Shifting Targets

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Shifting Targets Page 2

by Austina Love

  He pulled her into a loving embrace, planting kisses over her face, neck and hair. “My god, that was incredible.”

  “You knew me.” She looked up with misty eyes. “You remembered the white feather.”

  “I remember everything you say. I must confess the eagle took me off guard there for a few minutes.” He gave her a wink. “Nice touch but you really cut it close.” He nodded toward the setting sun.

  “I left our followers very far away, deep in the hills. They’ll be wandering around forever with nightfall on the horizon. Our plan worked.” She smiled sweetly. “Flying as an eagle was the most exhilarating experience I’ve ever had. I so wish I could take you on that ride.”

  “You have an amazing gift. Any reason why you chose the eagle? About scared the shit out of me when you flew right at my face,” he said with a light laugh while plucking a stray feather from his hair.

  “Sorry about that.” She laughed in the gentle way unique to her. “I haven’t mastered this shifting thing completely and landing was a bit tricky. I didn’t have many choices under the cover of those tall trees. I was sitting at a stream washing off some dirt when I noticed the eagle’s reflection in the water. Nagi is wise. She gave me the perfect shadow to make my escape and find you.”

  He framed her pretty face between gentle hands. “I couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing you again.”

  “I felt the same about you,” she said. “When I didn’t see you right away, I panicked a little. The temptation to stay in the shadows is very strong. If I didn’t have you waiting, I wonder if I’d have come back.”

  “Don’t ever think that. I will always be here for you…always.” His mouth covered hers in a deep kiss.

  She parted her soft lips for his seeking tongue. He swept his arms up her partially covered back and slid his fingers beneath the halter style half-top. She clung to him and he felt the longing in her kiss. After several blissful moments of heated reunion, she eased back, touching her lips to his several times in sweet lingering kisses. He nipped playfully at her bottom lip and winked.

  “We should get going.” Her voice was soft not demanding. “I don’t want to lose the lead we have.”

  “I agree, babe,” he said while stroking her silky hair and letting his gaze sweep over her face. “I have a buddy who lives farther north. Last time I saw him, he said I have an open invitation to hang there. We’ll be safe. It’s a permanent residence and he carries weapons.”

  “Okay.” Sadness flitted through her eyes. “Looks like it will be a while before I can visit my parents. I won’t put them at risk.”

  “I’m sure they understand.” He helped her onto his bike then slid on to her front. “Once the farm is yours again and Carter is behind bars, your mother and father can move back home.”

  “That will be a happy day. Do you think you’d like living there with me?”

  He turned his head sideways and smiled. “Wherever you want to call home is fine by me. I’ve been a drifter for so many years, I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to have a real home.”

  She arched her neck to place a tender kiss on his lips. “You will love it there.”

  Closing his eyes, he savored another kiss with her snuggled close behind. The feel of her arms around him again, the delicate floral scent that surrounded her felt like home to him. He let his tongue lightly trace her sensual lips, reluctant to leave this moment too soon. One hand slid into her long hair draped to the side as they enjoyed another short round of passionate kissing.

  “Thank you for waiting,” she purred as her lips eased to his neck, nibbling and kissing.

  The fierce ache to bed her rose in his groin. Her engaging seductive manner came naturally. He doubted she even realized just how irresistible she was.

  “Shye…I’d have ridden the highways till the end of time waiting for you.”

  Their eyes met again and hers shimmered with open love. Gazing back at her with half-closed eyes, he drew a deep breath through parted lips. He craved her wild love and wanted her right there.

  “You’re doing that again,” she whispered.

  “What’s that, babe?”

  “Making love to me with your eyes.”

  A slow smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “I’d prefer making love to you with my body.”

  “Mm…let’s get outta here then.”

  Chapter Two

  “This is as close to home as I can give you for now,” Trip said, taking her hand after they’d parked and dismounted. “Don’t mind Remle, he’s rather eccentric but harmless…unless you’re a cop.”

