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Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

Page 31

by Nicola Claire

  "That's impossible," I said, forgetting to be angry.

  He cocked an eyebrow and pulled me closer still, my chest now flush against his, my hips almost in his lap, the gear shift the only thing holding me back awkwardly. He reached forward with his other hand and scooped me up and over the obstacle, settling me in his lap, at the same time moving the seat back from the steering wheel to create enough space for us both. It was snug, but he managed it, then his arms went around me. One hand up into my hair to tilt my head at exactly the right angle for his kiss, the other pulling me tightly against his chest, resting on the small of my back.

  Then he brushed his lips across mine, returned for a lick along the bottom one. My lips parted, the argument forgotten. What pills? And I closed my eyes in anticipation of his tongue and mouth and what that always made me feel.

  "One more thing," he husked against my open mouth. "I have no problems with condoms, in fact we'll stop off for some on the way home."

  My eyes flicked open and caught the wicked gleam in his.

  He smiled against my lips.

  "Genevieve." That voice. A small shake of his head. "As if I could keep my hands off you for an entire month. What were you thinking, sweetheart?"

  And then he finally kissed me and I was thinking of not a hell of a lot outside of his lips and tongue and teeth and hard, hard body beneath mine in the front seat of his Jag.

  Chapter 30

  You Have No Idea

  "You are right, of course," Dominic said softly as his fingers trailed down over my naked back.

  We were lying in bed a couple of hours after making it home from the hospital - with a brief stop at the pharmacist. Both of us in the nude. Although we hadn't tested out the condoms, I was too tired and sore for that, Dominic had made it his mission to show me how much he couldn't keep his hands off me for any length of time at all. I was relaxed and happy and drifting off to sleep when he spoke.

  "I didn't consider contraception when we first had sex. I feel strangely calm about the whole pregnancy thing, where you're concerned," he admitted.

  I rolled over to my side to look at him. His eyes flicked up from watching my body shift positions, a hunger obvious in the darker depths.

  I shook my head at him. "That's irresponsible," I pointed out. He was old enough to know better.

  "It wasn't a conscious thought, I agree. I wanted you... forever. So, the thought of children with you is appealing. We will have children together one day, but if you are not ready I can wait," he declared easily.

  "You barely know me," I whispered. How could he contemplate parenting children with me yet?

  "I know how I feel, what I want. You. All of you. Forever. I want you in my house, in my bed every night. I want to know what's happening in your life, share it all with you. I want to dine with you every evening. To wake with you every morning. I want us married. I want children. I want it all."

  I held my breath while I digested all of that. He was obviously crazy. No man acted like this after only one week. But the strange thing was, the only concern that stopped me from admitting I felt the exact same things as him, was the time-frame. The one week. If I was honest with myself, I already felt everything he did. I wanted him too. Forever. I'd made that decision, I'd opened my mind and heart up to that possibility. And with that came thoughts of the future. I may not be ready for children yet, but I could picture having Dominic's. And sharing my life with him, I couldn't think of anything better. Going to bed together, waking up side by side. Eating dinner across a table from him every night.

  Yes, if I was honest I could see it all, believe it all, feel it all. Just like him. The only difference was I was hung up on the fact we'd known each other just over a week. Two days of which I was unconscious. It was too fast. Too much too soon. But it didn't mean I wasn't already feeling the same things he was, I was just hiding them behind the one week.

  "I'm scared," I admitted and I realised it wasn't the first time I had said that to him.

  "I know," he said running his fingers along the edge of my hip, down the curve of my waist. "But you feel it too, don't you?"

  I swallowed, unable to say the words he wanted to hear. I could think them, but to announce them aloud, was too much.

  "We'll see," I said turning my head away and snuggling back down to sleep.

  "That we will, my lovely," he whispered, laying a kiss on my bare hip, then sliding closer to wrap his body around mine.

  He fell asleep before I did, my mind tumbling through the emotions this man made me feel and my own reserves.

