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The Games Villains Play (The Academy Trilogy)

Page 7

by Joshua DeBenedetto

  “Just me?”

  “Yes, we only have a few Hermes here, and you are the only one strong enough to last more than a few seconds. Do not worry we will be joining the battle shortly.”

  Jay did not like that he was being sent in alone. I guess this makes sense, send me in and it’s a win-win for you. Jay turned to Captain Williams with all the confidence he could muster. “Mr. Williams, I’m warning you right now, if I don’t see you leading a group to back me up soon, I swear to you I will switch sides and lead them against you.”

  Captain Williams looked right back into Jay’s eyes. “Boy, I promise you, you will not be alone with the villains for long. I give you my word that we will join you out there soon enough.”

  Realizing time must be getting short, Jay turned and dashed off into the dessert.

  IT WAS GOOD that there were a few Hermes there where he left from, because he was able to use their strength long enough for him to get in sight of the villain forces. There was a large dune blocking his view of the group until he was nearly to them, but once he made it over that dune, the whole group of villains were visible. To his horror he could see who was leading them. Out in front marched Brain, with Hammer and Hummer on either side, leading a group that must be close to one hundred.

  Jay was close enough now to draw off of their powers, but he tried to fight it. Somehow he felt like having their abilities meant he had to actually fight them, but with or without, deep down he knew a fight was inevitable now. Brain was clearly the leader, but he gave no orders. Instead, they all merely began running at Jay. Hummer arrived at him first, and to Jay’s surprise she wailed him in the gut immediately upon arrival. She got in two more hits, both landing solid on his face, before he managed to shake himself off enough to begin dodging the blows. He refused to hit her back, but with other Hermes now starting to arrive at him, he needed to get her out of the way.

  “I’m sorry,” he said aloud, then caught her fist and flipped her over his back, tossing her away into the side of the dune. He did not have time to see if she was alright, because immediately the other Hermes’ were at him, and he was forced to dodge blows left and right. He could dodge them easily, as there appeared to be no plan of attack at all. They made a big circle around him, giving him more speed than he had ever even imagined. He could not even see his own movements, but rather the moment he thought to move in a certain way, he immediately found himself in the final position of that movement. What is more, they were not attacking together. The few who were closest to him would attack, and if they got knocked away someone else would then move in. Jay would have no chance if he were set upon by the lot of them, but it was as if they were not trying to win, but merely to fight.

  Soon the Titans and Prometheus led by Hammer and Brain arrived, and their strategy was much the same. Now instead of just Hermes in a big circle around him, there was a combination of power types around him at any given time. He felt his own power growing quickly, so that now he could not just move fast, but his strength was getting out of control as well, and he had complete access to any and all of their minds. It was disorienting, as there must have been billions of pictures now in his head, so many that it was almost back to a blackness, the normal black of one who did not have the ability at all. His strength was growing too fast for him to keep proper track of. Jay made a quick motion with his right arm, but there was another arm in the way that he had not noticed, and he could feel the bone of the arm shatter like an icicle under his touch. There was a cry of pain, barely heard over the constant rustling of so many feet in the sand, but strongly felt in Jay’s head. The one who’s arm he had just broken was so close to him that their mental link was nearly total, and all the pain felt by whoever this was could also be felt by Jay. Jay grabbed his arm and recoiled, finding it hard to believe that his own arm was not really injured. As he bent over in pain fists began to pound down all over him, but with his strength as it was even the hits of the Titans felt like little more than a hard rain.

  It was now to the point where Jay could not move, in fear that he would inadvertently touch someone and destroy them. He slowly moved his head to look up, and to his relief he could see people from the school coming over the dune. He could immediately see that the professors had never arrived, as the group coming towards them was the same small group who had been waiting on the edge of the desert. Jay watched as they made their charge, coming closer and closer to the circle of villains. When they arrived at the circle something peculiar happened; instead of an epic battle commencing, the circle merely opened up. The villains continued to get out of the way of the group, until they were close to where Jay was now waiting. Jay now noticed that there was one there whom he had not noticed before. With the group from the school came a man in a wheelchair. He was being pushed by Captain Williams, and all of the villains were clearly leaving them well enough alone.

  It was clear now that those from the school were not here to fight the villains, but to join them. Now the meaning from the spies became completely clear; this was Jay’s battle, and Jay’s battle alone. The villains had not gotten out of control, they were as under control as ever. They are all here to bring down Jay.

  Well they are failing, aren’t they? I am getting stronger from all the power around me, Jay thought. He looked at all those around, punching and kicking at him without leaving any mark.

  Then he looked at the man in the wheelchair. Immediately Jay began to feel weaker. It was not so much that his strength was decreasing, or his speed, or mental capabilities, but more that he was losing control of it all. He tried to lift his arm, but it took a huge effort to get it away from his side. His legs began to wobble, and once he looked down at his legs, his head wanted to stay down. With great pains he lifted his head to look at Captain Williams. Jaw saw a smile of contentment spread wide across his face. Captain Williams walked over to where Jay stood hunched, still receiving hits from many of the villains. He leaned in close, but none of the hits got close to him. “It is not just abilities that you can inherit. My friend here graciously volunteered to come out of his retirement to do a job that only he could do. Bring you down.”

