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Caught in the Undertow (Hawaiian Crush #6)

Page 8

by Todd, E. L.

  “And please reconsider going to the police.”

  She didn’t respond.

  Coen left the house and returned to the shack. When he walked into the bedroom, Sydney was still asleep. He sighed in relief. If he couldn’t tell her the truth about Casey, he didn’t want her to notice his absence to question him.

  He went into the bathroom and washed the blood from his hands. Seeing it fall into the drain just made him angry all over again. The situation was too close to his heart. Guys like Jeremy didn’t deserve to live. Any man that hit a woman was a waste of life. Coen wished he could kill him with his bare hands. Theresa’s face kept popping into his mind. She was laying her casket, wearing her favorite dress. Her hair was displayed around her face, making her look peaceful and happy. Coen felt the tears in his eyes when he thought about it. He lost his sister but he wouldn’t let another innocent girl die. He would protect Casey if it was the last thing he’d ever do. He just wished he could tell Sydney about it. He didn’t know how he would hide it from her.


  Sydney didn’t question him about that night. Coen was relieved that she hadn’t noticed his absence. It was a situation he was thankful to avoid. Sydney was still sick in bed, coughing and spitting out mucous. Coen became more worried.

  “Baby, I’m taking you back to the hospital. You should be better by now.”

  She nodded. “I’m scared.”

  He held her hand. “You’re going to be fine. I just think we need something stronger.”


  When they went to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed her with bronchitis.

  “How is that possible?” Coen asked.

  “It’s rare, but it happens,” the doctor said. “I’ll write you a different prescription. It should clear up in a few days.” He wrote on a pad and handed it to Coen. “And here is the verification that she can’t be in school for a while.”

  “Thank you.” Coen still felt uneasy. He wanted to help Sydney, but he felt worthless.

  The doctor noticed the look. “Your wife is going to be fine.”

  Coen nodded. “Thank you.”

  When they returned to the shack, Coen helped her into bed.

  Sydney sighed in annoyance. “I hate this, Coen.”

  “I know, baby. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m so glad you haven’t gotten sick.”

  He rubbed his nose against hers. “I’m indestructible.”

  “That’s good to know,” she said with a smile.

  “Everyone says they want to come over and visit you today.”

  “They do?”

  Coen nodded.

  “Good, because I’m so bored.”

  He laughed. “You guys can play board games.”

  “You won’t be here?”

  “I have to work, baby.”

  “Oh,” she said sadly.

  “I’m sorry. With you not working, I can’t give any shifts away.”

  “I understand.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you later. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I know.”

  Coen left and went to school. He finished his morning classes then met his friends for lunch. Henry eyed him, watching his every move. Coen said nothing, wishing he’d look away. This would all be easier if he hadn’t promised to keep Casey’s secret. She was really putting a strain on his life.

  When he went to work, Casey was waiting for him.

  “How are you?” he asked immediately.

  “He hasn’t bothered me.”

  “That’s good,” he said with a sigh. “I’m relieved.”

  “Do you think he’ll bother me again?”

  “I hope not.”

  She nodded.

  They completed their training until the session was over. When Coen walked her out, she fidgeted with her hands.

  “I’m still scared,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. You always got me.”

  “I’m so lucky I found you. I don’t have anyone else in the world.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  She shook her head. “I really don’t. I can’t tell anyone.”

  He sighed. That was the root of the problem. When they kept their secrets, no one could help them. Sydney was the same way. And it took forever for her to finally confide in him.

  “Well, have a good night,” she said.

  “Bye,” Coen said.

  He went back to work and finished with the rest of his clients. When the workday was over, he was excited to see his wife. They hadn’t been spending much time together. Coen took a few extra shifts to make sure they had enough money for their bills, but that took up more of his time, in addition to his studies.

  When he got inside the car, his phone rang.


  “It’s Casey.” She sounded scared.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “When I got home, my place was trashed.”

  Coen was quiet for a moment. “Did they take anything?”

  “No. Everything was just scattered, like they were looking for something.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “Surf Taco,” she whispered. “I can’t go back there. I’m too scared. I know Jeremy has something to do with this.”

  “I’m on my way.”


  He hung up and drove to the restaurant.

  She was sitting by the window, looking frightened and scared.

  Coen sat across from her. “Are you okay?

  She nodded.

  “Has he called?”


  “It might be a coincidence.”

  “I don’t think it is,” she said. “I need to grab my things but I can’t go back.”

  “I could go for you. Or we could go together.”

  “I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

  “You don’t have family?”

  She shook her head.


  “I can’t ask to stay with them without explaining why. It wouldn’t make any sense.”

  Coen sighed in annoyance. “Then where will you go?”

  “I don’t know…I’ll sleep in my car.”

  Coen didn’t like the sound of that. “You can stay with me if you let me tell my wife the truth.”

  “No,” she said automatically.

