Tiger Born

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Tiger Born Page 7

by Deloris Nash

  Calm, now is not the time. We need to be careful with her. He tried to reason with them. We will take care of them, just not now. We need to know why they came here. It took several minutes for them to calm down, enough for him to take total control of them.

  Her head went to rest against his chest. Killian put his arms around her and under her knees to pick her up and carry her to the bed. He sat on the bed with her in his lap and pulled her closer. Killian didn’t know how long he sat there holding her. He heard a slight noise, twisted his head, and noticed Julien standing by the door, not coming inside.

  He gave him a nod as Julien turned and went back down the stairs. “I have to go,” he told her as he lowered her to the bed. He tucked her in, his hand went to stroke her hair. “Sleep, I will be back soon.”

  Her eyes were already closed as he heard her hhhmmm. She was already asleep by the time he straightened to stand, looking down at her. He went to the bathroom to clean the blood from his body. When he was finished, he walked over to the bed to make sure she was soundly sleeping. Satisfied she would be out for a couple hours, he walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He took a deep breath as his head relaxed against the door for a moment. He thought she needed more rest after the night and day they had in the bed and on the couch. Bella was still slightly weak from the beating and running through the woods to escape from her uncle. The males in her streak coming after her added to the stress she was under. His hands clenched into a fist as he shoved away from the door and walked toward the stairs. He would make them pay with their lives.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Julien was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. Some of the Pride were still cleaning downstairs to remove the signs of what had taken place there. He looked at his friend and realized he had been with Bella longer than what he thought. Julien had taken a shower to remove the dirt and blood from his hair and body. He even had his boots on his feet.

  “Kade was the one who told them what cottage she was in,” Julien said as they moved through the cottage and through the back door to stand on the back porch.

  “Why did he betray us and his Pride?”

  “He confessed to Adam before he died. Dane had some pictures of him naked in bed with a dead underage female shifter. The knife used to kill her in his hands. He blackmailed him with them.” Julien gestured toward Dane.

  Julien grasped his arm before Killian went down the steps. “They drugged him and made him believe he killed her.”

  “Who killed him?”

  He pointed to the body of the dead tiger with his throat torn out. The Pride had lined up the bodies of males in a haphazard row.

  “He fought with us, not against. The tiger attacked him from the back. He did not have time to shift.”

  The tiger shifters who were still alive had their hands tied behind their backs. The enforcers from the Pride surrounded them. The one with the scar Killian had fought in the house was there.

  “Where are the two from the house?” he asked Adam. He moved his head to the back of the truck. They hadn’t removed Kade’s body yet. Eric knelt beside the body. They have covered him with a sheet, only his face showing. Killian went over to stand by the tracker. He bent on one knee and put his hand on Eric’s shoulder.

  “He was a traitor to the Pride, but he was my friend.” His voice was low and uneven as he spoke. Killian stayed by his side for a couple of minutes to ease some of the sorrow he felt coming from Eric. After a few minutes, he patted Eric on the back, rose, and walked over to the shifters and stood in front of Dane.

  “Why did you come after her?” he growled at him, his fist clenched tight at his sides. He waited for him to speak but only for a minute before he grabbed his hair. Killian dragged him up. “Why did you attack us?” he snarled. His hands had shifted to claws, teeth elongated. “Talk now before I rip your throat out like your friend,” he threatened menacingly.

  “Her uncle wanted her back.”

  “Why?” he asked, his claws moved from his shirt to his throat and squeezed.

  Why would he risk coming after her when the Council ordered him to bring her brother to her? he thought as he clasped Dane’s neck tighter.

  Julien put a hand on his shoulder. Killian spun his head and snarled.

  “Don’t kill him.” That was all Julien said and then removed his hand from him.

  Killian growled as he turned back to the male and released him. Dane fell to his knees coughing, his hands moving to his throat.

  “Why?” he snarled again looming over the tiger male.