  I'd come a long way. From the days when I just had Sweet Seduction left in my heart. Brett having had destroyed all love for him and all hope of ever having a relationship that would give me as much joy and contentment as my shop. For so long there has been nothing else but Sweet Seduction. I had thrown myself into that store completely. It was my life. The reason for my existence. And I would have sacrificed anything for it to remain so.

  But now there was more in my life than a dream business. It was still my baby, my cherished dream. I couldn't wait to get back to it. But things had changed. Somehow this man lying wrapped up in my body beside me had worked his way, in such a short amount of time, deep into my heart. And now I realised, as I lay there listening to his even and deep breaths, that I had two things now that meant the world to me.

  For Dominic, I think, I would consider sacrificing anything as well.

  The next five days we stayed at home. Dominic took vacation leave, his partners taking on his case load, but keeping him abreast of things by e-mails, telephone calls or dropping in - twice. I even got to meet the third partner in the firm, Andrew Kline. Miraculously he was as good looking as Finn, but not quite as god-like as Dominic, in my humble opinion.

  The police detectives running my case also visited. Keeping us abreast of any - unfortunately only minor - developments. Even though they were here in the capacity of business, it was obvious Dominic knew them both very well. After one visit I queried this, to be told they all went to school together. Finn Drake, Drew Kline, Ryan Pierce, Harvey Stone and Nick. All within a couple of years of each other, but all running in the same circles.

  Katie and Kelly came daily, dropping off an afternoon Sweet Seduction coffee and chocolate treat, and twice with new CDs as well. Katie was able to work from the store, and as she was wrapping up the last of her projects before devoting herself to Dominic's house, her workload was lighter than usual. She could still visit the interiors she was finishing, but most of the time her work was on the phone or her laptop, sitting in Sweet Seduction. She declared it was her new muse, her designs in progress were benefiting from Sweet Seduction's atmosphere. Seducing her senses and letting her creative juices flow.

  That thrilled me. It was exactly what I had hoped Sweet Seduction to be.

  Wayne and Edward visited once. And Nick and Adam visited occasionally, even Jason came back to Auckland having lost Brett's trail. Ben was off shadowing another client, other business had to run alongside my problems for ASI. All in all, with so many people visiting, the week went by quickly, but still no sign of Brett.

  By Wednesday, just over a week after being kidnapped again by Brett, having gunshots ring out around me and being used as a human shield by my ex, jumping from a moving car and getting hospitalised with a serious concussion, I was ready to go back to work. The private nurse had visited each night to change my bandages and check that things were healing right. I was a good patient, so by Wednesday night the bandages came off completely.

  I'd slept, rested, read, listened to music, watched movies, eaten a hell of a lot of fantastic food prepared by Dominic, had four-hour long conversations with the man about anything and everything. And as of the Sunday - before Wednesday night bandage release - we'd had several mind blowing sexual encounters lasting just as long.

  I had never been happier. The time spent together had erased all concerns about the one week issue. I was sure we'd covered everything there was
to know about each other, and even if we hadn't I felt confident that we could handle anything else that came to light.

  He told me he loved me every day, several times a day in fact. He showed me how much, even more often than that. And on Wednesday night, bandage free and ready to go back to work, I did the same for him.

  I cooked dinner, feeling energised and ready to face the world. Summer was in full swing, so I chose a cheese soufflé, loose green leaf salad with vinaigrette. Fresh hot rolls and butter. Followed by a decadent three tiered chocolate cake dripping in chocolate mud sauce. It wasn't half bad, if I say so myself.

  And of course, espressos sitting in the lounge while the dinner digested.

  "Sweetheart, you can cook that again any time you like," Dominic said, sipping on his espresso and playing with a strand of my hair, his arm along the back of the couch.

  "I liked the chocolate cake the best," I announced, licking my lips in the hope of finding a stray chocolate crumb hiding in the corners.

  "I liked watching you eat the chocolate cake the best," Dominic declared in a sexy purr.