  “My wife won’t tell anyone.”

  “I said no,” she repeated.

  Coen was extremely annoyed. “Well, you can’t live out of your car.”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  Coen knew he was going to regret this. “You can stay with me and leave in the morning before my wife wakes up. There’s food, a shower, and somewhere to sleep. I’ll be right down the hall.”

  “You would do that for me?”

  “I would do that for anyone who needed help.”

  Casey stared at him. “I feel horrible for intruding.”

  “Do you have a choice?”

  “I guess not.”

  “You need to change the locks on your doors before you go back.”

  She nodded.

  “How about we go by your place together?”


  When Coen moved out of his seat, he saw Henry standing in line, glaring at him. “Fuck.”

  “What?” she said.


  Coen walked toward the door with Casey behind him. He was pushed from behind.

  “Sydney said you were working,” Henry said, madness in his eyes.

  “I just got off,” he snapped.

  “So you are spending time with a girl other than your wife.”

  “Fuck you, Henry. I’m not doing anything wrong.”

  “I beg to differ. Who the hell is she?”

  Casey looked frightened. “Coen is just a friend. Nothing is going on between us. I know he’s married.”

  Coen glared at Henry. “There.”

  “Like that proves anything.” Henry walked b
ack into the store.

  “Who was that?” Casey asked.

  “My wife’s best friend.”

  “Oh. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”

  Coen walked to his car without speaking. They drove to her place so she could gather her things. Coen looked around the room and examined the damage. Nothing was taken. The big screen TV was still in place. Her laptop was on the ground. There was even a fifty dollar bill on the floor.

  Casey walked out with a few bags. “I have everything.”

  “Let’s go,” Coen said.

  They drove back to her car at the restaurant.

  “I’ll text you when you can come over. My wife usually goes to bed before midnight.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Coen wrote down the address. “I’ll see you then.”

  Coen drove home with a heavy heart, not wanting to see Sydney. Henry kept his mouth shut, but Coen knew he wouldn’t do it a second time. He was furiously protective of both Sydney and Nancy. Coen was surprised he didn’t throw a punch right in the restaurant.

  When he came home, Henry and Sydney were sitting in the living room. Everyone else had already left. The board games were still sitting on the coffee table. Coen walked in then sat on the opposite couch. He looked at Sydney but didn’t speak.

  Her face was unreadable. Her skin was pale and her lips were lifeless. She didn’t seem mad or hurt, just blank.

  Henry looked livid. He stared at Coen with a look of murder.

  Coen patiently waited for his wife to speak.

  “Henry just told me something,” she whispered.

  Coen looked at her. “And what did he say?”

  “Last week, you were talking to some girl at the bar for a long time. When Henry followed you outside, you were hugging her behind a car. Then he said he saw you having dinner with the same girl when you said you would be at work. Coen, what’s going on?”

  “I think it’s pretty clear,” Henry snapped.

  “Can I have this conversation with my wife?” Coen said, glaring at Henry.

  “You lost those privileges,” Henry said.

  “Let him speak,” Sydney said calmly.

  Coen stared at Sydney. “I love that you trust me so much.”

  “I’m sure you have an explanation.”

  He sighed. “Baby, I know this is going to sound weird, but I can’t tell you why I was with her today and last week.”

  Henry raised an eyebrow. “Wow.”

  Coen ignored him. “Baby, the only reason why I’m not telling you is because I promised I would keep her secret. But I’m definitely not cheating on you. It’s nothing like that.”

  Sydney was quiet. She ran her fingers through her hair. “Have you seen her besides those two instances?”

  Coen looked at his hands. “I went to her house that same night when you were asleep. I came back before you woke up.”

  “And what were you doing?”

  Coen took a deep breath. “I can’t say.”

  Henry clenched his fists.

  Sydney nodded. “Okay.”

  Henry looked at her incredulously. “Are you seriously going to believe him?”

  “I trust my husband. He wouldn’t lie to me or betray me.”

  Henry shook his head.

  Coen felt his heart melt. “Thank you.”

  “Will you ever tell me?” she asked.

  “If she gives me permission to share her secret.”

  Sydney nodded.

  “And she’s sleeping here tonight,” Coen said.

  Henry’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Sydney stared at him. “Where is she sleeping?”

  “In the living room. She needs somewhere to stay. She’ll be out before you wake up.”

  Sydney sighed. “Is she dangerous?”

  “I would never put you in danger, baby.”

  “So you are helping her?” Sydney asked.

  Coen nodded.

  “Then that explains everything,” Sydney said.

  “I’m not convinced,” Henry said.

  Sydney turned to him. “Henry, I appreciate your loyalty to me. But I know Coen better than anyone. He wouldn’t lie to me.”

  Henry didn’t respond to her comment. “I should go.”

  Coen watched him leave without getting up.

  Sydney hugged him for a long time before he left.