  “To see…” He coughed again, trying to speak. “To sell her to the humans.”

  He bent and grabbed Dane by the throat again. “Sell her?” His voice was low and hard as he repeated his words.

  Both of Dane’s hands tried to loosen the hand around his throat as he nodded, not able to speak. Julien and Adam both came beside him and tried to pull Killian away from the shifter. “Let him go!” Adam yelled at him as he struggled to make Killian release Dane. “Come on, Kil, we need him alive.”

  His hand suddenly released Dane’s throat, and it took both to pull him away from the fallen tiger.

  He struggled against them. “Enough!” Julien yelled at him.

  Killian settled down. Still, his breath came out ragged and uneven as he just stared down at Dane. They did not release him, each held one of his arms. Julien nodded an okay to Adam. The Beta released him just as Julien came to stand in front of him and grasped his shoulders.

  “Go back to your mate. I’ll find out why they attacked and why they were selling her to the humans.” Julien squeezed his shoulders before he let him go.

  Killian stood there and took several deep breaths, waiting for his hands and teeth to shift back to normal. He relaxed his hands against his side. There was another growl from him before he turned and walked into the house.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Julien waited until the door closed before he turned and motioned for two of the lion enforcers to pick him up.

  Dane was still rubbing his neck with his hand. The coughing had eased as the enforcers put him on his feet. There were tears in his eyes when he raised his head to look at Julien.

  Cold, flat eyes stared back at him.

  “Lock the rest up,” he said to no one in particular. Adam came to stand beside him before he asked his next question.

  “Where can we take him to get the answers we need?” Julien said to the Beta.

  “Take him to the Shed,” Adam said to the enforcers that stood next to their prisoner. They both nodded as they grabbed his arms to walk him to the Shed.

  “Take the bodies and burn them,” the Beta said to the rest of his shifters who remained there. He turned and looked to where Kade was laid out. Eric still knelt by the body, but he had put the sheet over his face. He walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let them take him. We need you to come with us to question Dane.” He heard a heavy sigh as Eric scrubbed his hands over his face before he looked up at his Beta. Adam held out his hand to him to help him up. The Beta put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze as he stood facing him.

  Julien stood, silent, watching the two friends. When they turned and started walking in the same direction as the two enforcers with Dane, he followed them.

  Adam, Eric, and the two shifters who brought him there stood around him. Julien raised a brow when he saw Malachi leaning against the rear wall. A smirk appeared on his face when he looked at him. Julian rolled his eyes at him as he stood in the doorway. The Shed was just an irregular wood building with four walls and a door. The walls were made of rough sodden boards with mud or clay matted between the slats. Coarse straw hung between the planks of the roof. Dark wood chips covered the floor.

  He moved inside, his focus on Dane, who sat in an old rotted chair. His arms hung over the back in shackles, and the chain ran along the side, attached to irons around his feet. The metal collar used to stop a shift circled his neck as
his body sagged. Julien scowled at him. He projected fear toward him as he came and stood in front of him. He could smell it emitting from Dane and knew Malachi was doing something to intensify it.


  Dane raised his head, his eyes downcast toward his feet. “Braydon wanted her back to sell to the humans. I wanted her for myself.” Julien looked at Malachi after his statement. He moved from the wall and stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Good thing Killian isn’t here. He would have ripped the fucker’s throat out.”

  Julien heard him inside his head. He showed no surprise when he heard his friend’s voice in his head. He along with few select others knew Malachi could talk to him with his mind. He didn’t know if he’d told Killian about it. He gave a quick nod to him to agree with him.

  “Why would he sell her to humans?” Julien’s attention returned to Dane.

  “They pay a lot for hybrids but only the females.” His voice was thick as he answered.

  Julien’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Dane. “What do the humans do with them?” His tone was sharp as he paced.

  Dane shrugged. “I don’t know. Braydon was the one in contact with them. He took the females to them.”