  With those final words Jay felt his legs give out from under him, and he collapsed in a heap on the ground.

  DONNY LAY QUIETLY on his bed, listening to the speculations as they flew around the room. After calming himself by the arena, he had made his way quickly back to his dorm room, which he had found closed and locked tight. He had never seen the door shut before, but now that it was he had noticed how thick it was, clearly designed to withstand an attack from Titans. It took considerable persuasion for them to let Donny into the room, even after he had told them his name. Apparently they had been instructed not to open the door for anyone who was not a known teacher. It was their fear for the safety of their smallest resident that they finally opened the door and ushered him inside.

  The Titans with which he roomed were discussing their thoughts on what could be happening out there. A couple of them suggested original ideas, like one boy who submitted the possibility that a huge sand storm was burying the school, but most of the students in the room had it figured out. Donny neither confirmed nor denied, and they did not look to him for it either; why would they? Nevertheless, he knew they were right when they speculated that the villains had finally come to attack the school.

  The possibility of this happening was not a new idea. Growing up, Donny had often seen TV specials that speculated on what would happen if the villains attacked the Academy and took it over. It was considered as if it were an apocalyptic possibility, up there with zombie uprisings and computer warfare. Donny knew this would not be the apocalypse, not after learning that the villains and the Academy were all one and the same. The debate he was having was why the villains were attacking. Could they have broken free of the Academy’s control? Unlikely, Donny reasoned, it’s too convenient for the Academy for that to be the reason. Donny hated it, but the more he thought over the situation, the more he rea
lized there was only one logical explanation. They had called the villains back to the school. They called them back in order to somehow regain control over Jay. And I let him go. I knew they could not be trusted, but I stayed quiet anyway and let my only brother give himself to those who would see him ruined. Donny was filled with a great disgust, not for the school, but for himself.

  After two hours, a long time for Donny despite the fact that he had expected to be waiting much longer, one of the upper level professors who taught only Titan specific classes showed up at the door, mumbled something to the students who were guarding the doorway, and was let in. His face was a mix of relief and sadness.

  “As I’m sure you all have speculated, we have come under attack by a large group of villains. They were well organized, but the Academy has proven its worth, and the villains have all been defeated or driven off.”

  A cry rang up from the room. Cheers and high fives were going around as if they themselves had won the victory. The only two people who were not cheering were Donny, who stared unblinking at the professor in the doorway, and that same professor, who stared right back. The professor did not hide the fact that something was not right, and it amazed Donny that nobody else saw it. The professor walked right up to Donny, clearly wanting to say something to him and only him.

  “Donny, there is someone who would like to see you.”

  Donny could feel the discomfort in that statement. For one thing, the professor knew his name, despite having never met him before. Then there was the fact that the professor had actually used his name, his real name. It was typical that when a student received a nickname, as they all did, the professors would go along with it as well. Real names tended to disappear once a hero name were given, and Donny’s new name of Napoleon should surely have been around long enough for it to have reached this professor, were he looking for Donny.

  Without a word Donny rose off his bed and followed the professor. They walked for a short while, into a part of the school Donny had never been to. He was led into an office, where he saw the last person in the world he wanted to see; Captain Williams. Donny said nothing, just took a seat in the open chair waiting for him. The professor left, shutting the door behind, leaving the two of them alone together. For a few moments neither of them said anything. Donny wanted to leap out of his chair, to scream at him to tell him where his brother is. He knew this would do nothing except make Captain Williams suspicious of him, and even if this did not matter, Donny knew he could not trust this man to tell the truth either way.

  “Donny, I have to ask you a few questions. When was the last time you spoke to your brother?”

  Donny wanted to retort by asking Captain Williams when the last time he spoke to his brother was, but that would be pointless. Donny would play along for now. “Just a few hours ago, before the simulation games practice today for team Jade.”

  Donny wanted Captain Williams to ask him about the fact that he was already holding simulation games practices, or the team color choice. Donny was well aware that Captain Williams would know of these things already, as he had been keeping tabs on Jay, but he nevertheless was hoping Captain Williams would play this game with him. He did not.

  “Has he mentioned anything strange or unusual to you these past couple of days?”

  Donny knew this man was not a mind reader, but he felt confident that somewhere nearby he had his spies positioned, listening in for the thoughts that Donny would not say. Donny decided he would show only the thoughts he wanted to be seen. This was his ability and he would use it. “He seemed a little distracted today, but other than that he has said surprisingly little to me recently. Why?”

  Captain Williams ignored the last question, and continued with his own interrogation. “Do you have any suspicions as to his reason for being distracted?”

  “Yes.” Donny was frantically trying to think up a good suspicion to tell. He knew to say ‘no’ would not have been believable; he either knew or was dying to know, and would therefore have given this some thought.

  “What are your suspicions?”