  “Did he not like your brother then?” Shye surveyed their immediate surroundings. A rickety looking wood cabin sat in a cluster of huge pines. Vines wound their way up the sides and onto the shingled roof. They stood in the moonlight taking a look around. “Are you sure he’s home?”

  “Yeah, he’s around here somewhere. Ty was the only cop Remle liked because Ty didn’t mess in his business.”

  “What business is that?” She peered through the dark at a shoddy picnic table plunked beside an outdoor fireplace. Both appeared handmade and rustic.

  “Well…” Trip laughed. “He makes moonshine and corn whiskey but never bothered with a license. Times are tough for a lot of folks around here. They do what they can to survive.”

  “I see.” After another glance around she still didn’t notice anything suspicious.

  “You won’t find it.” He draped an arm over her shoulders.

  “Find what?”

  He slanted her a knowing look and grinned. “Little miss innocent, like you weren’t looking for his still.”

  “Just curious.”

  “I know. It’s part of your nature to check everything out.”

  She shrugged with a smile. “So where is your friend? Is he sleeping?”

  “Not tonight.” Trip pointed toward the sky. “Look at that moon. A perfect night for working outside. We can go inside. Remle will stagger in around dawn.”

  “Stagger, huh? No wonder he’s poor if he’s drinking the profit.”

  “At least he tastes the product to make sure it’s good.” Trip gave her a wink.

  Shye assumed they’d be holding up in primitive conditions until they walked inside. The cabin’s interior was a pleasant surprise considering the outside appearance. “Wow…he must be doing okay.”

  Trip walked into a small kitchen and retrieved two cans of soda from a full sized refrigerator, then grabbed a bag of chips from a bar. “You must be hungry and thirsty.”

  “Thank you, I am.” She accepted the drink and plopped onto a black leather sofa. “This is really nice. I had no idea the moonshine business could be so profitable.” Her gaze moved around the area. White paneled walls spanned each room. From her viewpoint there appeared to be two bedrooms and a full bath. Bath! Oh would I love a good shower. “Do you think he’d mind if I cleaned up?”

  “Nah, he’s very hospitable. You go ahead, I’ll grab our gear from the bike.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips before heading outside. “Don’t worry, you’re safe here.”

  After chugging her soda, she meandered into the bathroom. Much to her delight, she found it spacious and immaculate with a full tub and tiled shower. A three-door mirrored cabinet was mounted to the wall above a round marble sink. Even the plumbing fixtures looked modern and well kept. She opened a narrow door beside the sink to find a linen closet fully stocked with towels and toiletries. The man had enough supplies to make her wonder if he entertained frequently.

  After helping herself to what she needed, Shye turned the water on and stepped in. Weeds and grime washed down the drain as she enjoyed a nice, long soapy shower. By the time she finished, Trip had returned and left her bag on the floor. She appreciated how he respected her space and her modesty. He was a gentleman through and through.

  “It took all my self-restraint to not jump in there with you,” he purred when she reentered the living area. “Mm…you look and smell amazin
g,” he added when she slid into his arms. “Let me grab a shower then we can eat.” He gave her a slow once over. “Nice pants…they’re hot on you.”

  Her gaze followed him as he found his bag and rooted through it for fresh clothes. He peeled the black t-shirt off then unbuttoned his jeans and removed his boots and socks. She inwardly gasped at his sex appeal. Wandering around the cabin half-dressed in bare feet with his fly undone, he sparked her already mounting desire. The hour ride in the dark cuddled behind him had stirred the ache in her soul. She always became aroused when riding with him. Something about the openness and his animal magnetism just made her burn.

  “If you’re trying to tease me, there’s no need,” she said low and soft. “I was ready before we got here.”

