Tiger Born

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Tiger Born Page 8

by Deloris Nash

  They picked up the pace as they neared the Tiger compound. The small brook they walked through would hide their scents long enough for them to surround the house of the Alpha. The trees were now dark shadows, black stalks beside an almost-black setting.

  The end of the trail led them to the back of the cottage in which the Braydon lived. The house of the Alpha was only known within the streak. But Malachi got the location from one of the tigers that was still alive. Julien stopped and raised his closed fist into the air when the shadow of the cottage came into his view. He remembered from the last time that the streak security was lacking. Just like before, no one patrolled the interior area of the compound, not even the house of their Alpha. Of course, most of their enforcers were dead or in prison at the Pride complex. A lone guard patrolled the area around the Alpha’s house. Julien concentrated on getting into that house, taking the Alpha, and getting out without being heard or spotted.

  He signaled for Adam and Massi to follow him. Eric and the rest would stay and handle anything that might happen before they secured Braydon.

  All shifters had strong night vision. Against the dark night sky, a light was on inside the cottage. Julien could see inside the house where the light was on through the open blinds. Braydon sat on a burgundy couch with a glass of liquid in one of his hands. His feet were up on a table in front of him. Julien signaled to Adam to follow him as Massi made his way to the back door. He creeped up the steps. Silent footsteps carried him up the steps to the door.

  Julien and Adam were crouched on the sides of the window. Both peered in. Braydon had not moved from his spot. Adam turned and nodded to Massi. He quietly opened the unlocked door. Julien shook his head at the audacity of this Alpha. Even at the Council headquarters, with interior and exterior guards and deadly enforcers, the most secure place known for shifters, they kept their doors locked. From his vantage point, Julien could see the door open as Massi went into the house. Braydon sat with his back toward the door that led into the kitchen. Julien motioned to Adam that he was going in. By the time he made in the room, Massi had knocked out Braydon.

  The Alpha lay slumped over on his side. “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.” Julien snorted at his comment, shaking his head as he walked to stand in front of the Alpha's prone body.

  “It’s a wonder how he survived this long without his throat being ripped out.” Massi’s brow went in question.

  Julien’s shoulders went up and down. “The security in this compound is the worst I have ever seen. There are still predatory shifters out and around that take over other shifters territory by force,” he said as he sneered down at the Alpha. “The Council has reduced the occurrence of the old ways of killing over territory, but there are still a small number of rogues out there. It’s a wonder that this streak has lasted this long with this pathetic excuse of a leader.” He waved his hand toward Braydon.

  Massi stood next to Julien, bent, and lifted the unconscious male over his shoulder. “I think it was mostly protected because of Bella’s father. He was well respected, but he had the reputation of being fierce and vicious fighter in defense of his streak,” Massi said as he moved through the kitchen to the rear door carrying Braydon. Adam was at the bottom of the stairs when they made it to the open door. Massi went down the steps first followed by Julien.

  They made their way back to the edge of the woods where Eric and the other members of the Pride waited for them. “Any problems with this one?” Eric asked.

  Massi snorted before he answered. “He was out with the first punch. I did not even have to use our neck hold.”

  Eric was shocked by the comment. Most shifters were slightly stunned enough by a punch for a shifter to use their neck hold to put them out. But none were ever knocked out by a single punch. Shifters were had more endurance to take a punch. Stunned silence reigned through the group as Massi backtracked through the forest, carrying Braydon on his way back to the Pride complex.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Bright sunlight glowed through the glass as Bella woke to the sounds of low whispered voices outside the partly closed door. Part of the sunrays shining through the window touched her skin, warming it. She turned to look at the clock on the nightstand. A few minutes before eleven. She tilted her head, her gaze going to the partially open door—one of the muffled voices she knew.


  She would always recognize the low rumble of his baritone of voice. The other voice, just a deep as his, she never heard before. She turned over and saw the place where Killian had slept. She rolled over. The sheets still held his warmth. She sighed as a smile formed on her face. The link she felt with Killian was amazing and deep. So this was what mating felt like. It was the safest, most satisfying thing she’d ever experienced.

  Killian came back into the room and completely closed the door and locked the door behind him. He wore low-riding, light blue jeans that had a slight tear on one knee, with a dark green T-shirt that seemed to hug every muscle on his chest.

  “Hello,” Killian said as he sat on the bed and leaned over to kiss her. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she gave a soft moan, her fingers digging into the muscled skin on his chest.

  “Hi,” Bella replied, breathless after he drew back from the kiss.

  “You smell so good.”

  His voice was low and hoarse. Her body heated as he stared deep into her eyes.

  His breathing increased, and he growled as his hands relaxed on the top of her thighs. Killian’s fingers rubbed the sheet, warmth seeping through her as his hand slid up to his waist. His fingers moved to the top of the sheet just above her breasts and tugged it away from her body.

  He pulled her legs up and crouched over her.

  “Open up for me. I want to taste you.” He licked his lips as his gaze dropped to her lap.

  Killian bent and blew hot air over her bared pussy as his tongue traced her clit. A loud, animalistic sound came from him as he licked her again. Her back arched off the mattress.

