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Enchant Me (Brie's Submission, #10)

Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  Sir took Brie’s hand and kissed the top of it. “I have a new life now.”

  Master Anderson threw his arms in the air. “Oh, I can just see it now… Brie with one kid hanging off her hip and another attached to her boob, while you sit back in your rocking chair drinking a beer.”

  Sir only smirked.

  “Brie, is this really what you want?” Master Anderson asked. “You deserve more than a vanilla life, young lady.”

  Her eyes sparkled in amusement when she answered, rubbing her tummy for emphasis. “I want a family. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.”

  Seeing he wasn’t getting anywhere with her, Master Anderson focused back on Sir. “Buddy, what were you thinking? Do you really plan on bringing a screaming, snot-nosed kid to the Haven—seriously? ’Cause people aren’t going to take kindly to that shit.”

  Sir chuckled. “You do realize there are such things as babysitters.”

  Master Anderson shook his finger at Sir. “I know how this goes down. You’ll cart that thing everywhere and expect the rest of us to tell you how cute it is, even when it…” he crinkled his nose in mock disgust. “—smells.”

  Sir laughed out loud. “I am capable of changing diapers.”

  Master Anderson ignored his statement, looking at Brie sadly. “This will be the end of you, young lady.” He gave Sir the same sorrowful look. “It was nice knowing you, Thane. You were a good friend to me.”

  “I’m not dying,” Sir admonished.

  Master Anderson shook his head. “You might as well be, buddy…you might as well be.” He downed his beer in several long, deep gulps.

  Sir got an evil twinkle in his eye when he told Master Anderson, “By the way, I was only kidding.”

  “Thank God!” Master Anderson shouted in relief, so loudly that the other patrons turned towards them wanting to know what had him so happy. He stood up and announced to the whole bar, “My friend is not having a baby!”

  Master Anderson sat back down, looking like his old self again.

  “I was kidding about liking milk.” Sir said, pushing the glass away from him as he graced Master Anderson with a wicked smile. “I can’t stand the stuff.”

  “Oh hell,” Master Anderson cried. “Thane, you’re seriously messing with my head.”

  Brie responded to his genuine distress by getting up from her chair and giving Master Anderson a hug. “You’re going to be an honorary uncle to our child, that’s the honest truth.”

  He patted her arm. “Well…I guess I can live with that.”

  She gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek before whispering in his ear, “And you’re not allowed to ever call him or her an it again.”

  Master Anderson chuckled under his breath. “Deal.”

  Tantra Treat

  It wasn’t until the next day that Brie was able to video chat with both Lea and Mary. She knew Mary would give her crap about getting pregnant, but Brie was curious how Lea would react—plus she was dying to know what had happened with Rytsar in Italy.

  “Hey, you two!” Brie squealed when she saw Lea’s smiling face and Mary’s sarcastic expression on her tablet.

  “What’s up, girlfriend?” Lea cried.

  Mary said with a listless tone, “Hey, Brie the Married.”

  “Girls, you will NEVER guess my big news!”

  “Oh wait…oh wait, you’re divorced,” Mary answered. “Way to go, loser.”

  Lea ignored Mary, squinting at Brie as if she were looking for something. “Is that a rosy blush I see?”

  “Maybe,” Brie answered.

  “No freakin’ way. You’re preggers!”

  “WTF?” Mary exclaimed.

  Brie smiled as she vigorously nodded her confirmation.

  “Why would you let this happen?” Mary asked in shock.

  Mary’s reaction was similar to Master Anderson’s, and it made Brie smile. “We didn’t let it happen, we caused it to happen.”

  “But why? Your life is over now.”

  “Stop being a sour puss, Mary,” Lea scolded. “This is happy news!”

  “It is happy news,” Brie agreed joyfully. “I’ve been flying on cloud nine ever since we found out.”

  “So you puking yet?” Mary wanted to know.

  “Nope, I don’t feel any different.”

  Mary gave her a disbelieving look. “Then how could you possibly know?”

  “It was Sir, actually. He said he noticed a change in my temperature and insisted I take the test when we got back.”

  “So you’re really JUST pregnant, like it just happened?” Lea squeaked.

