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OPEN SCARS (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Three) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 3)

Page 3

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “Fuck no,” I said.

  “You don’t know that,” Layne said. His attitude was cocky. He knew shit at the table nobody else did. Not even Everly. “Think for a second, Talon…”

  “I’m not accepting that,” I said. “He wants information on the club. On me. On all of us. There’s no gain by taking me out. I’m worth more alive to him.”

  “High and mighty,” Layne said.

  “It wasn’t Detective John. It was someone else.”

  “Then who?” Kade asked.

  “It has to do with the tapes,” Austin said. “It has to. Why would Jony go after you right after you left their shit bar? Think about it.”

  “He’s right,” I said. “Jony has no reason to chase me down. Not with Detective John in the area. He’s stupid, not bold. Plus, he was scared out of his mind that I showed up and then heat showed up.”

  “That leaves Los Ahn,” Buzzy said. “They gave you quite the welcome home dance already, right?”

  “But that’s not their style,” I said. “They wouldn’t do a drive by like that. Not to me. If they wanted me dead, they’d surround me, put one bullet through my head, and then make it known. This was sneaky. This…” I looked around the table, my fucking table, and I started thinking thoughts that weren’t right. “This was a warning. To me.”

  “Not the club?” Layne asked.

  “No. They wanted me. They shot at me.”

  “They didn’t fucking shoot at me and Everly, too?” Layne asked.

  Good point, Layne. Good fucking point.

  “They didn’t hit you,” I said. “That was a warning to me.”

  “All about Talon,” Layne said. He stepped to the table and pushed Drave out the way.

  “What the fuck?” Drave cried out as he fell to the floor.

  Layne’s eyes were like fire, all over me. He reached to the middle of the table and grabbed the President’s patch. There were still frayed strings from when it was sewed to my leather cut.

  My goddamn leather cut. My goddamn patch. My goddamn club.

  That was all before the pull of a trigger. All before I gave everything up for him. For Layne. For Devil Call MC. My decision and action that saved the club. Yet nobody knew it and understood it. I swear, sometimes they were as blind and sheepish as the people in Brocke.

  Layne curled a big fist around the patch and threw it at me. It floated and fell to the table.

  “Just take that then,” Layne said. “That’s what you fucking want. You’ll do anything to get it.”

  “And who do you think did this?” I asked. “I was the one in prison for how long? And what did you all do? You let the MC slip to shit. Drugs? Debts? There are guys in the clubhouse high. Lost. Confused. Enemies pushing harder at us, coming closer.”

  “Because there’s no fucking President,” Layne growled.

  “Then you should have acted like one,” I spat back at him.

  Man, if that table wasn’t between us…

  “Then take your patch,” Layne said.

  “No,” I said. “We do it right. But first, can we at least be a club and solve a problem? Whether it was an attack against me or Devil Call, it was an attack. That’s what matters. Someone out there thinks they can just ride through Brocke and start tossing bullets around. That’s not fucking allowed.”

  “So what then?” Layne asked. “Want to just go kill everyone?”

  “Yes,” I yelled. “If that’s what it takes.”

  Layne quickly made a line for the door. He was out a second later, along with Kade and Austin. Gabel slowly rose to his feet, his eyes at mine. I made a fist with a quick jerk of it, Gabel jumped back, even though he was ten feet away. I laughed and threw the middle finger at him.

  Fuck you, man.

  “Go enjoy some soup,” I yelled to Gabel as he stormed out.

  The table was getting thin. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing right now, but not a good thing for fighting a war. The club needed able bodies and those who believed in the vision and purpose of the MC.

  What was that vision and purpose? Who the fuck knew…

  I put my hands to the table and my left hand crept toward the patch. I had every right in the world to just sew it back on. Fuck, I could make Everly do it right now. I could reclaim the table and fix everything. Or at least die honorably by trying.

  I looked around the table at the faces still there.

  There was no honor in taking, though.

