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Caught in the Undertow (Hawaiian Crush #6)

Page 11

by Todd, E. L.

  “It’ll be okay, baby,” he whispered. “I’m right here.”

  “I miss you so much.”

  “I know. I miss you too.”

  She controlled her breathing and kept the tears back.

  “I’m always with you even if you can’t see me.”

  She positioned the phone on the pillow then lied on top of it.

  “Listen to me breathe,” he whispered.

  She did. Her eyes felt heavy. When she pretended he was next to her, she fell asleep.


  When Sydney woke up the next morning, Coen was still on the phone.

  “Hello?” she said quietly.

  “I’m here,” he said with a yawn.

  “That wasn’t so bad.”

  “We can do that every night,” he said.

  “I need to do that every night.”

  “I need to get ready for school.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll see you soon then.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too.=

  He hung up.

  Sydney sat up and sighed. The smell of coffee drifted through the crack of the door and tickled her nostrils. She got ready for the day then walked into the kitchen. Henry stood up when he saw her, a look of pain on his face.

  Sydney stared at him but didn’t speak, not knowing what to say.

  Henry wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I’m so sorry.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  His hand rubbed her back. “I’m always here if you need to talk.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He continued to hold her, not intending to release her anytime soon.

  Thatcher and Nancy sat at the table, averting their gaze to give them privacy.

  Henry took a deep breath. “I love you so much.”

  She pulled away and looked into his eyes, seeing the redness form. “I love you too.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “I’m okay now,” she said gently.

  He blinked a few times and controlled his emotion. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  “Let’s have some breakfast,” he said, taking her hand.

  When they sat down at the table, Sydney wasn’t hungry. She was too depressed to have an appetite. She ate the food anyway, not wanting to be rude.

  “You can stay with me and Ren if you get tired of these two,” Henry said.

  “Thank you,” Sydney said. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  Her friends talked over breakfast while she ate quietly, not wanting to participate in a conversation. All she thought about was Coen. She hoped he was getting along with her mother.

  When she went to school, she kept counting down the hours until she had class with Coen. When their molecular biology class arrived, she waited outside for him. When he came around the corner, she ran and jumped into his arms.

  He smiled when he caught her.

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” He kissed her forehead.

  “How are you getting along with my mom?”

  “We’re okay,” he said. “I guess I’ll always discriminate against her because of your past.”

  “That isn’t fair,” she said.

  He stared at her incredulously. “I’m not going sweep that under the rug, Sydney. She should have went to jail for that.”

  “She apologized.”

  “When?” he snapped. “I don’t remember her ever saying those words.”

  Sydney realized he was right.

  “Let’s get to class.”

  They walked inside and took their seats. They never showed affection when they were in class, but Sydney rested her left hand on his thigh, needing to touch him in some way. Coen smiled at her then returned his attention to the board.

  When lunchtime came around, they didn’t go to the cafeteria.

  “Let’s go off campus,” Coen said as he took her hand.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “In the back of my truck,” he said simply.

  They hadn’t had sex in a few days, and it was killing both of them. Sydney was going crazy. They got into his truck then parked under the shade of a few trees in the rear of the area.

  “This is illegal,” she said as she moved in the back.

  He followed her. “It doesn’t seem like you care.”

  She pulled up her dress the moved her thong over. “Right now, I don’t.”

  He pulled off his jeans and boxers quickly. “Neither do I.” He pulled her hips to him then inserted himself inside her. “Fuck.”

  She grabbed his ass and pulled him into her. “Coen…”

  He thrust hard and fast. “You’ve never been wetter.”

  “Fuck me harder.”

  “Or dirtier,” he said between his breaths.

  Sydney gripped him as she enjoyed feeling him. The car was shaking and there was no doubt what they were doing. It felt so good. They hadn’t had sex in so long. As soon as they began, her body crumbled and orgasm exploded. “Oh…god.”

  Coen rocked into her hard, her leg over his shoulder. He was breathing deeply, frantically. The sweat was dripping done his chest and to his stomach. His cock was pulsing deeply, bring him to the edge he needed.

  “I love it when you fuck me like that.”

  Coen held on a moment longer and moved into her as fast as he could.

  “Right there,” she said. “I’m about to cum again.”

  He rubbed her clitoris, giving her the extra push she needed.

  “Yes!” Her nails dug into his ass.

  Coen felt the explosion inside him. He pushed as far as he could inside her, releasing. “I love cuming inside you.” He moaned loudly, practically yelling.

  Sydney’s head rolled back as she caught her breath. “That was good.”

  “That’s what happens when you don’t have sex for a long time.”

  “Why don’t we fuck more often?”

  He grabbed her face and kissed her. “Because I love making love to you.”

  “Well, I love it to. But that was pretty great.”

  “Let’s incorporate it into our lifestyles more often.”


  He pulled out of her then dressed himself. “Now let’s have lunch.”

