Shifting Targets

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by Austina Love

  You can chase a shadow but you can never catch it—especially if it’s chasing you!

  Trapped deep in the woods of South Dakota, Shye must find a way to escape the posse chasing her. She employs her gift as a shifter in a new way that takes Trip off guard, causing him to wreck his bike. With the help of an old friend, the two lovers wreak havoc on a small town while shifting the eyes of the law in the right direction.

  Thinking the worst is over—she rides into town seeking to regain ownership of her family’s farm. What she uncovers is more shocking than anything she imagined. Will she make the ultimate sacrifice to right a wrong committed against her people? Or will Trip convince her that he has a better way?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Shifting Targets

  Copyright © 2013 Austina Love

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-453-0

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Devine Destinies

  An imprint of eXtasy Books

  Look for us online at:

  www.devine destinies com

  Smashwords Edition

  Shifting Targets

  Sweet Hitchhiker 3


  Austina Love

  For my beloved Austin whose spirit lights my way.

  With respect to my Native American ancestors most of whom I have never met. While writing this book I heard the drums of my past and experienced a reawakening in my soul. Though I do not resemble them in appearance, their spirit is in my blood. Visions I saw can only be attributed to my connection to those who walked before me.

  Everything I describe regarding Native Americans in this book came from my imagination and visions from my mind.

  Special thank you to my readers. My wish is that you feel the story and become swept away by the mystical aura I felt when writing it.

  To Jay, thank you for everything.

  Chapter One

  “Where the hell is that little bitch?” Carter’s nasally voice could be heard even from a safe distance away. “How did we miss her? She didn’t just evaporate into thin air!”

  Shye had been running through the woods most of the afternoon once she and Trip made the decision to split up to save themselves. Though he’d been reluctant, she’d insisted that he ride off on his motorcycle while she led the posse hunting them on a chase.

  Inwardly she laughed. And what a futile chase it is! They have no idea what I can do or that I’ve led them so deep into these Dakota Hills they’ll be lucky to find the road by dawn. She smiled with pride over her quick thinking and wise use of her gift.

  She stopped at a stream for a drink then dunked her head into the sparkling clear water to rinse grime from her face and hair. Fairly confident that she’d gained a significant lead, she took her time to contemplate her next move.

  Even in the thick July heat she hadn’t broken a sweat. In fact her body felt cold—ice cold—as it always did when in her shadow form.

  Their distance voices reached her, they sounded lost. With a smirk she pictured the fat banker and his crew scratching their heads and sweating like the greedy pigs that they were while searching for her.

  Carter would undoubtedly slow them down. She knew he wouldn’t quit now that Pike had seen her with the money—witnessed her merging through the brick wall of the bank after she’d robbed the vault.

  Their gunfire had been useless against her during the initial chase while they had her in their sights. Nagi’s gift had definite advantages and each day Shye discovered better ways to employ the new powers bestowed upon her by the spirit world. Shifting into shadows enabled her to assume the form of whichever shadow she borrowed. Sometimes she preferred using her own shadow such as today when she needed to lead Carter and his men away from Trip. Now, however, a swift animal shadow would be handy to make her escape and find her lover.

  She thought about Trip and wondered how far he’d gone. Had he made a safe getaway? Is he waiting on the highway like he promised? She wouldn’t blame him one bit if he just kept on riding once clear of this mess. He’d done nothing more than give her a ride. He had nothing to do with her plan to repeatedly rob Mike Carter’s bank. Though he wasn’t the one Carter really wanted, Trip’s deliberate participation in helping her escape may land him in serious trouble—trouble he didn’t need while hunting his brother’s killer. She felt sad yet couldn’t deny she was glad he’d come along.

  From her first day back home when she’d spotted him glistening in the sun while straddling that gleaming black Harley, pouring water from a jug over his head—a fire in her soul had been reignited, and only he had the power to squelch the burning flames. She ached for him now more than ever. His gentle yet searing touch had stoked the desire in her soul.

  Her mind flashed back to the situation at hand. She needed to get out and away before sunset in order to shift back to human form. Chief Blackwater’s words reverberated in her head as if some unseen force was keeping her on track. You must release the shadow before the sun sets or you will disappear with it and roam in the land of darkness forever. Be careful. Do not succumb to the lust for power and hold onto the shadows longer than necessary. Complete your task and release them.

  With a shake of her head, excess water sprayed from her hair. She pulled the long strands back off her face and looked around. Streaks of light slanting through the trees indicated the sun would soon set. It was time to lose these bastards for good.

  Once I get away and regain my footing, I’m coming back to finish what I started, you low down thief. She’d made a silent vow to take back from Carter what he’d stolen from her family—a huge plantation that had belonged to her ancestors for generations. Nothing would stop her. This little attempted trap of theirs was only a minor glitch in her grand scheme.