  “It’s yours, Talon,” Buzzy said.

  “I have no problem with it,” Drave said.

  “I do,” I said. “Show some fucking respect. I’m not stealing this club. I want this patch and I want this club. The right fucking way.” I lifted the patch and looked at it. I thought about how many women ran their fingers across those letters. The power it all meant. The wild nights and times that were deadly but damn fun. None of it mattered worth a shit because it wasn’t with Everly. “The right fucking way…” I threw the patch to the table and walked to the head of the table.

  “So what now?” Buzzy asked. “You and Layne stay locked up over the past?”

  “Right now we get our shit together and find out who tried to take me out. Unless it was someone within the MC. If so, speak the word, and get it right next time.” I opened my arms and stood there.

  “You think you’re a martyr?” Buzzy asked as he stood up.

  “Just trying to find out where the enemies lie.”

  Buzzy put a finger to his head. “In here, Talon.”

  He walked out of the room, leaving me angry and empty.

  “I guess I lost another vote,” I said with a grin.

  Nobody else spoke up. Nobody else had the balls. Nobody else could take the beating.

  The door exploded back open and Layne stood there, red faced. “Talon… fuck…”

  My heart jumped. “Everly?”


  “Is she okay?”

  Why the fuck was that the first thing you thought of?

  “She’s fine. We have company.”


  “Black clothes, black masks, black shades.”

  “How many?”


  I pointed to Drave. “Shotgun?”

  Drave nodded and went to the corner of the room. He opened a hidden door to a gun closet. He took out a shotgun and tossed it to Layne. He took out a second one and tossed it in the air. I caught it as I walked by, pumping the chamber, making sure I had ammo.

  Layne and I, side by side, went to the door. Shotguns pointed, ready.

  I looked to him and nodded. He nodded back.

  What happened to us, brother?

  I looked over my shoulder and whistled. The first prospect who looked was the loser.

  “Get over here,” I said. The fucking asshole hesitated, so I pointed the shotgun at him. “Try me.”

  The prospect then jumped into gear. He rushed to the door and I told him to open it. We were ready for what came. I’d rather die with a shotgun in my hands than be on my knees begging for life.

  The door opened and Layne and I stood there. The two men in all black approached as though we weren’t holding guns. They didn’t give a fuck.

  “Stand down,” I said. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “We’re here to deliver a message,” one of them said.

  Their voices were all fucked up, scrambled by something under their masks.

  “Get the fuck out of here before we blow your heads off,” I warned.

  The other man put his hand behind his back. I moved forward and put the shotgun to his chest.

  “I’m not fucking joking,” I said.

  “Neither are we,” the man said.

  When he brought his hand back, he had something folded up, resting on his hand. It was a leather cut. A Devil Call MC leather cut. Perfectly folded so the logo was visible.

  “What the fuck is that?” Layne asked.

  “The debts aren’t paid,” the other man said. “But
this is a good start.”

  “Jesus Christ,” I whispered. “Is that…”

  The man gently placed the leather cut before my feet. He stood back up and grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, placing it back to his chest.

  “We will return for more, soon,” he said.

  “I don’t even know what this is about,” I said. “Christ, you fucking assholes can’t just show up…”

  The two men turned around and started to walk. I let them get far enough to the lot and then lifted the shotgun.

  “I’ll pull this trigger,” I called out.

  They didn’t care.

  “Talon,” Layne said. “We have to…”

  I pulled the trigger.

  The shotgun cried out with its thunderous boom. The two men twisted and jumped, both falling to the ground.

  “Christ, Talon!” Layne bellowed.

  “Go tear their fucking masks off,” I said to the prospect. “Hurry.”

  The prospect ran out to the lot. When he got close enough, he crouched down and reached for one of the men. Before he touched him, the man turned and a gun went off. All I saw was the back of the prospect’s head explode. Blood and brain sprayed like someone spit out a mouthful of red licorice.

  “Fuck!” Layne yelled.