  “They’ll know what we were doing.”

  “Do you think I give a shit?” Coen said. “I know Henry fucks Renee in his car all the time.”

  “He does?”

  He smiled. “Guys talk too.”

  “Apparently.” She moved to the passenger’s seat.

  “And they all know you love anal.”

  “I miss you so much that I can’t be mad at you.”

  “I guess this is a good time to mention that big spaghetti stain I left on one of the cushions.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him. “I don’t care.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I love you too.”

  She sighed, sadly. “Any luck on job applications?”

  “I left my computer so she could search herself. We’ll work on it when I get home.”

  Coen drove back to the front of the parking lot and they went to the cafeteria. They got their lunches then sat down. Sydney didn’t care about her friends at the moment. All she wanted was Coen. Now she had to treasure what little time she had with him. She touched his shoulder and kissed his neck randomly. Coen would grab her face and give her a passionate kiss, disregarding everyone else.

  Henry cleared his throat. “How are things going with Syd’s mom?”

  “I’m trying to find her a job so my wife can move back in,” Coen said.

  Henry pulled out a folder. “I found these today. I don’t know what skills she has, but these are entry level positions.”

  Sydney smiled at Henry. “You’re so sweet.”

  “I just hate s
eeing you in pain.”

  Coen nodded. “Thank you.” He opened the folder and skimmed through it. “I think some of these might work.”

  “I’m glad I could help,” Henry said.

  “So, why were you guys late?” Derek asked.

  “We were fucking in my truck,” Coen said simply.

  Henry nodded. “Word.”

  Sydney blushed.

  “High-five,” Derek said.

  Coen smacked his hand.

  “Did you do anal?” Derek asked.

  Sydney glared at Coen.

  Coen smiled. “Not this time.”

  When they finished lunch, they went their separate ways.

  “Can I see you before you leave?” Sydney asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll meet you at your car,” he said.


  She went to her classes and tried to concentrate. She wanted the period to move faster, to go by quicker. When her classes were finally done, she practically sprinted to the parking lot. When she landed in his arms, she kissed him passionately, pinning him against the Jeep.

  He smiled when he pulled away. “I like your enthusiasm.”

  “I just love you.”

  “Keep loving me.”

  “Can we go in the back of your truck before you head to work?”

  “I would love to but we don’t have time.”

  She pouted her lips.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll slip it in whenever I have time. No pun intended.”

  She chuckled.

  “Call me before you go to bed,” he said.


  He kissed her forehead. “Have a good day. And call me if you need anything.”

  “I will.”

  Coen walked away and got into his truck before he drove away.

  Sydney sighed then headed to work. The lab wasn’t nearly as exciting now that she and Coen weren’t living together. She thought about him constantly, and the depression affected every avenue of her life. Their separation was painful.

  When she went to Nancy’s, she was just as miserable.

  They had dinner together then watched TV on the couch. She noticed Nancy and Thatcher didn’t show any affection when they were around her. That made her feel worse.

  “You guys don’t have to hide your happiness from me,” Sydney said. “Don’t tone down your affection.”

  Nancy smiled. “You caught that?”

  “I know how affectionate you are,” Sydney said with a smile. “You tell me in great detail.”

  Nancy moved to Thatcher’s lap.

  When it was late, Sydney went to bed. She called Coen when she was inside the covers.

  “Hey,” he said quietly. “Going to bed?”


  “Your mom applied to a few jobs. We’ll see what happens.”

  “Do you want to rip her head off yet?”

  “She’s not that bad, actually,” he said.

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  He sighed.

  “Are you lying on the couch?”

  “Yeah, your mom is already asleep.”

  Sydney took a deep breath.

  “I’m really horny for you right now,” he whispered.

  “I’m always horny for you.”

  “Even right now?”

  “Yeah,” she said quietly.

  “Hold on.” He put the phone down then picked it up a minute later. “Touch yourself.”

  “What?” she asked incredulously.

  “I know you know how. I showed you.”

  “But I like it better when it’s you.”

  “Pretend,” he whispered. A faint moan escaped his lips. “That’s what I’m doing.” He continued to breathe into the phone, his quiet sighs becoming louder. Hearing it was making her hot. She reached down and touched herself.

  “Are you doing it?” he said with a sexy voice.


  “Now pretend it’s me.”


  Coen continued to breathe into the phone. “You’re on all fours on the bed, and I’m fucking you from behind.”


  “You’re tight, warm, whispering my name.”

  “Coen…” The pleasure hit her unexpectantly. She touched herself harder, making it last as long as possible. She moaned loudly, unable to stop herself. She knew Coen was coming at the same time by the sounds he was making.


  She caught her breath then closed her eyes.

  “That was good,” he whispered.

  She turned on her side and held the phone to her ear.

  “Goodnight, baby.”

  She was already asleep.