  I shifted my head, still leaning it back along the couch, so I could look at him. He'd tipped his head towards me, also still leaning back. We stared at each other for several seconds, words not necessary when our looks alone spoke so much.

  But my mouth decided to share.

  Of course.

  "I love you," I said softly, then blinked back in shock at the words.

  Dominic made his cough-which-could-have-been-a-laugh sound and reached up a hand to brush my hair off my face.

  "I want you to say that when I'm sheathed deep inside you. I want to hear those words with me filling you up. I want to be sliding in and out, making you gasp for breath, and as I bring you closer and closer to orgasm, I want to hear those exact same words fall from your lips."

  "OK," I said, because really what else was there to say now? I'd admitted I loved him aloud, how could I deny saying it when he made love to me and wanted to hear it again?

  "You'll say it?" he asked, softly.

  "Yes," I answered honestly.

  "Then I'm fucking you right now, right here."

  He knifed up off the couch and began unbuttoning his jeans, not wasting a further second. I started laughing, watching him from my sitting position. He was in a hurry to do this, that was for sure.

  "Don't laugh, woman. Strip! I want you naked. You know the rules."

  "Oh, the rule where I'm naked for sex, but not necessarily you?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to hide my smile behind a frown.

  "What the fuck do you think I'm doing here?" he said as his jeans and boxers were whipped off and then he reached behind his shoulders to grab his T-shirt and began pulling that over his head too.

  I fell sideways on the couch in fits of laughter, his struggles to strip in the most expedient of manners making his movements jerky and uncontrolled. Suddenly he was looming over me, completely naked and gloriously aroused.

  "Never mind," he muttered. "I like unwrapping my presents as well."

  My T-shirt was whipped away, then my bra. His movements swift but somehow measured, as though now he was revealing what lay beneath, getting that much closer, he somehow gained a measure of calm.

  "Mmmm," he hummed, trailing a finger down between my naked breasts. "Maybe a slight delay before the big act."

  Then his lips wrapped around a nipple, his teeth nibbled the tip, and then he sucked hard, a tongue wiping around and around, flicking against the taut peak and making me arch my back up for more. The fingers in his other hand found my free breast and began to roll and twist the nipple there.

  "Dominic," I gasped as his fingers pinched and tweaked.

  "You want more, my lovely?" he whispered against me, but carried on in exactly the same manner as before.

  My nipples felt so hard, but sensitive, feeling every single touch he made. He wrapped a hand around one breast, lifting the areola and nipple up for his mouth, then latched on and sucked hard again. With Dominic sensations ran the gamut of feather-light to just shy of pain. Never the same each time. I couldn't tell if he would be forceful, or gentle. He never hurt me, but the differences in his touch were astounding. I craved the tender strokes and soft caresses, but it was the firm grips and stinging pinches that made me go wild.

  "Oh God, Dominic," I breathed, arching my back and reaching for his erection. I didn't have far to reach down between us, he was long and hard and halfway up my stomach already.

  "Oh Christ," he said on a burst of exhaled air around my nipple, as I squeezed and stroked the silky length. My fingers wrapped tightly around its circumference, he began to rock backward and forwards, fucking my hand with as much dominance as he seemed to harbour over everything he did in life. "Gen," he groaned above me, using my nick-name, something he rarely did, but sounded so damn hot coming from his mouth. "Sweetheart." Another groan, another forceful thrust in my hand. "You're driving me crazy, lovely. I've got to sink myself in you soon, do you hear?"

  "Nothing stopping you, honey," I said on a soft moan of my own as his lips found my nipple again.

  "Strip. Your. Pants. Off," he ground out above me, still rocking back and forward in my tightly fisted hand.

  "I'll have to let you go," I advised, breathlessly.

  "Ah, Christ," he mumbled, still rocking. I waited for him to stop, but he'd gone back to sucking on my nipple and was still sliding in and out of my hand.

  "Dominic?" I asked, a little amused in amongst being entirely turned on.