  He was relentless with his tongue, sucking and licking on the bundle of nerves. The growl he unleashed sent tremors against her clit. He opened her legs wider and pressed his mouth tighter against her sex. Her hips bucked against his mouth. She was spellbound in the throes of desire. A moan rent from her throat.

  She climaxed. Her body lurched from the force of her peak. Her sex muscles twitched in the aftermath. He drove inside her pussy, and she cried out his name. He fucked her with his tongue, delved in deeper, and scowled.

  He slowly withdrew his tongue as he pushed a finger inside her pussy. He inserted a second finger. “You’re so tight.” He pressed in more, and her muscles squeezed around them.

  His head lowered, and his mouth opened and licked the underside of her breast. His tongue slid up until it reached her nipple. Killian’s mouth closed over the pebbled bud. Bella panted as he sucked the taut peak inside his hot mouth. His canines scrapped over her breast but didn’t hurt. She raised her thighs and clenched his hips with her lower legs, hips arched as the head of his cock pressed against her slit. She moaned as she tightened her legs around his hips, to pull him closer he began to enter her. His cock was thick, her swollen walls not simply taking him. Her thighs spread wider.

  Killian’s body tensed over hers, and a low sound came from him. He pulled her arms above her head, and he shackled her wrists together. The hand not holding her wrist cupped her face.

  “I’ll never let you go. I’ll die for you.”

  He entered her pussy with his thick, rigid cock, his thrust slow. Bella gasped at being taken, claimed. He paused, buried deep inside her.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  Bella watched him, his eyes narrowed as he withdrew until he almost free of her pussy and then pushed deeply back into her. Desire made her hiss, her body still sensitive from her climax.

  “Take me now, Bella. Love me as I love you.”

  He moved again, slowly pulling back until he almost left her body, a
nd then surged forward abruptly to make all those nerve endings inside jolt awake from the way he stroked them.

  “I want to hold you,” she panted, trying to free her wrists, his hold only tightened.

  “No, your hands on me will make me lose control. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Their gazes locked as he held her down and kept fucking her. His powerful body drove into her. She couldn’t do anything but feel him. Being pinned down by Killian was sexy and drove her lust higher as he shifted positions to dive into her body. Bella cried out as pleasure ran through her body and mind.

  He thrashed her with his cock, fucking her deep. He hit her spot over and over. She threw rippled through her. She screamed as her climax overtook her body. Killian shook the bed as his body jerked above hers.

  Killian’s hips beat against her pussy, a roar escaped him as he came violently inside her. He released her wrists to brace his body above her with his arms to not crush her under his body. His head lowered to rest against her shoulder, and hot, uneven breath fanned her neck.

  “Always I will love you, Bella,” he whispered.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck as her legs clamped around him to hold him as closely as possible.

  “I love you, too.” Her voice trembled as she spoke the same words to him.

  His teeth gently nipped her throat. “You’re my mate, the other half of my soul. I will never let you go.”

  She smiled as tears filled her eyes at the words

  he spoke to her. Killian gently pushed the curls out of her face.

  He held her gaze for a moment before he switched to lie beside her. One of his legs was thrown over hers, his arm under her breasts, his head lying on the pillow next to hers.

  “Are you hungry?”

  A laugh erupted from her at his unusual question. The tears she was fighting to hold slid down her face.

  “What?” The puzzled look on his face only made her laugh harder.

  It took several minutes for her to control her laughter, all the while a frown on his face. She sat up slowly and leaned against the headboard, a giggle escaping as she tried to catch her breath.


  She shook her head, a smile lingering on her lips. Her stomach rumbled. “I guess I am after all that.”

  “Why don’t we go down and grab something to eat?” His eyes devoured every inch of her. His beasts pushed, pulling within him to possess her again.

  “I want to shower first,” she said.

  “Okay, I’ll put on the coffee and start on breakfast.” His hands softly caressed her cheek as he stood and walked out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Killian heard voices in the living room. He came down to see Beth and Tia putting food on a tray in the kitchen. Adam and Massi were seated on the couch. He could see them all turn to look at him as he came down the steps.

  “Julien went to the Shed to talk to Braydon,” Massi told as he stood.

  Killian nodded his agreement as he went into the kitchen, grabbed a cup from the shelf, and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Both shifters were now standing and walked over to the counter. Beth and Tia stood on the other side in the kitchen.

  “Bella is upstairs getting dressed,” he said to the two females.

  Tia’s elbow touched Beth’s arm. “That’s code that we should go upstairs and keep Bella company while they talk.” She smirked at Killian. Beth snorted, lifted the tray, and moved passed Killian toward the stairs. Tia crossed her arms as she walked past Killian to join Beth as both went up the steps.

  Killian snarled at Tia’s back. He turned to look at Adam and Massi. “She needs to be spanked,” he said to Massi.

  “She would like it too much,” he answered him.

  Adam burst out laughing. “Too much info,” he said, still laughing.

  Killian shook his head. “Let’s go sit.” He motioned both over to the sitting room. Both men sat on the couch while Killian sat in the overstuffed chair next to it.