  The next week was just the same. Sydney missed her husband like crazy. Nancy and Thatcher were supportive and gave her everything she needed, but they weren’t Coen. It wasn’t the same not living with him. A few times, she called Coen and told him she was coming home, but he talked her off the ledge. He understood her frustration because he felt the same way.

  Her mom had a few interviews but nothing stuck. Sydney was disappointed every time Coen told her the bad news. Sydney was becoming more and more frustrated every day. It was ridiculous that she couldn’t stay in the same house as Coen. Now she hated Dan more than ever.

  Coen came over for dinner during the week, but only because Sydney begged him to.

  “Thank you for coming,” she said as she held him tightly.

  “I can only stay for a little while.”

  She sighed sadly.

  “I have to protect your mom. I can’t do that if I’m here.”

  “I know. I just miss you…”

  He kissed her forehead. “I miss you too.”

  Thatcher placed the dinner on the table and they gathered around.

  Coen took a bite of the taco. “This is good, Nancy.”

  Nancy smiled. “Thatcher is the cook around here.”

  “Really?” he asked.

  Thatcher nodded.

  “That’s badass,” Coen said. “I can only make macaroni and cheese.”

  “If I’m not around to feed him, he starves,” Sydney said. “What have you been eating while I’ve been gone?”

  “Your mom cooks for me.”


  Nancy put down her fork. “Thatcher and I have been talking about the issue with your mom…”

  “Oh?” Coen asked.

  “Well, Thatcher and I need a secretary. After I was—promoted—we never hired someone to take my place. She could work for us. It comes with good pay and benefits.”

  Sydney smiled. “That’s so sweet.”

  “It is,” Coen said.

  “But we can’t accept,” Sydney said.

  “Why not?” Nancy asked.

  “My mom…she’s different. She’s not reliable and you would be working closely with her. I wouldn’t want to do that to you.”

  “Oh,” Nancy said.

  “I just have to be honest,” Sydney said. “You guys are family. The last thing I want is to put you in an uncomfortable situation, one that you’re stuck with.”

  “Thank you for your honesty,” Thatcher said.

  “Well, she could work at my dad’s hotel as a room cleaner. The pay is better than it used to be. She wouldn’t be working directly for me or my dad. And you can tell her that she was just picked without any connections. That way she won’t slack off.”

  Sydney nodded. “That’s an idea.”

  “I’m full of them,” Nancy said with a smile.

  “Are you sure that’s okay?” Sydney said. “I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “Consider it done. That hotel is going to be mine someday. I call a lot of the shots.”

  Coen got up and hugged Nancy tightly. “Thank you.”

  Nancy laughed as she clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re welcome.”

  “I finally get my wife back.” He pulled away and returned to his chair. “Now we need to fi
nd her an apartment.”

  “With what money?” Sydney said. “We have to wait until she gets paid.”

  “Shoot me now,” Coen said with a sigh.

  “Thatcher and I can take of that,” Nancy offered.

  “No,” Coen said. “Absolutely not. The job is more than enough.”

  Nancy looked at Sydney. “Then she can stay in my dad’s hotel for a few weeks until she gets paid.”

  “Are you sure?” Sydney asked.

  Nancy nodded. “My dad will do pretty much whatever I tell him.”

  Coen jumped up and hugged her again. “I love you.”

  Nancy laughed. “I love you too.”

  Coen returned to Sydney. “I’m so glad to get rid of her. I want to sleep with my wife again. I miss hearing you laugh in your sleep.”

  “I don’t laugh in my sleep,” Sydney said.

  “You do,” Coen said with a smile. “And it’s adorable.”

  Sydney smiled.

  “So, you’re coming home tomorrow.”


  “This week has been hell,” Coen said.

  “I can only imagine,” Thatcher said.

  “At least your stepdad never came after her,” Nancy said. “That’s something to be grateful for.”

  “And he better not,” Coen said.

  “If he hasn’t come yet, I doubt he’s going to,” Sydney said.


  “So let me come home with you tonight,” Sydney said.

  Coen looked torn. “Uh…”

  “Come on, Coen. Please,” Sydney said. “Do I have to beg you?”

  “My wife doesn’t have to beg for anything.”

  “Then let me come home.” She was practically on the verge of tears. “Please.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Okay.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. “Thank you.”

  Coen ran his fingers through her hair gently.

  They finished their dinner then helped with the dishes. Sydney packed all of her belongings in a flash then carried the bags to the stairs.

  Coen smiled at her. “Excited?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Coen turned to Thatcher and shook his hand. “Thank you for letting Sydney stay here.”

  “There’s no need for gratitude.”

  Nancy hugged Sydney. “Now go home and have sex with your husband.”

  “Oh I will.”

  “Well, you mom is still there…” Coen said.

  “I don’t care,” Sydney snapped. “I’m a married woman. I have needs.”


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