  The two men slowly rose back to their feet and continued to walk.

  I pumped the chamber, ready to unloaded on them.

  Layne knocked the shotgun from my hands and grabbed me by the shoulder. “They’re armored up, bro. That’s serious shit right there.”

  “Who the fuck…”

  I looked down to the leather cut on the ground and dropped to my knees. I lifted the cut up and that’s when the next surprise came.

  A fucking severed hand.

  A ring on the pinky finger. With an ‘H’ on it.

  “It’s fucking Hollis,” I whispered. “They fucking killed him. Cut off his fucking hand.”

  I stood back up and kicked the hand. It jumped and rolled a few feet away. I looked at Layne, everything crumbling around me.

  “You created this,” I said. “That’s why I haven’t taken the patch back. Because this…”

  Layne grabbed me and pulled me to him. His teeth were showing like a hungry wolf. His eyes wide.

  “You… fucking… killed… her…”

  I grinned.

  Good boy. There’s that anger. Finally. Let it out, brother.

  “Yeah, I did,” I said. “And I’d kill you too if I had to.”

  Layne let me go and I shoved him back. I walked through the clubhouse and barked orders for the prospect and all his brain matter to be cleaned up, for the leather cut to be placed in the room on the table, and for Hollis’s hand to be stored and saved for future use.



  I took my bag to Talon’s room and no sooner did I drop it to the floor did the sounds of a shotgun erupt. I jumped and cringed. I froze. Normally I’d run to the door and down the hall to see what was happening. But I couldn’t right now. Maybe never again. It always seemed the next problem waited just minutes away. That’s how the MC operated. Devil Call was a target, and sometimes, a weak one at that. I knew how Talon felt about it and I knew how Layne felt too. Both their perspectives were right but so different it made them both seem wrong.

  And it all hinged on Layne’s girlfriend. The girlfriend that Talon killed.

  Slowly, I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the door. I figured there were three choices in the matter. One, Talon would open the door and be alive and well. He’d have a reason for the commotion and life would go on. Two, it would be police or something like that. Someone coming to take down the club once and for all. I’d be arrested and taken away. I’d be thrown into prison and rot away or get killed. And finally, the third choice was an enemy. An enemy of the club with enough power to burst in, start shooting, and to clean out the clubhouse. The door would open and I’d meet my death.

  So I waited. I wasn’t eager. I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t worried. I was just numb. The life had started to break me down now. As funny as it was, Layne got drunk one of the first nights I was with him and he told me not to get too attached. Not to get too deep. Not to ask too many questions or want too much. Because, digging your grave was one thing, but stepping into it was another. Once you went in too far you couldn’t climb back out. The dirt would start falling, and soon, you’re burying yourself.

  I shivered and thought of Layne.

  I swallowed and thought of Talon.

  That’s when the door opened.

  One, two, or three? What’s the fate, Everly?

  It was Talon. Wide eyed, nostrils flaring, his hand gripped so tight to the doorknob it looked like he wanted to tear the door off its hinges.

  “What happened out there?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Talon said. “Hollis was killed in prison. Now the MC owes on his debts.”

  “Shit. Talon, I’m…”

  “I’m not anything,” he said. He slammed the door. “I’m going to tear your fucking clothes off and have you, beautiful. I need you so bad.”

  I nodded. I slipped my hands on the covers of the bed and sat there, waiting for him.

  Talon came at me fast, thrusting his dick at my chest, knocking me back on the bed. With one hand he touched my lips and then pressed hard and made a line down my body. It hurt my breast when he squeezed. It was impossible to breathe when he pressed on my stomach. When he squeezed my thigh, it tickled for a split second before it felt like someone was trying to tear out my muscle. He then came up and pressed his fingers hard to the center of my pants. He pushed my panties right up into my slit. It burned and I jumped. Wetness quickly followed and I caught myself rocking and thrusting, wanting him.