  Their muffled voices floated in and out of the area as if they kept walking in circles. Convinced that the small posse trying to track her had come far enough into the forest, she glanced around for a suitable shadow. One that would lend her speed, yet not be easy prey for predators or hunters.

  She bowed her head and said a quick prayer.

  Finding a fitting shadow to assume this late in the day posed a challenge especially beneath the tall thick pines. While admiring the beauty around her and the luminous water flowing over moss covered rocks, a reflection caught her eye. Looking up toward the sky, she saw a majestic bald eagle soaring overhead.

  Come closer, pretty bird. I only need your shadow for a little while. She watched it glide in circles.

  While in shadow form, she could do anything and was indestructible—like a ghost. She could walk through walls, move around virtually unseen and evade her enemies with astounding ease. The desire to remain like that forever indeed tempted her. To run like a deer, possess the power of a bear, or fly like an eagle were all things she longed to experience. Today it appeared that her desire to soar h
igh above the trees on glorious wings would be fulfilled. She said a silent prayer of thanks followed by a request for the strength to let go once free of the woods.

  Stepping into the water, she teetered on her high heeled boots, picking her way along the rocks until coming to a shimmering break in the creek where the water pooled before tumbling over a short ridge. The eagle swooped lower until its shadow once again swept over the water.

  Shye softly called upon the ghost dancer while holding a black feather, which dangled from her beaded necklace. “Nagi…I am ready.” Instantly she felt the shift but it wasn’t as intense as going from human to shadow. Shifting from one shadow to another didn’t incur the bone-chilling sensation.

  She gazed at the wings on either side of her. Amazing! Immediately after the transformation completed she spread her wings and took flight, rising above the trees with incredible ease. She floated on the breeze, gazing down over the trees while soaring through the sky. Oh…wow… She turned her head from one side to the other gazing at her massive wings. She now understood the warning that had come with the gift. I can see everything! And the air is so clear and cool up here. I feel free…like I can do anything.

  Her keen eagle eyes spotted Carter, Pike, and the few others stumbling along through the forest still tracking her. The temptation to swoop down and pluck their eyes flitted through her mind but she remembered the chief’s cautioning words and moved on.

  This was the first time she’d borrowed an animal’s shadow and the experience was nothing short of exhilarating. She swooped and soared waving her golden wings effortlessly as she picked up speed. I could easily stay like this forever.

  Flying was an awe-inspiring experience. She didn’t want to give it up yet this body did not rightfully belong to her. Her Native American ancestors had given her a precious gift and she needed to use this power wisely to locate Trip, then shift into her human form before the sun went down. And by the looks of the Dakota skies, she didn’t have much time.

  Glancing at the huge talons below her feathered body, she wondered how to land. She decided to take each moment as it came and enjoy this awe-inspiring flight overlooking miles of trees and badlands. This may be the only time I see the world from this prospective, she thought.

  She could see for miles but still hadn’t found Trip. Where is he? He promised to wait for me…promised to meet me on the road. Did he run into trouble? Change his mind? Did Carter trick us and have someone watching the only way out? The temptation to remain a shadow, even if it meant roaming in darkness threatened to overtake her if she couldn’t be with the man she loved.

  The sun dipped lower with each passing minute, making her anxious over what to do. She didn’t relish life as a renegade, but she’d given her heart to a man. Not just any man—a fearless rebel rider who with one glance from his smoldering dark eyes could make her ache to bed him. Finding love had been the last thing on her mind upon returning home from the Air Force.

  Yet one look at him parked on his magnificent Custom Softail with that long black hair framing a gorgeous face was all it had taken. She couldn’t resist hitching a ride. His alluring scent, spectacular physique and make love to me eyes had taken her heart captive from the moment they met. The taste of him burned on her lips. Now that she’d experienced his raw passion and fiery love, she didn’t want to live without it.

  Movement amidst the trees bordering the highway drew her attention. She coasted on spread wings, making wide circles over the area. There on the road, hugging the shadows was Trip on his shining masterpiece of steel and chrome traveling north. She circled lower. His gaze continually swept the area as if watching for her but he wasn’t looking up which didn’t surprise her. They hadn’t had time to discuss much before splitting up.

  Relief washed over her just seeing him again.

  His appearance was breathtaking. Coal black hair shone in the streaks of light cast by a setting sun. Leather trench coat blowing in the tailwind parted to reveal his broad muscular chest covered by a clingy black t-shirt. Her eyes honed in on a string of wooden beads around his neck hanging down the front. A cross-shaped pendent dangled at the end. She’d never seen this before and wondered if the neckpiece served a purpose like hers did.

