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OPEN SCARS (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Three) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 3)

Page 8

by Ana W. Fawkes

  Tempting me. Trying to flirt with me.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “The building? Just something for fun.”

  “For fun?”

  “Family business stuff. We have offices and apartments. Really nice. Luxurious. Discrete. Quiet. Nothing but a pure fantasy oozing with every person’s needs and wants.”

  “Tell me about the tapes.”

  “Come meet my brother first.”

  I got off the motorcycle and walked with Jade. She went to the front of the building and a man in a suit with a wire opened the door for us. The ground floor was expansive. Leather couches were strategically placed to form wide circles around a black dot in the middle of the floor. I didn’t know if it was some kind of logo or what.

  It was quiet and calm. Almost eerie.

  Jade took me to the elevators and she pressed the button for the top floor. The fifteenth floor. The doors shut, elevator clicked, and we started to move.

  Jade moved at me, staying close, staring.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m picturing you naked, Talon. Want to fuck right here? Right in the elevator?”


  I felt like a fool turning down a good fuck, but my instincts and senses were running high and wild.

  Jade touched my shoulder and then took a few steps back. She turned around and just stood there. Yeah, sure, I looked again. Checking out her ass. Those damn legs. It was leaving my mind racing.

  Slowly, Jade started to bend over. She reached up her skirt and then she peeled her panties off herself. She took them down to her knees and stood up. Looking over her shoulder, she gave a wild grin. Her eyes were dark as hell, seductive without even trying.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

  Jade leaned forward, putting her hands to the wall of the elevator. She then started to step out of her panties. She managed to step on them with her heel and pull them right down. She stepped out and remained, her ass sticking out at me. One quick flip of her dress and I’d be staring at her bare ass and pussy.


  I kept cool and Jade finally turned around to face me again. She bent and grabbed her panties. She brought them right to me, still smiling.

  “I want you to see what you do to me. See how wet these are. See what I smell like. My desire will wrap you up so tight, Talon. Keep you so safe.”

  I grabbed Jade’s wrist and squeezed tight. “I said no. Fuck off.”

  Jade’s hand opened and the panties fell. But she didn’t stop smiling. “I like it rough. You can hurt me. Hurt my wrists. My neck. My legs. My ass. Anywhere you want it, Talon.”

  The elevator finally made a ding sound and stopped.

  Jade pulled away from me. The doors opened and Jade stepped out. She turned and quickly lifted her dress. I had a flash second of the sight of smooth skin.

  Fucking hell.

  “Follow me,” Jade said.

  I followed her down a long hall. At the end there was a set of heavy brown doors. Jade opened them and when I stepped inside to the biggest office I’d ever seen, a man was sitting in a leather chair. He was holding a drink in his hand. Black hair, slicked back, clean cut in a suit, a perfect face, the poster boy image for success and enterprise.

  “Is this him?” the man asked.


  “Talon. Great to meet you. Your face looks different on the tapes.”

  “Where are the fucking tapes?” I asked.

  The man slowly stood. “Whoa, whoa. Easy now. We have business first.” He approached me, hand out. “My name is Vaughn. I’m sure you met my sister, Jade.”


  I didn’t shake his hand. Fuck this guy. Asshole.

  “I see,” Vaughn said as he took his hand back. “I’ll be honest with you. You’ve disrupted a good part of business.”


  “Oh, Tommy. Stupid Tommy. You know, every family has one, right?”

  “Has one what?” I asked.

  Jade came up behind me and ran her hands down the back of my leather cut. She tried to cup my ass and I swatted her away.

  “A family flaw,” Vaughn said. “A drunk. An asshole. A black sheep. That one family member where you look at them and wonder what the fuck their parents were drinking, smoking, what position they were in when they fucked and conceived such a waste of life.”

  “Tommy… he’s related to you?” I asked.

  “He’s our uncle,” Jade said. She ran a finger down my arm. “Well, was our uncle.”

  “Until you killed him,” Vaughn said.