  He turned his head sharply, as if shocked by her bold statement. Their eyes met and locked. She caught the fire in the smoldering depths of his intense stare and for a moment thought he’d skip the shower and ravish her. Flutters filled her stomach as he moved toward her without breaking eye contact. Her body trembled when his tanned muscled arms scooped her right off her feet in one smooth move. He stared down at her.

  “How hungry are you?” he asked in a throaty growl.

  “Food can wait.” She gasped at his feral approach. Her hands slid over his hard chest then up into his silky hair before her arms curled around his neck. “Our swim and dessert got interrupted back at your cabin.”

  “Yeah…” He murmured. “And your sweetness is what I’ve been craving for dessert.”

  Her eyes watered beneath his sensual sway. He was without a doubt the most naturally seductive man she’d ever met. With one arm supporting her weight, he used his free hand to unzip her corset-style top then undid the fly to her low-rise pants.

  “You know what I want, don’t ya, angel?” He lowered his head and brushed his lips over her bare midriff.

  “Mm-hm…” She closed her eyes and let her head fall back. Just the thought of what he was about to do sent a delightful tingle through her body. Intense throbbing welled in her core. She gasped as his lips moved lower. “If you keep teasing me…”

  “No, I’m not going to tease you.” He gently positioned her backside on the sink while his eyes took her in with sheer hunger. “You stay perched there looking gorgeous while I peel these painted-on pants off your long sexy legs…then your agony will be relieved.”

  With both hands braced on the sink ledge, she leaned back and completely surrendered to this undeniable man. Whatever he wanted she would eagerly give.

  “The second shower was better than the first,” she said between ragged breaths as they lay on several bath towels spread on the bathroom floor.

  “Hell yeah…you’re awesome.” He buried his face against her neck, panting for breath. “Dessert is always better beforehand.”

  She let out a light laugh. “You’re right. I’m usually too full for dessert. I love the way you think.”

  “Mm…” He rolled onto his side and gazed down at her. “But with you, dessert is my appetizer because I can never get enough of your wild love.”

  A pleasurable shiver raced over her. Everything in her world felt right in his arms. They lay in each other’s arms exchanging tender kisses and affectionate caresses for a long time.

  “I’ve never seen this on you before.” She gently lifted the string of beads lying against his chest. “Does the neckpiece have meaning?”

  He laid one hand over hers. “They are prayer beads…they were Ty’s.”

  Her eyes searched his for a few intense moments. “Then they have great significance. To wear anything spiritual from a loved one is great medicine in our family. Were they in the box he left to you?”

  Trip shook his head slightly. “His wife wanted me to have them. She prayed a special blessing over them before we said goodbye.”

  Shye traced the cross-shaped wooden pendant. “Ty’s spirit rides with you. “

  He studied her with open curiosity. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. He will not rest until his death is avenged…but then again, neither will you.”

  “You continue to amaze me, babe.” He placed a deeply affectionate kiss on her lips.

  They were about to indulge in more hot kisses when she heard the front door open.

  “Sounds like your friend is home.”

  “Yeah.” Trip sighed with a hazy expression in those decadently dark eyes. “I could stay here with you forever like this.” With open reluctance, he pushed to his feet then pulled her up.

  They took their time dressing. While she stood in the mirror brushing out her hair and checking her appearance, he came up behind her. Gently he took the brush from her hand and began to lovingly brush it. She watched in fascination as his large hands stroked the long black strands then raked it with the brush. His eyes met hers in the mirror as he lavished this new kind of affection over her.

  Sweeping her tresses to one side, he lowered his head and let his lips trail along her neck, leaving a moist trail of satin kisses from her chin to the nape. She couldn’t resist reaching back with one hand to slide her fingers into his hair and lay her head against his shoulder. Bare to the waist, he looked and felt awesome. She never wanted this moment to end but knew they had a fight ahead of them.

  Until she cleared her name and proved Carter’s guilt or somehow figured out how to ruin him, she and Trip would be renegades.