  “Well his discomfort seemed to have started at yesterday’s practice, when we boosted his reading ability. I think he saw something that scared him. I think he saw the villains coming.”

  Donny hoped that would be sufficient. Enough of the truth to be believable, but enough of a lie to cover myself.

  “You suspected that? Even before the villains arrived?”

  “No, that is a recent suspicion. Before that I figured he saw into the mind of his friend Snake, and saw something he didn’t like.” This was the truth, in part. Donny had thought that at first, before he had been told the real reason.

  “I see.” Captain Williams seemed satisfied with this. Donny could almost feel Captain Williams’ disbelief, but even in his disbelief Captain Williams was content with the answers he received. In a sudden turn the subject was changed. “I unfortunately have to give you some sad news. As you know, your brother was asked to help us in the battle with the villains.”

  Donny said nothing. There was no use playing dumb, but he refused to acknowledge what he knew either. Captain Williams continued.

  “Without him the outcome of that battle would have been very different. Your brother was a hero, and many of the faculty owe him their lives, including myself. It is with great regret that he fell as a casualty during the battle. They hit us hard in their initial attack, and when we were forced to fall back, your brother refused. He saw an opening to draw them away from the school, and he took it. The rest of us turned back to assist him, but by the time we fought our way through to where he was, it was too late. He fell protecting us all, and if he had not done what he did, we would probably still be fighting right now, and there is no telling how many of the faculty would have lost their lives trying to do what he did.”

  Silence. Donny watched Captain Williams, whose face showed a poor attempt at sympathy…no, a wonderful display of his satisfaction hid by a formality of sympathy. He wanted Donny to see his real feelings.

  “Donald, I said your brother was killed…”

  “I heard you.”

  “You do not appear very sad about this.”

  You shouldn’t be talking about appearances. “I’m too shocked to be sad. I’m in disbelief.”

  Donny was well aware that he was not displaying shock or disbelief. He made no attempt to hide his face, which clearly read contempt. He was struggling to figure out how much of what he heard was a lie and how much was truth. He knew the villains really attacked, or at least that was the same story they had given Jay, and were telling the rest of the school. Could Jay really be dead?

  It was clear the conversation was over. Donny knew this was all part of the drill, that they bring him in, give him the news that his brother was dead, and allow the news to spread. “Have my parents been told?”

  Captain Williams paused for a moment. Donny wondered if this was so insignificant to Captain Williams that his mind had already moved on to other things. He recovered quickly. “We have someone going to your house now to break the news. If you would like to have leave to visit your family, that can be arranged. Unfortunately we cannot permit them to come here. Despite the situation, the regulations do not permit it, and with this recent attack, we need to hold to the regulations more than ever.”

  “No, I don’t want leave. My parents would never allow me back to the Academy if I went, and it’s clear to me that soldiers are needed now more than ever.”

  “I’m sure your parents would understand if you wanted to return.”

  “I know my parents, if I left, I would never return.” Which is exactly what you want. You did something to my brother, and I am not going to walk away and let you get away with it. “If you don’t mind, I need some time to myself.”

  “Very well. If you ever need to talk, I’m sure your professors would be happy to oblige.”


  DONNY WAS NOT just trying to get away from Captain Williams when he s
aid he needed time to himself. His mind was whirling with all the possible truths that could be hidden behind what he had heard, and he needed time alone to cipher through them. He knew it would not be long before the other students were informed of his brother’s death, and the last thing he wanted was the distraction of sympathy coming at him from every angle. Donny walked quickly to the dining hall and filled a tray high with a variety of foods. He was not hungry at the moment, but he knew he would be. Being careful to avoid being seen by anyone who might want to talk, he made his way out of the dining hall, and moved in the direction of the arena. He passed a janitor’s closet on the way, and decided to grab a trash bag to transfer his food into. He wanted to avoid suspicion, and leaving the school alone with a tray full of food would certainly attract attention.

  When Donny arrived at the arena, he looped around the long way to get to the storage closet, just in case he had been seen leaving the school and was being watched. Halfway around he changed his thoughts, imagining that he was walking off into the desert. Instead, he walked around to the storage closet, and climbed up to the catwalk inside the arena. The lights were off, and he kept them that way. Donny thought back to when he had been up here only a few hours ago, and remembered a corner of the catwalk which had not been lit up when the lights in the arena were on, due to the catwalk looping around the lights at that spot. He felt his way along until he reached the spot he had been searching for.

  Now that he was settled, he allowed his thoughts to flow. With the thoughts, however, came the tears. He’s not dead, he can’t be. Donny reasoned to himself. But even if he is alive, he can’t be in a good situation right now. Donny began to think of all the possible things they could have done to Jay to get him out of the way. Unfortunately, the most logical explanation for Jay’s disappearance was death. No, they wouldn’t do that. Donny felt confident that they would not, not because they valued his life, but because of what Jay was. Jay was the first person to ever achieve multiple abilities, and he had all three. Jay was one of a kind, and Donny knew those who were running the heroes versus villains scam would be too power hungry to simply waste something like that.


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