  “Jesus Christ,” I said. I backed up. I looked around. I waited for the walls to collapse and people to jump me and kill me. “Listen, that was my mistake, okay? I jumped the gun on something. I thought he was dealing drugs to someone in my club. I had just gotten out of prison.”

  “Yes, we reviewed all that too,” Vaughn said. “Another murder, huh? Except this was… self defense? And you managed to scrape by with some gun charge bullshit that saw you do a little time. Enough to make the lawyers happy, the judge feel like he accomplished something, and enough to give you time to think. How’d that go?”

  “Besides being constantly attacked and almost killed? It was a vacation.”

  “Oh, he’s wild,” Jade said. “Give me him. Right now.”

  “Jade,” Vaughn growled. He finished his drink. “I don’t give a shit about Tommy. He was always… just off. Stupid. Useless. He couldn’t even manage to be a custodian for one of our buildings. But he was good at being a lurker. He loved drinking and drugs. He was a whole new business just waiting to happen.”

  “Drugs?” I asked. “Is that what this is about?”

  “You didn’t dig enough,” Vaughn said. “Under all those pills and toys, Talon. There was some heavy merchandise. Important merchandise. That you took away.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Merchandise,” Vaughn growled at me. “You know what that means. He was a goddamn runner for us. And he was good at it. Poor Tommy.”

  “So what are you going to do to me?”

  “I’m not sure yet,” Vaughn said. “I could kill you right now. But what good would that do? I’d have the heat of your MC on me. Police. It’s almost better to leave you alive, which is hard for me to accept. Plus, my sister has taken a liking to you. Her fantasies… you can’t control them. I’ve tried.”

  Vaughn smirked. I cringed on the inside.

  What the fuck was all this?

  “I have the tapes though,” Vaughn said. “I own the building where you killed Tommy. That’s why he met there. He was protected there. And you came barging through that protection and killed him. I could hand the tapes over and put you away for the rest of your life. The MC wouldn’t survive it. You wouldn’t survive another trip to prison either. Then again, maybe I can use you, Talon. Use your MC. Find a way to get back all I’ve lost in this.”

  “We don’t allow drugs in Brocke,” I said. “That’s a rule for the MC.”

  Vaughn laughed. “Rules. I don’t give a fuck about rules. I do what I want, when I want.”

  I stepped toward Vaughn. Our noses touched. “And I do what I want, when I want. Tommy was a piece of shit. I’d do it again if I had to.”

  “Those tapes…”

  “Fuck those tapes,” I said. “If you really wanted to hand them in, you would have. Better yet, you wouldn’t have taken them. You want to blackmail me? You want to fuck with me? Do it. Just know I’m bringing Devil Call MC with me.”

  “Where are they right now, Talon?” Vaughn asked with a grin.

  I had no response.

  Vaughn put his empty glass to a table next to his chair. He then adjusted his tie.

  “I’d kill you right now, but my sister wants you. I always aim to please her. One of my weaknesses.”

  “He can’t resist me,” Jade purred.

  “I just wanted you to get an idea of how this all works,” Vau
ghn said. “You’re not the only one with a big dick here, Talon. You have guns and power, good for you. I have a fucking image. I have more than you ever will. And I will find a way for you to pay for what you’ve done.”

  Vaughn started to walk away from me. Jade stepped in front of me and licked her lips. Her eyes were wide, blinking fast.

  “Don’t even fucking try,” I warned.

  “Oh, I will,” Jade said. “And you’ll fucking listen.”

  I heard the click of a gun and felt something touch the back of my head.

  “She always gets what she wants,” Vaughn said. “Listen to her or I’ll splatter your brains all over her face. And she’ll like that too.”

  “What the fuck?” I growled.

  “Take off your leather and shirt,” she said.

  “I’m not going to get hard for you,” I said.

  “Yes you are,” Jade said. “You can’t help it.” She cupped between my legs. She pressed, rubbed, and groaned. “You need it. My tight, fresh pussy. The things I can do with my mouth, my body. Fuck, even my hand…”

  “Fuck off, bitch.”

