “What about your mother? Is she still alive?”

  “Yes, she is the healer of our streak. She left her pride to mate with my dad.”

  “Pride? Your mother is a lioness?”


  “So, you’re…”

  “Yes, I’m a hybrid just like you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Did you find out where she is?

  Dane’s brow lifted at the question. He strolled over to sit in one of the overstuffed chairs before he answered.

  “Yes, he gave up her location.”

  Dane leaned back with a smirk on his face. Braydon was becoming a problem for him. He was too impulsive, threatening to cut him out of the profits they made by selling the female hybrids to the human doctors. He had put up with him so far—the money was just too good to eliminate him since he was the one in contact with their buyers. But now since they were packing it in and leaving the streak, he had no reason to keep him around.

  He and the rest of his shifters could just get the female and take her to the buyers. Braydon would tell him where the humans are after he experienced Dane’s special brand of torture. The Alpha was the only one who knew where the drop-off place was. But Dane and the rest of his shifters were the ones who took all the risks, kidnapping the female hybrids. Braydon had the easy part taking them to the humans. But he could just take Bella for himself.

  She was a pretty piece even though she was not a full-blood shifter. Her mother was the same. Human females, like the female hybrids, were meant to be used for sex, nothing more.

  “Well, when are going after her? I can only stall the Council for so long. There are sentinels with the Pride, and you can bet they know I am to deliver the kid to them.” Braydon stomped over to the bar and poured more alcohol into his glass. He took a huge gulp.

  At his comment, he came back to the present. Dane’s lips curled in disgust when he focused on his supposed Alpha. That foul-tasting drink was for the weak humans. He slowly rose from the chair and starting walking to the door. Braydon was pathetic, just like the humans, and he would soon be rid of him.

  With him out of the way, he could set up another compound with his men in another country. The money was enough with Braydon’s share to last them for a while.

  “Well, when?” Braydon screamed to his back.

  “Tonight.” Dane’s growl was loud as he continued out of the without looking back at him. He heard glass shatter against the closed door as he walked out of the Alpha’s cottage. Yes, he would grab Bella and head out of the country. A grin appeared on his face as he walked to the cabin where his men waited for him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bella bolted up from the bed. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she glanced around the room. Her hands went to her forehead to wipe away to wetness she felt there. The bright rays of the sun streamed through the slats of the window. She felt a gentle rubbing on her back. Taking a deep breath, she looked over her shoulder at Killian.

  He did not ask her what was wrong, just ran a soothing hand along her arms and back. It took several minutes for her heart to calm. Bella ran a shaky hand through hair before she went back into Killian’s waiting arms.

  His head propped on the palm of his hand as he stared down at her. He brushed her damp hair back away from her wet cheek. “Hi,” he murmured.

  “Hi,” she managed, not able to meet his eyes.

  His other hand went behind her head to tugged her in closer for a kiss. “Are you okay? Want to talk about it?” he asked.

  She snuggled farther into his arms, shaking her head no. He stroked her head as he held her close to him, placing barely there kisses over her face.

  She twisted in his embrace to face him. “It was about my parents. Well, my father and stepmother. There were complications when my mother went into labor. They could not stop the bleeding after I was born, and she died.” Her voice trailed off to barely a whisper. A sheen of tears covered her eyes. Bella’s voice came out as a choked whimper. “It’s painful for me to remember them.”

  Killian reached for her hand, interlacing her fingers with his and pressing a soft kiss onto her brow. He pulled her in closer to his body. He felt her body tremble in his arms. The sensation of Bella so close bombarded him, and his body reacted in typical male fashion. His pulse raced, and blood pumped into his cock. He felt her intake of breath when his erection dug into the side of her hip. He stared into her eyes, his mouth aligned with hers, and his tongue skimmed over her mouth.

  She stared back at him, the gray flecks in her eyes deepening as he licked at her lips again. Killian’s hands delved into her hair to hold her in place as he explored her lips. Bella’s mouth opened enough for him to plunge his tongue inside. He watched her lashes drift lower, watched her eyes darken. The sweet smell of orange blossoms drifted through him.

  She tastes like honey, he thought.

  He ended the kiss slowly and looked at her. Bella’s face was flushed with a slight blush to her cheeks. Killian’s gaze traveled to the camisole. The lace lay over her swelled breasts. They were firm, plump little globes with hard, pointed nipples.

  His eyes narrowed on the obvious signs of her arousal, and his cock stretched beneath the sweatpants her wore. “Your nipples are hard,” he snarled as he tried to control the flame of heat flowing through his body. But her tight little buds were just below his fingertips, more tempting than he could have imagined.

  The stretchy neckline gave effortlessly to his fingers as they smoothed over the hard curves. They were flushed, too, the dark dusty nipples hard as the fabric rasped over them. The elastic hooked beneath the firm mounds and lifted them higher. Killian’s fingers traced a path around one nipple before his thumb and forefinger gripped the material and tugged firmly. Bella’s chest pushed out toward his fingers as a sexual tremor went through her.