  “Julien spoke to me before he left for the Shed,” Killian told them. “Braydon has some information he needs for his investigation.”

  Both frowned, but Massi was the one who asked, “What investigation?”

  “The body of a female hybrid was found a couple of months ago. They found evidence to indicate she was held prisoner and had a child during that time.” They leaned forward, scowls on their faces but neither spoke. “Four more were found after the first in the same general area. Every one of them showed signs of being held, and everyone except the last one found had given birth within weeks of dying. The Council sent Julien to find out what happened?”

  “Were they all hybrids?” Adam asked.

  “Yeah, the only thing in common was that they were all half human.”

  “How did Council know they were all half human?” Massi asked.

  “The Council doctor examined the bodies.”

  Massi slumped back, rubbing his hand through his hair. Adam’s head lowered to his chest, his hand stroking the back of his neck.

  “When he talked to Dane, he admitted Braydon wanted Bella back for the money some humans would pay for her,” Adam said as he shook his head.

  Killian nodded. “That’s why Julien is talking to him before I go there. He knows I would tear him apart before getting the information he needs from him.” His hands flexed on the arm of the chair.

  Massi stood, hands in his pockets as he circled the room before stopping to stand behind the couch. “Are you going to tell Bella about what her uncle wanted to do to her?”

  “Yes. Mates don’t keep secrets from each other, no matter how much they might want to,” Killian stated, looking at both.

  Massi just nodded.

  “Yeah,” Adam said in a strained voice.

  “They found something strange in their blood. Our doc had never seen it before. They sent a sample to one of our labs,” he told them before he slumped back in the chair.

  Massi walked around to sit next to Adam.

  “What are you going to do with Braydon after Julien gets his answers?”

  Killian sat up straight and leaned forward.

  “Malachi talked to the Council. They want me to stay here and share the guardianship of Lucas with Bella since she is his sister and my mate. When he is old enough, he will become the Alpha of the streak since he is the first son of the real Alpha.”

  “What about the Elders? They believe in the old ways. Do you think they will accept the Council’s decision for you to be his guardian?” Massi asked.

  “They will after I beat Braydon in the old way for it,” Killian stated to them.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “You know this is bullshit”

  Killian glanced back at his friend when he heard his comment in his mind. He walked along the path behind the female tiger Elder, Amelia, the one who had spoken to them the night they went searching for Shauna. He just shrugged. Amelia would occasionally nod to other members of the streak as they made their way. Killian told Bella everything about her uncle and what he planned to do with her. He told her the Council wanted Killian to share guardianship of Lucas with her. She knew the Elders’ strict code about the old ways, and he would need to fight Braydon for the streak to accept him as guardian to their young Alpha.

  Lucas was brought to their cottage late in the afternoon. Her joy of having her brother with her overshadowed the anxiety Killian felt from her when he told her he would have to fight her uncle. But he felt some of the tension return to her as he kissed her good-bye. He noticed she jerked slightly when Malachi knocked on the front door to tell him it was time to leave.

  He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and gave a silent signal to Malachi that he was good. He took note that the woodlands they walked through seemed ancient, with massive trees. Vines grew around the branches. They were naturally untamed, twisted, and entwined all over.

  The trail became narrow as they went farther into the forest. The path ended in a
clearing that was shaped like a dome with an opening in the middle.

  The Amelia took him over to stand in front of the other Elders seated at a varnished wooden table. She walked around and sat in the open chair in the middle.

  “You are here to challenge for guardianship of our future Alpha?” the one on the left asked.

  Killian answered yes.

  All three nodded at the same time.

  Then Amelia waved to one of the shifters. He went to the side as the tiger Alpha walked to the middle of the clearing with a guard on each side, a sneer on his face as he inclined his head to the Elders.

  Killian turned, nodded to his friends, and moved to the center of the clearing facing Braydon.

  Amelia stood. “The winner of the challenge, governed by our laws, will be the guardian of our future Alpha.”

  A loud roar echoed through the clearing. Killian’s arms were out from his side, hair rippled over them. His body shifting, muscles and bones reshaped, his mouth elongating with sharp teeth. He fell to the ground on all fours. His skin was coated with ginger hair with distinct dark stripes and shadowed spots, a thick mane of fur instead of the usual ruff of a tiger around his face. Instead of a tiger stood a full tigon. The grasp from the unsuspecting crowd rebounded through trees.

  Braydon shifted into a Bengal tiger with orange hair covered with uneven black stripes and flecks of white on his chest and belly. The crowd spread out as the two circled each other. Braydon moved in to attack Killian. Killian was thrown to his back by the force of his attack. The tigon scraped his claws down the side of the tiger and threw him off. The tiger landed on his feet and stalked around the clearing. The tiger attacked again targeting his legs, Killian swiped at him with his claws. Braydon jumped away, readying for another attack. The tiger snarled as he went around the tigon. The tiger charged, rammed into Killian, and put him on his side. They rolled, clawing and ripping at each other. Braydon growled as he latched on to Killian’s shoulder. The tiger’s jaw tightened as he growled. Killian clawed his side, knocking the tiger to the side.


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