  Brie grinned. “Sir has some very active sperm.”

  Lea’s eyes lit up. “Hey, what do sperm and lawyers have in common?”

  “Don’t do it, Lea,” Mary warned.

  Brie couldn’t help herself, giggling when she asked, “I don’t know, what do sperm and lawyers have in common?”

  “Only one in a million have a chance of becoming a human being.”

  Mary groaned while Brie covered her mouth, trying to choke down her laughter unsuccessfully.

  “Oh yeah, you liked that one.”

  Brie erupted in giggles.

  “Those hormones must be messing with Brie,” Mary complained, “because she actually thought that was funny.”

  “You know what would be funnier?” Lea chortled. “If I changed the joke from lawyers to pharmacists.”

  “Are you trying to pick a fight, big boobs?”

  Brie couldn’t stop laughing. “I’ve missed you two bickering.”

  Lea ignored Mary, her eyes sparkling with interest. “So I have to assume the honeymoon was AMAZING!”

  “Yep, even better than the wedding.”

  “So where did you guys go?”

  “We had the most romantic experience in Venice with a kinky group of Italians and then…” she paused for dramatic effect, “Sir took me to a private island in Fiji.”

  “And the island is where you got pregnant,” Mary surmised.

  “I’m not so sure. You see, Sir reserved a honeymoon suite in Venice famous for blessing newlyweds with pregnancy.”

  “Oooh…” Lea cooed. “Did it have all kinds of fertility aids?”

  Brie shook her head. “No, it was a regular room, but I tell ya, Lea, there was something magical about that room. Best sex ever! I hated to leave it.”

  “Hmm…maybe I should look into that room,” Lea mused. “Of course, I would make sure the guy wore triple condoms.”

  “Wise. I have to say while Venice was romantically hot, but the island was primal and wicked.”

  “Was it an exclusive resort?”

  “No. I was expecting that too, Lea, but Sir found a deserted island where someone had built the cutest miniature house. We were castaways on that tiny island for a whole week.”

  “Sand sex sucks,” Mary interjected.

  Brie grinned, nodding. “Yes, it does, but Sir prepared for that. We had a shower in the tiny house, so we had no sand in unwanted places.”

  “So basically,” Mary said with a smirk, “Fiji was a week of banging like rabbits?”

  “Naturally, there was a lot of sex,” Brie snorted. “However, Sir brought a bag of tools and treated me to a week of fantasies—both his and mine.”

  “Damn, girlfriend, that sounds so yummy!” Lea purred.

  “It was. It truly was…” Brie answered in a wistful voice, remembering their many encounters.

  “Now that we have the low-down on where and how you got laid,” Mary stated, “I want to know what happened with Rytsar, Lea the Lame.”

  Lea’s eyes widened, her mouth clamping shut tight.

  Her friend’s reaction surprised Brie.

  Avoiding the question altogether, Lea smiled and asked Brie, “So what’s it like knowing you’re pregnant?”

  Brie graciously accepted the change of subject, determined to ask her about Rytsar later, and answered, “It’s kind of crazy and wonderful.” She felt a warm feeling just think
ing about having Thane’s baby.

  Lea asked gently, “Are you ready to become a mother?”

  Brie’s smile faltered a little. “To be honest, I’m a bit scared. I mean, what do I know about caring for a baby? What if I suck at it?”

  Mary almost said something, but bit back her comment. “That one was too easy.”

  Brie gave her a knowing wink.

  Lea seemed genuine when she offered, “I don’t know anything about babies either, but if you need me I’ll come.” Then she quickly added, “Just don’t make me change a diaper or burp the baby. I can’t stand spit up.” She gagged a little to prove her point.

  “Lea, since that’s all parents do those first few months, you’d be totally useless to Brie,” Mary stated.

  “Not completely useless,” Lea replied, “because I know exactly what to do when a baby cries. I can totally handle it like a professional.”

  Brie looked at her skeptically. “Really?”

  “Oh, totally,” she answered with confidence.

  “So what do you do?” Brie asked, hoping Lea held some secret passed down in her family.

  “I hand them back to their mothers. Easy peasy.”