  “C’mon, angel, let’s go say hello.” His softly parted lips feathered her cheek before setting the brush down and taking her hand.

  Walking hand-in-hand, they wandered into the living area where his friend sat in a recliner chair watching satellite TV. Tall, thin and considerably older than them with a long blond ponytail tied behind his head—he looked up with striking blue eyes.

  “Hey, Viper, I thought that was your bike parked out back. What brings you way up here to my private palace?”

  “Shye, this is Dax,” he said, then reached out and clasped hands with the man in friendly greeting.

  “Dax?” She raised a brow at Trip.

  “Dax Remle.”

  “Nobody calls me Dax,” the man said with a grin. “Not if you want me to answer. My friends call me Remle.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Shye offered him a cordial smile.

  He took her hand and placed a very light kiss on the back. “The pleasure is mine, I’m sure.” Then he turned his attention back to Trip. “So what’s up? You think Draven is up here somewhere?”

  Trip dropped onto the couch, taking her with him. He wrapped one arm around her bare shoulders. “No, I know where Draven is. We ran into a bit of trouble in town. Mike Carter is after Shye.”

  Remle furrowed his brow. “Her? A sweet little thing like her? What does that asshole want with her?”

  “He tricked her parents into selling their farm and she’s trying to take it back. Seems that Carter and Pike are using the land to expand their operation.”

  “You looking for more firepower?”

  “Wouldn’t hurt. My woman here is a sharp shooter and a weapons specialist. She can probably handle anything you’ve got.”

  He stared at her with scrutinizing eyes. “Is that so?”

  Shye nodded, somewhat surprised by the sudden direction of their conversation. She assumed this man was nothing more than a hillbilly making moonshine, but it seemed he had more to offer than a little liquor and he certainly didn’t appear intoxicated.

  “You have a nice place,” she said. “Quite different inside than it looks on the outside.”

  “Keeps people away,” Remle muttered, turning his focus back toward the TV.

  Trip tossed a potato chip at him to get his attention. “Is it cool if we hang out here?”

  “You know the answer, boy. My house is always open to you.”

  “Just checking, man. I never brought company before.”

  Remle gave Shye a hard once over. “No, you haven’t. She must be special for you to bring her here.”

/>   “So how do you plan on getting her land back?”

  “Shye has been draining his resources in hope of forcing a sale. She was doing a good job until Pike came out of hiding. We got into a firefight when the prick took her captive. Not sure what he intended to do with her. He hid her in a barn instead of turning her over to Carter. I suspect Pike has his own agenda and plans to get rid of the greasy banker in the end.”

  “Then you need to take Draven down before he no longer needs his banker friend. Otherwise Carter’s assets, including the farm, will be tied up for years while the family fights over the will and she’ll never receive justice.”

  “Won’t Carter have some kind of backup plan to keep Pike from turning on him?” Shye asked.

  Remle shrugged. “Sure he does but that won’t stop Draven. The man is stone cold killer. Once Carter is of no use, he’ll disappear and so will your chance of buying the land unless his family sells.”

  She sat back in contemplation. “I see.”

  Trip gave her a light squeeze. “Don’t worry, babe, we’ll get him.”

  “I need to do more than these small daily robberies.”

  “You’re robbing his bank?” Remle’s eyebrows shot up. “How the hell are you getting away with that?”

  “I have talent.”

  “The money in his bank is federally insured. While your attempts are commendable, you’re doing nothing more than pissing him off. How much money have you taken and where are you hiding it?”

  She looked to Trip for guidance, not sure what to tell this eccentric older man. He gave her a reassuring nod.

  “I made off with at least half a million maybe more and the money has been dispersed to various charities that I’d like to remain anonymous.”

  “That’s fine. But if you want to force him into bankruptcy, which is how you’ll get your land back, you’ll need to strike his personal accounts…while he’s still alive.”

  “Do you have any ideas?” Shye asked.


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