  Julien stopped, in front of him, frowning. “Where?” he growled, his hand around Dane’s throat.

  “I don’t know, I don’t know, I swear,” he repeated over and over, his eyes damp. “He is the only one who knows.” Julien released him, and he fell back against the chair, gasping for breath. His shoulders shook as he shook his head, whimpering.

  “Take him and put him in with the rest of them.”

  The two enforcers who stayed in the back as Julien questioned him came forward and hauled him to his feet and out the door.

  Julien turned to the others, blowing out a breath. “We need to go after Braydon.”

  Adam and Eric gave him a silent yes. Malachi was the one who asked the question. “Should we tell Killian?”

  “After we have him. He would rip the fucker’s heart out.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I need to find out where he took the female hybrids.” He told them about the hybrids that were found and what the doctor told him about their deaths. They all agreed not to tell Killian until after they had Braydon and got the information Julien needed. Then they would watch as Killian cut his heart out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Bella opened her eyes as dawn approached. She blinked as the shadows started to fade as the early-morning light overran the darkness. The mountain breeze came in waves through the open window. She could hear a steady thump like a drumbeat as she snuggled closer to the warmth. She tensed as she heard someone else breathing close to her. Bella’s body relaxed as she felt a warm hand as it rubbed her back.


  The constant beat she was hearing was his heartbeat. His other arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, binding her to his body as she lay on top of him.

  All at once, her memories began to flood back into her brain. The way Killian touched her as he mated her. The breakfast dinner he cooked for her. Their lovemaking on the couch. Falling asleep with his arms enfolding her. Her body became rigid as she remembered waking up in the night and Killian whispering that he heard footsteps downstairs.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer to the warmth of his body. Heat radiated from his body, and she snuggled close to him, as her body seemed cold with the memory of waiting for him to come back to her. Being in the bathroom, needing his warmth and comfort.

  * * * *

  Killian brushed his chin against her curls, pressing her closer to his body. He suppressed his rage from leaning that her Alpha, her uncle, sent his shifters to kidnap her so he could sell her to the humans. He took her hand and pressed it to his mouth. He focused on her. Keeping her safe was utmost in his mind. His arms tightened around her as he rolled to his side, her head on his arm, her body aligned with his. Bella trembled in his arms. He flexed his arm and fingers as he held her tighter. His felt his nostrils flare, and his beasts clawed at him to hunt down the one that caused her fear. His quashed the growl in his throat as he thought of the horror her uncle put her through.

  Bella’s sigh helped him control the rage. She needed care, not anger. Killian’s fingers entangled in her hair as he drew her head back to kiss her. His lips gentle against hers, he outlined her lips with his tongue. Her lips parted on a sigh, and he pressed his tongue inside her mouth.

  The palms of her hands rubbed over his broad shoulders, before her arms circled his neck. He raised his head a moment, holding her tightly against him.

  “Mine,” he said hoarsely, and she trembled at the possessive, predatory look in his eyes. He lowered the sheet around her, and his breath caught when he gazed at her breasts.

  Killian kissed her mouth slow and easy before his mouth traveled down her neck and to her breast. Bella shuddered as he licked and circled it with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. He sucked on her nipple. His tongue licked over the stiff buds. His hand cupped and squeezed her other breast. He released the nipple to move to the other one. He sucked the hardened peak into his mouth.

  He slid one hand down her mound and paused to rub her clitoris. He kissed each nipple, before sliding down to lie between her legs.

  His hands gripped her hips. He drew her forward, his body between her thighs. “Your scent is so sweet when you are aroused. I want to lick you and feast on your desire.”

  His hair flowed over his shoulders as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on the inside of her knee. Killian’s hair brushed against her skin even as his moist lips touched her flesh. Killian’s hands pushed her thighs wider. His mouth went closer to her throbbing core. Her legs shifted impatiently against the sheets as his warm breath skidded across the sensitive flesh of her sex.