  Brie couldn’t believe she’d fallen for Lea’s tease and started laughing again.

  “You fell right into that one,” Mary grumbled. “Really Brie, I think those hormones have stolen your brain or something.”

  Brie rolled her eyes, having way too much fun with the girls, but there was a serious question still to ask. She attempted to approach it nonchalantly. “So Lea, are you coming back to LA?”

  Lea looked at her sadly. “I know you aren’t going to like this, but I don’t think I can any time soon.”

  “Why not?”

  “With all the changes going on at the Denver Academy since Master Anderson’s exit, Mistress Clark seriously needs my assistance.”

  “Did she ask for it?”

  “No,” Lea answered defensively, “but I see how hard she’s working, struggling to keep the Academy running smoothly on her own.”


  “Leave her alone, Brie. Lea’s a big girl and can do what she wants. The real question is does Ms. Clark know about you and Rytsar?”

  “Hell no!” Lea blurted.

  “I want to know what happened with the Russian. Spill, big boobs.”

  “I always knew you were jealous of my girls, Mary,” Lea joked, pushing up her breasts and wiggling them enticingly. However, she took the bait and confessed, “I’ve been dying to tell someone about Rytsar.”

  “Talk at your own risk,” Brie cautioned.

  Lea shrugged. “You know I can’t keep anything to myself, but Mary, you have to promise, cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die, that you won’t tell Mistress Clark what I’m about to share.”

  Mary snorted. “I haven’t said anything yet, have I?”

  “Cross your heart,” Lea insisted.

  Mary rolled her eyes as she made a cross over her heart. “Happy now?”

  Lea giggled. “I just wanted to see you do that.” She pushed her boobs up one more time for Mary’s benefit before beginning. “As you know, I took up Rytsar up on his offer after breakfast.”

  “Yeah, we both saw it,” Brie remarked. “Shocked the heck out of me at the time.”

  Lea’s grin grew wider. “Well…I must say I totally understand why you and Mistress Clark had the hots for the sexy Russian.”

  “How is he any different than any other Dom?” Mary demanded.

  Lea laughed like a giddy child, shaking her head. “Oh, that man…”

  Brie smiled dreamily, knowing exactly what she meant. “Truly one of a kind.”

  “What’s so great about him?” Mary insisted.

  Lea just grinned, staring off into space as if lost in a memory. Finally, she replied, “Rytsar showed me things I never knew…”

  “Did he use his cat o’ nines?” Brie asked her. When Lea shivered, Brie had her answer. “Did he really do it in the dungeon?”

  Lea only nodded, a blush creeping up her impressive chest.

  “Oh wow, based on that blush, girl, you must have been much braver than me.”

  “Stop leaving me out of this conversation,” Mary huffed irritably.

  “Sorry, Mary—unless you’ve scened with Rytsar, you can’t understand the power of the man,” Lea explained. “Hell, I didn’t get it until I was under his dominance.” Lea fanned herself. “So freakin’ H-O-T…”

  Mary got a smug look on her face. “You must have felt downright wicked, knowing how Ms. Clark pined for years over that Russian.”

  Lea’s blush rose up to her cheeks.

  “I have to say, I was totally surprise when you agreed to his invitation, Lea,” Brie confessed.

  “I’ll admit I might have been suffering a moment of spitefulness. Heck, it gets tiresome being constantly rejected by the woman you love, but…” She burst into a huge grin. “I’m so glad I did!”

  “You’re going to hell for this, big boobs, but for the first time I actually respect you.”

  Lea waved off Mary’s comment. “You’re just jealous. Nah, nah.”

  Brie giggled again, thrilled to see Lea so happy. “So you actually like Rytsar’s brand of kink?”

  Lea bit her lip playfully, getting that far-off look again. “I experienced a lot that night, and his aftercare was so divine…” She looked at Brie mischievously. “I even have marks.”

  Mary pouted. “Why didn’t I ever play with him? Damn it!”

  “Definitely your loss, woman,” Lea replied, smirking at her.

  “So, do you think you’ll ever scene with Rytsar again?” Brie asked.