  His body was hot, and he shook as he heard her moans. The lust had mounted fast and hard. He felt out of control. He lowered his head, mouth opening as he covered a quivering peak, drew it in, and sucked it into his mouth as he leaned over her. His tongue curled around it as she lifted closer and pushed her nipple tight and hard against his tongue.

  Bella squirmed beneath the molten heat of his mouth. He might be a stranger to her human half but not to her tiger half. She screamed when his teeth seized the hard tip, nipping and tugging it. His lips, teeth, and tongue worked her nipple until he heard her panting for breath.

  “Goddess, you taste good,” he murmured before he drew the nipple in deep and hard, sucking her into his mouth.

  She twisted under him. Her hips rose as he leaned over her. Whimpered howls emitted from her as he started to play with the other nipple.

  “You like that?” He raised his head, his eyes narrowed on her as his fingers twisted the tortured nipple.

  “What do you want, baby?” he whispered then, a wicked sexuality suffusing his expression, giving him a dangerous, dark look.

  The burn went from her nipple to her womb. It was hard to catch her breath as the endless ripples of arousal coursed through her lower body.

  He pulled at her nipples again, and her gaze glazed over as she fought for breath. A flaming rush of sensation invaded her body.

  She arched to him, gasping as his fingers tugged at her nipples again. She wanted his mouth there again. He lowered his again. His mouth was hot, his tongue an instrument of torture as it rasped and lashed at the peaked flesh and sent her senses careening with pleasure.

  Then his teeth nipped at it, sending fiery shards of painful pleasure exploding into her womb. His lips covered hers again, his tongue forging into her mouth. She entangled her tongue with his. He gripped her head to hold her to him.

  His hand moved from her head, flattening on her waist before smoothing to her thigh, her lips parting as she gasped for air, as his f
ingers grazed the crotch of her panties. His tongue pumped into her mouth as he got rid of them. When his hand returned, she stilled, and his palm cupped her pussy. Killian raised his head slowly, his eyes narrowed on her, watching her carefully as he moved lower on the bed, as his gaze went between her thighs. His fingers parted the saturated folds, which sent tingles of electricity flowing over her nerve endings. She shuddered as she felt his breath send a cooling caress over the sensitive tissue.

  His fingers running through her slit tore a cry from her lips. “I’m going to eat you up, baby.”

  Killian’s tongue followed the path of his fingers. Slowly, he worked the snug little valley, gathering the juices that pooled there as she bucked at his lips. His hands held her hips tight as he licked through folds that had never known a man’s touch.

  He moaned into her pussy, licked and sucked the folds of skin, and then his tongue moved higher, rasping over her burning clit.

  “Yes,” she whispered deliriously. “Oh yes, please, please…”

  He growled as his tongue circled the tight little bud, swamping her with a pleasure.

  “Like that?” he whispered, his breath blowing over the straining mass of nerves.


  “You taste sweet,” he growled. “Like honey, smooth and sweet on my tongue.”

  She whimpered, her head twisting on the bed.

  “Do you want to come, baby? Your little clit is hard and swollen. Do you want me to make it feel better?”

  “Yes,” she cried.

  His fingers slid through her juices, stroking over the entrance before circling the hole of her rear. She jerked at the caress but lay still, trembling as he did it again and then again. He gathered more of her juices and repeated the movement, repeatedly as his tongue licked at her enflamed pussy, until she screamed with the building pressure when his finger slid deep inside her burning rear.

  His lips clamped on her clit then, his tongue rasping as he sucked it into his mouth. His finger moved inside her, sending those much-needed hungry flames blazing through her body.

  Another finger joined the first then, working into her, stretching her, burning her as his mouth suckled her. Fire was streaking through her ass, her with the pleasure and the pain as she exploded.

  His cock was ready to explode. He did not remember removing his tee as he struggled out of the sweatpants.

  “Yes. Oh yes…” She was panting, sweat glistening on her body as her legs spread wider.

  Her clit was fully distended, peeking past the swollen lips gleaming with her cream.

  Goddess, the things he could do to her, the ways he could take her. He would have to hold back with her take it slow. He moved closer.

  “I will try to not be rough,” he promised her. “Are you sure?”

  Bella shook beneath the hard stare. Her eyes went to his straining cock.

  “I want it,” she whispered, her juices flooding her pussy at the thought of it.

  He came over her slowly, his big body dwarfing hers. His cock nudged at her. It was thick and wide.

  “Hold on to me,” he hissed.

  Her hands gripped his shoulders as she felt his cock press deeper. Oh Goddess, he was starting to fill her. She writhed beneath him as he leaned back. He held her hips up, his hands lifting her to him as he forged in farther. He was stretching her, pushing apart muscle and tissue that had never known another’s touch but her own.

  “You’re so tight.” His voice was a rough, inhuman growl. “Try to relax for me.”

  He threw his head back, obviously fighting for control.

  “Killian, please,” she cried.

  He came over her, holding her in place a second before he thrust inside her, hard and heavy. Her liquids were overflowing, slick, helping the penetration as he separated the lips of her unused pussy,

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as his lips moved at her neck, whispering assurances as he began to move. Fire burned through her, driving her higher as the pleasure and the pain combined.