  He growled above me then in a flash pulled back from my hand and nipple, undid the drawstring at the top of my shorts and yanked them down my legs in one move. Somehow getting my underwear in his grasp as well, so that within a split second I was naked beneath him.

  And in the next my legs were pulled apart by my ankles, my body hauled down the couch towards him and he'd settled between my legs.

  "You have no idea," he muttered against my lips and then slammed himself inside in one swift punch. "Christ!" he all but shouted above me. "Thank fuck you're wet, sweetheart. I.." he licked his lips as he began to rock his hips, sliding his hard length in and out. "I forgot to check," he added sheepishly, his eyes devouring mine.

  That simple statement said a lot about my Dominic. Sometimes all that mattered, all that registered in his mind, was the need to be inside me. It consumed him and made an otherwise level headed lawyer, lose his mind. That's why he'd failed to think of a condom those first few times. That's why...

  Holy shit.

  "Dominic! Condom," I shouted beneath him.

  "Oh crap," he said unable or unwilling to stop his slide in and out. "Do you... do you want me to stop?" Still rocking back and forward, still creating the most delicious sensations; friction, stretch, filling me up inside.

  I groaned when he did something special with his hips; a slight twirl, a different pressure in just the right spot.

  "I'll stop if you want me to, Genevieve. But know this, I want children with you. Now, later, it doesn't matter. I'll take what I can get. You tell me, lovely. But tell me soon, because you feel fucking fine right about now."

  I looked up into his eyes and saw the honesty there. A million reasons why this was not a good idea flashed though my mind and only one that told me it was. I loved him. I loved him so much. And I could so picture having his child.

  He started to pull out as I'd not said anything and probably because he was so close to losing it, he'd decided on the correct cause of action, to avoid recriminations afterwards. I appreciated that he'd made the safe choice, but I wrapped my legs around him and forced him back inside with my fingers digging into his beautiful rear.

  "Don't you dare go anywhere," I said on a groan as he sunk himself deep inside.

  "Are you sure?" he whispered, picking up his slow and sexy slide in and out again.

  "Absolutely," I said with a nod and then lifted my head up to his, one of my hands tangling in his hair to bring his face dow
n to mine and kissed him soundly to prove my point.

  He groaned against my lips, continued his steady rocking back and forward, then threw in a few grinds to bring me close to the edge.

  "Why am I here, Genevieve?" Dominic said in a strained voice suddenly, when our lips parted.

  "What?" I panted, so close to the edge.

  "Say it, sweetheart. Why am I here?"

  I shook my head, trying to cling on to the edge of what was promising to be a glorious orgasm, but Dominic shifted his position, denying me what I wanted, but still managing to get his slide in and out to satisfy him.

  "Gen," he prompted with a hard thrust to wake me up.

  "What?" I demanded, somewhat angrily.

  He smiled down at me and resumed his previous rock and grind. I groaned.

  "Tell me," he said softly, lifting a hand to clasp my jaw and forcing my eyes to his. "Say it while you look me in the eyes, while I slide in and out of your sweet, sweet pussy. While I bring you to orgasm, sweetheart. Say the words I want to hear."

  Oh. Now I remember. I bit my lip, suddenly shy.

  "I'm fucking you, Gen. I'm moving inside you right now. You're close. I'm close. Now's the time, sweetheart. Tell me."

  I stared at him, feeling my cheeks getting redder, but also acutely aware of the pressure building deep inside. He rolled his hips, ground back against my sweet spot, made me gasp and clutch at his back.

  "Shall I go first?" he asked, panting. "I love you, Genevieve Cain. You're my fucking world."

  His pace picked up as though, admitting those words while he slid in and out of me was too much and had tipped him over the edge.

  "Ah, Christ," he muttered and started thrusting in earnest now. One hand wrapped around my neck, his weight on his elbow at my side, his eyes holding mine inches from my face. The other hand lifting my leg up higher around his back, altering the angle, making him go deeper inside on each evermore urgent thrust.


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