  Coen watched, feeling the anger course through his body. He didn’t like his loyalty and devotion to Sydney being questioned. He lived for her and only for her.

  Sydney came back to the couch and coughed. “Is she your client?”

  He nodded.

  “And she’s seeking self-defense?”

  He nodded again.

  “So someone is hurting her and you are protecting her?”

  “I can’t say.”

  Sydney stared at him. “You don’t need to.”

  “It means the world to me that you trust me so much.”

  “And it means everything to me that you don’t lie to me.”

  He moved to the couch next to her and kissed her forehead. “Never trust someone who lies to you, and never lie to someone who trusts you.”

  “Good words to live by.”

  He pressed his face close to hers. “I’m sorry you found out this way. I was trying to hide it from you.”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “Just be safe, Coen.”

  “I’m always safe.”

  “And I’m proud of you.”

  He stared at her face for a long moment, seeing the adoration in her eyes. “Why?”

  “For protecting someone who can’t protect themself.”


  Coen was relieved that Sydney trusted him as much as she did. He had to admit that his actions looking nothing but suspicious. If she was anyone else, it could have gone a lot worse. He was grateful he made such a good choice marrying her. The love, friendship, and trust they shared was unparalleled. He didn’t even trust his family as much as he trusted her.

  When Casey came over, she texted Coen.

  I’m here.

  Coen opened the door and let her come inside. “You found it okay?”

  She nodded. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”

  “Of course.”

  “I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.”

  “No, my wife trusts me.”

  “I’m glad I didn’t do any damage.”

  “I want you to meet her,” Coen said.

  Her eyes widened. “She knows I’m here?”

  “I didn’t tell her anything,” he said quickly.

  “And she’s okay with me being here?”

  “Like I said, she trusts me.”

  She put her bags on the ground then looked around. “This is a nice place.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sydney came down the hall wearing her pajamas. “Hello, Casey,” she said with a smile.

  Casey froze. “Hi…”

  “There’s an air mattress made for you. And help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”

  “Thanks,” Casey said.

  Coen nodded. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” Casey said.

  Coen walked down the hall and went into his bedroom.

  Sydney sat down on the couch. “Let’s talk for a moment.”

  Casey sat down, looking tense. “Coen and I never did anything.”

  Sydney chuckled. “I know. That isn’t what I wanted to talk about.”

  Casey eyed her. “You don’t feel threatened by me?”

  “Why would I? Coen is the greatest guy I know. He isn’t a liar or a cheat. No one threatens me.”

  “I hope I find a relationship like that someday.”

  “You will,” Sydney said. “Coen didn’t tell me what happened to you, but since he’s a personal trainer, I can connect the dots. I was abused by my stepfather and Coen made me tell him everything that happened. That’s how we fell in love.”

  Casey nodded.

��So I understand exactly what you’re going through. Coen and I will help in any way we can.”

  “Wow. You guys are so…amazing.”

  “We’ve both suffered. We like to help others when they need it.”

  Casey stared at her.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  She shifted her weight. “I—I don’t like to talk about it. I only told Coen because he’s my trainer.”

  Sydney nodded. “I understand. I suggest you find a new place to live and move on. You can call Coen if you ever need anything.”

  “He’s saved me so many times. I’ve never seen anyone kick so much ass.”

  Sydney laughed. “He’s very good at what he does. He trained me.”

  “Did you…defeat your tormentor?”

  “I know I’ll never see him again, so yes, I did.”

  “I’m so glad I met him.”

  “Coen is a pretty great guy.”

  Casey placed her hands in her lap. “Thank you for letting me stay here. I have nowhere else.”

  “You’re always welcome here, Casey.”

  “Thank you. I’ll look for a new place tomorrow.”

  Sydney patted her hand. “Goodnight.”


  Sydney walked into their bedroom and saw Coen lying in bed. She coughed a few times before she lay down.

  Coen pulled her to his chest. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  “You’re the one who’s saving her.”

  “But most other wives would assume the worst.”

  “But I trust you, Coen.”

  He kissed her neck. “That makes me happier than you’ll ever know.”

  “I’ll talk to Henry tomorrow, calm him down.”

  Coen shook his head. “Leave him be. He behaved the same way any other person would. I don’t blame him for what he did. Your opinion is the only one that matters.”

  She cuddled next to him. “She said she’ll find a new place tomorrow.”

  “Good,” he said. “We’ll get rid of her and I can get a full night of rest again.”

  Sydney chuckled. “You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.”

  He smiled at her. “I like what I’m hearing.”

  “You are.”

  “Go on…”

  “And I’m honored that I’m spending the rest of my life with you.”

  “Even better.”

  She kissed his cheek then rested her head on his chest. “She reminds me of your sister.”

  Coen nodded. “I thought the same thing.”

  “So I understand how important this is to you. It’s very close to the heart.”


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