  He pumped into her, hard deep thrusts, and she cried out his name as she felt each hard plunge stretching her. He filled her with deep long strokes—it stole her breath and drove her closer, closer to the edge.

  “Killian…” She screamed his name again.

  She felt herself stretching, hot pulses erupting in her core as sharp teeth locked on her shoulder, piercing the flesh. Bella’s head went back as a cry escaped her lips as pleasure tore through her. The fierce climax spread through her body.

  Killian released her from his teeth. Intense heat rippled through her as he came inside her. His semen soaked her, and his hips slowed down to quick, brief jolts, his cock buried deep inside her. Her muscles clamped down on his shaft as another climax hit. She put her head against his chest to muffle the scream.

  Killian’s head fell forward, his weight pushing her flat against the mattress. She had bitten his chest. She licked her tongue over it to soothe the hurt. He panted, his lips against the curve of her neck, breath hot against her skin. Bella eased her grip and loosened her legs that were still wrapped tightly around his hips, as her body began to relax.

  Killian hadn’t moved off her and seemed satisfied to keep their bodies linked as he held her under him. She could breathe, but his weight was enough to keep her where he wanted her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lips brushed her skin from neck to shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”

  A smile curved her lips, and she moved her head to give him better access. “No. That was amazing.”

  His body tensed and then relaxed as she spoke. “It was.”

  Her hands roamed down his back. She loved the feel of his smooth, firm muscles there. Bella’s hands continued to wander down to the curve of his butt, before they returned to his silky hair.

  “That feels good.”

  “I really like touching you.”

  “You can do it as much as you like.” He shrugged. “Anywhere you like.” He shifted so he could look down at her. She released him and peered into his eyes. One of his hands brushed the flyaway curls off the side of her face. “Your eyes are a shade of green that remind me of a spring meadow. Your curls entangle my fingers, not wanting to let them go. Your lips are soft and swollen from my kisses. You are so beautiful.”

  Her head lowered as a flush spread across her cheeks at his comment. Killian slid his fingers under her chin, to look into her eyes again. A hesitant smile was on her lips.

  “You’re like a living sculpture of David, the perfect man.” Her voice was soft, above a whisper as she spoke.

  He grinned. “Did I hurt you? You’re small, and I was not as gentle as I should have been.”

  She shook her head. “No. It pinched at first, just for a moment. Then I felt nothing put pleasure.” The blush on her cheeks deepened. “Did I hurt you? Your chest? I bit you a little.” She glanced down and saw her teeth marks on his skin, and she winced. “I’m sorry.”

  He grinned. “It felt good. It heightened my pleasure. Shifters love their mates biting them, marking them as their own. I was afraid I hurt you when I marked your shoulder too rough. You make me lose my control.”

  She shook her head.

  He grinned. “You completely drained me.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I shot so much inside you. I almost passed out. I was afraid I would crush you.”

  “No female ever made you do that?” She tilted her head to the side.

  He frowned. “No, only with you, my mate,” he whispered as he eased his still-swollen cock from her grasping heat and turned her to her side, pulling her protectively against his chest. “You are my life.”

  Love, rage, lust, frustration remorse all of those emotions, some of which he kept tight control over, bubbled to the surface. His mate made him feel them all. Goddess help anyone who hurt or try to take her away from him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Breakfast is being served,” Killian’s voice sang out from the kitchen.

  “Breakfast.” Bella looked out of the living room windows to the fading sun. “Don’t you mean dinner?” She chuckled as a shirtless Killian strolled into the room with two plates of delicious-smelling food.

  “No. I mean breakfast since it is our first meal of the day.” He placed a plate in front of her on the center table by the couch, paused, and gave her a kiss. He sat beside her and set his plate next to hers.

  Killian was right—this was the first meal they would eat today. They had spent most of the day in bed talking and making love. Killian had told her about his life in his streak. He had risen from the bed, pacing when he started to tell her about his gift to sense the emotion of others. His movements as he walked around the bedroom were jerky, not the smooth self-confident strides he usually had. It humbled her that he entrusted his most personal secret to her. He told her only certain members of the Council Sentinels knew of his gift.

  She told him of her life after her parents died. She did not spend too much time over the way her uncle treated her and the other hybrids in the streak when he became Alpha. She was the only one who was half human. Most hybrids shifted into the most dominant shifter species at the time of conception. Her parents could not understand why she could not shift into a tiger. Her father was by far more dominant than her mother, but she was not able to shift. Her tiger was latent. She could feel her inside, the wildness and the desire to run free, but she had never emerged. That more than anything was the cause for her uncle’s contempt for her.

  Bella did not want to spoil the intimate atmosphere they were entwined in. She knew he became angry when she started to talk about the Alpha. So she quickly went over the change in the streak with as much detachment that she could. Killian held her close when she spoke of her little brother. She loved him so much. Bella considered him as the only family she had. He was the reason why she stayed with the streak. Most of the other hybrids had left after the way the Alpha treated them. The ones that stayed were either too old or too young and still under their family rule to leave. A couple of the young females had disappeared. The speculation was that they had run away.


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