  His hands then worked together and he tore at my shirt. Thankfully it was just a plain t-shirt and nothing expensive or one that I cared about. Talon ripped my shirt right open. His fingers were then at the top of my bra, pulling it down. My breasts popped out and my bra pulled up under them, hurting a little.

  But I was frozen, hypnotized with a sense of welcomed fear. I was afraid of Talon. But it turned me on to be afraid of him. I wanted more.

  His hands tore down my bare skin again. At my pants he pulled and lifted me right off the bed. I cried out as my back was forced to arch uncomfortably. He was simply ravenous, a beast in a leather cut, deadly with everything he had to offer me, and then some. With the rough flick of his fingers, my pants were undone and they were forced off my body. I tried to move, wiggle, anything to help, but Talon was in his own world. He threw my pants across the room and rubbed his hands to my legs, all the way, touching the insides of my thighs, making me cry out and thrust.

  “That’s right,” he growled. “Beg for me, beautiful.”

  “Talon, I’m here,” I managed to say. It didn’t come without just a sliver of guilt though, as it was just a short while ago that I had been naked in front of Layne. “Right here.”

  “Right fucking forever,” he said.

  His thumbs pressed against my panties, against my slit. He rubbed hard and in vigorous circles. I felt like my body could explode instantly. He made me want to come like I never had before and never thought possible. Just as I never believed in love at first sight, I never thought an orgasm could happen with one touch. I was wrong on both accounts.

  Talon jammed his thumbs harder to me like he wanted my panties to literally go inside me. All it did was create more pressure for me and more resistance for him. More than that, it brought me to the brink. Maybe some of it was pent up feelings from my mind racing because of Layne, but whatever.

  I closed my eyes, arched my back, and felt myself let go.

  I came so hard my muscles started to ache. There was enough pleasure to feel, enough release to experience it all. I grabbed the sheets on the bed and felt myself jolting up and down. Talon kept pressing his thumbs harder and harder. Then as fast as he touched me, he let me go. I opened my eyes and saw him hover
ing over me. His hand touched my jaw and then held me steady.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” Talon said. “Hard. Fast. I’m going to fill you.”

  I nodded. I had no breath and no words.

  With his other hand, Talon slid to my back and unsnapped my bra. I let out a sigh as my chest had relief now.

  Or so I thought.

  Talon’s hand was at my right breast, cupping, squeezing, bringing his fingers together to my sensitive and erect nipple, rolling it between his fingers until I let out a whimpering cry.

  He backed away again and with one hand, he grabbed the front of my panties and pulled. They let out a weak tearing sound and were reduced to useless lacy pieces of cloth. My panties were then scattered on the floor and Talon set his sights on himself. He went for his pants and nothing else. He dropped them, his boxers, and revealed to me his thick and healthy cock. He stroked himself a few times and then came at me with himself.

  His hands grabbed my knees and held my legs open. The lower half of his body came down to mine and with a hard thrust he spread me wide open. My orgasm had me plenty ready for him, but I could never be fully ready for all that Talon had to offer.

  One thrust and my breath was gone again. He still held my jaw, keeping my gaze steady at his. He pulled back and thrust harder. I’m not sure anyone had ever been so deep in me before, not even Talon himself in all our previous times together. He knocked down walls I never knew I had, finding new pleasure spots that made my toes curl so hard, they ached.

  He wasn’t fast and he was doing it on purpose. He wanted me to feel each thrust of his cock. Every succulent inch of his body slowly pulling back. Right to the point where I felt the ridge of the tip of his cock graze my tender clit. I let out a moan and he thrust deep at me again. This time he held himself deep and thick. His lips came down to mine, hard. He kissed me deeply, his strong hand never leaving my jaw. After just the one kiss, his mouth sought refuge at my neck; his lips, tongue, and teeth battling for time. He then exhaled and ran his nose up to my ear.

  With a flicker of his tongue, he whispered, “Forever mine, Everly. Fucking know that. Fucking remember that. Fucking believe in that.”



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