  The shade of her blush turned a bright lobster red. Brie couldn’t begin to guess what that meant but didn’t want to dive any deeper at the moment. She turned the conversation to Mary, who seemed frustrated. “So how’s the collared life treating you these days?”

  Mary sat up a little straighter as she fingered the metal collar around her neck. “I’m still getting used to it.”

  “What do you mean?” Lea asked, eager to have the heat off her.

  “It’s a struggle sometimes, knowing I’m not free. It’s harder than I thought it would be.”

  “Isn’t Faelan pretty open to you playing with others?” Brie asked, remembering how he’d been at the Sanctuary in Montana.

  “Yeah…” Mary answered, pausing for a moment. “But I feel caged. I can’t explain why. God knows I want to be happy with Faelan.”

  “Have you told Faelan this?” Brie pressed, now concerned not only for Mary, but Faelan’s heart.

  “Of course not! It would only hurt him. You know how much he’s been through already. But I can’t shake this feeling.”

  Brie felt a sense of foreboding but advised, “It’s natural to have an adjustment period. Sir and I certainly did. It’s completely normal.”

  “I hear you, Stinky Cheese, but let me put it to you this way. When I hear Lea go on and on about the Russian, I can’t help but feel I’m missing out big time. I don’t think I’m cut out to be collared to one man.”

  Brie looked at her sympathetically. “Mary, do you remember how desperate you felt when you lost Faelan? Even when you were at the Sanctuary with all those men, you said it meant nothing without him.”

  Pain flitted across her eyes. “I do remember…” Her voice quavered when she admitted, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Brie. When I don’t have Faelan, I’m miserable. When I’m with him, I feel the need to break free again.”

  “Faelan loves you, Mary. You couldn’t ask for a better-suited Dom,” Lea assured her.

  “I know that. Don’t you think I know that? That’s why this hurts so much…”

  “It’s easy to feel the grass is greener on the other side, but it’s unhealthy to think that way when you’re in a committed relationship,” Brie told her.

  Mary’s hard exterior crumbled briefly, her voice breaking when she confessed, “I hate the thought of
hurting him.”

  “Please, Mary, don’t,” Brie begged. “Tell him how you’re feeling. Give him a chance to deal with the doubts you’re experiencing.”

  “I don’t think you understand, Brie. The day I tell him is the day I walk away.”

  Brie closed her eyes, already feeling Faelan’s pain. “Promise me you’ll give yourself time to work through these feelings. Commitments this deep take time.”

  “How long, Brie?” Mary asked. “How long do I wait when everything in me is telling me to run?”

  Lea’s eyes lit up. “Have you thought of talking to Captain?”

  “No,” Mary snapped. “I don’t want Vader involved in this.”

  But Brie agreed with Lea, thinking it was a brilliant suggestion. “Captain is perfect because he knows the situation and respects you.”

  Mary suddenly took on the look of the Blonde Nemesis of old when she hissed, “Don’t you dare fucking tell him!”

  Brie shot back angrily, “Don’t worry about me. He would expect to hear from you if you’re having trouble. Talking to Captain is on your shoulders, not mine.”

  “I don’t get you, Mary,” Lea complained. “Not one little iota.”

  “Women are so stupid,” Mary growled. “I don’t even know why I bother telling you two anything.”

  “Because you know we’re bound together for life—a gift from the Submissive Training Center,” Brie affirmed. She didn’t want Mary doing something rash, something she would regret forever so Brie reminded her, “I’m here if you need me, day or night. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Even though you irritate the crap out of me, the same goes for me, Stinky Cheese.” Mary paused for a moment and added, “Even you, big boobs.”

  “Aren’t you just a big old softie under those razor sharp claws?” Lea cooed.

  Brie laughed nervously, hoping their friendship would be enough to see Mary through. It seemed whenever things were going well for Mary, she felt compelled to ruin it.

  “So Brie, you haven’t brought it up… I gotta ask. How much money did get for your wedding?” A curl of a smile showed up on Mary’s red lips.

  Brie blushed and said nothing.

  “That wasn’t rude to ask, was it?”

  “Not at all, Mary. I’m curious too,” Lea answered, smiling at Brie.


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