  “That’s right. Talk dirty. Call me a whore. Smack me. I don’t care.”

  “Take the cut and shirt off,” Vaughn bellowed.

  I stripped off my leather cut and tossed it to the chair. I reached down and lifted my shirt up and over my head. I stood there shirtless, a gun against my head, Jade lifted her hands as her fingers twitched.

  “I knew it had to look like this,” she whispered. “So much muscle. So much bad, bad muscle.”

  “Now what?” I asked.

  Jade touched between my legs again. She came forward and kissed my neck. Her hands squeezed tight to my cock. I tried to resist, but fuck it, I was a man. And Jade was deadly sexy. So, yeah, I got hard for her.

  She then took her hand away from me. She looked at my body, staring at my wounds.

  “Shot,” she whispered. “Three times.” She used her pointer finger and touched each wound. “Boom, boom, boom.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I survived. That’s why I’m not afraid of more bullets.”

  “One through your fucking head would do the trick,” Vaughn said.

  “Shut up, Vaughn!” Jade yelled. “Pretend you’re not here.”

  Jade then came forward to me again. Her lips touched one of the bullet wounds. She nuzzled her nose to the scarred flesh. She kissed me. Then she flicked her tongue. As she kissed, she groaned, the lower half of her body thrusting at me.

  She moved to each wound and repeated the same thing. Kissing. Licking. Moaning. She was getting turned on by my wounds. What a sick fucking bitch.

  Jade put her hands to my chest, her nails digging at me. She closed her eyes and put her head back.

  That was my opening.

  I threw my head back and kicked back at the same time. The move was surprising and I caught Vaughn off guard. The gun fell from his hand and I kicked him in the knee. He let out a cry and I spun around and punched him once in the face. Vaughn toppled to the floor. I grabbed the gun and turned, looking at Jade. She slowly put her hands up, staring at me.

  “You sick fucks leave me alone,” I warned.

  I unloaded the clip from the gun and tucked it in my pocket. I reached for my leather cut and shirt. Jade wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. She kissed my shoulder, my neck.

  She started to weep.

  “Save me,” she whispered. “Save me from Vaughn. He does this to me. Forces me to be this. I’m not this. I’m… scared…”

  I pulled back and pushed her on the chair. She sat and her dress went up. I had full sight between her legs. No panties and all.

  “Fuck,” I said.

  “Don’t,” Jade said. “You have to save me. You can’t leave me like this.”

  I put my shirt on. I put my leather cut on. I turned and gave a swift kick to Vaughn’s gut. He let out a cry and coughed.

  I reached into my pocket and threw the clip back at Jade. It landed right between her legs. I couldn’t have done that again if I tried.

  “You want to be saved?” I asked. “Load the gun and fucking shoot him.”

  I walked to the office door and opened it.

  There were two men standing there, guns drawn, waiting for me.

  “Don’t kill him!” Jade let out a whimpering cry.

  What the fuck had I gotten myself into? And where the fuck was my MC to help?



  I killed time by moving slow. Once I was finally dressed, I left the room. I walked down to Layne’s room to look for something - again, killing time - and when I opened the door and found Layne sitting on the edge of the bed, I was shocked.

  He looked at me. “Everly.”

  “Why are you here? Is Talon back?”

  “Talon? No. He took off.”



  “You didn’t go with him…”

  “He didn’t want it. It’s his business. Not mine.”

  “What about the club?”

  “What about it?”

  “Do you want him to die? Is that what this game is? Letting Talon go out and get himself finally killed. Then you can have the club and it won’t look so bad on you.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Everly?”

  Layne jumped up and I backed up. “I don’t get it. I fucking throw myself at you and you throw me away. I fucking throw myself at Talon and you get angry. Are you trying to kill him? Hurt me? What the fuck do you want?”

  Layne came at me and quickly pinned me against the door. He made fists and hit the door. His face was inches from mine.