  Bella arched her hips, rocking them closer to his face, inviting him to taste her. A low growl radiated through his throat, sounding more like beast than man.

  His tongue stroked her swollen labia. He slipped his arms beneath her thighs, pushing his hands over her torso. He covered her breasts with his palms. Bella felt her nipples pucker to stab the center of his hands.

  Killian’s tongue tasted every crevice of her sex. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, pinching them gently. He removed his hands from her breasts to wrap around her upper thighs, spreading them wide. He released one thigh and thrust two fingers deep into her core, at the same time seizing her enflamed clit between his lips and sucking.

  Bella exploded. Her entire body convulsed as she came. The pleasure was so intense, she thought she might pass out. Her heart pounded as she shook with release. Gradually, as his movements slowed, her body was reduced to the occasional tremor.

  Bella felt boneless as she lay there on the bed, completely sated. With a wistful smile on her face, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him.

  Bella paused at the image before her. Hunger was carved onto his face, making it appear even harsher. Killian’s eyes were hot with need, and they seemed to consume her while he sat back on his knees watching her. Every muscle in his body appeared prominent. He seemed even larger than before as he gripped his cock with his hand and pumped up and down the hard length.

  As she watched, a pearl of liquid beaded across the tip. She licked her lips, wondering what it tasted like, wanting to stroke her fingers across his shaft and discover if it was as hard as it looked.

  As if he could read her thoughts, he answered her unasked question. “Whatever you want. It’s your choice.”

  Bella sat up on her knees in front of him. She placed her hands on his thighs. She could feel the muscles in his thighs clench as she pushed them apart. She lowered her head toward him.

  Killian clamped his hands to his sides to keep from tossing her facedown on the bed and driving in hard and deep inside her. He could smell her arousal with every breath he took. Her fragrant scent drew him, making him throb and ache to be inside her.

s hands slid along the inside of his thighs, her fingers gently kneading the muscles of his leg. Her tongue darted as her fingers wrapped around him. She slid her hands up and down the length of his cock, starting at the base and moving to the very tip.

  “Harder baby.” His voice was a harsh whisper. He could feel her fingers closing around him, tightening her hold. “Goddess,” he hissed as she continued to stroke him.

  Eyes half-closed, he tipped his head down and watched her. She looked captivated as she moved her hands over his length. Her breasts swayed as her breathing increased, the tight mocha buds pouting for attention. His gaze swept down her torso and over her hips.

  “Enough,” he growled. Killian grasped the sides of her face with his hands, his fingers tightening around her head. He drew her mouth back to the tip. She readily opened her mouth and took him as deep as she could.

  Bella wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and squeezed him on every downward stroke. His hips flexed forward, driving himself deeper into her mouth.

  Sweat rolled down Killian’s temple, blood flowed heavily through his veins, and the need for completion engrossed him. His skin felt stretched over his frame, every muscle tightening with need each time Bella took him deep. His body rigid as he pushed his shaft into her mouth one final time, his cock exploded.

  Killian’s entire body jerked as she swallowed as fast as she could—she wanted all of him. He trembled as she licked the tip with one last flick of her tongue. Killian gave a growl of pleasure as he collapsed falling back on the bed, taking her with him. Her body draped over his, she snuggled closer into his warmth.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The woods were suspiciously quiet. The light had faded to almost pitch black. The dense forests rushed the dusk, speeding the hour of sunset into few minutes. Julien, Adam, Eric, Massi, and some others from the Pride trekked the furrowed path through the woods, going around the trail usually taken. It was muddy as the light rain falling saturated the already wet soil, the drops lingering on top for seconds before they were sucked into the wet dirt. The worms that had surfaced from the damp soil seemed to still their movement as the shifters made their way through the dense forest. They waited. Even the sounds of their steps on the soaked leaves were silent. The fluttering leaves due to the gusty wind gathered and twirled on the high branches so it appeared that they had a roof over them.


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