  He didn’t know it yet, but any moment he’d have an unusual passenger riding behind him. Flutters of excitement filled her over reuniting with him and she felt nervous about landing. Either way she couldn’t wait to wrap her arms around those rippling abs and let her hands caress his sexy navel then drop lower to glide along the taut thighs cloaked in denim. Nothing thrilled her more than cuddling up behind him, running her fingers through his long hair, and breathing in his masculine scent. He always smelled fantastic, alluring—intoxicating.

  From the first time she’d hitched a ride with her rebel rider he’d become her addiction.

  * * * *

  Trip glanced at the setting sun while cruising down a mountainous stretch of road, consumed with worry. Shye had been gone much too long. His heart raced over the endless possibilities of what could’ve gone wrong with their impromptu plan. But they hadn’t been presented with many options. Blindsided by Carter and Pike, he never expected the two crooks to find his cabin and show up with a posse.

  But Shye had quickly suggested a plan of escape. He wished he’d had more time before letting her run off into the woods without him. He didn’t like the loneliness already setting in. She’d won his heart the first day they’d met. Something no other woman had ever done.

  Images of Shye lying beneath him bathed in passionate heat seared his weary mind. They had finally crossed the unseen line between lovers and professed their love. Hearing those three little words spoken from her lips in sweet sincerity had been the best thing he’d ever heard. Parting had been nearly impossible after just making love for hours. Yet he had to let her go. It was their only chance of getting out alive.

  Her plan to shift into her shadow and lead the posse on a futile chase had been both a gutsy and dangerous one. Just when he thought he couldn’t love her more, she raised the bar. He pulled her deeper into thought while continuing to search the highway and wood line for any sign of his woman. The lovely vision of her sleeping in his arms after taking him to staggering heights played before him.

  The image of her satiny black hair cascading around her while she lay beneath him made him burn for more of her wild love. The way she gazed up with huge black eyes, large and full of passion melted the ice from his jaded heart. Warm and inviting, those sultry eyes could bring any man to his knees with a mere glance. And she had. The first day he stopped to offer her a ride into town he was hooked. Her sensual lips on his tasted sweet. He ached to hold her, comfort her—kiss her into ecstasy.

  With a body like a goddess, slender but not skinny, and curves in all the right places she was pure heaven to touch. When she wrapped those long shapely legs around him it drove him mad with want. An uncomfortable tightening rose in his groin just thinking about Shye. They’d only been separated for one afternoon. He wondered how he’d survive if they didn’t find each other before dark.

  Has she run into trouble? Did they keep her on the run so long she couldn’t find a way out? He trusted her, but worried nonetheless. Anything could’ve gone wrong in those dense woods. She’d left with the promise of finding him on the road and he’d vowed to watch for her. He’d been praying all afternoon for the spirits of her world to watch over her. He’d even taken his prayer beads from his bag and worn them around his neck to boost his faith.

  His thoughts drifted back while he kept watch for any sign of her. The night Nagi Howiwacipi—Shadow the Ghost Dancer as Shye called her, appeared to him had been phenomenal.

  Shye had told him only those touched by Nagi could see her. He felt truly honored and blessed to have been accepted by her world. The striking resemblance between his woman and the ghost dancer was uncanny—as if Shye had been chosen long ago for a specific purpose. He didn’t understand much about the spirit world, but he di
d believe in Shye.

  While entrenched in thought a large shadow fell upon the road directly to his front. Glancing up, he saw a huge bird swooping down. An eagle! How awesome is that? He’d never seen one fly so low and looked around for the prey it had spotted.

  Suddenly the bird flew straight at him, taking him off guard. He couldn’t see the road from behind the massive wingspan so he hit the brakes as they collided. His bike skidded. Turning the wheel, he laid it down sideways to avoid going over the embankment. As soon as he regained control, he pulled the bike up and parked against the hillside opposite the other side of the highway where nothing more than a shoulder separated the road from a cliff.

  Scrapes on his arms and tears in his jeans were nothing compared to what would’ve happened had he gone over the ridge. Why the hell did that bird attack me? He shook his head in disbelief.

  He stared wide-eyed as the impressive bald eagle landed on the seat of his Harley. It stared back at him with piercing black eyes. Behind it he noticed the sun was about to set. Then he became aware of something else—a familiar beaded necklace with two feathers, one black and one white, attached by leather thongs hanging from the bird’s neck.

  “Shye? Is that you?” Cautiously he reached toward the bird. When it didn’t fly away but only cocked its head instead, he took hold of the white feather. “It’s okay, angel, I’ve got you. Go ahead and shift.”

  Before his eyes the glorious eagle shifted into his stunning Shye. The transformation was quick, so quick he’d have missed it if he’d looked away for a minute. She appeared a bit disoriented at first but recovered swiftly. Then she threw herself into his arms.


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