  “What do you want from me?” he asked. “I’m not going to open it all to you, I’m sorry. I can’t. Not with all this bullshit going on. I can’t control Talon either. I’m not the President of the club. Someone needs to run this MC, but it needs to be voted. Everyone needs to trust in their President or it doesn’t matter. Talon wanted to face Jony by himself. I can’t control that. I can just sit here and think. Think about what went wrong and why. Think about how to help you get out of this mess and this club, Everly.”

  “I don’t want out,” I said. “Fuck, Layne, stop trying to tell me that.”

  “But you do. I see it in your eyes. You want me to throw you to the bed and fuck you? What’s that going to prove? What’s that going to do?”

  My lips were shut. I was silent. Layne was right.

  Layne punched the door again and backed away. “Fuck. You know what I want? I want Talon to realize the MC means something to everyone. If he has to go out and take some shots alone to realize it, so be it. There’s a means to the end. At least that’s what he told me when…”

  “When he killed Anneliese?”

  “Don’t say her name.”

  “Make me stop.”


  “Anneliese,” I said. “Tell me about Anneliese. What did Anneliese look like. How did you meet Anneliese?”

  Layne came at me again. His hands touched my hips and held tight.

  “Don’t fucking do this…”

  “Anneliese,” I whispered.

  That’s when Layne kissed me. I had no idea it was coming, but I’m glad it did. It was hot and wild. Our lips and tongue fought even harder than before.

  It was so wrong. But it was so good.

  Layne kissed me over and over, again and again.

  Then he broke it and put the back of his hand to his mouth.

  “Layne, it’s okay…”

  He grabbed the door and opened it, moving me out of the way. He charged from the room and was gone.

  I stood there, licking my lips, my heart racing. I lowered my head and wanted to cry.

  Not here, Everly. Don’t cry here. Go find privacy.

  I left the room and the clubhouse, going to the lot. I walked slowly, thinking about too much at once. I just wanted to see Talon again. I wanted to ask about that picture. It burned in me that Detec
tive John had a picture of Talon when he was a kid. Was that how long Talon had been in trouble? Life felt heavier by the second. My decisions seemed more flawed the more I thought.

  When I got to the gate of the compound I stood there. I gripped the metal rails and looked out to the town of Brocke.

  How was this being free? How could anyone in Devil Call MC think they were free right now? They were all trapped behind these gates. From enemies. From authorities. From themselves even. It was all a bigger prison. Just with motorcycles, whiskey, and whores.

  I lowered my head and started to cry.

  “Oh, come on now, don’t do that to me.”

  I jumped back and blinked fast.

  Detective John stood at the gate, hands in his pockets.

  “Are you stalking me?” I asked.

  “I’m watching the clubhouse, Everly. I won’t stop. Now why are you crying?”

  I hurried to wipe my eyes. I put my hands to the gate again. “I’m not crying. I’m just getting some air.”

  “Yeah, I know that. I’ve lived it. You’re trapped, Everly. I can give you freedom.”

  “Keep saying that.”

  “Did you show him that picture yet?”

  “No. Why does it matter?”

  “Maybe it’ll stir up some memories.” Detective John put his hands over mine. “That picture comes with a story. Some truth. And if Talon isn’t going to be here to tell you, then I will.”

  “Tell me what?” I asked.

  “I can save you from him because I know how he is. Known it for… Christ, his entire life. Every smile, laugh, tear, ache, pain, bruise. I know it all. I’m here not to break his balls and hurt him. I’m here to protect him. And if getting him for murder gets him out of this life, then I’m going to do that. But you shouldn’t go down with him either, Everly. You’re far too beautiful and have too much to offer the world.”

  “And why the hell would you care so much?” I asked.

  I was half tempted to spit in Detective John’s face and walk away.

  But he looked calm, sincere.

  “Because it’s what we do. We protect. I mean, not just because of my job. But it’s a father’s job, Everly. To protect his son.”

  And that’s when the world stopped. Time stopped. Life stopped.


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